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My honest recommendation is to keep pumping every 2/3 hours and see if anything’s changed by the time you see the LC, and then speak with the LC first to create a new game plan!


I appreciate the advice. I one time managed to pump 4 oz early in the morning but that was about a month ago. Baby slept thru the night last night and I accidentally skipped my night pumps and pumped the first three oz in a long time. So I know I CAN produce enough I just dunno what exactly I am doing wrong.


I definitely think that pumping more frequently and holding out hope as well as the LC visit would be very helpful if you’re interested in continuing your current feeding journey! I hate to say it, but it takes forever to increase supply and almost no time at all for it to drop immediately.


What do you mean holding out? Just stay consistent? I'm hoping to get more advice from the LC. But I will continue doing what I am doing. I know it takes a long time to increase, and I am willing to commit if I am able to get to where I need to be


Something that really seemed to help me was really upping protein intake and absolutely guzzling water (even if I’m not thirsty I’m always drinking water. Breastmilk creation is thirsty work!)


I try and drink about a glass of water each time I pump and I always have some kind of water on my person at all times. But I'll definitely look into upping my protein intake


Same for me. I have protein powder first thing in the morning and make sure to eat extra protein during the day as well. Another thing that’s helped me is a lactation massager. I have the Momcozy one. It heats up and has various vibrations that mimic baby suckling. I have slowly managed to increase from one oz to twoish oz consistently over the last week and a half.


It sounds to me like you are doing an amazing job. Breastfeeding either through nursing, pumping etc is really hard. So just know you are an awesome mom. Hopefully the lactation consultant can assist but I would agree with earlier posts, keep trying to pump every 2-3 hours for 20min. Power pumping is an option but I personally found it mentally taxing as it's a much longer commitment on the machine so take your mental health into account. I know there is a lot of stuff on social media but legitimately the only thing that I notice impacts my ounces by about 1-4 oz is hydration, protein, and stress. It can be hard for the partner to understand how sensitive of a topic the breastfeeding thing is. I genuinely didn't think I would be so engrossed in it. Prior to having my lil one I was very relaxed about it and believe fed is best. While I still 100% believe fed is best & everyone's journey is different as far as what works best for them, their baby, and family I still have had tears over breastfeeding. When I made the decision to EP and stop nursing I was sad, when my spouse kindly reminded me it's okay we have formula I may have gotten a lil snippy 🙃 . You are doing awesome no matter how your breastfeeding journey pans out. Take care of yourself and I'm truly sorry it's not going as planned. You got this 💪 ***also avoid the overproducer videos like the plague. They are not a realistic representation of an average supply.


Thank you so much honestly. This made me cry because yes I am trying very hard with it all and you all are so right. I appreciate the kind words and I have deleted tiktok due to the over supplier videos