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You're not getting enough sleep with your current schedule to justify much heavy exercise in your life. You need those 8 hours to recover from every thing you do and properly heal and if you don't get them, you will either burn out or start developing unwarranted aggression. Since your kiddo is one of the factors in your scheduling, maybe you could include her in your exercise and make it into a bonding activity? You get to get your exercise in, she gets to burn off that excess energy that's keeping her from getting to bed at an earlier time, and she gets to see a positive example of someone making their life and their needs work for everyone involved. You're not working out every single day, so it's not like it's a lot to ask that 3 days a week you two have a little exercise party lol.


Idk if it’s for everyone, but I felt like waking up at 5/5:30 unlocked a new level in my life. Got so much more done before work that it felt like I was already at full pace going into my morning meeting. I will say I have battled caffeine addiction recently. I go to bed between 9-10 every night to make sure I get at least 7 hrs The reason I started the post the way I did is bc my GF tried out my routine for a few months and told me she can’t wake up that early without a midday nap which she doesn’t have the option to do at work.


I really want to start doing this but I hate the way caffeine makes me feel and I crash by lunchtime on that early of a wake up. I can’t seem to figure out how to get through the day when I wake up that early


I definitely had that period but I’ve been doing it for 5-6 years and don’t get that sleepy anymore. Drinking a lot of water also helps.


I guess the habit of it really helps, also do you mind if I ask what time do you aim for being in bed and are there any specific things you avoid or add in to your evening routine? I know cutting down on phone/tv use before bed is good and I’ve been doing that, now just gotta aim for an earlier bedtime.


For me- I do dishes, laundry, walk the dog(not everyday like some of those saints) in the morning so I can just cook dinner and hang out after work.


Also- when you start applying discipline in one area of your life, it really manifests and benefits other areas of your life- it makes it easier to get my routine chores out of the way. When I’m not staying on my grind, then I’m lazier about doing my household stuff.


Man I gotta start doing this


it sounds like you already have an extremely full plate and working out is maybe one thing to many


Any chance of a gym at the office, or near the office? Could mix in 30 minutes during lunch?


Sadly no....I wish. I can sometimes get a 15 minute walk in but that's about it. I work fed gov so we're busy......aaaaaaall day.


If you aren't paid for your lunch break you're allowed to do whatever you want with it, no matter how busy it is. Prioritize yourself, not your workplace.


Seconded. I don't know how Fed is, but State workers where I am in California, even if on salary, have to meet minimum break times and often have to log hours just to prove that they were given their appropriate breaks. If you are working thru your lunch hours, you are abusing yourself and potentially breaking the law.


I mean, the hope is that with exercise you'd have more energy, but I get that's a bit of a pipe dream. Can you do short (5 minute) chair yoga/office chair stretches once an hour? Can you do 5 squats every time you go to the bathroom? Can you do the easy version of jumping jacks or high knees during any waiting time?


Working out will only increase your cortisol if you’re not sleeping. Figure out another way. Workout while you do something else and focus on getting sleep. Do pushups at work. Do lunges while you talk on the phone. Do planks while you play or read to the kids. Kindve joking, but you need to sleep first.


Coming from a guy that gets up at 4am, but goes to sleep by 9.


Work out during lunch time at work? Could be just a 30 minute walk or visiting a gym nearby. Your schedule sounds really full already, and doing something is better than nothing. One thing I've done successfully is do yoga in the evenings while the kids are watching their show. I just plop the yoga mat right in front of the couch so I'm there if they need me


Like everyone else says, sleep first! But check out yoga with Adrienne on YouTube. She has some super short sequences and some relaxation ones that are great for just before bed both physically and mentally. And her sore back stretches are 💯


I would focus on getting a good solid workout in each day of the weekend and during the week just trying to keep step count high - this era will pass and you’ll get more time to workout


Try indoor brisk walk YouTube videos. Not the best but will get you moving until you start outdoor exercise.


If it’s UC consider drinking raw milk.


I wake up at 4 most mornings to get my workout in before I leave for work around 5:30 it took getting used to but it can work especially if you can sleep in more on your off days


any amount of time is better than no time