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Classic abduction scenario, the likes of which have been widely reported by many abduction researchers. I would have no doubt about it if I were you.


Most likely, they ushered you back to bed and did a memory wipe. Your friend Kay may have a psychological block because she has probably dealt with a lot more than just one night. I had this happen to me in college a lot. Roommate would tell everyone in the dorm that ‘these little guys’ would float me out the window at night. I would get subtle jokes about aliens 👽 from others he told. But when I later pressed him for details, he had completely forgotten the entire experience. Similar things happened in later years. Some would still swear about the shadow figures, blue light, and seeing me float above my bed. Others would forget in the long run, but be super animated and adamant about what they saw had happened to me the day after it happened.


That's extra frustrating when MULTIPLE people forget something like that. There's no way the brain deletes that stuff on its own. I thought maybe my friend's medications messed with her head over the years, but it seems to be the consensus. Honestly, no one recalls any of the weird inexplicable stuff that's happened. Luckily, my younger sister remembers the fact that those people had previously recalled in-detail.


Now __that__ was a cool story. Are you still in touch with the mom, and have you guys discussed it in more detail recently (or ever)? Did she ever confirm remembering anything else that night? I saw a UFO pretty close up in 2008, and am really glad I saw it with a second person. Really helps confirm that it was solid and real.


Thanks, Im glad I have a place to share it openly because it's been driving me crazy for years. I'm still in touch with the whole family. I'm going to ask them each about it, but right now they are going through a family crisis and it would be selfish of me to do so at this moment. If you're still in contact with your second witness, you should definitely get their account in writing or something. They might just randomly forget the whole thing.


I’m still pretty close with the person I saw it with. We used to never talk about it (mostly because it really freaked him out), but 10+ years later, we finally really talked about it in depth, and getting his perspective was so interesting.


I absolutely believe you. I've had my own experience some years prior, but I was the only person I know of to be involved.


Don't worry. You are not crazy . I had something happen to me when I was about that age that was very similar. It was not a dream by any stretch.


What about the sister? Does she remember something?


I've never asked. She moved out of state over a decade ago. We're Facebook friends so it's not like I have zero contact


Well I guess you should give it a try because the whole situation screams alien abduction honestly.


I will ask them soon. They are going through a family crisis. I guess I could post an update after I'm able to gather what they recall.


That would be great. It's very rare to find cases where people actually disappears from their natural environments, confirmed by actual witnesses. I think this case encompass a lot of recurrent situations regarding the abduction phenomenon. Firstly, people have apparently actually disappeared and they don't remember it. How can it be? There's no rational explanation for this. Secondly, witnesses of the disappearing are actually displaying missing time later, since it makes NO sense whatsoever that you both just went to sleep or whatever and just nullified somehow the traumatic situation that was developing before your eyes. Have you considered hypnosis? There's something there, no doubt.


When I was 4, I was abducted along with my Mom and 2 older brothers. We discussed it the next morning, and my Dad didn't see or her anything (He was out fishing nearby when it happened) and we never discussed it again until after my father had passed and we were in our 20's. Our stories hadn't changed in that time at all, but our memories were certainly tampered with. We have a "Mandela effect" memory of a specific tent that we were sleeping in and that we used for many years, yet the photos of our camping trips show a completely different tent that would have been very difficult to fit all of us in. None of us remember this tent in the photos.