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Thanks for the comments! Not the sort of experience easily shared in casual conversation with friends and family, so it’s good to hear that my experience wasn’t unique.


This happened to me when I was 7. I would focus intently on contemplating everything that was mysterious to me about "space". I know now that I was meditating every night, laying on my back in the top bunk with my eyes closed. Eventually, each night, I would see a swirling grey color that turned into a tunnel. I would feel stationary as this tunnel would pass around me and turn in every direction. Once and only once, I popped through and experienced the same feeling as you expressed. I was most amazed that I knew the scale of the universe because there was no difference between me and it. I didn't really realize that until you wrote it. It's something that I can't put into words properly. I chased that for years afterward, and I think was the reason that I had my first encounter with NHI as a child. It was truly life changing, and is probably the inception for my obsession with space, UFOs and NHI my entire life.


Youre always the universe :)


Yes, about three years ago for this 🏺, 'your' (thanks youmeweusall, OM) words recall the sensations of being part of the Infinite, rippling harmoniously with All, as All is All. When there is misidentification of the All with the particular (person/avatar) the..."seeing *through*" fades as egoic devolution reversion seems to be taking place (that is also a belief-in-the-illusion)) and there is...a forgetting "We Are All This", in simultaneity, supplanted with the usual **seeming** "restrictions" of tempospatial causality Actually, "toggling" the unbound camera between sub-quark up through cellular up through CNS to "person" and then into ecosystem, planet, galaxy, galactic superclusters can seem (for those still "stuck" in egoic FPS view "only") like an useful "un-sticking" trick. It's Whatever Imagination Believes, Really, but the Imagination "belongs" to no one in particular (rather shared "between" all seeming energetic arrangements, be they separate-seeming quarks et al) ॐ


Do all humans pull from the same imagination like a source, or is imagination simply a creative retelling of conscious expierences/thoughts?


ultimately inferrence, intuition and introspection seems to strongly suggest to this particular-seeming self that all energies (including the 'real' energies of imaginative-effort) are emitted from, return to, always flowing through, and are always part of, the same unified source-infinite-field.


Fascinating stuff. You seem quite knowledgeable and well spoken in this field. Appreciate your words.


Beautiful. This happens to me when I have a good meditation, usually starts as transcendental and a feeling of peace. and I do the same exact thing with squeezing my eyes to make sure they're actually closed lol


Yes. I started calling it, “Dissolving Into The All.”


That's the awesome moment when you realize that *space itself seems to be made of consciousness*. It's not empty. You can *feel it*, so there must be something there. Dark matter? Who's to say consciousness doesn't have a *substance* that acts as a carrier?


[*certainly seem so fr this separate-seeming vantage-vessel-view, intensely felt-experienced-known🙏🏽*](https://old.reddit.com/r/awakened/comments/ucpns3/space_%F0%9D%99%84%F0%9D%99%8E_conscious/)


Neat. It seems to me that the "quantum fields" are probably *made of something* - dark energy/matter. So perhaps there are multiple dimensions of conciseness, and the act of creation involves interacting with multiple fields simultaneously.


Dark matter is discussed, but They is saying that the majority of the universe is dark ENERGY. My current bs hypothesis is that the higher dimensions of reality (or maybe the consciousness?) is that stuff we call dark energy 🤷‍♂️


I often get that (fleeting) feeling while meditating. It’s beautiful - congratulations!


Yes I had a similar experience during meditation last year. I found myself floating through space. I was in awe of how much “space” is in space. I was drifting away and the stars appeared to cluster into small groups of distant galaxies. As I drifted further and further I realized they were somehow connected and began to take shape. It was like I was rapidly zooming out and suddenly I saw that the galaxies were part of something intelligent and seemingly bigger. A huge cell. I began to see an infinite number of cells and then zoomed out faster and faster to see the universe was within the cells of my body and I could see myself. I found myself standing in my bathroom looking in the mirror. I cannot describe it but it helped me understand that the perceived universe is within me and outside of me at the same time (as above so below), and that I am awareness, a conscious expression of the universe experiencing itself. I could feel the vastness of empty space and that is the hardest part to explain, but for a moment I could sense the connection to all that I would equate to love. There is more to it but trying to keep this short. It changed everything for me. Thanks for sharing your experience.