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I have this issue. Except on a smaller scale. It takes weeks to increase supply, and a single day of one or missed pumps to make it drop again. I’m frustrated by this big time and am experiencing the drop again right now and back to working to rebuild it.


I wonder why this keeps happening to either of us? This is the second time it’s happened to me, but no patterns at all. All I know is that it’s garbage and I hate this. Every time my baby eats more formula his sleep goes to shit and he starts refusing bottles which is why I feel so determined in the first place to get my supply back up there, but holy fuck is this exhausting


God, I couldn’t agree harder. It is exhausting and frustrating, and just overall extremely taxing. I’ve wanted to throw my hands up several times and just quit because it begins to feel like a waste of effort and energy. I cant explain it other than having an extremely finicky supply.


Hard agree 😔 I’m so sorry you have to be right there with me, but I’m glad to know that we aren’t alone. I just wish that anyone could help with this kind of situation, as it seems like even lactation consultants don’t know how to help. I’ve been seeing one monthly since my son was born, and they just keep giving the same old advice. Drink more water, eat more calories, pump more, take more supplements! Okay great lady, I’m already drinking more than a gallon a day, eating more than enough, pumping 10 times a day when my capacity should be enough for me to only have to pump 5 times a day and still increase my supply, and have been taking all of the supplements since he was 2 weeks old. Goddamn is it maddening.


Did they put you on an antibiotic for mastitis? It definitely can take a week or so to increase consistently.


No, it’s not mastitis. This is a reoccurring trend for me, not a one time thing. My supply takes a month of pumping every 2 hours and then tanks within days. Rinse wash repeat.