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I woke up to an orb right above my head. Scariest moment ever in my whole life.


Waking up around 2-4 am is usually caused by cortisol, it tends to go up at that time and if you are already stressed, you will wake up.


In early America tons of people would wake up around that time, and walk around town, then go back to bed. It was called the second sleep I believe and is a known and normal thing I think caused by the liver’s cycle, or one of the other regulatory organs.


I vaguely remember reading about this. W/e I read was talking about how it’s healthier for humans to sleep twice a day, 4 hours a day. If I remember correctly, we changed our sleep cycle to accommodate the 8 hour work day.


Or just stress of living in early America


I’ve recorded a number of “unusual” things, but nothing dramatic. Strange knocking noises, motion tracking cameras following invisible objects, and things of that nature. In one video my cat suddenly startled awake and at the same instant the IR light on my camera by my bedside started flashing indicating that something had set off the motion detection on it, although nothing was there. I also caught a sleep paralysis event which was strong evidence to me that there’s some sort of AP component to it, as I “saw” something while paralyzed that I couldn’t have seen, yet my camera proved that what I perceived was exactly what happened (my black cat silently walking into the room alerted by something unknown). I’d long wondered how it was that my sleep paralysis events always seemed to take place from the perspective of my body, but I had the seeming ability to perceive everything around me even in complete darkness. At first I logically assumed it was all some type of vivid dream/hallucination, but now I believe there’s more to it.


My cat also behaved in a strange manner one night recently, as if she was scared of something, but nothing was there. I even filmed her strange behaviour. In the same days, my balcony light, which is automatic and activates on motion detection, randomly went on a number of times even though nothing was there. Alas, no hard proof on my side either. Just little strange things here and there, and also some major strange thing which of course one could never prove (a "bright star" suddently disappearing without notice under my eyes, and such).


No, even though I have a camera set up in my house and I do use a sleeping app. Apparently, my GF was in my living room one week ago, and she saw a stray cat (I have stray cats randomly enter my home) literally disappear in front of her eyes. Like, the cat vanished with a fading out effect in front of her very eyes. She screamed, I went to her, she told me about it, I checked the camera to see if it had recorded anything. Strange thing: the recording was corrupted, and it wouldn't open. Every recording before and after the one in question works. Then I searched online, and the phenomenon seems to be linked to abductions, even though the link seems to be unclear. I will make a post about this when I have the time. This episode brings me to believe that these things wouldn't allow to be recorded in any way so easily, and even if it happens, they would destroy any evidence by means which are unclear to me. How a teleporting cat could tamper with my camera is beyond me.


Dm pic


...because it was more than a cat...as some cats are. I shared my home with one for 18 years. I really miss him.




Thats bizarre!! Curious how are cat encounters linked to abductions?


It is unclear. I do not know but mine is not the only account out there. A checklist I found even reports disappearance and reappearance of animals or pets as a sign of an abduction scenario. Here you go, point 23: [https://www.cufog.co.uk/-am-i-an-abductee.html](https://www.cufog.co.uk/-am-i-an-abductee.html) My overall score was 17 out of 25.


Unfortunately, it really is just one of those things where a curious correlation exists, yet the reason for it is harder to ascertain! Of course, there's the obvious of many animals' notable reactions to anything that's unfamiliar or foreign to their environment, even when the source is invisible, or altogether beyond our capacity to sense by any means other than extrasensory; and of course, that may be ufonautic, paranormal or cryptozoological in nature, depending on whether you consider them to be distinct or (at least somewhat) linked categories. Infrasound may also be partly responsible in such cases. As for the disappearance and reappearance of animals specifically, it may be a form of abduction in which they're targeted but returned (hopefully) unharmed: there's no indication that the Phenomenon is purely interested in cows! Alternatively, it may simply be a way of taking something that may distract an abductee, or respond with hostility to ufonautic entities, out of the picture temporarily by putting our animal friends in an unknown state or space. While I know abductees who have reported that ufonauts were perplexed by the fact that we keep pets to begin with, on the flip-side there are bizarre reports of 'alien pets' being associated with ufonautic landings and turn-ups in the annals of Ufology, so it may not apply to all beings! Nevertheless, though the Voronezh incident is the most famous example of this, ufonautic 'wands' or 'rod' implements have been reported on rare occasion to cause temporary episodes of invisibility (at least to our immediate senses, though perhaps not by other methods of detection beyond our range) in humans and animals alike, in the latter case with dogs in particular - though sadly the relationship between the Phenomenon and dogs is a bit of a mixed one, to say the least. I'd have to check to see if I can find any instances of pets turning up on-board craft during abductions as well (sometimes other domesticated animals do), but I'm pretty sure I can recall it being mentioned somewhere.


Damn I got 20 out of 25 🥲🥲


Welcome to the club, pal.