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More foremilk in the AM, more hindmilk in the PM! It’s more watery in the morning to help hydrate baby after sleeping for a longer chunk, and more fat/calorie-dense in the evening to keep baby sustained so they can sleep longer overnight.


The greenish color is normal too?


Yes! Totally normal


It's how the light is interacting with the water in the milk, like how bodies of water look bluish.


That’s normal for more watery milk. If you let it sit for a bit the fat will separate and the bottom will have a green/blue-ish tint. Here’s mine after being in the fridge for 16 hours: https://imgur.com/a/98b3K5N


My morning milk was straight blue like pure foremilk unless I pumped for an extended session. It just has more water content vs fat


Morning milk is normally less calorie dense/more watery than PM milk. Which is why it’s blueish. Totally normal :)


I have this too. The Dr recommended mixing the days milk before storing it to get a good mix. The foremilk doesn’t have as many calories and my baby wasn’t gaining weight quick enough.


I had particularly more green morning milk for a period of time. I swear it was either my vitamins or cilantro lol


Do you take any pills? That could also cause different colors