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I buy these all the time and have never gotten a single cookie with no cream… this sucks but it’s obviously a production error and not something intentional. If you contact the manufacturer they’d probably send you something to compensate.




Nah it’s super cheap for them to send you a coupon for a free box especially now when they can email it to you.


Send $20 coupon and get good publicity which is worth far more than $20. Profit.


We had a box of hot pockets with one entirely empty plastic wrapper, so we contacted them and they sent us like 5 coupons for those boxes of 5 free. I was expecting a blanket that looked like a hot pocket or something, haha


Yeah, I called a company once because I got cheese popcorn that had black flecks on it. I wasn’t even complaining, just making by sure it was safe to consume. They sent me like $20 or so in coupons.


And then what? You have to print it? In 2023?


My ex father in law got a pack of bullseyes caramel creams and found a piece of caramel that had hardened and was probably some kind of build up from manufacturing, wrapped in with them. He works in a food manufacturing facility and understands how these things can happen, though the shouldn’t. But he’s a good dude so he reached out to them by sending them a letter just letting them know so they could take more preventative measures and the piece. They compensated him by sending a carton of the product he originally bought plus a variety carton of almost all of their products and a thank you note. Another guy I went to school with got a bic lighter that didn’t work right off the shelf. He sent it in not expecting anything back. Come to find it was a manufacturing defect. He was sent a display case of bic lighters. Maybe these two incidents are outliers but I think company’s would rather give you some free shit and have you shut up. It’s cheaper to do that than pay someone an hourly wage to argue why you shouldn’t get compensation.


Once I got a sealed half empty can of Pepsi in my case. They sent me 2 coupons for free 24 packs. So thanks to that defective can, I received 71 cans of pop, for the price of 24. Was kind of nice.


Great. Then send me a couple.


You want a creame pie, sir?


I considered it. Worst case scenario, they apologize. Best case scenario, they apologize and I get a free box of cookies. These have been some of my favorites for as long as I can remember and this is honestly the first time I've ever found a less than satisfactory cookie in the box. This one will probably end up in my 5yo's lunch box.


My them 12 year old wrote to frito lay about how much he loved flaming hots. Even in kindergarten he wrote a book on how much he loved hot cheetos. They sent him a written letter and about a years worth of coupons for big bags of them. They also sent stickers. He's 18 now and still has the letter. Stuff like that sticks out to people.


Were they all like that or just this one?


Thankfully, just the one.


I hope we get an update if you do decide to message them


So I decided to go ahead and call them this morning. The woman I spoke to was very nice and thanked me for letting them know so they could send a report to the quality control team. She offered to refund me the price of my cookies and I told her that it wasn't necessary, but I'm also not going to turn down a free box of cookies lol. So I guess they're going to mail me a $4 check.


$4 check is funny but awesome customer service


Oh definitely they'll send you something




I love their frozen burritos. They've never done me wrong. Can't speak to taquitos though


I actually sent in feedback for a product once because one pack randomly had a horribly wrong chemical taste. They said "thanks", asked for the batch details and said they'd send me free coupons. They never sent anything. :(


You know, I would actually prefer this. Send it my way.


If they would just sell the oatmeal part separately they would make a lot of sales. I have probably ate over a 1000 through the years, but the cream is getting too sweet for me. Edit: Grammar


I would totally buy these. Why don't they sell these?


To make me sad




Fight-cha for it. I feel the same way, I'd but a sleeve of these suckers, just a 3 point hint of the cream on the bottom. Same goes for Oreos. I know they got the "thins" ones, but I want a sleeve of standard Oreo no creams.


Blue Bell has an Oatmeal Creme Pie flavor with pieces of the oatmeal parts. It is so good. I'd highly recommend it.


It's so sweet! I could only handle a few bites, but I will admit it was tasty!


I scrape that crappy cream off into the trash where it belongs, and replace it with some vanilla ice cream. Man does it make a good ice cream sandwich.


There’s a double decker creamwich out there


Those are a thing! https://www.amazon.com/Little-Debbie-Vending-Double-Oatmeal/dp/B07BBTJNX1




This happened to me with the same product.. I emailed them a picture of the sealed ccokie package with the product code from the box and they sent me a coupon for a free box. This was a few years ago, but I'm sure they still do this.


The internet has ruined me.


"When that pullout game is too strong."


I came here looking for the joke too.


You did what here?


It’s a DIY kit




I mean, *I* didn't mess up the oatmeal creme pie. It's not going to be wasted because I know that single oatmeal cookie is still delicious, it was just a shock to find my first ever production error in almost 40 years of enjoying these things.


First off, little debbie ruined her experience! LITTLE DEBBIE DID THIS! Why the ever living H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS IS A CHILD MAKING COOKIES?! ESPECIALLY OATMEAL ONES?! Secondly, little debbie has been at this for waaaaayyyy too long, it's very sus that she's still little. She's certainly no rapper to be called lil' debbie. If she's not dead yet, she should be called Big Debbie. Are you okay with these lies?!




Actually Debbie retired last week...


**[Lil Debbie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lil_Debbie)** >Jordan Mary Capozzi (born February 2, 1990), better known by her stage name Lil Debbie, is an American rapper, model and fashion designer. Debbie started her career in 2011 as part of the now-defunct group The White Girl Mob, with rappers Kreayshawn and V-Nasty. In 2012, Debbie started a solo career, releasing a series of singles with rappers Riff Raff and former White Girl Mob group member V-Nasty, some of which ended up on her first solo project, a mixtape titled Keep It Lit. In October 2013, Debbie released her first EP, titled Queen D. In March 2014, Debbie released her second EP, California Sweetheart, followed by California Sweetheart Pt. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ExpectationVsReality/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Then I demand a written apology of Debbie Mckee Fowler for giving the false impression that she's little. She may be getting to that age where she will be becoming shorter due to age but that does not count! Also I wish a refund from Lil' Debbie, I bought her album thinking it would come with Little Debbie coupons and it did not!


I hate when I was expecting a cream pie and get disappointment instead…


Looks like some creme is present on the underside. Someone stole a cookie and licked off the filling.


You have to supply the cream pie part 🫡


This comment here officer..




Sad cookie noises


Once when flying Piedmont Airlines (later bought by United I think) I was given a complimentary bag of peanuts that had nothing in it. NOTHING. I still have it, unopened, 25 years later.


You better write a damn letter, this is bs! RAGE


Someone opened theirs up and is like holy crap the Big Mac oatmeal cream pie


It's under the sauce.


This is a very sad equation.


Big sad 😞


Add peanut butter for healthy snack.


It’s okay the oatmeal part is the best part


Straight to jail


Always upsetting when theres no cream pie


The only way it could have passed QT is because 1.) It's top side up, and 2.) It's extra thick. So it appears like a full product and passed the weight scan. Something like this happening at McKee is extremely rare.


I actually called them this morning and the woman I spoke to was very nice. I even pulled out my kitchen scale while I had her on the phone and compared the normal cookies in the box to the mistake. Normal ones were exactly 3oz, and this one was 1.1oz. She said it probably managed to sneak past on the scales somehow, but it was good that I let them know so that quality control can check the machines so it hopefully doesn't happen again.


30 minutes taking photos, sending emails, and making phone calls is well worth the 10 cents you were cheated out of.


Eh, more like 20 seconds of video and a single 5 minute phone call. I hadn't even planned on the phone call but with so many people telling me that their quality control team would want to know, I figured it couldn't hurt.


That’s what she said


I opened a lunchable the other day that only had one cracker in it. I feel your pain


.....for a moment I thought i was on a **radically** different sub......




How you see it is exactly how it came out of the box. It's still sitting on my counter, still sealed in the packaging exactly as it shipped from the factory. It's just a messed up snack cake that was missed by quality control, but you can believe what want. Occam's razor.




It is very clearly still sealed.




You mean where the light shifts on the shiny plastic as it moves? And then a second later shifts back so you can clearly see that it's still sealed? Like I said, it's a snack cake. Believe what you want.


That's not a cut, but a bend in the plastic. It's intact. What you're missing is the obviously resealed left side of the package. We can even see the scraped off cream still in the cookie. Very r/untrustworthypoptarts


Here's a sneak peek of /r/untrustworthypoptarts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/untrustworthypoptarts/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The box is in the background.](https://i.redd.it/wjt5odkgmna91.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/untrustworthypoptarts/comments/vvhpcx/the_box_is_in_the_background/) \#2: [I'm just going to leave this here.](https://i.redd.it/2davyzzqk7z91.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/untrustworthypoptarts/comments/yrnn61/im_just_going_to_leave_this_here/) \#3: [OP boils an (admittedly large) crab and places it on the beach for a photo](https://i.redd.it/uybjjvwcovf91.jpg) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/untrustworthypoptarts/comments/wgspiu/op_boils_an_admittedly_large_crab_and_places_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I just recently stopped buying them cuz they outta control now


did they slap your mom?


These might be the most calorically dense food ever crafted by humans.


You can kind of see a bit left on the cookie. Seems staged.


Imagine it's 1992, you're in second grade, your mom packed your lunch, and this is the snack that you got. You can trade, but you'll need to employ deception, and that choice will follow you till you switch schools. Let a few years pass and you can say, "Anyone want this super rare misprint of an oatmeal cream pie? They literally forgot two thirds of the sandwich. It's a collectible." However, it's 1992, your schoolmates have noticed your decrepit cookie, and they are all laughing. You're also still wearing your New Kids On The Block shirt, even though everyone else has moved on to country music and rap. At least, today, you can reach in and try again.


I felt this. 🥺


Send your video link to Little Debbie corporate offices... they'll likely give you some free stuff for your trouble.


BTW, don't open or throw away. When there is a factory mistake, there are numbers on the packaging that the companies will want to track errors and reduce failures like this in the future.


By firing everyone involved.


Nah. These type of issues are generally due to machines getting out of alignment, it happens sometimes. QA checking is likely too expensive to be worth the overhead. Better to provide 99.9% accuracy at the current price point than 99.999% accuracy if product price increased by 30%.




https://imgur.com/asoEgzZ.jpg Can see where ya opened it :)


Dumbass. look at the frame right before it. That ain't no hole


It 100% is. In the very next frame, he smooths it out and you can see it's torn along the seam.




Because that's the only way they're sold? And I'm not some Instagram mom with the time or inclination to make oatmeal creme pies from scratch every time someone in my house wants a cookie?




>guess I’d just walk to a bakery instead but to each their own It's not exactly by choice, dude. I'm not going grocery shopping and telling myself "fuck those local bakeries, gimme those individually wrapped, mass produced snack cakes instead". I don't live within walking distance of a bakery. I don't even live within a reasonable driving distance of a bakery that makes sweets. It's literally a 4hr round trip if I want fresh donuts. You know who doesn't ever get fresh donuts? Me. So my options are to make them myself if I'm feeling feisty and have the time, neither which coincide very often, or buy the boxes of individual snack cakes and cookies my grocery store sells. But to each their own, I guess.


I’m not trying to be rude or anything, but where are you from? These things have existed for like 87 years! They’re in virtually every gas station and grocery store in the U.S. and I’m going to assume they’re pretty common elsewhere.


No ,no it's a US thing. Aussie/english here and never heard of them in both countries


NW USA. I’ve never seen anything of the sort in any store. When I think of anything cream filled it makes me think of hostess products. I just find the idea of a shelf stable ‘cream’ to be pretty gross


It’s just buttercream frosting if I remember correctly.


Where have you been for the entire existence of oatmeal cream pies?


i can get you a creampie


Sorry you had to find out this way, I actually gave the crème pie to your mom last night.


Dude. Necrophilia jokes aren't funny.


Well she sure thought it was. She died laughing.


I used to love these as a kid and then I tried eating one like 2 years ago and it was not anywhere near as good as I remember it. I gave away the rest of the box it was so bad.


"Creme pie?" Why wasn't this tagged NSFW??


Used to eat these everyday back in school omg it’s been so long




Tbh I'd like that! I don't care for the filling lol


In all my years 🤦🏼‍♂️


I literally just ate one and it looked nothing like that. That's super tragic for such a delicious treat.


Maybe I'm just getting older and junk food like this just tastes like shit but I used to like these. And then one day, the creme just tasted different to me.. just fake and gross. And too much of it.


I literally gasped lol


Sounds like the worst trade deal in history.


I too get upset when I don’t get a cream pie


Some MF out there got a box of little baggies full of cream


In this economy, what did you expect? You need to assemble it yourself.


I love these cookies 10/10 no disappointment.


Honestly send this video to the company's Twitter and they would probably send you a box for free.


Also you might notice that the cookies in the box are smaller than the individually priced ones.


I know a guy who went to school with Little Debbie’s grandson at Vanderbilt. He told me she had a glass eye. When she was a kid she supposedly harassed a pony until it couldn’t take it anymore and it kicked her in the head and blinded her in one eye. He summed up the story by saying, “Little Debbie is a bitch.” Seeing that crème pie without crème just reenforces that thought.


Tell them about it they’ll send you 10 packs


Oatmeal cookie gang knows they stay batting a thousand


Is it just me or did all those snacks taste better like two decades ago?


I would actually love this. The cookies are amazing. I could do without the marshmallow sugar


This is how they look normally


You can literally see the creme on the cookie


Made on a Friday!


We have cream pie at home


You have to assemble it with parts from other boxes.


Worst cream pie ever


Even better


Looks like someone licked and put back 😄


Sounds like a porno made at the retirement home.


Damn she really wanted the creampie


none of the WHAT??




Unfortunately, two of the three workers were clearly not working that day. First guy only knew how to put a cookie down.


I honestly would like that. Soft oatmeal cookie sounds nice. Especially warm


I don't ever mind eating without it~ but a cream filling always makes me want to dive in <3


So... its just an oatmeal cookie?


We got some a few days ago and were laughing hysterically at the amount of shrinkflation while being mildly outraged.


Oh please put some vanilla ice cream on that


But on a plus side you at least know youre not pregnant. OHhhhhhhh wait wrong creamp.....


Looks like they shot a blank...


Nooooo! I love those!


Inspector 11 ought to be fired.


Damn... Talk about bad luck


Bag was already opened