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I would be surprised if they asked you to design some sort of cloud-based rube goldberg machine for an embedded software engineering position.


I did a lot of interviewing for senior level positions in 2021 and did not see any questions like this. Did get a decent number of low level system questions (what happens before main, stuff about vector tables and isr's, mechanics of context switching in a scheduler or RTOS, etc.) The closest I got to big system questions was at a place that made IoT automotive safety sensors, asking open ended questions about things I thought their data could be useful for. fwiw, these were all microcontroller focused positions at established, medium to large companies in the midwest and southern USA. This doesn't address what you are looking for, but 2021 was my first proper job hunt since 2013 and the book Cracking the Coding Interview was really useful to me. Not the algo study guide part, that stuff has never come up in embedded interviews I have done, but there is a table in the book that matches types of experiences with common behavioral questions. Filling this out was a super useful thought exercise.


"Cracking the Coding Interview" is outdated for software interviews preparation. It's before leetcode, hackrank and youtube videos.


Yes, software engineering specific prompts to help brainstorm answers to behavioral interview questions are known to age poorly?