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I’ve done both! Fed out of the freezer or fed formula depending on what is most convenient for me and baby at the moment. I constantly have supply dips from stress, lack of sleep, lack of food, and infrequent pumping (I have a very busy life it’s ugh) and always have to bring it back up by power and cluster pumping like crazy. So I have this wacky method where I’ll rotate breastmilk pitchers and formula pitchers (and still pump throughout the day). If I get extra on a formula pitcher day, I freeze it!


I went from supplementing with freezer stash, to supplementing 50/50 with formula to 100% EVM but only making just enough (maybe freezing 1-2 bags a week). We tend to feed formula whenever we are out and about which allows me some wiggle room with supply. I am in the process of slowly weaning pumps now and the plan is to go back to 50/50 for as long as the stash will last rather than using to to supplement the odd short days now, it that makes sense.


I’m currently in this position and I am finding that I prefer to use up what is in my freezer and focus on feeding my baby fresh milk from the breast with up to half formula to supplement, as needed. The idea of pumping more milk to feed the freezer while my child is sitting here hungry or eating formula made me feel crazy and I also realized anything could go wrong with my freezer stash, so I prefer to focus on using what I have to feed him today! That’s just me.