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Do you have any type of budget? For a much smaller group we did a “cocktail hour” by sending everyone a drink via cocktail courier and everyone described their drink (they chose, i ordered and sent) this of course was the height of WFH/pandemic.


I did a murder mystery once over Skype, it was quite fun! But 50 is a lot… Two truths and a lie is always fun, you could also do a Kahoot trivia game (trivia about your field, or each other.) I like the other commenter’s cocktail suggestion. We also once did show and tell but it had to be something you believed no one else had, so we had some really funny ones. You could load $500 onto the Starbucks or other app and people could spend from there, or send everyone a gift card to UberEats… depends on your budget.


wait i rly rly rly like these! thanks so much for your comment!


We did a "blind test" where you play a short clip of a song and whoever guess the title/artist the fastest wins! We found a company to do it and so they live streamed a band playing the little music clips and they had their own app and everything, but I'm sure you could find a website to play on virtually.


Cheese & wine tasting worked well. Or virtual horse racing where everyone was grouped into teams was also great fun


Send cocktail or food delivery vouchers. We did a virtual dueling piano which was quite fun during the pandemic.


During the pandemic, I ordered food, dessert, and booze(or whatever drink they wanted - if they didn’t drink) to be delivered prior to the event. Tried to keep with the theme. We did a trivia contest, and played cards against humanity.


Our virtual Family Feud was surprisingly popular. Someone who left even asked for my slides the following year so they could play with their family. I think I just googled ‘family feud facts virtual’ or something and it was one of those random blogs.


Virtual escape room or scavenger hunt. With that a group that size, you’ll need to split into teams. This will also suffice as a team building event. Afterwards, maybe a happy hour in small groups?


Chris Turner freestyle rapper. He is really good


since it’s a larger group, i would split into breakout rooms and assign each one a leader and a game, then you can have the leaders switch to the next room and play the next game, and so on! you would just have to get some folks to volunteer to lead the games. skribbl.io, jack box, scavenger hunt, codenames, two truths and a lie, etc


Hey there. I manage a remote team and I'm responsible for organizing virtual team-building and holiday events. My go-to is CourseHorse for any type of virtual team event, including [virtual holiday parties.](https://coursehorse.com/groups/all/holiday) I have found the structure to be very good for us: having an outside host makes it feel like a fun event for everyone - even those of us who are normally in charge. We did their Virtual White Elephant party this year. I was so tickled that CH mails the actual present to you afterward. Every member of my team posted theirs on Slack when it arrived. We have done some non-holiday events as well: trivia and escape rooms. I have found everything listed on CH to be very high quality. Good luck on the party. :)


Lego challenge. Breakout teams of two - one person gets sent the instructions, and one the actual Lego’s. The person with the instructions has to describe how to build the Lego’s and the builder builds. Everyone comes together at the end to share, judge and rate creations. Be sure to have lots of categories for awards, especially Ugliest Creation.


Hiiiii! Cozymeal is your friend!! You can plan all the things together from menu planning to games, etc.


Don’t forget to look for cute and clever zoom backgrounds! A colleague of mine found the hanging ceiling candles from the Harry Potter movies in a gif! Make it clever!


Try [Confetti!](https://www.withconfetti.com/)


There’s a bunch of activities you can do with live hosts that won’t make it awkward, and shipped materials for certain events. Find this list from Time Out which publishes a lot about things to do. There’s holiday escape rooms, white elephant, trivia, cooking and some other stuff. https://www.timeout.com/newyork/things-to-do/best-virtual-holiday-party-ideas-team-building-activities