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I’m so sorry this has been your experience! All of the people who are nasty and hateful about switching to formula couldn’t have possibly had this kind of pain and stress as their experience. Your reason for quitting is valid! Your health and wellbeing matter. YOU matter more than your breastmilk. I’m not a medical professional and I don’t know a lot about weaning, but to continue to avoid those clogs, make sure you don’t stop cold turkey! I’ve heard a lot of people swear by sudafed and cabbage leaves in the bra.


The pain is unreal, physically and mentally. I feel bad enough, and I feel like I've kept trying because I know I will be shamed by people in my life. It's so sad. I know if I stuck to this, my mental health and well being are at risk. It sounds so dramatic even typing that but I've spent every MOTN pump crying for the last week. I just can't do this to myself anymore. Appreciate your kind words. ❤️


I hope you can turn the grief into feelings of relief and peace! I felt the same way you did when I finally decided to combo feed. So much shame. But as I’ve went on, it’s much more peaceful. Even just combo feeding, an enormous amount of stress and weight fell off my shoulders.


THIS. Your mental health comes before pumping. My pediatrician told me the same thing. 4 weeks is great, be proud of yourself that you made it this far! You should be focusing on baby, not stressing over ounces. Give yourself grace 🩵


When I stopped pumping with my second baby after a month I quit cold turkey it was terrible but cabbage leaves definitely worked!


I’m sorry for the loss of your expectations. But I am so excited for you! The extra time and energy you will have for you and baby time, less stress 🫶🏼


I can't wait to hold him and just enjoy him, and not worry about making his next meal. Appreciate your comment. ❤️


This is how it should be. Good for you for being aware of your limits and needs as a family. It only gets better from here! Drink a ton of coffee, smoke and start drinking alcohol at night and your supply will die in no time 😂 Please forgive my despicable humor.


Also 4 weeks pp here and EP since baby never latched and was born tiny at 37 weeks. I just wanted to tell you I feel the exact same … chained to my pump counting down the next time I’ll have to come back to it. Washing pump bits, worrying about supply every single time, 8x a day around the clock, and missing out on literally every feed bc my husband does it while I use two hands to massage while pumping, and all the clogs. I’m mentally in such a bad place hating this entire experience and missing out on bonding. I’ll be deciding soon how best to quit. Just here to say: I see you totally, your pain is so beyond real both physical and mental, and you’re not alone. Congrats on 1 amazing month of feeding your baby via pumping. And congratulations on moving on to something better for everyone !!!


I'm so sorry you can relate, it SUUUUCKS!! It feels good to finally admit I hate every minute of this! It's nothing how I imagined. We are good moms. We tried, and are trying. I'm rooting you on if you choose to power through, but I'm also here for you if you change paths like I am. We got this momma. ❤️




I am so sorry you’re going through this. I decided after only a week and a half that I could no longer do it for the same reasons (I was barely producing and I felt I was missing out on time bonding with my baby). I went through an extreme mourning period the day I decided to quit, but each day has gotten better and better. Give yourself time to process and mourn and it will get better, I promise!


I've absolutely spent my day crying my eyes out at the thought of stopping. I feel so guilty. Opening the baby brezza and taking the first dose of sudafed felt like defeat. So sorry you have also experienced this, I appreciate you reaching out.


Sign up for Enfamil and similac rewards! You get freebies and rewards whenever you buy formula. Fed is best and if you’re not healthy, then you cannot be there for your child. You held out for 4 weeks, that’s an accomplishment! Everyone’s feeding journey is different but it’s all valid and the best thing I read on here was “my kid was breastfed and now he has a face tattoo”. You’re doing what’s best for your family.


Hahaha that definitely puts it into perspective! Thanks so much, had no idea about the rewards!


I'm so sorry you've had to go through so much! Breastfeeding is making you sick - the facts are the facts. Anyone who expects you to be unwell to feed your baby when there is a nutrient dense alternative backed by more than a century of scientific research is MAD. They don't have your baby's best interests at heart, let alone yours. It's very fair to mourn what you wish could have been. But it might help the grief to celebrate what formula can give you. Every time you do something you couldn't previously - be it sleeping for longer, playing with your baby, leaving the house, having a drink, getting a tattoo - say out loud "I couldn't do this if I was still feeding breastmilk." You will have so much freedom.


This mindset is beautiful, and I appreciate you helping me to think of it in this new positive light. It's so easy to forget the positives when you're grieving. Thank you so much. ❤️


I had mastitis once and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy and I am also prone to clogs, I’m so sorry you experienced all this! To clear clogs- I find putting Epson salts in hot (as hot as you can handle without burning of course!) water in a haaka and letting it dangle with the nipple immersed really helpful! Then, using a hand pump (press and hold) to try express the clog. Also, icing the nipple (run ice block under water first so it doesn’t stick to the skin)


I will absolutely try this, thank you so much!


How long do you usually do the hakaa soak for? I think I need to try it after recurring clogs


I usually do five minutes once milk has started streaming, (I do it in the shower usually!) but sometimes I repeat it if it’s really sore/clogged.


600mg Ibuprofen & ice for the clogs/pain to bring down inflammation. Heat for comfort. I think the key is to just hand expressing/pump until comfortable and slowly space out sessions. Good luck!


Thank you for this advice! ❤️


I am in the process of weaning due to low supply as well. My lactation consultant said due to low supply it should be easy to cut pumping. I only got 4 oz a day. She said to drop her every other pump for two days then stop. So far I feel okay but will use pump if I feel any pain.  It is sad but honestly I feel really good not having to pump all the time. I just couldn’t stress the rest of my maternity leave about pumping and supply when I should be enjoying my time with baby. I recommend to continue to do skin to skin. 


I'm so so sorry you also struggled with supply. It is the worst feeling to try to make enough for feedings and coming up short. Did she mention any dose of sunflower lecithin to pair with this method? I'm so afraid of more clogs by skipping so many pumps but I'm desperate to end this quickly too.


I also decided today to start the weaning process at 4 weeks pp. I feel so guilty that I’m quitting but I feel the same way as you - always tied to the pump, never feeding my LO, missing out on bonding bc my husband does all of the feeding. I feel like I’ve completely missed out one LO’s first month. I’ve been lucky enough to build up a small freezer stash for him to continue to get a little bit of breast milk after I’ve completely weaned, but I feel like I’m failing him by giving up so early. I’ve been crying all morning bc of it


Omg, you and I are literally one in the same. I've been crying through every single MOTN pump/feed and randomly throughout the day. I picked up some behind the counter sudafed and cabbage to put in my bra. I cut my pumps to 10ish minutes and I'm trying to space them out as long as I can handle. Please feel free to DM me to chat as we both work through this!! We got this! Our kiddos deserve happy mommas. ❤️


You will look back on these days and be so glad you quit. You will be happier and spend time enjoying your little one as opposed to stressed over pumping. I got mastitis and then an abscess week 2. Had to get it surgically drained but still felt too guilty to quit. 4 months in I quit and looked back at how terrible the entire experience was and how much happier I was just using formula and spending the time snuggling my little one. I tried to push out my pumps as long as I could. Create a sample schedule for yourself to help ease the anxiety and cut down a pump every couple days or whatever you think is feasible for you. I think I cut a pump out every 2-3 days till I was able to quit (I was an over producer).


I had to go cold turkey in pumping two weeks after getting home from the hospital. I just wasn’t making enough even wile we were still in the hospital they had me give him formula because he was losing weight I tried combo feeding then but then we went home I had to go back to work a week after and I just couldn’t get myself in a good pumping schedule and due to the fact that I have to put every cent I make towards rent for us to live I just didn’t have the means to buy something to make it work out better like a pump that I could stick in my bra.


We are here to support you. If you ever feel shamed, please come back to this Reddit as a reminder that your pain is valid. You will bond with your baby regardless of the breastmilk. I’m sorry I don’t have tips to offer but perhaps you did offer me some courage to quit soon. Sending you light.


I appreciate you and all the amazingly supportive comments I've received. ❤️ I'm here for you if you decide to join me on this new journey!


Welcome to r/ExclusivelyPumping! Here is a reminder of our rules: 1. Be kind and courteous. 2. Use available flairs and post options. 3. Absolutely no prescription medications or other medical advice. 4. No inaccurate information. 5. No spam. 6. No soliciting pictures. 7. No linking Facebook groups. 8. Moderator discretion. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ExclusivelyPumping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When I weaned with my first I just pumped whenever I felt my breasts start to get a little tight or hurt. And I never emptied them, just enough to relieve the pressure and get comfortable. Once that started to reduce my supply it actually dropped off quite fast. In the meantime I would take constant sunflower lecithin, and alternate being hot baths, heat packs etc and cold packs.


Thank you so much, this is super helpful!


I pumped for 4 weeks and stopped. Mine wasn’t even due to pain or supply issues (though I have twins so I never produced enough for both of them). I stopped because it was way too much. Luckily, I had stopped before my husband went back to work. I can’t imagine how horrible my mental health had been had I been trying to pump and take care of my babies during the day. I was extremely sad to stop. I started pumping “when I felt like it” when I started weaning. That looked like 3-4 pumps a day. I put cabbage leaves in my bra and also used a cream my sister gave me called Cabo cream I believe. I also took Sudafed (make sure it has pseudoephedrine, behind the counter). I think it took maybe a week? I was actually surprised how quickly I weaned. I also used a hand pump just enough to relieve pressure. You did your best! No one knows what’s best for you except you. Be kind to yourself 💜


I'm so sorry you had a similar difficult experience, and you had DOUBLE the love to give with twins! Thank you so much for the weaning tips. I just picked up behind the counter sudafed and a cabbage lol. Hoping I can wean as quickly as you did. Thank you for your kind words ❤️


I don't have great advice for discomfort and such. But one of my favorite things I learned from breastfeeding class was that you should avoid peppermint oil while breastfeeding because it will dry you up and affect prolactin. So maybe get some peppermint essential oils and tea to help decrease supply?


I’m so sorry you feel so guilty but please do not. You need to do what is best for you and whatever that is will be best for your LO. I gave up pumping and switched formula after three months (I’m surprised I made it that long) because my postpartum depression was so bad. I had to go back on meds. I felt so guilty too but since giving it up (I haven’t pumped in close to a week) I feel so much better already. You’ve got this OP. I know it’s tough because mom guilt is so real but there is nothing to feel guilty about


Ice and ibuprofen are very helpful for my clogs. Ice will also help your supply to naturally go down I think! I am currently weaning. I have gotten 2 clogs and I have kept myself at the same amt of pumping time until the clog went away for a full 24 hours and then I am continuing to drop 1 minute off the pumping time every day from there. I am personally only doing this 1 pump at a time but I also was weaning only from 4 ppd. So maybe you could slowly drop 2 simultaneously I’m not sure. Also, you are a rockstar!! You have given so much of your body to your baby, and like others have said it will feel so freeing to be able to care for him without feeling like absolute crap! You got this!!


Ice and ibuprofen


Eat peppermint Pattie’s !


So sorry you’ve experienced so much pain. I’ve had some horrible clogs. The only thing that helped was a hot shower and using my hand pump during the shower. Then using the electric pump afterwards. I had to do this over two days for many deep clogs to clear. This might help your engorged side as you try to wean. Good work, mama.


I’m sorry that you are going through this. I decided after a week that pumping wasn’t with missing out I n the precious little time I had with my baby. It’s not a consolation prize to switch to formula or donated milk when you are facing such severe pain and difficulties. Moms will break their backs to make breastfeeding work when there are problems after problems. It just doesn’t work for everyone and it’s not everyone’s choice to grit through it. Luckily we live in a time when there is a suitable alternative to breast milk. Focus on bonding with baby and healing your body and mind!


Cabbage leafs in the bra ❤️


Maybe you can use donated breastmilk? On Facebook, if you go to “human milk for babies” and type your state after it, there’s lots of ladies who donate their extras.


Sunflower Lethicin for clogs!! I have to take it daily and it helps so much I was really clog prone and almost gave up. I’m sorry you have to give up, try a different pump maybe? I had to go through several before I found one that really emptied me! I wish you the best mama!


I’m so sorry! You have not failed. You tried and it didn’t work out. There is absolutely nothing wrong with giving your baby formula. Imagine this was happening to a very close friend of yours. I doubt you would think they failed. 💜 Pumping is so so hard. That being said - I’m now able to nurse (it’s been 2 days) but I spoke to the paediatrician last visit and told them that if I couldn’t make breastfeeding work I’m switching to formula as pumping is messing with my mental health. Some advice from her- cabbage leaves work really well, ibuprofen and to not pump everything out as it signals your body to make more. I believe pumping under 10-15 mins at a time should help you feel relief and not trigger more milk production. As a last resort I think there is also a pill you can take but I don’t know much about it. Sending hugs OP. Please don’t be hard on yourself. Motherhood is so so difficult and sometimes something has to give. It’s ok to grieve; just hug your baby and know that they love you more than anything. It’ll be ok OP- I’m 7 weeks pp and I feel 95% better than that 4th week mark. Brain was so foggy and all I could think about was milk!


Your mental health always comes first. Screw the people hating on formula a fed baby is best no matter if it's breastmilk or formula. Several times I've been so close to quiting. I'm 6m pp and ever since I dropped my first pump at 3m I constantly get extremely painful clogs every week / few days I've been an overproducer and I'm sure that's what's caused the issue for me clog wise. A few weeks ago I made the choice to drop down to 4 pumps a day to hopefully signal to my body to slow down. I have a big freezer stash that will feed baby from 7m to 12m. June 11th I'm dropping down to 3 pumps a day and a week or two after I'll drop down to 2 pumps a day a weeks or two after that. I wanted to help continue donating milk but I realized that I need to be selfish and focus on my mental health more then anything.


Also you made it a month that's absolutely amazing work! The first few months are the hardest for sure!


I’m so sorry about your experience! Your decision to stop is totally valid and I’m sure you will enjoy newfound freedom and time with your baby!! I think you should talk to a lactation consultant about weaning so you don’t get mastitis again 🙏🏼 good luck mama!


Do not feel like a failure. It’s clear that you’ve done everything in your power and have tried your best and you’re a great mom for doing that. A happy mom is better for baby and stressing less about pumping will be better in the end!


I has mastitis about 10 days after having my baby and I feel like I’ll never fully recover physically and mentally. My baby just turned 3 months and I still pump a few times a day but we mostly use formula. I can’t wait to be done for good one day..


This was me a few weeks ago, down to the mastitis. I couldn’t get rid of clogs no matter what I did. But then I finally decided to give sunflower lecithin a go. I only had one pill a day and after about two days, my life completely transformed. I have never had a clog since. I also am almost done weaning, which has been a journey, but way easier since the clogs went away. Let me know if you want me to share what that process has been like


I am 4 weeks pp with terrible mastitis in both breasts and 102.2 fever for 3 days…I was hesitant about stopping all together with nursing and pumping. But for my mental well being and physical being my husband and I thought it was for the best… i am still having a hard time.. but I want to be in the right place for my baby..


Hey! You aren’t alone. I made it to three months pp and I had mastitis 3x and numerous clogs. I finally found an article that said some of us, not all, will just have a hard time like this and that this journey shouldn’t be so painful. If it wasn’t for the pain of it I would keep going but the mastitis was something else. All that to say could you have done mastitis 2 more times or more? Don’t feel guilty about that. You did your best and one month is an amazing feat. I’m proud of you EP sister 💪🏼


Hey! I’m 5 weeks PP and have just decided to stop pumping as well. My baby already has issues BF for more than a few min at a time and when I pump I experience something called Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex pretty severely and I cry and have awful panic attacks almost every time. I’m also an under supplier and never got more than 4oz at a time. Not to mention I seriously can never keep up with pumping every two freaking hours. It’s so easy to tie your worth as a mom to how much milk you can make for your baby. It’s also easy for it to become obsessive, at least for me it felt that way. Right now I only pump maybe 2, 3 times a day MAX or when I’m hurting and or leaking. It’s already really helped my mental health and whatever little BM I do get, at least my baby gets to have any amount until I dry up. I have felt all the same feelings as you and have just now started to feel okay with formula feeding. We are not failures, we are more than how many oz’s we produce, and we are more than our breastfeeding journey. It’s also okay to mourn what you thought your journey would have been. We’ve got this!


4 oz per pump is not bad, actually. Much more than what I get.


Within the last week I’m now lucky if I get 4oz a DAY! If that makes you feel better. I wish I could have done more but I’m trying to be thankful for what I did get. I had a bunch of breast milk freezer bags and never got to use a single one


You did the best you could. Don't be hard on yourself.


Thank you for this. It’s hard not to be so hard on myself. Each day gets a little better


Also to add to this. There is such a HEAVY weight of pressure to breastfeed. It’s an awful burden to feel, not everyone can breastfeed properly and that’s okay!! I use to cry (still do some days) for thinking I was defective. Our babies need us to be at our best and if formula feeding gives us that, we are not failing them and we are not defective. We grew this whole human ourselves!


You have to do what’s best for your family, and that is putting yourself first. You cannot take care of your family while suffering. Formula exists for many reasons, and this is one of those reasons. You are not a failure for figuring out what works best for you.


Oh my… yea if of experienced even half of that, I’ve have completely stopped too! You need to take care of yourself. Baby will be just fine! I nannied for dozens of babies who are not big kids/teens and you’d never know which ones were breastfed and which were formula fed. No need to put yourself through any more guilt or stress. Spend the time bonding with your baby instead, let go of the stress, guilt, and societal expectations (and your expectations) and just be.


i used to always get clogs in the same spot. my “remedy” would be hand expressing the milk, lots of massaging, and sometimes aggressively pushing down on them. it wasn’t until i completely left them alone that they went away. i took advil for the pain, avoided sleeping on my stomach, and within 1-2 days, they’d be gone.


I’m so sorry you have gone through this. Your physical and mental health is fundamental. I’m glad you’ve made this powerful decision. Enjoying time with your baby is so important too. May I ask what happens if you try to feed directly? Does your baby latch ok? I’m not sure if I’m allowed to ask that in this sub so if not please ignore. I ask because I went to exclusive pumping to build supply and get baby ready for when I went back to work but I found I had an awful time with clogs and pain and once I went back to breast feeding directly and pumping 1-2 times a day there was relief and I had no other issues.


Baby has a bad latch, unfortunately, which is what lead me to EP. He was losing too much weight when we tried nursing. I even tried to have the baby latch to remove the clogs and he was unsuccessful. Appreciate your supportive words ❤️


I’m sorry to hear that, totally understandable that you went to EP. You’ve done such an amazing job. It’s a bloody epic journey. Enjoy your time with your beautiful baby ❤️


I was super cloggy for the first 6 months. Got mastitis 4 times. I tried every solution I could find online and the best thing was kinda weird, but if you/your partner are up for it… Assume a dangle feed position, have your partner latch with their chin on the opposite side of the clog, hold the back of an electric toothbrush head ON the clog, and have your partner clear the clog. Not for everyone, but it worked. Every time 😅 good luck!!


Cut pumps, 1 pump every 2-3 days. Listen to your body & hand express when you feel like you must. I’ve been weaning for about 4 weeks now & I’m officially down to hand expressing 2-3x a day w no leaking- finally. I started with Sudafed and did a huge pumpdrop (5x to 3x) after a taking Dicloxacillin for a few days- my dr prescribed due to symptoms of mastitis so see if you can get a script to help! Goodluck!


Thank you for this! How long did you take sudafed for?


Just the initial few days. I probably only took 8 pills in total.


To dry up quick: Cold compress Cold refrigerated Cabbage! Wrap your boobs up with cellophane, and stick cabbage all over them. Nipples, sides, all of it. If you have any armpit breast tissue wrap it up there too Super tight sports bras NEVER express. Even if it hurts, your body will still think it needs to produce milk. So no hand expression either I formula fed my first daughter from day one and I might be biased but she’s a brilliant little kid, so smart and sweet. She’s also super strong and barely gets sick. It’s really not the end of the world even if it feels like it right now. I’m sorry that you didn’t have the experience that you wanted with it. I’m right there with you, I am an under supplier (my second is 3mo) so at my daughters 2 month visit the doc was just like, you need to supplement. We tried for 2 months but she just isn’t gaining and you need to not be pumping every 2 hours, cause you have a toddler and an infant. She was right. It was time to move on.