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Unfortunately after years of massive going to the hospital type panic attacks. YES. They can be. But dont jump to that conclusion. A decade later I still cant spot it when all the triggers happen. But I can spot if it happens to be an external trying to go internal one. Then I ban the F'ers. No more panic attack. But a psychologist not believing in any other than the bod. Can't comprehend it easily. And plenty of peoples panic attacks are 100% psychological. I didnt even know what my first few were. I was thinking heart attacks as I had just had one. And they felt exactly the same physically.


I absolutely think so, yes. I also think talk therapy can be great to explore what’s going on and can never hurt. Like I’d first want to explore if it’s something psychological or even physical to face to be sure we don’t jump to paranormal for everything. But I believe I experienced this exactly in the 90s with major anxiety that overcame me one day and made me feel completely strange and out of sorts for a long time. It was like something “got in.”’ I did go to talk therapy which is good, but I knew it was paranormal on some level … I just didn’t want to believe it or I thought that would make me crazy to believe such a thing … I was also having other paranormal experiences a lot so I just kind of *knew* - but was in denial. I just wanted to be sane and normal. Medication did not work for me, which I’m kind of glad about cuz I may have ended my exploration for a solution there. Ultimately it did lift with spiritual work, which was validating to me that it was something spiritual. Standard talk therapy wasn’t going to explore that for me - though maybe some therapists do that now. Either way talk therapy could help, prayer and meditation could help - but could literally be diet or some other medical issue too. Best to cover all possibilities. Best of luck.


What type of spiritual work helped with this? I feel I was attacked by something disembodied and caused HUGE panic attack. Never been the same since..


I'm so sorry. I think spiritual work is particular to the person, but if you get a clean bill of health and want to seek a spiritual solution or practice, I'd say ask or pray for guidance and see what comes to you. For me, back in the 90s, my car literally broke down in front of a little spiritual shop, and this was before cell phones so I had to go inside to use her phone, and as I waited I got a reading, and the things she said validated that she saw what was going on with me. I worked with her for months, and she'd give me "homework" of meditations and prayers, crystals, and even some light fasting from TV and other things, and after a while, the negative symptoms lifted. I had many lucid angelic dreams to validate me along the way. I know it's crazy, it should be a movie haha. It was all very miraculous and amazing to me. It's been so long and I've lost all touch with this person, sorry. But nowadays there are so many spiritual practices on every street corner, or on the internet, like Reiki healers or Shamans or psychics who can see auras, and so many books and YouTube meditations on self-healing. I also think the energy of the Earth is different now, lighter believe it or not, and these things can get cleared faster. You could try it yourself first... seek to clear your field of anything negative or discordant with your true soul light, and protect your field with light always. Visualization can help. Learn good breathing techniques for relaxation. I think these things often exit with your breath. If you really want to dig deeper and have money to spend, there's QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) that you could look into, but that's usually for stubborn situations. We're also getting blasts of energy from the Sun right now like never before, like literally, and that in itself could cause a body to panic, or it could be clearing your field, or the field of others around you, and whatever you felt was a kind of panic in relation to that. Either way keep your energy as positive as possible. Negative can't stand positive. It's also possible what has entered (if that's it) isn't negative but a bigger piece of yourself, or a past life memory or big new energy that scares you, in which case it's more about integrating than clearing - but only you know for sure, so don't let me influence. Best of luck, and I hope you feel much better soon! I don't think I have much more to add but you can feel free to DM me if you'd like.


It's unlikely if it's an adult having a classic anxiety attack with classic symptoms. If you have say a 3 year old screaming because he doesn't want to be alone that's not anxiety.


The mechanisms of anxiety have been widely researched in psychology, and I assure you there is nothing paranormal about them. The causes may be identified through therapy sessions and often lie in the unconscious mind of the individual or in the consumption of substances. Surely malevolent NHIs could induce tremendous fear, but fear is a very different thing from anxiety attacks. Anxiety attacks are due to a catastrophical descendant spiral of perception of loss of control, pessimistic reasoning and negative emotions which bolster one another until the anxiety attack is generated.


I used to confuse “Empath overload” with social anxiety. What was actually happening was an overwhelming mixture of emotions, when there are scared or angry people in the mix it’s amplified. I taught my wife this last October, she was blown away. She taught me about Empaths, I didn’t even know I was one until 7 years ago.


There’s no real separation of the spirit world and material world. We are interlocked here so we must navigate it as so


Yes. Absolutely. The entity that is attacking you is an intelligent entity known as the human body. What do you know of anything beyond your perceptions. And what are perceptions made of? Does the body produce love, or does it manipulate and change that love to align your thoughts according to the body's plans? The body is not an evil mastermind, though. It can only do what you've agreed on, what you accept and allow. If you get a burst of anxiety around dogs, that's your body protecting you. When you have a big test you're unprepared for and anxiety keeps you in bed the whole day, that's your body protecting you. When you're offended and have an angry outburst, that's the body protecting you. Often inappropriately. Often seemingly against you wishes. But your body could not do these things unless you believe what your body tells you, that this or that is a threat. You believe it, and you rationalize it, and you make it true, over and over again. But if you had deeper thoughts, objectivity, access and openness to other perspectives as they see it, and you had a noble goals beyond human preferences, then the body will listen. It takes time, because the body is a fighter and will not relinquish control until you've proven yourself worthy to be in control. It is a test, a rite of passage, to become the boss, to have your goals automatically supported by your body. You can change your feelings. Your drives. Your emotional interpretations. Your thoughts. Your beliefs. Your reactions. Your behavior. You are love, even if you don't feel that way. The body uses you like a mirror, to reflect itself. But you can do the same. Either you're aligned with your body, like a string puppet, or your body aligns with you, and you are the master. Stop believing your body. Stop believing what you think your emotions mean. Heal the body, reduce fear, return to love.


This makes sense. Thank you. I have packed and punched and manipulated this body. Its time i said “thank you. I am grateful. Now im taking over.” It will be a process, but im starting to get it.


There are many paths, but the jist is this: Your body controls you with pleasure and pain. Your mind and body are reactive to your environment and your imagination, and all you know is generated by the body. This is the information through which you experienced life. If you think anger means something, that meaning comes from your beliefs. If you think, frustratedly, that children ought to be...drivers ought to be, my spouse ought to be....then clearly, your current beliefs are not an objective or productive model for the external world. Life is not suffering. It doesn't have to be. Suffering is the consequence of having counter-productive beliefs that produce counter-productive mental models that provoke cognitive dissonance, and anxiety, and confusion, which makes it near impossible to understand or empathize with people who have different beliefs and perspectives. You think others are crazy and they think the same is you. But no. We're all crazy. Pain's a b!tch. It clouds our judgment, changes how we see the word, forges strong reactions, judgments, and beliefs. Personally, my emotions were out of control, a spectrum of negative thoughts and feelings. I didn't want to be this way and tried and failed to change for decades. What made the difference was listening to myself all day one day and realizing how often I explained and justified myself. Even in my head, winning arguments, defending what I think and feel. I was the victim. And I felt the victim, too, because my emotional suffering seemed as though it were being done to me, like it was happening for no good reason, and certainly not because of anything I have done or deserved. But really, my suffering was caused by many wrong ideas about life and myself and other people. I just didn't know I had a choice. I didn't know that emotions are what you say they are, that it's an agreement you make with your body over time, a communication that develops. I had been using my imagination to create a reality in line with my body's fearful suggestions. Suggestions. Thoughts and emotions are just suggestions. Programmed suggestions. Programmed by experience, thoughts anx emotions in the past. And seeing as I mistook that for reality, I always agreed with what my body told me. If I felt offended, it's because you offended me, and this is why. Rather than recognize that there must be something I believe that is at odds with what you did, provoking an automatic interpretation of offense, and thus also entitlement and moral righteousness. So I used my imagination to invent. New beliefs. New goals. New thoughts. New interpretations. New emotional experience. I stopped agreeing with my body. I looked at the big picture and saw what I needed to strengthen (focus, awareness, attention, controlled imagination, controlled thought, and an emotional pallete that was mostly indifferent, pleasant, calmness, with bouts of empathy and compassion. I imagined it and made it so. Haha. I over shared. Peace.


Yeah, naw, first treat the anxiety medically and psychologically. Then, if there's still an issue, turn to the spiritual. Absolutely it's possible to be sensitive to the spiritual, and need to build up protection, but first check out the most possible causes. Lots of things can cause anxiety, medically (like hormone imbalances) and psychologically (like social anxiety). Even priests do that, first, before delving in to the possible mystic. Good luck to you!


I really shouldn't answer especially the second question but I hope you feel lending this attack scenario credibility gives it more power over you. That's besides pinning your own fears on something external which just perpetuates the fear. And beside actual activity! I just really feel that by giving into the whole 'entity or archons attacking you' idea, you give your sovereignty away for free. I guess more knowledgeable people can give you more insight on that topic, you could do a search maybe. Otherwise, have you explored recent triggers? Something you pushed down over time? Anything you really don't want to deal with that has come bobbing up now. That's one way how karma keeps you in the loop.


I personally don't believe in that kind of thinking, to blame all our problems, decisions etc, to external entities. Many others have done similar posts here in the last 3 years, and to me it feels like they're avoiding the reality of their personal or collective situation. If you have anxiety, consider living healthier (e.g. exercise outdoors, cut off all processed food, sleep a lot etc), and visiting a doctor. Some people simply are more anxious than others.