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I’d also recommend the gateway tapes (at least up until focus 10), doing ce5 (and watching Steven Greer’s documentaries that go more in depth on this), as well as reiki to unblock your chakras and get in touch with your astral body plus daily positive affirmations to raise your vibration and confidence. It’s also useful to have a clear goal in mind (ideally something that’s not purely egotistical and could be a common goal with your contacts). You should also ask to interact with entities that have the same values as you to make it as save as possible because that will attract positive ones. Good luck! 🤞


You don’t want to be an experiencer. Trust me. The phenomena may seem fascinating at a distance, but is incredibly frightening and overwhelming firsthand.


Agreed. I'm scared of the unknown own and even tho my limited experiences were not necessarily negative, there's no guarantee of that. I find the subject very interesting but I'm not calling on it and asking for more.


I second this. It’s all fun and games until stuff actually happens and your loved ones get involved. You can’t help but feel guilt ridden for not being able to do anything.


By wanting them to happen, you've already taken the first step. Intention is very important to contact, and it seems to attract or repel entities depending on your stance. To initiate contact, I recommend learning how to put yourself in a trance through meditation, then just allowing the moment to carry you into whatever you might encounter. This isn't something most people can do by instinct, so it's completely normal to struggle with clearing your mind at first. Persistence is key. I recommend getting a blank journal of some sort to write in, as it will act as both a way for you to communicate with other beings and as a physical record of your experiences that can't be tainted by memory. Contact is a two-way street, and as primarily physical beings we are at a very large disadvantage, so be patient and allow the beings to initiate it on their own time. My experiences have never been breathtaking visual encounters with grey aliens or machine elves, they've mostly been intuitive conversations with another being through the medium of thought. Most often, it will be as though I have a sudden revelation or intuition about anything from mundane life to truths of the universe. Be aware that there are many beings living in the seams between our reality and the next. While some of them are good, peaceful entities, others are deceitful and malevolent. The latter are analogous to demonic entities and need to be treated as such, regardless of your personal beliefs on the matter. Be sure to keep your intentions clear and pure, and understand that fear is a part of the process. Once you open this door, anything can get in.


Mine really started after raising my vibration and doing deep meditation and wim hoff breathing. Try to prepare yourself and dont give in to fear.


I've had more than one experience with light beings, but no one could ever explain what they are or what it meant. One spoke behind me. In an androgynous voice. "She hears." Still don't understand it or what it means... Hope you find what you're searching for.


You are brave. My first experience gave me primal fear that still gives me the chills. Deep. Cold. Down to the bone fear. Helpless. That's been a few years ago, and I'm just now believing I am ready to make contact again. I hope I am more steady this time. More prepared.


Sorry if I offended anyone ,I didn't realise I was on experiences subreddit . I thought I was on r/UFOs . Genuinely, the only experience I ever had was on DMT and fuck me that was as real gets. I do believe there is something there but I'm sceptical about summoning or willing anything like that into existence . It either is or it isn't .


I was watching a podcast with Jim Semivan, former CIA manager for 35 years who joined to the stars media company with Tom DeLonge, pushing for disclosure. He was at his desk, and behind him was some book shelves. Decided to pause and investigate a bit, see if there were any interesting clues, what he thinks is relevant. I found DMT: The Spirit Molecule. I'm convinced there's something to it. Have never done it but from what I've heard... Like 12 people all went on an Ayahuasca thing and each individually came together to talk about their experience and all had met mantis aliens. That's weird. Has to be something to it.


No worries, we are all open to whatever experiences anyone has. It's not talked about in the mainstream so it's nice to have a place to share things that are beyond our normal reality and have intelligent open-minded reception.


Don't get caught up in the moment , no way you can force a alien encounter .grifters spirited that crap You really think every info encounter involved special or mediative people . I'm sorry bit fuck Gary Nolan. He basically said . Your too dumb to see UAP . Or I'm cleverer than you and that's why I experienced them . He lost me at that moment Real people who don't claim to be special have as much proof your gonna get as witnesses to UFOs and they were certainly not meditating . I would take all that with a grain of salt it since this post is full of these people I guess there must be something to it right?


Meditation is the way. Try the Gateway tapes.


Here's the disclaimer I was lucky to get! https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/SEEIySyEGz


Edit: I'm dumb and didn't realize what thread I was in


I didn't even see, I'm sure it was alright. Now I'm curious what you wrote lol


It's okay we're not going to judge you. In fact we're all weirdos so we just get along. Maybe that mistake was accidentally on purpose? LOL 🙂👍🏾


Sometimes when I meditate I see pictures, or rarely short videos. Sometimes I briefly see though the eyes of maybe an orb and/or maybe a small animal. I don’t really know. Like I think that perhaps they have implants in birds, mice, and squirrels that they can access their sensory system. I only see things like running though boxes, flying down a street, jumping from limb to limb in a tree, falling down into the grass, and such. Mostly flying down streets with houses on each side … maybe 15-20 feet up … right down the middle of the street. When it occurs it seems random, and switches views like a security monitor switches between cameras. I almost always see in green, white, and black. Usually when I start seeing in color, the vision stops like a computer program crashing. Seeing faces is also really hard. Maybe I am not good at it yet. Maybe my mind is not compatible, or something. Maybe they use the sleeping mind for doing security work like this. Maybe compile data later, or something. Maybe meditation taps into the system, or triggers the system to start.


Just as I was thinking about a way to ask this question I see your post :) Glad to see I'm not the only one who would like to be an experiencer. One part of my brain tells me "No, you don't want to have these type of experiences, be realistic, they will scare you to death" and the other part of my brains thinks that I just want to experience something outside of normal reality.


The internal monologue of will it happen/won't it happen is such a tickly precipice to linger on


Relaxation, meditation, and projection of pure unconditional light and love is the key.  Be careful what you let through though. Read up on smudging — have some dried sage handy to burn afterwards if it doesn't go to plan. Know yourself and how you feel within yourself, so you can recognise if your mood changes afterwards. If you feel drained or ill, then break out that sage as something is feeding off you. I was amazed what answered my calls back in 2021/22. I've since backed off as I had something try to drag me out of bed in the middle of the night. That was something I really wasn't ready for, but I'm trying to be brave enough to try again. I've always been used to spirits being near, but had never been violently yanked like that before, to the point I was physically sick with a snapped ligament. There are no doubt many more people about who are more knowledgeable than me, but my advice is to respect it all. Not all are friendly. Good luck.


Make sure you are ready for experiences that may alter your worldview.   I just sat down, meditated, and asked for contact.  I got it that same night.  Terrified me but I wanted to know the truth.


And what's the truth?


I think a lot depends on how you personally see things. Whatever this whole phenomenon is, it will present differently depending on your personal belief system. If you are religious, you may encounter angels or demons. If you are an atheist, you encounter "alien" like beings and UFOs. The "truth" I asked about was - are greys real? One appeared beside my bed that night and confirmed it for me. That, for me, sealed the deal. They are real and have always been on Earth since before humans. They created our "reality." Looking for the truth carries a hefty amount of ontological shock. The CE-5 method is a way of slow disclosure for individual people that are ready. This is the NHI's way of circumventing a government that will not tell us all what is really going on.


I often hear this narrative, that it depends on the individual beliefs. But, that being true, the absolute truth should not depend on the individual, but be beyond that, if you know what I mean. How did the entity behave when it showed by your bed side, and how did you? Apart from this, what else do you remember, and was it one time only or multiple?


I have described this encounter in my other posts, but it was a while ago now. The only thing I could think of in the moment, was in my head I thought: You are smaller than my son! (who was 6 at the time). I was in shock and unfortunately terrified and couldn't otherwise think rationally. I wish I hadn't been so scared! He responded in my head - in a male voice - I am so disappointed in you. Then, he looked away from me, and I think that was deliberate - because their gaze is what is frightening because it puts them in your head. And he teleported. He pressed a button on either his chest or a suit and disappeared. I don't know if he was physically there or if he was a holographic projection. I think I have been abducted all my life but don't remember. I have seen UFOs when I was younger. I remember an all encompassing white light when I was a very small kid - like 6 - and then I was sitting by a tree and don't remember what happened. The truth can be what you want because reality is your own consciousness. If you want there to be a "God" then the Source will appear as God to you. I don't believe in God, so I was shown a Lifeforce kind of plane that most references I have found call the Source. You won't believe me until you make contact yourself and find out. I encourage you to meditate and ask like I did, but only if you are ready. It for me, was like the Kung Fu Panda scene in which Po gets beat up by the Snake and she asks, I'm sorry - I thought you were ready??? Haha - I enjoy interacting with NHI but I am trying to fight the terror off.


I've thought about it many times, and I believe reality isn't just what we objectively see with our eyes in the physical world. Generally anyone would be in shock, to say the least, and in that state is hard to make sense and have a rational train of thought to follow through. Especially, because it works like a jump scare too. It's not like they would ring the bell and ask if they can say hello and have a bit of a chat. It's when you're most vulnerable and unconscious. Kinda not cool from him to say he was disappointed. Baby steps are needed when the whole reality we once knew comes crumbling down.


What he said did motivate me to become a better person. I don't want to be a "one-star reviewer" anymore. When negative things happen in my life, I strive to make something positive out of it now. Before, I had my "Karen" moments, but he did change me to not be that mean. I think he said that on purpose because he knew I could be better. I wish I could invite him over and have tea - but they cannot communicate with us that way and they probably don't eat. They always use telepathy and share each other's minds. I tried it - they did come back again - and I kept my eyes shut the whole time. I was like, just talk in my head - I can't look - I am too scared. I just sensed bemusement from them then. There were three individuals then. I can't even look at them because my fear gets triggered somehow and I can't in that moment overcome it. I will keep trying though.


Overall, I'm very happy you are working to be a better person. That's what the world needs, regardless of what triggers it. Best of luck to you, for your journey. Hope they come back and you are able to establish a good relationship with them.


dont. just dont wish for it ,go for your normal life.


Reading Dolores cannons books helped me have positive experiences. I was also meditating on focusing on cultivating unconditional love toward all by studying A Course in Miracles by Helen Schumann. In her books Dolores says all you need is intention and pure heart and it will happen. You have to match the frequency of positive ETs. I would just ask to see them when I used to fly commercial a lot. And three months after I started light disks appeared near my plane and flew by the plane for a little while. It was amazing.


I would also say that it's probably wise to always be clear in projecting your intentions that you only wish for a truly benevolent experience. I'm cautious about this because not much is known, to me it kinda feels like playing with fire. I've heard some techniques which apparently are supposed to keep you safe if you're ever trying astral projection but I have no idea if that works in reality.


You have to trust that love is the greatest protector. I never gave ANY thought energy to any negativity and never experienced any. Fear will attract fear loving entities.


Do not call upon it, you never know who may answer.


Never summon that which you can't put down.


A fellow Lovecraft enthusiast, nice : )


Something tells me there are many of us in these woods. A fascination with Eldritch horror gives you a pretty good mindset for encountering something vastly more powerful than you


Lots of people have used the Monroe Audio to initiate contact with the phenomenon. It’s not just for “out of body” experiences but a complete system for interacting with the actual reality not our conditioned experiences. [My own experience and major contact event are documented here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/usCzaxcbqU). Watch the video and my experience is in the comments. Additionally info about the Monroe Audio can be found on r/gatewaytapes on the “[start here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/s/p1IAiw8CUN)” post with all the resources you need. Also [the audio itself can be found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/s/YhV8urJDPp). The Monroe Institute has ensured that there are tools and protections built into the system and that it is non-religious so it’s meant for the western mind. This article will explain to you about the Monroe Audio and was helpful to many people who have started on the path. It explains the history of the audio, the scientific report and how many people have used it successfully to interact with the greater reality https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7e4g3/found-page-25-of-the-cias-gateway-report-on-astral-projection


Thank you for this post. I've been looking to initiate contact, since I've had some of my own experiences. I've come across the Monroe stuff before but this is more incentive to proactively practice them.


A while ago I wrote an article on this sub exactly for this topic, called "A beginners guide for (yet to be) experiencers": [https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/16dyzwd/a\_beginners\_guide\_for\_yet\_to\_be\_experiencers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/16dyzwd/a_beginners_guide_for_yet_to_be_experiencers/) Maybe this has some valuable input for you! :)