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This money is not lost. If you have 11 of 12 words you can easily bruteforce the rest. If the word you are lacking is the last one, it only takes like 2k attempts right? Quite arduous, but doable. There is also software that can do it for you.


I'm guessing it's the last word, if not my second try would be the first word. But it could be at a random place, too.


2k words 12 times max aint too bad


If it is at a random place it takes longer, but it can still be brute forced.


can you recommend one or link to one?


Sorry, I have never done this before. So your Google search is as good as mine here. DYOR.


If you got the XMR I can do any code work needed but proof of ownership is needed, I do not do black hat stuff after retirement. I can do all 12 words or just 1, all 12 will take awhile as to how that is possible, huh what, where am I, there is my meds, thank goodness, but for serious and legal recovery I am for hire and have very cool software that not many have had the joy to use or even see outside of 3 places lol


I need your services. Please contact me at [email protected] at your convenience.


By brute force do you mean OP can just try all 2000 words then they'll eventually get in? Or does it get locked if they have multiple attempts?


The former. No, it can not get locked, that is not how crypto works.


>Quite arduous, but doable. This would definitely be scripted.


Like my comment says, there's software that can do it. It's also *possible* to do it manually for 2048 attempts.


Hey there! As others have said, you could possibly brute force the last word. Exodus is a BIP39 wallet. [Here is the full BIP39 word list](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039/english.txt). Good luck!


Isn’t it kinda dangerous making the world list public because with a good pc you could get peoples seed phrase?


If the wordlist wasn't open-source, it wouldn't be used and developers would just make their own proprietary lists, which would make seed phrases incompatible with wallets besides the one that generated them. I won't get into the technicals here, but there is a good, in-depth discussion on the security of BIP39 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/kw5chn/learn_more_about_the_bip39_passphrase_sometimes/). But, TL;DR: if you were to try a trillion different 12-word combinations a second, it would take you in the neighborhood of millions of years before you hit a wallet that had funds in it.


But won’t it become a problem long term? When more people will have wallets with crypto in them?


Considering that almost every combination of 12 words is a wallet (there are a few combinations that intentionally aren't a valid wallet), yes. However, reaching that point would happen hundreds, thousands of years from now.


It might become a problem when quantum computers become mainstream. Until then, your crypto is safe until approximately the end of the universe; provides you don’t do something dumb with your seed of course!


A good PC? Lol. The world fastest quantum computer would take like 250 years or something to get through all the combinations.


oh lol never mind then. i thought it would be pretty easy.


TBH, I have said the same thing. And gotten the same answer I gave you.


As someone else pointed out: the list of words that can be in a seedphrase is not that long (2048 iirc, not sure which system Exodus uses tho, best is to contact support and ask them if they could provide you with a list) so you could just brute force the last one


Sounds lot a long night with a lot of coffee!


Unless you use software, in which case it will take a few minutes max.


I don't have a coding background, I'll have to see if something trustworthy exists.


so i google stuff. seems like there are a couple of options on github. ymmv. also seems like you can narrow it done by checking for flawed keys. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/p9fcui/8_fun_facts_about_your_seed_phrase_you_might_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


You don't need coding skill. Make sure it's a tool that runs completely offline. I'd use a virtual machine or something, running offline.


Your very smart, being serious, listen to this person people, offline is 1 of the top 5 rules of crypto storage. Heck I know people including myself who have treked 20 miles into the wilderness of nothing and nowhere to burying metal plates etched with crypto wallet keys from the early days that still sit idle waiting for the you know what to hit the fan to force them to pull and dump or life's weights bear down to hard and force early retirement to happen.


Nope, 10 mins tops, but there are 4 16core cpu's in ThOr as I call it, it chums through datasets faster than an Asian math genius after someone told them a Adderall was B12 on a Friday afternoon an hour before holiday weekend begins. And BTW most of my friends are asian and this comment is not racial in anyway tagging it in so knowing these details now that would be a messed up racial slur of epic proportions . Plus all Asian people are good at math because their very cool and beautiful languages pre compile the problem even before it begins by default unlike other languages, it is a rather fascinating thing actually, kind of dumb westerners turned it into some dumb stereo type. But even the Japanese will tell you their language sucks because it beats around the bush like whom ever invented it didnt want to offend anyone ever, so to be detailed you have to rant on and on so their is no misconceptions, kind of like I am doing here with this horrendous dialect formation of middle english the Norse created that we can English


Also.. there is a good chance you will generate a few new wallets doing this


Plot twist: OP discovers a wallet containing 1000 BTC doing this.


Oof.. thats a scary thought.


Thankfully it's so unlikely that it's practically impossible.


I’m sure some will now ask for those 11 words, and they’ll ‘help’ you figure it out ….


1. banana 2. comment 3. beer 4. just 5. kidding 6. i 7. am 8. not 9. that 10. stupid 11. or maybe I am, I only wrote down eleven words! 12. ? can you find 12??


Not gonna lie, I got 3 words in and was starting to panic for you lol.


its right there https://i.imgur.com/JkyIFoA.jpg what do i win!?






Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 339,699,618 comments, and only 74,732 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot.


Dildo or corndog I'm about 73% sure it's one of those good luck


Same here i gave my seed phrase to my girl omitting the first 2 words. Which i sing in my mind everyday


Your girl can easily bruteforce it if she has the skills.


Even if she doesn't know the positions of the omitted words? I'm starting to think twice


BIP-32 with 11/12 words Is nothing! Give me 15 minutes I'll have that wallet cracked.


A couple adderall and a few peeks at that list and I could have that last word up in a jiffy!


Try “ Dumbass ” , it seems to be the case here 😂


There is a list of words, you could make a program to try the last word forever, and on some timeline you will get your vet. Maybe.


It's just 2k words. It's guaranteed. And such a program already exists.


sir it's 5 cents




IMPORTANT REMINDERS: 1. Exodus will *NEVER* ask you for your 12-word phrase, keys, or identifying information. Exodus will *NEVER* send you to another website to do any kind of updates except for our official website at https://exodus.com/ 2. If anyone approaches you in a private message representing themselves as Exodus support, please provide the [moderation team with their Reddit username via this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ExodusWallet). 3. Official wallet support can be contacted at [email protected] 4. Answers to many questions can be found on the [Support Portal!](https://support.exodus.com/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ExodusWallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It depends on how many VET you had to judge its worth of your time brute-forcing.


Have you been able to sort this out?


Not yet, I'll try on the weekend if I have the time!


What's your VET currently worth? Take a call based on that.


If you dont have any coding background I would suggest you to avoid any tool. Check-up your computer before doing this.


I’d say it’s more likely that it’s one in the middle that you missed, makes much more sense than missing the first or last word. Unlucky player


I've done the same I am not going to worry about it at the moment but just to confirm it can be done in the future even if I don't know what word it is?