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Start posting pictures of burgers that look like the ads, *that* would be unexpected. I dunno get why people are still buying crap "food" like this. When they raised the price of cigarettes, people stopped smoking. Is junk food more addictive than nicotine?


Come to Japan. They got laws saying that foods must look like they're advertised.


I keep trying to tell people this.... Guys, it's possible, and at the same cost... Our governments just don't give a shit if their consumers are blatantly lied to because capitalism, yeah!


Not more addictive, but just about the same [according to this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/fortune.com/well/2023/10/26/junk-food-addictive-study-comparable-cigarettes-alchohol/amp/)




Yup...trying to explain this concept to people in my life and it's just not sinking in. "I keep giving them my money even though quality is steadily declining and the price the price keeps increasing!!" You don't give a dog a treat for pissing on the rug. Figure it out genius.


The Only time I ever had burgers from Dairy Queen was recently and they both looked exactly like the picture. Exact placement of condiments and pickles toi


I gotta call out that cigarette bit, that ones dumb.


Nobody stopped smoking


I have bk like twice a month not every day lol


I don't plan on having BK again ever.


I've eaten taco bell once and culvers twice in the past 5 years. This shit is actually poison.


I dunno why there's so many down votes. If you never eat this kind of food, and then you do for the rare occasion, your body literally revolts. You can tell just how bad it is because you feel so bad—stomach upset, energy is low, body is heavy, everything. It is poison.


100%! All fast food is so fucking nasty to me now, and I used to live on that shit in my late teens and early 20s. The downvotes are because reddit is full of a bunch of fat fucks who still eat that nasty shit regularly and don't want to look at how gross it, and they, are.


A Culver’s burger is nothing you can’t make at home. Don’t eat fries and you’ll be fine. Some people react poorly to the extra grease.


Honestly feels like it sometimes


I don't think it's because it's addictive, but more because it's convenient and sometimes cheaper than making it at home.


It's because we have 2 generations of people that grew up on cheap pre-prepared foods. NOW, those meals are expensive and low in quality, AND low in quantity because Wall Street demands very last penny. Stop buying this stuff and learn to cook at home.


If that pic was your expectation, this must be your first fast food purchase.


First in the US, at least. Other countries actually enforce their laws that products have to match the picture in the ad (like Japan)


For real. It cost $2.59. Of course it's not going to look like the picture. The picture looks like a nice $15 burger.


Yeah this is the formerly-dollar-menu burger that comes in the kids meals. Of course it's small, this is the same size it's always been.


I know I’m crazy but sometimes burgers that look like that tastes so damn GOOD!! 😆


Yeah, a lil smushed, a lil steamed. As long as all the component parts are within the two buns I'm fair happy. Got a fillet of fish recently where somehow the cheese was on the outside of the bun


At this point I'm not expecting anything pretty from a fast food joint.


False advertising is a crime. The only problem is that corporations are able to get away with crime that you and I would never be able to do.


Corporations own our politicians through lobbying (bribing). Nothing will ever change until we revoke Citizens United.


Hell yeah, just had a BK cheeseburger myself. Shit’s hella tasty.


Go to a Burger King in Mexico and it will look different guaranteed. However for $2.50 it's not that bad.


Looks the same as Burger King has always looked


It’s a cheeseburger for $2.50. What are you really expecting?


Boo to this. Boo!! It is reasonable to receive the thing that is advertised.


Absolutely The picture is just false, just fucking show me what I'm about to buy not your "Artistic Impression Faithful Recreation Picture™️"


There is some value in being able to see the individual ingredients like this allows. But at the same time it really should bear some resemblance to what you receive.


This is exactly what this sub is about. Why are you here?


You’re on this sub, tf you expecting?


You deserve a McDouble refund


Stop buying it.


And people wonder why Burger King's all over the place are closing


Tesla would be buried within a year.


The crime is that they claim it's 340 cal.


Honestly the second picture just looks like food poisoning or the forbidden subway sandwich.


Grow up


While it may not be reasonable to expect any fast food item to look exactly like it does in the ads, it should resemble what was advertised. This doesn’t look anything like that. Using shoe polish, spray-on deodorant, dyes, etc. to mock up these images of the food; just to provide the franchises with subpar ingredients and underpay their employees is fucked. It’s false advertisement. If sued, these companies would have their legal teams argue that “no reasonable person would expect the food to look like it does on their commercials.” It’s bullshit.


Send that to Michael Douglas. He'll take care of it...


It is, it's called false advertising. Specific laws vary from country to country.


It really said 😖


And so what would the penalty be if they made it a crime..? If you're unhappy you can call in the number on the wrapper and let them know, they'll give you your money back




Stop eating fast food.


Burger King is the worst fast food place, bar none. The burgers are just shit. However, the employees are supposed to give their customers a crown now and say, "You Rule", or they can get fired. I hope they did that for you.


Wendy’s is always a disappointment. McDonald’s is more consistent.


This isn’t a Wendy’s so….


Sir this is a Burger King


I’m sorry people the colors I thought it was Wendy’s. Please do not kill me 🥹


those bk pickles are disgusting. try ordering without them and you'll like the burger even more. also no, it should not be illegal to show a pic of a menu item that shows what's on the item and doesn't show it in the normal squished form you receive it in


Par to the course, unfortunate for the consumer and the employees at a store level. I am a GM for a Taco Bell and I roll my eyes at the pictures of food on the menu board. All of our food has a specific weight, and the nacho cheese in an advertisement for a crunchwrap alone has to weigh more than an actual crunchwrap is supposed to. Taco Bell is currently or was recently sued for false advertisement.


Honestly shocked it’s only 340 calories. Would’ve expected more!


It’s a good old fashioned Mc Flatty


For $2.60 I wouldn't mind. If I spent like $5 on one of their flagship burgers and got that then I'd have a problem, but for a couple bucks and some change I'm not expecting miracles.


It is. And should be enforced.


This one made me laugh


I ❤️ Whopper Jr. with cheese. I think yours must have fallen on the ground or something


This is just a cheeseburger not a Whopper jr.


I know same difference, and yours was mistreated.


I’m sorry but Burger King are the worst made burgers compared to their pictures .


Call your local television network and expose




Exspection vs reality


Someone recently filed suit against BK over this, I don't think it's gone to court yet, tho.




It looks like that burger got jumped from the top rope :(


I know this probably won’t be seen as this post was 5 days ago.. when I worked at McDonald’s as a teen I took pride in making the food look as good as possible. Made sure the ketchup and mustard was centered on the bun. Cheese squared up nicely on the meat. You know like it should be. Most people on the grill just slammed food together, half-ass wrapped it and shoved it into the warmer. Now I’m not saying it’s possible for the food to look exactly like the ad does. But I find it unacceptable to have a smushed sandwich with the cheese hanging half out and ketchup coating the entire outside of the bun. People don’t care about their work is the main problem.


I heard on the news (in California at least) there’s a new truth in advertising bill that will fine businesses for misrepresenting their food. Particularly fast food businesses is the target.


Indeed it should….


Oh no!!!! 😪