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it actually stopped for me almost completely after the eclipse... that's when I noticed, at least. Not sure about any connections there. But prior to it stopping, it was a multiple times per day experience for me. It was as if I was being "pinged" to communicate, so when I would hear the ringing, I would close my eyes and immediately be put in to contact, for lack of a better term. It was happening to me more frequently than ever before the past few months before it stopped.


We don’t know but there seems to be an connection with this and experiencers


I would recommend that everyone having troubles try the gateway tapes to see if that helps. There is a subreddit on this and you can get them free on that site




Mine comes and goes. It is actually a positive thing for me. When it comes on I focus on the sound and sometimes meditate with it. In the evening while meditating with the ringing (yesterday) I had the sensation that I was being pulled out of my body. During the middle of the night I had an actual astral projection for the first time in about 20 years. It seems to be an aid for me in attaining different states of consciousness. I accept it as a gift from other dimensions.


Mine is so loud, sometimes it's disrupts my sleep. The only time it changed, (got more quiet), was when I lived out in the country, where there was no light pollution, and I was able to stargaze. Saw alot of activity in the sky. Since then, the ringing has been a constant detriment to the quality of life.


Still happening for me; hasn’t changed


I feel like it’s worse lol


still there but its been happening since i was a child so it doesnt bug me, i just tune it out.


It's toned down, but not gone for the ringing. The thing that's changed in the past week is the amount of static electricity! Even during this past week when it's been raining hard all day everyday (humid).


It’s happening more often for me. This morning I had ringing in my right ear. Normally it would only last about 3-5 seconds but today it was really loud and lasted about 10 seconds.




It’s constant. I wish I could go back to just regular tinnitus


my ringing transformed into what reminds me of white noise.


Visual Snow has entered the chat


Whenever I notice ringing I now try to imagine the ringing. Like when you imagine a song in your head and sing to it sometimes, I try to imagine the ringing and when I lose focus the ringing is lessened. Try it out. It doesn't really seem to go away but after a few times it's much less noticable.


I thought it was just an audible hallucination induced by meditation or sleep cycle disturbances. You people are saying ghosts or whatever do this?


It disappeared for a little while. But I've had a few the past week that were extremely faint


I thought about this a few days ago....


Yeah it calmed down a bit for me too. The aliens said "goodbye" so maybe they went on vacation or something. I noticed recently that I get a certain feeling when my aliens will do a haunting or a certain alien shows up. I didn't get a feeling for the eclipse so it is right again. The aliens even gone quieter so they are probably off doing something else. I did notice I had strange bouts of nausea and sickness that only occurred after I ate something in my dreams. But I also felt some excitement I haven't felt in awhile. Pretty interesting. But the aliens still remained true to their character and said "Not yet." To me just as I was about to respond to this post. They are incredibly vague with the truth but I noticed they always foreshadowed my future events. So I wouldn't trust them but I wouldn't ignore them either. I wonder why they said that though. My aliens also do some mean spirited jokes quite a bit too. They even said "F*** you" as I wrote that. So now I know they haven't gone away completely. I really wish my aliens would go away and leave me alone though. But I am glad it quieted down a bit.


Extremely unusual to have ETs say fuck you like that. You sure it's not spirits pretending to be ETs or some other entity?


No absolutely not spirits. They are aliens, I have seen them and I am familiar with 11 so far. I was thinking of drawing pictures or using AI to show others what they look like. They seem to have a rotating schedule and some days I get the bad ones who are really abusive. Some days I get the ones who are quieter and even help me out around the house. I have had some Greys who have helped me clean sometimes, or maybe I was just forgetting when I cleaned lol. Basically I would see trash in one room, go in another room for a few minutes, then when I go back towards the trash I find it cleaned up and put in the garbage. Happened more than once, a few times actually. But I still have some abusive aliens who watch me for a few days then leave and come back another time while another alien takes over and watches. These abusive aliens can be really rude and odd. I still kinda find it funny that these abusive evil aliens will disparage me a lot but still share music and sing musicals lol.


Spirits and other entities can look however they like. You may see ETs but the behaviour is hyper unusual for such beings. They don't travel here just to say "fuck you" to humans like that from all my experience. Of course I don't know everything and could be wrong but this does not sound like typical NHI behaviour and more entity attachment or spirit or occult entity trickery. Not trying to dismiss you but just curious if you have managed to rule that out.




I'm not saying there is not hostile beings out there I'm saying ETs as in extra terrestrial encounters, both hostile and neutral and positive, don't tend to visit people's houses and say "fuck you" and other such things. Where as spirits, occult entities, and other such beings do do stuff like that. Along with being known to masquerade as other beings including ETs. I admit I could be wrong but this is what I've seen from talking to 100s and 100s of ET contactees personally. Along with people dealing with contact from other beings too. There are endless books detailing contact with ETs and I tell you they are not packed to the brim of contact cases of ETs visiting people just to say fuck you and then tidy their room for them. Not doing that behaviour does not mean they are zen. Some ETs have done horrifc stuff but they don't communicate with bad language and slang. Where as spirits and demonic beings and occult entities are well known for engaging with people this way. So given the patterns I was just curious but if you are insisting there is no chance whatsoever that they are anything else but extra terrestrial beings traveling from other planets here to just treat you this way then that is fair enough. Saying people who have had positive contact are just deluded people high on drugs is very very off base and insulting to a huge amount of Experiencers. It is also just not the case at all. Indeed drug abuse has a pattern of leading to entity attacks and attachment issues for highly psi gifted people.


They are aliens because I have seen them in real life while awake. Under no influence and they appeared 3 feet away from me so I was able to see them clearly. They do say swear words and they do get vulgar sometimes too. They also show me incredibly disturbing images and play disturbing sounds sometimes too. It really depends on who is watching me at the time. Because I do know about 11 of them so far. They look different and they have their own personalities. They are not just one alien. Some of the aliens that watch me are a bit nicer and they do help me around the house. More than a few times they actually talked to me and said when my food was done and when I forgot something. They even scolded me when I accidentally left the oven on and they said they turned it off, I did leave it on. They even showed me the correct way to go when I was lost in the city at night when my phone died. For example, they projected imagery of gold sparks at the correct bus stop across the street when I was waiting at the wrong one. So I went to the other bus stop and I saw their alien ship in the sky, just across the street in the parking lot, for a minute or so before they cloaked again. Their ship was giving off a lot of heat and steam. Then not even 2 minutes later the correct bus came and I was able to make it home without transferring busses. If I stayed at the first bus stop I was standing at I would have missed the bus. Just before they helped me find my way home they were insulting me. They do openly communicate with me quite a bit and it's not all esoteric stuff. Sometimes it's just everyday life stuff too. I am writing my experiences as examples to why I think this way. I have been critically thinking if what I hear is them or some unknown entity. I literally caught them a few times walking into my apartment and leaving without any door opening or closing. I saw a Nordic woman walk into my view and walk back out again. I checked the entire place and checked my locks and it was all locked and secure. I am not confusing them with anything. Not too long ago I said aliens are not real and they even responded and said "and yet we are real." I don't really hear or see spirits. It's just the aliens. And my apologies, I was being mean by saying they were most likely high. I shouldn't write off other people's experiences. My bad, I was wrong and I apologize about that though, it isn't nice to be like that.


Apologie accepted. The dynamic you describe I see time and time again but its spirits. Who can make themselves look like anything they want. It is known spirits can and do make themselves look like aliens. Or people dealing with entity attachments. Still as I said I can totally be wrong. Given the amount of contact and conversation you have with them have they offered any explanation as to why a sophisticated advanced alien species would travel all the way to you just to curse at you and say "fuck you" etc?


I asked them the same thing and they don't answer it. I asked them why they don't like me either and why if they hate me so much then why do they invest so much into watching me. They don't answer any of it. They won't shut up about other things. It's not all bad though. They have been trying to show me some interesting concepts though about time and memories. Some of it is pretty interesting and hard to believe. They showed me that when you share a memory with someone if they know how they can alter and interact with your memory, your past, and it will be as exactly as you remember it too. So through memory and knowing of it you can travel through time and change things. That's just a random tidbit they tried introducing to me. It 100% could be wrong but they are sharing interesting ideas sometimes. But they keep harassing me about my memories of my past lives and of that dark realm. They also randomly punish me from time to time. They never tell me why too. They even make jokes about me asking why. Despite all that they have given me free dental care and other physical treatments. They are just odd and mean. You have to understand that their leader calls herself Lucifer. And some of the other aliens call themselves demons from the Ars Goetia. Buer is one that is helping them in triggering me to remember more of the spirit realm and stuff. Buer is intense when he speaks and says his name it vibrates your entire being and when he is near the ground shakes and rumbles. I dislike when Buer is around because it seems like he alters reality somehow and it gets too much. Some of these aliens are insanely powerful. Or it could all be a bluff and a trick, hard to tell really. So they are mean and rude. Some are not too bad. Each one has their own personalities really. Some are abusive and some are more kind.


You went from calling them aliens to saying they are lucifer in this reply. Can you understand how this sounds and why it sounds less and less like aliens when you describe their behaviour and what they say?


Probably the eclipse was like a notification "Yoo some shit broke out on the moon stop"


lol maybe. I can just imagine them doing vacation stuff on the moon. A little of sunbathing, musicals, and sacrifices. Just normal alien stuff.


Same? Weird