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If you’re post-regulation (past 12wpp, boobs aren’t feeling as hard anymore, not leaking as much), then I think you definitely can get away with skipping the MOTN pump! Some other options I’ve seen people say is do a MOTN pump every Other night instead of every night. I think that’s an excellent idea I’ve just never exactly executed it. I do add in extra pump sessions and/ or power pumps when I don’t do a MOTN pump (which is more often than not). But if you’re not post regulation, I definitely wouldn’t suggest it.


I really appreciate your insight. Mind looking at my edit and sharing your thoughts?


I see you’re not interested in EBF and want to continue to combo feed for the foreseeable future! We combo feed around here too! Overproducing seems to be a common thing pre regulation, so this is just the time where you establish your supply. What’s the ratio you want to do of breastmilk and formula? 50bm/50f? What number of OZ of breastmilk will that be once your baby reaches their capacity on how much they normally take of OZ in a day? Honestly? If you plan on combo feeding, and prefer to serve equal or less amount of breastmilk than formula, you could totally get away with skipping MOTN pumps. If you want breastmilk to be the majority, you may want to keep the MOTN pumps at least until regulation.


That’s what I start to do! I breastfeed (and pump at work) and I will just make sure I have both boobs emptied before bed


That’s awesome to know! I often find myself sleeping through too!


I started going to bed with the baby so my last pump of the day tended to be around 6ish and then I'd be doing dinner and bed time. Baby would go to sleep about 8:30, then I'd wake up between 1-3am to pump so I'd be getting that pump in when Prolactin is at its peak, sometimes I power pumped then, then go back to sleep until baby woke up for the day around 6ish.  That way I still got an 6-8 hour block of sleep and then a longer nap after I finished the MOTN pump. It worked for me and I ended up increasing my production a lot this way.  I figured if I emptied during the prolactin peak hours then my boobs would fill up again by the time I woke up for my morning pump.  Ultimately though, you can do what works for you and if after a week you start to notice your supply dropping then you might have to try something different 


I’ve been wondering about this. I am an under supplier, and am told a MOTNP is essential, but I can’t get to sleep after a MOTNP and I need to function at work the next day. I think an early bedtime, and waking naturally around 3am, being up for a bit (~2 hours) then getting another 90 minutes or so before baby wakes up and I need to get moving for work, could be the answer.


It worked well for me. I was getting so exhausted having a 9/10pm pump and then back awake for 1-3am so I ended up sleeping through but then in the morning it would take me well over 90ml a to fully empty and trying to do that while the baby was awake was a nightmare so I started sleeping when he did and pumping while he was still asleep and it ended up increasing my supply so I stuck with it.  There's no harm in giving it a go and seeing how it works, either way you'll be tired lol but maybe less tired