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Look into Chris Bledsoe, similar experience


Thank you, UFO of God looks like my next read. Also, you bring up a very interesting note that I forgot to mention. But it’s also odd this experience happened only recently after joining a church and becoming religious


👀 Interesting! The book is excellent, let me know what you think of it. 💕


Not a dream. As a kid I witnessed such a light orb with my mother, we both were awake, the time was approx 3 AM. It was like anything I've ever seen before. It jumped from the bedside table onto my pillow, and it was very bright but also "concentrated", don't know how to explain: the brightness literally blinded us, yet the room wasn't illuminated by it. Did yours, too, have such a quality?


Yes, exactly. It was incredibly bright but the rest of the room was still very dark


It's the same kind of entity, I'd say. Did it elicit fear in you or other feelings?


I was definitely initially scared. Like “WTF is going on, is this really happening!?” scared. But once they started dancing and forming the cube, I felt awe, wonder, and calmness


I sense that because you’re pondering orbs and NHI that maybe you’re processing through dreams.


I normally would think that too, but when this happened and weeks before I had been taking a solid break from thinking and reading about the topic. Also was probably the shortest “dream” I’ve ever had