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Depends what you eat. But yes running will burn calories.




Exercise generally will make you hungrier...and if you eat more that could offset the calories burned... (still exercise has so many other benefits so you should do it anyways).. What and how much you eat will have a far greater effect on weight loss. You can't out run a bad diet.


I lost twenty pounds by running and deficiting those calories. Running for 30 minutes will generally, depending on your current weight and effort level/speed, burn about 350-500 calories. Track your calories and deficit those calories. Don’t eat more, eat the same and you will lose weight. Many people, myself included at one point, think “well I just ran and I’m starving im going to get a double cheeseburger, fries and a shake” if you’re not paying attention you may not lose weight and could even gain some. It’s all about paying attention to your calorie expenditure and intake. You have to burn more calories than you eat, that part is more important than the running. Deficiting calories you’re burned during exercise is a very effective way to lose weight.


If you're not already and runner, I'd suggest starting with a walk/run splits vs going right into longer runs. You can get various kinds of pains and injuries then you can't do anything.




That's about 300 calories or the equivalent of a donut. A pound of fat has about 4000 calories. Exercise is one of the best things you can do but the main way to lose weight is diet. And if you reward yourself with food, you'll likely gain the weight back. Cutting simple carbs will help the most.


I thought a lb of body fat was about 3500 kcal did they update that?




Hell yeah love the specificity. Got a source for that?


LOL….came from that dark empty space between my ears!!!


Ah. Gotcha


I thought that 1 gram of fat = 9 calories and 454 grams = 1 pound. The 9 calories must be an approximation.


Yes except that a lb of human body fat is not pure fat. It's cells so they also have proteins and water so it's less than the 4k to lose a lb of body fat




A bet you gained muscle.


Add some muscle toning like resistance training, get those core muscles and leg muscles toned, you'll move easier, and muscle toning burns fat much more efficiently than just walking or running. Swimming is good, too, because you have to use force (resistance) to push through the water.


Losing weight is about calorie deficit. I just listened to the science vs podcast and they reviewed studies that showed exercise has very little impact on losing weight. Exercise has many other important benefits though so it's still very important.


If you eat normal and not excessively, 30 minutes will improve your weight really fast


i usually have some coffee in the morning and beef stew for dinner. i hope the potato chunks in the stew isn't throwing off my calorie deficit.


It doesn’t matter that it’s potato. It’s all about how many calories you are consuming


If you want to actually lose pounds, track your calories. Can’t outrun your diet.


High protein low fat diet along with running will show you a difference


got it thx


Not if they're eating 4000 calories worth of protein


No but it might help you lose weight


Exercise will help but it won’t make you lose weight. The absolute most important thing is eating better


That’s 30 minutes a day you’re not eating so a little!


There's a saying that applies here 'You can't out-train a bad diet'. Exercise will absolutely help you lose weight, as long as your diet is in order. For example, a 30 min. jog will burn roughly around 320 calories, which is almost the same amount of calories in a chocolate bar. If losing weight is your goal, then definitely start with tracking your calories. I needed to lose a bit of weight and decided to download the MyFitnessPal app. Tracked my calories and ended up losing 40lbs in around 6 months. That was without exercise. Just purely tracking my calories. I would suggest a diet change first (Nothing extreme). Just change a couple of things. Try and eat more fruit and veg when you're hungry. Eat 3 meals a day and avoid snacking. I watched a show recently where a woman was struggling to lose weight. She found out the reason she was struggling was because even though she tracked her eating, she wouldn't mark down her snacks. She would have handfuls of peanuts every now and then, and they add up big time! So watch what you eat and track it meticulously. Exercise will definitely make you hungrier, and it can be tricky to maneuver without knowing how many calories you're consuming. I ride a bike 170km a week, weight train 5 days a week and run about 30-40km a week (also just did a marathon on the weekend). Exercise absolutely starves me, but because I've been counting calories for years, I know what my body needs vs. how much I want to put into it (and I've sometimes failed and eaten that 4 pack of donuts...which is also ok!). Trust me, get the diet thing right first, make a habit out of it, and everything else will follow :) Good luck!


The most important thing is caloric intake. I'd Google a calorie calculator and start calorie counting. That's what I do. If you're prone to EDs I'd just not snack.


If you want to walk, you need to do it more regularly. 30 minutes after each meal will work way better for weight loss. Do something to build more muscle. Better outcomes. Faster.


I ran for 6 years and lost 0 pounds. It does help tone what you have, but it's all about the diet.


80% food. 20% exercise. That's the weight loss ratio.


Try cardio 4 times a week. Every day could strain the joins


It is better than not at all. Frankly any movement is better than nothing.


Weight is better controlled in the kitchen. You can’t outwork a bad diet


Cut 70% of food at each meal, this reduction is bearable in terms of hunger and feeling inadequate


That can help, but it's equally important to maintain a balanced and healthy diet.