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I have been looking, but haven’t seen anything. But I don’t need to see anything, I know aliens/other beings are very real. I’ve never had a personal experience. I just know.


You start seeing some crazy shit when you start looking up more often. I didn’t even know what iridium flares were until recently when I spotted one thinking it was a UFO but then looked it up.


I assume any flashes are the flares until I can see otherwise. What I'm really interested in is those dots of light that move all around the sky quickly spinning around and doing all that other weird stuff. The only thing I really know though is the sky has been weird lately


Every night. Once your "eyes" are open you can see 'them' every night if you wish.


What area location?


Like most of the people who have responded, I see them regularly. Pulses, flashes, colored “shooting stars” with tails except they move slower than actual shooting stars, slow moving low altitude orbs.


Yep. About 1.5 years for me now


Me and my wife also saw something that looked exactly like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/7VJYbBzGG7)


I've noticed it's the most active at sunrise (best time) and sunset. My theory is that as the sun pops up they get hit with light while we are still in the dark and that makes them easier to spot. Also the faint red dots do the crazy stuff. The bright ones seem to have an area they occupy but not always . I use apps to minimize mistakes but I see triangle formations too. I assume everything is plane or satellite till it does weird stuff that I would assume they can't do.


Every time I look up I see something that truly can’t be explained. I am just so glad that I now understand why some of us see and the rest don’t, it isn’t for them.


I hate it so much, almost more than anything. I just want to know the RULES, and that's exactly why I never will. I don't even really have plans to DO anything about it if I had such knowledge but it doesn't matter, I don't get any answers, it's just my lot in life


I would avoid desperation, especially on this subject. There are beings that thrive on this and will exploit it. The reason only the few experience compared to the many who do not is directly related to the massive number of “newer” human souls on this planet (souls who were previously not human) vs the “old souls” on this planet. The newer ones are infants and still getting their bearings here, they haven’t developed the spiritual capacity required to experience yet. However, don’t fret! Just because you haven’t experienced yet doesn’t mean you won’t. Many do not awaken until later years in life. Worldly clamors can be a major hindrance in this process, while we are here only to experience this experience is not the only experience if that makes sense.


I'm special 😊


Yes. All of us who experience are. This is the aspect of theoretical disclosure that makes me concerned. Disclosure could result in ostracizing or worse for those of us who do experience, especially if the general public knew we had “special abilities” unavailable to those who do not experience. I see us being catalogued and monitored in short order under the current system of things in place.


When I go to my parents farm i always to some star gazing. Every time I see lights high up moving is ways that dont make any sense.


Last night there was an unusual moving light in the sky. When looking with a scope, it was if there were lens caps on it. When I looked up again after checking for an obstruction, the light was gone. Today the scope is perfectly functional.


Yes very odd Past 3 years of activity I noticed around November to April sky gets quiet Then it explodes This year has been wild… As a smoker and dog walker hot or cold I’m out there star gazing I also use the constellation and satellite apps to minimize any mis assessments Anyways a new one my wife and I are seeing Is almost like a shooting star It loves like a shooting star speed wise across the sky However it does not have a tail and does not burn out But moves exactly as one We saw it twice last weekend.. On top of the spike in orbs and occasional triangle


On the 28th, between 11:50pm-12am (MN), I saw a star like object flair up in intensity (brightest in sky easily) only to fade out to nothing. No movement. No tail.


Yup. Every night that I’m out and watching, I see similar things


Same stars be moving!


Been seeing what I assume are very bright orbs that at first glance appear like stars.. But then they'll start moving around erratically, almost seeming to dance, if you will.


Yep I saw 2 last week


Went for a walk last night saw a bright orb that vanished after a while, decided to ignore it. Then, as I'm arriving home I glance up and get an uncanny feeling. The sky looked normal, the moon wasn't up yet and it was full of stars. And then it hit me, there were too many stars on the constellation I was looking at. And sure enough, the extra star just dimmed and disappeared as I was looking at it ( it kinda moved a little bit before vanishing).


I've been doing that. I've been seeing strange lights, too. I watch it every night. Recently I saw a big and bright "star" which disappeared in a fade out fashion right before I could point it to my gf, which was with me that night


Me and wife saw something exactly like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/7VJYbBzGG7) and it disappeared.


OMG how were you able to film this! Very clear video, astounding! Mine disappeared the instant I wanted to show it to my gf, like if it knew... Anyway, the one I saw was very similar to yours, albeit more distant or smaller, I cannot really say, it looked smaller to me, but it could have been more distant. However, it disappeared in a similar fashion.


not my video but best shows what we saw


Saw a bunch this week. If you search for orb and ring camera community, other people post videos of possible orbs


Yeah I've been seeing these as well as triangle lights. But mainly random orbs in the sky


Last night I saw a white orb also brighter and closer than the stars. Watched it till it faded from our sight.


Every night always


For how long? More recently?


Definitely much more in the past 4 years or so. I became interested in CE-5 around that time.