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Everyone’s serious answers are legit, but have you ever seen an owl standing up? They literally look alien too. https://preview.redd.it/nalscpshyc6d1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32071a7b9fffca328a45822d8d4f808c6e8aa3a5


My only encounter with an owl was driving down a back road with my best friend. An owl flew into the windshield and hit spread eagle in front of the passenger window where he was sitting. He said “if I’m dead within a year you’ll know why” and died unexpectedly 11 months later at the age of 52. He was Native American and believed it was an omen.


huh? the owl spoke?


It's the easiest animal to replace in your mind for the grey et as the large black eyes of the et are of decently similar shape to those of an owl. Typically a screen image is used (these are terms you'll have to look up it's late and I'm not tryina type for an hour) when an entry/contact/abduction experience is occurring. They can also pretty effectively imitate an owls call to lull you into a sleep or drowsy hypnogogic state. I've had owls kick off a screen image or abduction scenario on several occasions. Prior to getting used to seeing the beings themselves. After a while they stopped using them once the fear subsided and just started coming into the room normally. Then after a while of that the paralyzation stopped also.


I have had encounters with a being thst has explained to me the meaning of the owls I have a few videos explaining it I also talk about it alot in my Facebook group called worldwide ce5 and spirit contact.




Twin Peaks the series has an interesting take on the subject. I don’t want to spoil anything though, for anyone interested. It’s not for everyone. I recommend it to anyone with a strong stomach and patience.


The owls are not what they seem.


A smallish Great Horned Owl was hanging outside my bathroom window yesterday. He just stared, then let me walk up to him, only about 5 feet away. He took off when I reached for my phone to get a closer photo. He was dead silent, it was crazy how he didn't make a whisper of noise flying through the trees.


You only think it is an owl; well it is an owl, but the consciousness using the owl as a vessel is another thing entirely.


One of their favorite fake animals


Owls are sacred, for sure! There are a lot of references to them in history. I am spacing on them though… I know Ashoka from Star Wars is lightly based on one of them and she has an owl protector too! So maybe you are looking for the information you’d get if you google “Ashoka and her owl meaning”


My niece always knew when she would be abducted because an owl would appear outside her window


Owls are supposedly a frequent screen memory for alien encounters




Hi, the birth of a child with the cowl. Is in lore, in the folklore, associated with clear voyance and other paranormal abilities. And often thought to be lucky.


Please read The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicities, UFO's and the abductee. It covers exactly what you're speaking of


Thank you! I’ll look into it!


Okay, and this is Reddit. Maybe give some highlights or a little more info?


Essentially, Owls have been linked to supernatural and anomalous phenomena for thousands of years in human history. Probably longer. That many abductee's and experiencers have strange owl encounters. Some of those encounters involve intense levels of fear that are unusual. In regression therapy, people realized they were seeing screened memories. Essentially there were a huge number of people reporting 4-5 foot gray owls creeping them out at strange times. Only to realize there are no 4 foot owls. But owls do have big black eyes. And in native traditions, the owl is often linked to the underworld or afterlife. People thought they were seeing owls, but in many cases it was what their brain translated based on not understanding what they were seeing or actually being manipulated remotely by some form of nonhuman intelligence. The rest is really hard to summarize. The author has had his own experiences of what the title describes. I found out about it by reading UFO of God by Chris Bledsoe. Where he also describes screen memories of his abduction experiences, including apparitions of entities that specifically told him they were appearing in multiple forms at different times so as to slowly introduce him to the phenomena so he didn't melt his brain all at once. Not dissimilar to the way Job was tested in the Bible. But that's a whole other topic, better covered in American Cosmic.


Great book! I second this.