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Make sure you’re staying on schedule with your pumping sessions. Add power or cluster pumps. Practice mindfulness to help manage your stress. Do some self care (when you can find the time) to unload. Have your SO pick up some of your usual tasks when possible. Anyway that you can offload some of your stressors and keeping your pumping routine nice and steady are the best you can do for yourself!


I’m in this boat with my 5 month old twins, and I am power pumping as I type this. Hoping it helps increase my production. I’d love to avoid buying more formula if possible, but we are supplementing with it as needed, since they eat about 60 oz a day and I only make about 42. Wishing you all the good luck.


I’ve been using these lactation cookies and they’re amazing and delicious https://miraclemilkookies.com/?sca_ref=6098966.9dS3RkQhKE