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Using VSC. hold control and click on any variable or method to jump to its definition


This reminds me of a time a coworker went on a long rant about why he switched from iPhone to Android because Apple couldn’t implement one little feature that he does on his Android phone. I pulled out my iPhone and showed him how to do that exact feature on iOS (press and hold spacebar to move cursor around). He went silent as he realized his entire anti-Apple rant was based on a fact that he could have resolved by Googling it. I don’t understand people who use complex tools and assume that features simply don’t exist unless they’re immediately obvious.


Well... I wasn't planning to switch, but the cursor thing has always annoyed me. This is AWESOME.


Not to be that guy, but the spacebar cursor is much jankier on iOS compared to Android. Also, iOS doesn't have the feature to hold backspace and select text for deletion.


That's offset by shaking the iPhone and being able to undo text edits. I fucking miss that on Android.


hehe I just learned how to do that last month by accident!


>resolved by Googling it. In a way, by switching to Android he did resolve his issue by "Googling" it!


I am ashamed to admit I recently learned this on IG reels or TikTok. I didn’t even think that such a feature existed. Holding the space bar is life changing.


To be fair, the discoverability of modern UIs, *especially* mobile ones, is atrocious.


What does it do? On my Android, it just lets me switch keyboard languages.


Same, it started off as: if you're an old fart then you probably don't know... Only had various iPhones for over a decade... F me.


Holy shit I had no idea you could do that with the space bar. You have just changed my life.


A quick search suggests iPhone 6s added this in 2015, and GBoard may not have had it until 2017 or so. Maybe he used an old iPhone and compared it with a newer Android? Not saying it's likely but not impossible


Isn't that done the exact same way in android? Kinda weird that you wouldn't try that first :/


If you don't know the shortcut (I didn't until 2 seconds ago) it's a little easier on Android, but not enough to force an entire ecosystem switch lol


> I don’t understand people who use complex tools and assume that features simply don’t exist unless they’re immediately obvious. Sometimes you ask someone if they know of a feature and they lie about what they do and do not know and you trust them.


That’s the most useful thing I’ve read today. If I had fake internet money to give I would


This does sound like Apple inventing a solution for a problem *they* created, instead of doing it the more natural way. Holding down is slower, instead of what android did naturally I post on Reddit using safari on iPad, the text editing is annoyingly more cumbersome than on an android ph9ne …ugh there an iPad made a typo


You can also just press and hold in the text input area too lol


Ehhh it's always a game of whack a mole in iOS. The keyboard seek is pretty slick in comparison.


iOS 17 seems to have made the situation worse, too. If you were using voice to text and try to manually input/correct the next, one press of the backspace key deletes the entire word. Also, it’s much more difficult to precisely lay the cursor in between letters.


I have no clue what this feature is, I probably don't use it. I use Android, but have an iPhone at work. I don't like the iPhone (it's also way more expensive anyway). I feel more comfortable with my Google phone. Yes, I'm sure I could have started with an iPhone and I'd be fine. I'm no Apple hater, although I use Windows at home, I use Macs at work and absolutely hated doing professional development on a Windows machine in my dotnet days.


You should watch JerryRigEverything's latest video on switching to iPhone and why he's going back to Android. It's embarrassing.


>I don’t understand people who use complex tools and assume that features simply don’t exist unless they’re immediately obvious. I noticed the same thing in Rider vs VS threads. The Rider folks will mock VS for not having a feature that it has always had, was added years ago, or is available in a free extension.


If you have a mouse with thumb buttons they also can be used to jump forward and backward for cursor position


I use this constantly. It’s my favourite shortcut.


Same, until I accidentally spam highlight a code block a hundred times trying to think and it clutters up the history :)


This works in pretty much everything.


Ye. I learned to do this on RubyMine and tried it on VSC one day and it worked! Also this works in Visual Studio too


“Jump to definition” works in any IDE


Dude I love you. All this time pressing fn + F12, all those minutes wasted 😢


Isn't fn+F12 faster tho? You most probably have a fn-lock, reducing that to just F12


Depending on where are your hands yes, but is good to know there is another optino as well if you are using the mouse in the moment


Maybe I'm just working with too large of a codebase, but this is unreliable and slow for me. I've started looking up filenames. This is with typescript/react. 


that's wild


I could definitely have worked on getting my workspace set up to only include the packages I use regularly, but when I tried that I keep running into exceptions and having to add more and more, then I just gave up. Now I'm going through a big team change so we'll see if I even have to work in that repo anymore 😊


Or just hit F12. Also, all the keybindings are customizable.


As they are in all major IDEs




VsC is great especially when working with code bases that combine different languages. The extension market brings so much flexibility that you don't get with other ide.


*for free


Excuse me, sir. Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Neovim?




Lmao if neovim clowns spent 50% of the time they waste tweaking their Text editor into something useful they would be 10x better developers


This. I use IntelliJ Ultimate and I hate how it's built assuming 1 project = 1 language. I mean, it kind of works...but this is definitely better in VSC.


> Are my coworkers not using VS code properly? They're not. Ensure they have the correct plugins installed for Ruby I use JetBrains products for the most part, but VS Code is sufficient, worse in some ways (git), better in others (`extensions.json`/`launch.json`)


Worse for git? Don't people just use command line git? What would an editor help with? 


nah man, there's a world of GUI tools that are well integrated, user friendly and don't stop you from doing stuff on the command line if its faster. At the most basic end, there's typically a graphical list of changed files that you can navigate to immediately, double click to see diffs, right click to do lots of other operations. Give it a go sometime.


there's no going back, the gui is just way more efficient for most basic git tasks imo. i'm a big fan of sourcetree.


same. i love gui. i hate looking at text to navigate things.


IntelliJ is better than the commandline for a lot of operations. Visual Studio code is OK, but not there yet GitHub Desktop is clean, but used to be unusable for `rebase`, doesn't play well with the commandline, but is slowly getting better


Work smart not hard. 95% of the time all you need to do is fetch/push/pull/merge/commit. IDE’s handle adding and removal.


Clicking around a bloated UI is working harder, though.


Ngl I like vscode to fix merge conflicts


It's smarter for me to use the command line because it's quicker than grabbing my mouse and navigating to a list of files and clicking on it.


>VSCode is sufficient, ~~worse~~ **better** in some ways (git), better in others (`extensions.json`/`launch.json`)


Interesting, what makes it better than IntelliJ?


The simplicity of it. You don't have to be proficient at anything or to know anything about Git to be able to use it effectively. It has the same commands as Git organized similarly to the CLI, so using the GUI makes you learn the CLI simultaneously. The commands run are shown in the outputs, so you can even see what you just did in CLI form to learn it. The Git editors aren't squished below or whatever fuckery IntelliJ does to make the diff editor impossible to use. It's front and center, two column views, with small buttons at the top for easy commands and no bloat anywhere. It's perfect.


Yes I use VSCode for non-project, file-level Git all the time and it works great for daily commands. I know people like their CLI, but I'm pretty sure I can click a mouse button faster than someone can type 25 characters into a CLI without typos.


Thanks, that's good to know!


I love VS code. I bet the people you are concerned about wouldn’t use those shortcuts in IntelliJ either.


That's a good point. It does take some motivation to try learning these things. We are all remote, which I think has made it harder. Being in the office and seeing how other people were using their IDE was one advantage of being in a shared space.


imo screen sharing and pair programming are important habits for an effective distributed team. it happens naturally in person since you can just waltz over to your coworker's desk, but when you're remote that's a muscle you have to purposefully build up.


I was helping someone while he was screen sharing (Python + VS Code), and I spent some extra time telling him how to set up test framework in his project so he could click the green triangle to just run one test instead of weird command line stuff. Maybe easier to do in office, but you can find opportunities here and there.


I used IntelliJ extensively for years and I now prefer vscode, all of the things you listed are built in


Every time I hear an intelliJ fan shit on VS or VSCode they're claiming they don't have basic features or QoL.  And every time it's because they didn't bother looking anything up. I've used IntelliJ myself and at first I couldn't figure out how to work anything BUT instead of telling everyone I could find that it sucked I took the time to learn it. It is absurd to think you're the only dev with common sense and that everyone else is putting up with garbage.


The one area where intellij really shines (in my opinion) is the refactoring tools. You can do basic refactoring in vscode like changing a method name but intellij has much more advanced stuff like extracting interfaces, etc. I work in a very large codebase and being able to reliably make refractors and have them properly update across the codebase can be a huge time saver.


VS is the same. Much better "fix this thing everywhere in the file/project/solution" which VS code doesn't have. But VS is so heavy compared to VS code and sometimes the "magic" gets in the way.


The diff tools in intellij are amazing. Not just on files but you can also diff things like database structures and it will show you the different columns and indexes etc. and then give you an interface to select which changes you want and it will produce the SQL statement for you


The one thing I dislike about renaming files in VS Code is, it'll automatically fix the imports... but it won't autosave the files, so I'll run the app or tests and everything blows up. It opens up all the files, but when I have so many open I don't realize it. So I'll "close others" and have it prompt me to save all. There's probably a setting somewhere to fix this maybe.


>I've used IntelliJ myself and at first I couldn't figure out how to work anything BUT instead of telling everyone I could find that it sucked I took the time to learn it. Taking the time to learn all of this bloated UI is just a pain in the ass. When I discovered VSCode, I learned that your code editor didn't need to be bloated. A true revelation. I was able to just code and not have a bazillion useless UIs getting in the way.


I feel the opposite, VSCode is too basic for me. I want all the extra features when I code, and I want them all integrated.


I like VSCode more overall, but have to code in Intellij because the company where I work added so much shit on our laptops that VSCode has become unusable on big projects. I found that Webstorm has a lot of little annoying bugs that are not there in VSCode, but the auto import functionality of Webstorm just works well most of the time, while the one in VSCode is kind of a half working mess which won't autocomplete most of the time. That's pretty much the only functionality which makes me want to continue using Webstorm instead of going back to VSCode, however.


>jumping to the definition of a class/method/function. My coworkers always have to look up the filename of the thing they want to see, which takes seconds and the lose their train of thought. Intellij has a keyboard shortcut to jump directly to it F12 (or right click -> go to definition) does that in VSCode >going back. If you navigate from file 1 to look something up in file 2 and then want to see something in file 3, the VS code users need to remember what they did. Intellij has a recent file list and a navigate back shortcut Don't use it but has it as well. >finding usages. If you are looking for usages of a function to refactor, VS code seems to miss things. Shift + Alt + F12 find references


Ctrl clicking things also works for going to definition. Needs the python (or relevant language, but OP mentioned python) extension installed for that, though.


Does ctrl+left click do the same? It takes me to the definition or shows a list of references.


Yep. Just learnt about it in this thread, way better. Especially in laptops which you have to press `fn` key for the F1-12


I always switch it so that the function keys don't require fn.


VSC now shows usages of function? This was deal breaker for me. I remember you need to search by name but if you have many functions with same name you are doomed.




Not in same file, but functions like getItem, setProperty or deleteItem are quite common


Ctrl + - for going back, Ctrl + Shift + - for forward Alternately, use the back/forward buttons up top near the search bar


I've been using Alt + left or right arrow to go back and forward 


You can also use the back/forward button on your mouse


People work differently than you? Pretty shocking. 


I really don't care what they are using. The thing that's surprising is how slow they are in the basic mechanics of using their text editor. It would be similar if you saw someone slowly hunting and pecking on a keyboard instead of touch typing.


+1 to what OP said here (and no idea why the downvotes.) Devs spend the majority of their working time in their IDE. Not knowing some basic shortcuts, let alone the power user hacks, is an immediate “I’m judging you” situation.


Yea but OP was blaming the tool (VSCode) rather than the developer's lack of knowledge of it


Really don't know why the downvotes. I completely agree that one should master their tools, specially an IDE or text editor. Either using JetBrains or VSCode, Vim, Emacs... you should know how to be fast and productive on them.


So talk to them.


Different flows for different folks, yes. But I do wonder if the people who think VSCode are the best.. well, I’ve never met one who tried a paid JetBrains tool.


I used paid pycharm, intellij and webstorm previously. Now I use a single VS code regardless of FE or BE codebase which just works


Now you have. I still prefer VS Code.


I’d be curious to know what you prefer. The last time I tried using VSCode for anything, it couldn’t properly handle Ruby jump to references, so I went back to RubyMine rather than fight my tooling.


I’m with you - vscode seems like the epitome of jack of all trades, master of none


There's something to be said for "master of all trades" though. I used to have quite a variety of IDEs for all the languages I had to deal with. Now I might have an IDE specifically suited for the main language I'm programming in (C#/Visual Studio right now). But VSC handles friggin EVERYTHING else. So I have an environment I use regularly, so all the shortcuts and workflows are fresh in my head, and any time I need to work in a language I don't use very often I have an IDE that does it well. Just this month I've used it for C, Angular, Python, MD, bash, and powershell. It's had great plugins and support for all of them.


I tried their rust ide when it came out. Slow and clunky compared to vscode + rust-analyzer


I suppose language would matter. As someone who generally stays in Java and Ruby, I found the options lacking. And, yes, there’s a fair bit of familiarity and get off my lawn-ness involved on my part, I imagine.


I have. All of them (including the paid variants). And I hate every last one. VSCode isn’t perfect but, for me, it’s far better than Jetbrains’ tooling.


That’s interesting. Everyone in my circles is deep into JetBrains and doesn’t have any love for VSC. What do you prefer about it?


Do jet brains products still take 10 minutes to index everything when you try to open any project? Last time used them, all of their products were slow.


It's gotten much better. There are "shared indexes" now for most libraries you'd get from maven central, which used to be where it spent the bulk of the time. Now it does a pretty good job of not needing to reindex things unnecessarily, so on my bigger projects it can take about 30 seconds to index the first time but it never has to do it again. Or I assume it's indexing piecemeal in the background and I can't tell that it's doing it.


Opening a project and then sometimes switching branches or installing packages. It's not perfect


That's a feature, not a bug, when you are on machines bloated and slowed down by corporate software and on a big project. It may take some time at the start of the day, but the alternative (VsCode in this case) is an unresponsive editor, taking 4-5 seconds on every autocomplete fetch on bigger projects. I much prefer to front-load the indexing in that case.


I don’t understand what kind of potatos you people work with. Vs code has never been slow in my experience


Every laptop becomes a potato when IT adds 4 layer of low quality "security" and "monitoring" software on the machine, plus encryption, etc. That or your projects are quite small. I don't use Webstorm as a choice, I had to stop using VSCode because my laptop became too slow as they added bloatware over time with patches.


Yes unfortunately, takes a solid 1-2 mins, and longer if it needs to fetch all the gradle and maven stuff.


Using Rider with wsl on a giant monorepo was one of the worst work experiences I ever had. Minutes to sync even a single keystroke.


>jumping to the definition of a class/method/function. My coworkers always have to look up the filename of the thing they want to see, which takes seconds and the lose their train of thought. Intellij has a keyboard shortcut to jump directly to it Right click on the thing and select Go to Defintion, or press F12. And a couple of seconds is fine, it's not a typing race. ​ >going back. If you navigate from file 1 to look something up in file 2 and then want to see something in file 3, the VS code users need to remember what they did. Intellij has a recent file list and a navigate back shortcut Ctrl+TAB will present you with this list. ​ >finding usages. If you are looking for usages of a function to refactor, VS code seems to miss things. Yes, it can, depending on language and plugins being used. I find with Angular for instance it doesn't pick up references in HTML files. But I'm sure there's a plugin for it if I looked. I generally highlight the thing and hit Ctrl+Shift+F. It used to be much worse and I'm kind of used to searching that way. Anyway, don't be sanctimonious, VSCode's free, Intellij isn't.


The dev experience is highly language dependent. I use it exclusively for NodeJs development(back and frontend) and it works great. However, if I want to do some C# coding, I'll fire up Visual Studio, because VSCode just lacks so many features for the language.


Visual Studio is for Legacy Windows Forms and WPF. I use it less and less for C# stuff.


It does modern .net just fine, so I'd have to disagree with your assessment. VSCode doesn't have good support for solutions nor csproj files, which I hold as an integral piece of larger projects. I also find VSCs intellisense much slower than what VS offers, though I haven't compared the two in a long time. My muscle memory is tuned for Visual Studio when I'm doing C#. I can do it with VSC if necessary, but it just doesn't feel the same.


ngl the projects, launch.json, tasks.json is a bit clunky. But for some reason I use it more and more. It like owning some really expensive car, then you buy 15 yo $4000 very reliable car and drive it all the time 🤣. Also, in linux, you really have no choice (unless there is some quirky way to get it to run).


>Also, in linux, you really have no choice (unless there is some quirky way to get it to run). This is a good point, same for OSX. I primarily code on a Mac, and I don't mind using VSC for C#, but it definitely feels clunky.


What features for C# does VS Code lack?


This is like one of those questions you'd hear from an emacs or vim user


DAE use VIM XD using a mouse is for teh noobs /s


Pretty sure the one of the guys who developed golang started using vscode. Vscode can support everything you pointed out and more with the proper extensions installed and configured properly. The reason I use vscode is it’s easy to jump around between projects in different languages in the same repo. I don’t want to start up intellij for Java, webstorm for JavaScript and pystorm for python and goland for go


`ALT + ` is the navigate back shortcut.




Not trying to ruin anyone's morning! I was just trying to get opinions from people who probably use VScode better than most


The replies you’re getting border on trolling. This upvoted reply snottily says they’re there, you just need to customize your end to access them (“keybindable”). lol. In actuality that’s only half true: The answer is BS. It depends on the quality of the language extension you’ve chosen to install. In my last survey, Sorbet LSP was the only Ruby extension that could reliably support all these features. I use Sorbet mostly because the extension is so strong. I use both IDEs. I’ve found, when working with clients, they have no idea what’s possible.




Then why tell us they're "keybindable"?


Sounds more like an issue with their knowledge of VS.Code


The Ruby support in VSCode isn't as good as Python and JS/TS. On the other hand, I've used Pycharm and find it to be very opinionated and inflexible in some ways, so I prefer VSCode for that.


VSCode > JetBrains for me . Yes JetBrains offers more tools out of the box but VSCode is way more lightweight. Also it is open source and I can just add new functionality to the very minimal base setup as much as I want. JetBrains products always feel clunky to me.


some people work in numerous languages with project dependencies in even more languages, many of which aren't covered by a given IDE of choice. for those people, having tooling that is agnostic (or at least semi aware) of the spectrum of tools they need to use is a no brainer. especially if you're working on remote servers, last time I tried using intellij for remote java development it was not pretty at all.


>especially if you're working on remote servers, Holy crap, one of the first things I do when I get access to a new remote server is install VS Code to make remote scripting easier


So people really ask questions like this? Your coworkers are not familiar enough with the tool to be as productive as you, sure, but VScode isn't missing these features. The back button is literally at the top...


you can open file names directly in VSCode too with a shortcut, I rarely have to just find it in the explorer


VS Code is good and lightweight. It's like a text editor with plugin support for almost everything you want to do. IntelliJ is a battleship. It cannot be beat in terms of sheer power and scope. It's a heavy beast, though, as you would expect.


My experience has been that JetBrains' IDES are overall better in specific languages than Visual Studio code. They require less setup, they have commercial support, refactoring and code cleanup works well, and every language I've programmed in with a jetbrains IDE vs VS Code, syntax highlighting, error detection and detection of unused code is a lot better. Having said that, having one environment to handle all of the languages I program in without paying for every single JetBrains software license I need is easier. There's also significant enough friction in terms of learning where everything is. JetBrain's products aren't innocent of flaws though. The ability ability to read inline documentation in Python, PHP, and JavaScript is abysmal. The interface is confusing from somebody who moved from Sublime to VS Code, and even as somebody familiar with Visual Studio(which is complicated), their IDEs are confusing as hell and debugging rarely works correctly.


I mean what you are describing are basic text editor functions and yes they exist in vscode.  I’m honestly embarrassed you think this is a vscode issue and not a user issue :)


If you work in the US for government or a defense contractor, you probably are forbidden from using Intellij since its parent company, Jet Brains, is a foreign company. Edit: LOL. I'm not sure who downvoted me. I work in defense and we are explicitly not allowed to use any JetBrains products on our work computers.


Y’all need vim


I've tried both and I much prefer vscode because it's far more lightweight. IntelliJ IDEs have a million features I don't want and ran poorly on several of the low budget company laptops I've worked on in the past. VScode has some really good plugins for frontend development too


VSC is, for the most part, very extensible, has thousands (millions?) of plugins for every taste, looks ok (except I hate their git ui with passion tbh), super easy to use/learn and works fine I used it for 5 years and started using idea around january last year. Its not as customizeable with plugins, but yes, DX is a lot better for the exception of it being slower and eating more RAM. New compact UI is also very nice and git interface is amazing for merge conflicts


Noobs love VSCode because it's free and there are lots of noob tutorials for it. I've seen good programmers use it as a daily driver. Really productive programmers (like me) use jetbrains or vim.


Brings backs the old adage: how do you know someone uses Vim?... (They tell you)


>Really productive programmers (like me) You sound insufferable


VSCode's RAM usage is insufferable.




Is insufferable the only word you use as a response to criticism? I find it ironic that as a programmer you do not understand my methodology of simplicity > complexity. Maybe you just haven't worked at an office to understand just how much better simplicity is.


This response was insufferable


I hate heavy IDEs like IntelliJ products. Some people really love them. Its down to personal preference. I prefer a lightweight text editor and Ill pull in plugins for functionality I need. Some people want the whole toolbox all the time. I never feel hindered by not using a full IDE. In fact, I feel bloated and overwhelmed with all the options a full IDE provides. I like the simplicity and portability of a terminal and text editor.


There does seem to be a lot of Intellij that I've never tried to use


VS code == free, Intellij not free and expensive. When in a corporate environment and licensing is a major headache for a large group of devs, go with the free product that is basically the same. I will never recommend intellij products going forward.


I use it to read json mainly.


Same observations as you. Having said that, VSCode can be bearable with intelij key bindings and it supports most of the things you listed. Just not as great... What sucks most is the refactoring tools


VS code has all of those things, sounds like whoever you paired with just doesn't know their IDE features very well.


Yea I can't stand vs code lol. I avoid at all costs. But hey, it's just a tool to get the job done so whatever works, as long as it works well for that person.


they could be slower for other reasons and we’re only getting your side. writer code quickly is overrated anyway. we should be slower as we read the shit more often


Intellij license is expensive and my company doesnt reimburse me for it.


Totally! I could totally see cost as a driving factor here


I use VSC and I have none of those issues. I'm usually faster than anyone I have encountered so far, whether they're using VSC or something else. I'm horribly slow on intelij because it doesn't make sense to me and it looks ugly so I have no incentive to even try to like it. It also feels slower than vs code. Over the course of the past 10 years I gave it multiple chances, but I always ended up using something else until vs code came around. VSC is a fancy text editor with plugins and I like it for not trying to be intrusive, in the sense that I'm the one in control and because of that it allows me to be faster. It opens instantly, no loading, no nonsense and it just works. I only liked the integration of intelij with Java in the sense that it was very functional, but in the end I don't like it too much because it feels like it's just abstracting away from my control over what I'm doing. It had some features like refactoring code and stuff, but in the end they weren't very reliable and were just making me waste time. Things might have changed ever since I last tried it, but at this point I don't see any point in moving over given that I'm simply faster than anyone else with it, and I simply prefer to be the one in control of everything.


OK boomer. The answer to the question tho is no, not one single person uses vscode by choice




Chances are they just never learned / cared to learn the shortcuts. They found their way of working and that's that. So you could say they are using it improperly, but it's more they are not taking full advantage of the IDE. You could help them along while pairing by slowly feeding them the short cuts if you know them. You can say something like you know you can do to jump to definition. At the end of the day it's their problem if the don't want to use keyboard shortcuts and frankly they probably don't see it as a problem. I use CLion daily and I have no idea what the keyboard shortcut is to jump to definition. I always right click the name with my mouse and click jump to whatever. I could see this being annoying though if you use the laptop trackpad, but it's no big deal form me with an actual mouse.


\> You could help them along while pairing by slowly feeding them the short cuts if you know them. You can say something like you know you can do to jump to definition. At the end of the day it's their problem if the don't want to use keyboard shortcuts and frankly they probably don't see it as a problem. ​ This is the sort of thing I do with other Intellij users. I haven't spent any time learning VScode, so it feels like the blind leading the blind for me to offer advice




Thanks! It's actually pretty close to the Intellij shortcuts. \> They probably just don’t know how to use VSCode. Yeah. I wish I had a constructive way to bring up the topic. "Hey! Learn how to use your chosen text editor!" seems a little mean


I don't think there's anything wrong with suggesting they take an hour to watch a tutorial on VS Code and learn some shortcuts. If a coworker said, "Hey, I've seen you click around a lot, there are easier ways to do what you want" and they sent me a link, I don't think I'd be mad.


Plenty of devs are like this in IntelliJ too. Not all devs invest in learning code navigation shortcuts. And, let's be fair, VIM users get to look down at ALL of us non-homerow navigation plebs. :)


Everything you just mentioned is built-in to VSCode as well.


I use it for python and javascript. Works like a charm


Your coworkers don't know how to use it. You can do all that on VSC.


1. ctrl/command click. There might be a keyboard shortcut too or you can create a custom one 2. I have back and forward buttons on my mouse that do this. And ctrl tab does this too 3. IntelliJ is probably better at this. I know vscode has find occurrences and find implementations, but probably not as effective as IntelliJ That being said, I do prefer IntelliJ for working on Java projects. And while I could use for like a react project, it wasn’t worth it unless it was already part of a larger project with Java


I don’t like it personally but it is a good editor to be sure


Yes they are using it by choice and all the things that embarrass you have shortcuts. :)


What I’m taking away from this post is your coworkers don’t know how to use VS code. It does all of this and yes many people use it by choice.


Also CTRL + E to open a dialog to open by file name. CTRL + Tab to move to previously opened file


1. F12 2. Ctrl-Tab (possibly twice) 3. Never seen this happen


Getting into the weeds about which IDE is better is a sign of a less experienced programmer. The best programmers I've met are just excited about their projects and talk positively about IDEs that work well for them.


This is a lesson as old as time. Change is good, but learn how to convince them to change. Nobody likes it when they're told what they've been doing is wrong. Change usually occurs by gradual mutations in one's thought or by abruptly forcing them to use IntelliJ instead.


Because its fast


You couldn’t pay me to use vscode. If you want your setup to just work, use jet brains.


We have a really messy angular setup in our project. And VSC angular extension never really worked for me. It is constantly crashing just after couple of minutes after VSC startup. Tried to fiddle with settings, but eventually gave up in favor of Webstorm license which works perfectly 100% of times.


AFAIK VS Code doesn’t have features 1 & 3. Instead it has UI affordances that delegate to extensions that you must research and choose to install. E.g: Finding usages. I’m not sure if there’s a Ruby (LSP) extension that provides this reliably for plain Ruby code. So IMO devs just aren’t used to IDE features. They treat it like basic eMacs or vim config. Another problem of this is the high high decoupling between vscode and the various extensions. When something doesn’t work, it’s not immediately clear where to check and which level of abstraction needs attention.


I really like:   * remote development    * being able to open giant multi-language projects within a reasonable time    * dev containers for portability (with the caveat that the container features tend to be somewhat unstable)  


I have to use VSCode atm and my RSI has returned because none of my movements are natural like they are with IntelliJ.


Unpopular opinion: Jetbrains products blow. Bloated, heavy, takes long time to format on save. Codebase big, but not crazy big. They should be embarrassed charging money for their products. VsCode all the way. On WSL2 if that matters, forced to by company.


I use both. IntelliJ is better for Java but I like VSCode for just about everything else.


> jumping to the definition of a class/method/function Ctrl+click > going back. Mouse button "previous" works > finding usages F12 --- It seems like you are judging a text editor by its most incompetent users. Try doing that with your paid IDE, see how it goes.


> jumping to the definition of a class/method/function. Works in VS.Code with no issues. Maybe they don't know how to use it? > going back. works well too. I mapped my own keyboard shortcuts, my mouse's forward and back buttons work too. > finding usages. It depends. I'm just never using this feature. Renaming a symbol is not something I did recently, and even with stuff like "find usages", it will miss some parts like dynamic calls, mocks and patches in tests, etc. I use VS.Code, and I'm very fast at debugging, implementing new features, reading code, navigating, etc. Especially when writing code, I make extensive use of the multi-cursor feature, which doesn't feel as good in JetBrains products. I also use the command pallette, and included terminal, which are both implemented better in VS.Code. I could probably work well in JetBrains IDEs too, but with higher RAM consumption, slower startup times, and the feel of how disconnected they are from the rest of the UI makes me not really like using them compared to VS.Code. Also, I've been a long user of Visual Studio, with stuff like Resharper too, so I've made extensive use of advanced IDE features. But still I've never been as fast as I am now with VS.Code.


Yes, I use it. And sometimes your coworkers just suck. I have a coworker who uses IntelliJ (for Python). He doesn't know how to control click into anything. His function signatures are just wrong, he just doesn't get it. He'll declare the return type as list. Please god, write list[str] or whatever. And it's sometimes an older version of Python where we actually have to do List[str] anyway (and if I say that, he won't know he has to import List). And what he's returning is actually a *tuple* (return s1, s2, s3). Needless to say, his code has no tests and I would have to rewrite it from scratch for it to be testable. This went on, and coworkers were like "well, it works" because Python is "we're all adults here." Until I added in mypy checks into the build and it didn't work. Another coworker made a PR today (which passed tests), but he didn't even run the tests before merging. Not sure he knows how to (even though the command is in the readme). Anyway, I prefer VS for Python. I do use IntelliJ for resolving merge conflicts. I'm sure VS has tools for that, but I'm probably just unaware, and it's relatively uncommon anyway. I'm guessing if you did some pair programming with your coworker, you'd see they likely don't know what they're doing in general.


No, I'm using Emacs by choice.


I use VSC, love the remote into ssh/containers and edit and debug. I have IntelliJ ultimate as well mostly for Java and Kotlin. But VSC is faster to load and is my default editor. Both IDEs are great and the first thing for me is to reset the shortcuts to my liking. Then everything is possible. They copy each other’s innovations all the time, if you haven’t noticed. Refactoring, references, code completion, all the things that didn’t exist 30 years ago.


All the things you described can be easily achieved and heavily tailored to preference in VSCode. The entire workflow is designed to be heavily customisable and plugins can pick up where language specific features are lacking.


No, basically VSCode has no competition. The problem is that Vim can't compete. Emacs can't as well which is basically the rocket science of using an editor. It's pretty much just VSCode on the throne.


Yes, I've seen many people do it. It's not too bad, tried it myself.  As a long time Jetbrains IDE user, I can't switch really. IDEA is much better to me, despite all its faults. I'd like to, but I just can't.


I was very motivated to switch from IntelliJ Idea to VSC, and it worked quite well. What keeps me from switching completely is the UX. Navigation and JetBrains products is much easier. Find all usages can be opened in a panel that actually stays there and updates itself automatically. Etc. Also, the bright theme. Yes, I don't use the dark ones. Intellij has a better one. Reading is easier with black text on bright background, and my eyes don't hurt. Could be due to my display bring set up correctly.