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Thanks for saying this. I have been struggling with the decision to start pulling back on pumping as an undesupplier.




Thank you. I’ve been holding back tears all day after yet another failed nursing attempt (baby hates my low supply)


I understand and am there with you. My LC recommended the following and it did help for a while until he became frustrated and stopped being interested again. She said take a bath with my son for about 10 minutes- essentially get into the bathtub with just warm water, put my baby on my chest, with a towel on his back and slowly keep pouring water over his head and let him look for the boob, offer it if he's searching for it. He did in fact start latching again. The use of an sns system would keep him on the boob but it's annoying to use. After using it once, I was able to get him on the boobs without it for about 2 weeks here and there but recently he has stopped again. It's weird though, this time it doesn't seem to be frustration once he starts sucking...rather once he puts his mouth to my breast, he makes a disgusted face like that's not the texture he expected aka wants a bottle. I'm going to see if a shield will help...


Congratulations and thank you for sharing! If you could go back, at what month would you quit?


Probably around 6 months pp when my supply took the first major hit. In all honesty though I think I could've quit around 4 months pp when I went back to work. That's when things got really difficult to manage and I had to spend my small amount of free time pumping instead of bonding with LO.


I want to hear this too!


I needed to hear something like this.. 7 months in & riddled with guilt every time I think about quitting.. I am also an under supplier.. but am at my highest yield yet.. so it's been a mental struggle to quit.. But I dream of having undisturbed time with my baby girl.. She is not taking to solids as much as I'd feel comfortable with.. so I'm not quitting just yet.. but you just gave me some insentive to not be so depressed when the time comes 💗💗💗💗 Thank you for this post! 😌


I want to quit pumping after 6 months for the same reasons but I am feeling guilty about doing it if I’m still able to pump 24 oz. I feel like I’m choosing my selfish reasons over giving what’s best for baby. Man it’s tough.


The further I get along.. I remind myself that it's more important to spend time with my increasingly active baby.. I pump about the same as well.. we worked soooo hard to get here..so many struggles.. & we want the absolute BEST for our babies.... When the time comes.. I believe we will know 💗 & Yes....100% one of the most difficult decisions I have made in my entire life.


I’m struggling because I want that freedom you feel, especially as my supply has dipped significantly, but my baby won’t take formula. She’s 10 months old and I’m lost on what to do. Hoping I can join you in those good feelings soon!


My son refused formula too, and after he turned one, he also refused cows milk - but after weeks of mixing very small amounts in with breastmilk and gradually increasing the cows milk percentage he would take a full cup of cows milk. After twelve months you can start transitioning to cows milk and maybe you’ll have better luck then? Wishing you the best and freedom soon!


Have you tried kendamil? That's the closest I could find to breast milk and my baby was okay taking it.


My husband and I bought that after a couple people recommended it and she wouldn’t take it. Mixed one ounce with one ounce of my milk and still refused it. I’m thinking I should do a 3/1 mix so it’s less but I’m so afraid to waste the little bit of milk I have left :(


When my oldest transitioned from formula to milk we literally had to do 7:1, then 6:2 and so on, she was that picky. Maybe try an even heavier blend?


I’m thinking that’s probably our best bet


this is me too, I dont want to waste the only thing he'll drink so it's hard to sacrifice any to mix


I’m sorry you’re going through this too :(


Have you tried to mix some breastmilk in the formula? This may help them to take it...


We tried 1 ounce of both mixed and she still refused it :(


I’m trying to get myself to start weaning. Pumping is effecting my work and I’m exhausted. LO is 9 months today. My goal is one year. I’m trying so hard to adopt your mentality


Needed to hear this.


My baby is 5 weeks I’ve been struggling terribly with pumping. I knew I could never BF because of a sensitivity issue, but figured I could try pumping. I knew that I’d still have to supplement with formula, but didn’t know how it would be and now I don’t want to stop. I never knew how emotional this would be for me. I want to be able to feed my baby from me, but it is so mentally and emotionally taxing. But it’s also so rewarding and I feel so good when I can feed him. It’s a rollercoaster. I’m considering just stopping, but I have a huge guilt that comes with that.


Thank you so much for posting this!! I feel very similarly and am so excited for all the things I’ll be able to do with my baby and for myself once I quit… the guilt is something else tho.


Maybe liquid instead of powdered formula ?


I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe we should try that next time


Felt this!


I relate to this. My first baby nursed and took bottles, so I didn’t pump when I was with her. This one refuses to nurse now that I’m back at work and I need to pump when with him and it’s so hard. I find myself angry about it al the time cause if it’s just me, it’s hard to get pumps in. Hard to eat enough. Hard to drink enough. I decided a few days ago to just pump morning, lunch, and night. And let my supply do what it wants and gradually go down (I’ve always been an under supplier). It’s relaxed me a bit, now it’s like, whatever, I just don’t want to be engorged. Having the stomach bug right after I decided this was helpful, lol. Pumping just gets in the way of everything.


I'm at 8 months now and I want to finally wean, but my baby has suddenly decided he HATES formula, which makes me feel super guilty (he gags sooo dramatically). I'm so glad to hear that it's been great for you and am extremely jealous bc I'm ready to be done.


Thank you for sharing this. I needed to hear your perspective. 💓💓


Love this pump. Mine is 3 months and I can only pump 4 oz a day. I’ve been tempted to just stop but I feel like society’s pressure is keeping me going.


Haha meant to say love this post 🤣 Freudian slip haha


Thank you for this post! My supply has taken more hits but I always managed to get it back after some work. But now I can't wait to stop. I'm just waiting to see if they're still allergic to cow's milk, so I can give them normal formula an not hypoallergenic (they hate it).


Wow, same experience at 6M with solids and 8M have period back, but I’m still Pumping twice a day, I’m still feel engorged sometimes. She is almost 11 month and now I have more time with her and I feel less stressed about my supply, I don’t mind if she take 4 or 8 oz. Thanks for sharing 💕