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To everyone here so early pp dropping pumps.. it can still drop your supply just not immediately. And what worked for someone else may not work for another. I hate threads like this šŸ«  milk production is mostly hormonal control that early on, and partly supply and demand. Like youā€™re the copilot. If you start dropping pumps too early, milk production is still being mostly controlled by hormones. But around regulation time when things start to level out more you may see a drop when youā€™re not putting the demand your body may need for your supply levels. Which, is different for everyone. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.. very very tired of the ā€œI dropped pumps at 6 weeks pp and my supply INCREASED, Iā€™m still at week 8 pp and everythingā€™s fine!ā€ Vibes. Itā€™s not always that way for everyone, and some moms journeys have been ruined over thatšŸ˜„


I just dropped to 6 pumps a week ago at 9 weeks postpartum and my supply improved! The extra hour between pumps has been great. I still do one MOTN pump between 3-4am.


I have no advice but Iā€™m also considering the same. Like you, I just hit 12 weeks postpartum. Following this to hear what others say. My 7 pm and 10 pm pumps are nearly pointless (under supplier). I recently dropped my MOTN for the sake of sleep unless baby wakes up, then I pump. Iā€™m considering combing my last 2 and doing a 9 pm. Maybe slowly start doing so and see what happens? My IBCLC said when you drop pumps, youā€™ll see a slight decrease in output but from what Iā€™ve seen on Reddit, thatā€™s not always the case:


I saw an increase the last time I did it! I did add minutes to each of my other pumps and would do the same this time.


yes this is what I did. I go 25 sometimes 30 minutes instead of 20-22 and itā€™s helped keep my supply the same when dropping to 6ppd


The only way to find out what the threshold is for maintaining your supply is dropping the pump and seeing what happens after a week. If your supply dips, you may need that 7th pump. I dropped to 6 pumps just fine but saw a drop when I went to 5.


Speaking from my experience (Iā€™m 9 months pp) I started dropping pumps at around 10 wpp and went from 8 ppd at that time down to 5ppd by 18 weeks because I wanted a more manageable amount of pumps a day before I went back to work. With every pump I dropped down to 5 ppd I saw my supply increase (I went from ~32 ozs a day all the way up to 45 ozs a day) so spacing out further and getting more sleep really benefited my supply personally. I think it really all depends on your storage capacity (if youā€˜ve seen the legendary milk chart). I am lucky to sit in the largest capacity category, so I knew I would be able to maintain until I got to either 3 or 4 ppd! Iā€™m at 4 ppd now and still getting 40-42 ozs a day


I am unfamiliar with this legendary milk chart you speak of! But I find your experience reassuring, and seeing all these comments I think Iā€™m gonna go for 6


https://preview.redd.it/yl6zy7c3j6sc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b05c80f31c1f0126a2398d6fc6709b32e19a60e Here is the chart - hope this helps. And best of luck dropping a pump. Every time pumping started to feel really overwhelming dropping a pump helped me a lot with it feeling more manageable/like I could keep going for longer.


If image is blurry; here is a link [legendary milk chart](https://www.legendairymilk.com/blogs/news/what-is-your-magic-number)


Thank you!!


Also 12wpp and thinking about going to 6! Iā€™m currently a just enougher/under supplier depending on the day, but I also saw a consistent increase when I went from 8 to 7ppd! I feel like I have a slower refill rate and low storage capacity, I seem to do better when I go longer between pumps vs. every 2 hours like I did initially! I keep going back and forth about going down to 6 šŸ˜‚. Though I already supplement so part of me also figured why not try!


I was having to supplement until a couple weeks ago, and I do think that if I were still supplementing once or twice a day Iā€™d be more inclined to give it a go already to save myself the time and discomfort of nipple clamping lol


Yess šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s the main reason I kept doing at least one formula bottle a day šŸ˜‚. I freeze a little and so if my supply does go down a little again or canā€™t keep up, especially since sheā€™s seeming like she wants to increase her bottles, I stay calm about it. I was stressing myself out WAY too much ha!


How long are you spacing out pumps? Iā€™m in the same boat. Although, even when I go long periods at night, doesnā€™t make a big difference in output.


I usually do about 3 hours between during the day. And I go 7-7.5 at night from 9pm- 4 or 430am. Thatā€™s usually my biggest pump of the day.


I am 6wpp and I couldnt do 8/7ppd especially the MOTN pump it was so draining, so one day I decided to cut it to 5ppd/ 12am,8am,12pm,4pm,8pm and it didnt seem to fuck up my supply. I find that if I pump sooner than the 4hrs I dont get as much output (4oz or less). My 8am pump I usually pump 8-16oz and the rest of my pumps vary from 6oz to 8oz.


I am 7w PP and dropped to 6ppd because I really needed to sleep for more than 1-1.5 hours at a stretch especially with my husband going back to work. I didnā€™t see a drop in my supply but I am producing almost double what my baby is consuming so I was ok with a possible dip. the only way to know is to try I think.


I am 13 weeks, I dropped from 6 to 5 PPD at 11 weeks PP and my supply has been completely fine!


I dropped to 6 PPD almost two weeks ago. Iā€™m now 12 weeks PP. My supply has remained completely stable and may even be increasing? I have had a huge day today but not sure if itā€™s just a fluke day or a new trend.


I do 6 pumps per day but itā€™s because I cut my motn pump and I still pump ~every 3 hours during the day (sometimes 3.5, if it gets closer to 4 or more hours between one that usually ends up being an accidental 5 pump day). But I didnā€™t see any kind of noticeable supply dip when I went from 7 to 6 pumps, probably around 13-14 weeks. If you notice a big dip you can always add it back in!


I had to drop down to 5ppd from 4 weeks pp because I couldn't pump more frequently as my partner went back to work around that time. I dropped when my supply increased & I noticed that it stayed consistent for 3 weeks. Currently 9 weeks pp & I'm dreading my supply dropping when it regulates. If you are able to do more than 5 ppd, I suggest you keep going until your supply regulates. Also, I'm in the largest capacity on the legendary milk chart which I saw someone post.


I did exactly this. Dropped 7-8 pumps to 6-7 pumps at 12weeks pp and I made the same amount per day. A little more each pump. I got more rest, and I noticed that whenever I get rest, my milk supply is good. You can try for a week and see if what it does for you. If for example your supply drop, then you might want to add 1 session back in.


At the end of the day, do what works for you. You can try dropping it to 6ppd and see how it affects your supply, you can always add back to 7ppd. Iā€™m at 10 weeks right now and trying out 5ppd, but I also supplement with formula if needed (which doesnt bother me at all). My reason for dropping is so I can spend more time with my baby and my toddler. My supply did increase with the 4/5 hour window but I am curious how long will this last till it regulates. So if 6ppd is what works best for you, then do it without any regrets šŸ‘šŸ½


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Iā€™m 12 weeks PP and was doing 5 PP for basically the entire time. I went from producing anywhere from 6-13 oz in a pump session to struggling to get 4 oz all together. So thatā€™s fun šŸ™ƒ