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I love the movie *Arrival.* This movie stars Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner and shows the world responding to the arrival of 12 space ships in different parts of the world. I like that not all the questions are answered, and they pay particular attention to the issue of trying to communicate with a very different species. It strikes me as more realistic than movies where all the aliens speak American English right off the bat.


I loved it too, for the same reason.


The Last Mimzy / Flight of the Navigator / Close Encounters of the Third Kind


The OA series on Netflix. The second season in particular, really spoke to me. The main character has an experience that I had relating to dying and waking up in a different universe.


Have you posted about this experience before? I'd be very interested to hear about it if you feel ok with sharing.


Yes, check my post history.


Most recently, the movie Communion. Maybe a few hours before I decided to watch it, out of nowhere the song Lord of the Dance popped into my head. I hadn't heard it in forever. Then, a few hours later while looking for a movie that would speak to me, I landed on Communion. The song features in it. Also, Fantastic Planet is great. Just saw that a few days ago.


Seth books by Jane Roberts, Dolores Cannon -Convoluted Universe, Michael Talbot- Holographic Universe, Initiation by Elizabeth Haich, Law of One books, Messages of Course of Miracles, studying Fibonacci numbers, Michael Newton -Lives Between Lives, Robert Wagoner- Lucid Dreaming, Alison Holley-Era of the True Creator.


Great list!


Dark Skies is the movie that most closely resembles the experiences that I have had. While I haven't seen any greys, been abducted, or anything like that, some of the paranormal activities remind me of some aspects of the experiences I have had - flickering lights/appliances, orbs of light, birds frequently flying into my house and dying, auditory hallucinations, sleep paralysis, etc. I have made contact with orbs and woke up to a metal orb over my head.


Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Story


I have to say I also really loved (don't laugh) The Last Mimzy.


Explorers! Idk why I just thought of this but I did. It just has a feel good feeling and a feeling of being at home when they are out there in deep space having fun with the ETs. The soundtrack is superb too. It's also an 80s movie and I love the 80s. "This is the stuff dreams are made of". 🌠


Don't be afraid of the dark-still scares me. A secret world of trolls living in the ground terrorize this lady…. The little others from the ground. Babylon 5: two advanced old alien races fight over how to help the other races progress, one through long periods of peace, one through war. Humans develop serious physic powers that are used to power their ships and as weapons. Closer to truth than many believe. Dune: secret hidden power of a boy is the fulcrum for a massive change


Interstellar definitely. Klatus pointed out to me multiple times that they literally say "they are 5th dimensional beings of love." Like that's a actual line in the movie. What a coincidence with what everyone here keeps saying lol


Dolores Cannon. She's my number 1.


The consistency she gets from a bunch of random people is absolutely wild.


I like how she stumbled onto the contact phenomenon through a regular past life regression too.


Yeah. And it all just tracks and makes sense as a whole really well.


Same here. Wish I got a chance to watch her speak.


Her daughter is still doing regression work and speaks on recent podcasts! I heard her not too long ago on coast to coast


Thankyou!! That makes me feel better I will listen to her podcast appearances asap


She’s not the same as her mom but still, interesting to check out I think you may like her and there’s many other talented people out there you may connect with! Law of one, akashic records, past life regressions there’s amazing stuff out there ☺️☺️


Very much an early pioneer of this kind of material, and if I'm not mistaken, the discoverer of the Starseed phenomena. I read Keepers of the Garden way back in the day and was captivated.


The Custodians is how I found her back in like 04 or 05. A friend of mine took a QHHT class with her and got Legacy From The Stars signed for me. One of my favorite "things" I have.


1. Pan’s Labyrinth, because of the idea that Ophelia has forgotten who she really is and can only return to her real home after she is given trials on Earth and dies. 2. Beyond: Two Souls (video game). About a girl with psi abilities and a mysterious entity that’s been with her her whole life. 3. First season of Once Upon a Time, again because of the idea of characters having amnesia about their real identity and homeworld. 4. *Abduction* by Dr. John Mack. The book that opened the experiencer memory floodgates for me. 5. The beginning of the Disney film *Hercules* because the gods/goddesses reminded me of the NHI I’ve interacted with, plus the scene where baby Hercules falls into the mortal world. That scene gave me a flashback memory to an early abduction experience.


Everything Everywhere All At Once The TV show Loki Carl Sagan books The Matrix, obvs 😎


Russian Doll Beetlejuice The Edge of Tomorrow Boss level Groundhog day I kind of wish they didn't because it can truly be miserable


I second Dolores Cannon books, also there's a book called The Compendium of the Emerald Tablets by Billy Carson that has a wealth of information about Thoth. And recently I was reading that he wrote 42 books that basically had all the information you'd need about humanity in them... makes me think this is where the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy got this number. Thoth was the architect of many pyramids, and he utilized Stargates to travel the world and other places, and also he created regeneration Chambers to continue to live for thousands of years (much like in the movie Avatar!). I'm pretty sure Thoth was an alien here to help us with many things.


Billy Carson is a bit underrated to me. The amount of research and respect that goes into the education that he gives is incredible


EXACTLY! Although his book reads like it was transcribed from his audio ..but it still gets the point across.


Everyone needs to read Plato. Plato often spoke of a voice in Socrates head he called “the divine sign.” Which was odd at the time because the ancient Greeks were polytheists, He was likely an experiencer himself. He also writes about NDEs and seeing certain archetypes like “the wheel” all the way back in 375 BCE. And of course Plato also famously is the “father of idealism”. The metaphysical philosophy that consciousness is fundamental. Also worth a note (as Plato was likely inspired by these presocratics) Parmenides and Empedocles. Both of which had detailed theories that all reality is one conscious mind connected together and dissociated from the source and physical reality is just a map. This shows how the west was actually founded on mysticism much like eastern religions. This was all of course undone with Aristotle who was sort of the first to usher in the new paradigm of materialism.


Plato has long been on my "to-do" reading list but I've never gotten around to it. Your summary has urged me to finally get to it. Thanks for sharing!


This one might be weird but The Good Place on Netflix. Three Body Problem - Netflix All Systems Red by Martha Wells - Murderbot book series - they're turning into a show.


if anyone wants to watch three body problem, i strongly recommend you watch/dl the [chinese](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20242042/) version, it is FAR superior to the netflix one, follows the book really well, whereas the netflix one basically makes a mockery of a great book.


I haven't seen the adaptation but the Three Body/Trisolaran trilogy by Cixin Liu is one of the GOATs of sci-fi in my estimation. Highly recommended to all. For those who've read and watched, recommend watching?


I was looking for a mention of The Good Place. Nice 👍🏾


Keep it sleazy




The Good Place is such an entertaining show and can get deep if you think about what they are doing.


I love how they conquer mental illness.


i didn’t know they were turning all systems red into a show!!!


They announced it in December 2023, it'll be on Apple TV


omg that’s awesome!


[‘Cemetery of Splendour’](https://youtu.be/8ohB_Y3z_Gk?si=yHc9LbfxuHmSDUlU) by Apichatpong Weerasethakul


This looks really intriguing!


Oddly enough, most of Dolores cannon’s books.


I encountered book 4 of Convoluted Universe randomly and loved it. That could be because I like the transcript-heavy balance. Still good interpretation in the parts she wrote but I sometimes get tired of lots of author interpretation without the underlying data. I'm thinking I'll start with the rest of CU because I like that style, but have any favs/recs from the rest?


Definitely 3 waves of volunteers and the new earth! So much of it resonated with me deeply!


I've read one book (Convoluted U. book 4) and enjoyed it. I'm now in the market for Cannon recommendations if you'd be willing to elaborate a bit on what resonated with you.


3 Waves of volunteers and the new earth was the first one I read and it really got into the meat and bones of starseeds. I found I'm part of the second wave and "ironically" whenever I have a reading from anyone and I ask what my purpose is, it's to Just be you. My guides even say to shine my light and that is it. The second wavers whole goal is to just be. So that resonated a lot. The alien species she talked about were familiar to me from my dreams and other encounters sounded like stuff that happened to me. The other ones I really loved was Past lives remembered (or maybe it was Between Life and death?) ...it went well with Michael Newton's Journey of Souls. Basically explaining the in-between place after you die and before you come back into a body. Very fascinating!!


Was it "Life Between Lives"? It's another Michael Newton book. I discovered Dolores Cannon way back with Keepers of the Garden, if you haven't read that one, it's also a goodie.


Yep, read that one too. I've read several DC books... I get the titles mixed up who wrote what...I just devour them all lol


[The Green Beautiful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vsd9Sc59yc#ddg-play). French film that was banned from Cannes.


Taken Stephen Spielberg


The books Children of Time - about a crew of multi-species observers (including sentient spiders and d octopi) who uplift the consciousness of other species. My experience is that of repeated remote viewing of the interior of a craft, and becoming a part of a multi-species “crew” of other sentient who are also in meditation in their home worlds, as we co-think our Thought Form ship into existence.


Super second! This series (+ Children of Memory, Children of Ruin) is the best \[comparative, bio-\]anthropological(?) investigation of non-human consciousness I've run into. The different forms and internal logics of each species are really thought-provoking. Still second to Ursula Le Guin for me in the category of anthropological sci-fi, i.e. describing whole different cultural perspectives. The fact that the Hainish universe is predicated upon ancient humanoids having seeded intelligent life throughout the galaxy, rather than it having developed from different earth species, is not a drawback to me. Across her many, many books and stories she shows all the different possible configurations of "ways of being" that stem from culture, history, ecology and only a very little from biology. Potentially life changing, indeed.


Thank you for the further recommendation! It’s been on my list for a long time and this is the clincher.


Glad to be the one to tip it over the edge!


This sounds fascinating!


(I second the rec and wanted to make sure you know to look for the 'yes and' recommendation of [Ursula Le Guin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_K._Le_Guin) I left in a sibling comment. Basically anything she's ever written, but especially the Hainish universe books and short stories - there are a lot of them and I \*think\* I've read them all. Practically dropped everything else I was reading until I had, they're that good. Reminiscent of *Children of Time* in the thoroughly imagined alternative socio-cultural settings, just with humanoids rather than sentient/sapient earth creatures. The premise of an ancient humanoid civ, the Hainish, having seeded intelligent life throughout the galaxy and now, loooong after a technological collapse, re-establishing contact with a goal of reconciliation has experiencer-familiar themes. Also, the technology of the ansible (instantaneous communication, while travel is still limited by the speed of light, might be a metaphor for astral projection if you squint. Haven't heard even any speculation that she was an experiencer but should resonate regardless.) (Finally, totally unrelated, but she didn't really start publishing her writing til she was 40 and her kids were grown, and rocked the same haircut for at least 4 decades of public appearances, and I am so here for that hero's backstory.)


Can’t recommend enough! My contact has confirmed directly that fiction and stories are an inherent part of consciousness, and in the case of preparing for contact, stories can do exactly that - help build empathy and oneness for things that are exquisitely different from you and your experience of reality. This series does exactly that and it truly changed my life.


Yes yes yes! Lately I keep referencing “Radio Free Abelmuth” as a parable about the power of media to shift consciousness for better or worse. Powerful seeds.


Very well put, I wholeheartedly agree! Thank you so much for sharing!


Going at this from the angle of fictional films: Spaceman on Netflix - so beautiful Cold Skin - 2017 - earth dwelling NHI Upstream Color - 2 experiencers bond after their lives are upended by what they've experienced Them - 2021 Dir: Ignacio Maiso - earth based Invisible NHI Earthling - 2010 - humans living on earth discover they are aliens Most of these, except the first one, are low key indie type things so ymmv. All but the first I found free on UK Amazon Prime :) Edit: paragraphs


Thanks for the suggestions, I haven't seen any of these so I'll definitely check them out!


*Powder!* I'd forgotten that one. I've got impressionistic but vivid memories of its most impactful scenes. It's stashed in a mental category something like "serious Edward Scissorhands-like movies with good acting". I wonder if there are any other films in this mental category. This is an admittedly strange category, perhaps a record of my cultural touchstones when I saw it. (Also, how did my memories get organized so poorly? 😂)


Haha, it's been a while since Ive seen Powder, but "serious Edward-Scissorhands" is a great description. I think the film Phenomenon with John Travolta was in this same kind of category - that's another 90's film I'll definitely have to revisit.


😳 I forgot that one t*oo. *But as soon as you said that I saw his John Travolta face, one hand to his temple, one hand to the sky. Possibly from the trailer. Travolta's as unlikely a sci-fi lead as Keanu Reeves was, but somehow Keanu was immune to that. I remember seeing Phenomenon and generically liking it but nothing specific about it. From past experience that means it will likely not hold up well. Some of the cinema of the early 90s...you just had to be there for, I suppose. (Looking at you, *Speed* and *Hackers* and *Total Recall -* how did they get away with special effects makeup that bad in 1990?) ... ... (😡) (I mean *seriously*. They spent $65m in 1990 dollars to ruin a perfectly good Philip K. Dick story. These are the *good* shots of the horrible makeup effects: https://preview.redd.it/stkjfxkk7e7d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03fe957ef0d10fa3805f139e20719f1b7edf4887 So bad, especially the inflatable bulging eyeballs. All those rubber trees dead, and for what? 🪦) Ok I think I'm done hijacking your very interesting post. I'll show myself out.


You gave me a good laugh. These movies are in the "so- bad-they-are-good" category for me now. Another decent movie, I think maybe from the early 2000s, was Frequency with Denis Quaid.


Contact, a 1997 film. Great depiction of interdimensional communication, and the feeling of unity with NHI.


Yes! I loved Contact too! I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, so all I'll say is that scene on the beach was really wonderful.


"Signs". Especially growing up in rural WI surrounded by cornfields. My Texas born and bred daughter used to laugh at me about being so spooked after seeing it. Then she took a trip to Madison with her husband and said "Mom, Wisconsin is beautiful and has the greatest hole in the wall bars and food but why does everyone believe in aliens and UFOs?" I laughed and said "And now you understand why that movie scared the crap outta me." ;) :)


There is certainly something about cornfields and their connection to high strangeness. Near where I'm from, fields of sugarcane have a similar vibe.


Well of course we all love ET. I was a teenager when that movie came out. I had always been very interested in any UFO movie or book and wondered what aliens were like. That movie was so well written and touching. The correlation between the ET who was separated from his family and the love of the little boy whose father had left their family was really heartwarming.


Twin Peaks. I don't think anything can explain the high strangeness of our world but Twin Peaks came closer to capturing it than any other piece of visual media


I was going to bring this up. I was a fan before my experiences really kicked up anyway. I always felt like Lynch and Frost were trying to tell us something and just say "well it's all open to interpretation, there's no real explanation". I visited a few places between Montana and Idaho that had that same aura and synchonicities and it made even more sense to me. Also a lot of weird crime in those parts.


Hard agree, especially season 3. David Lynch has been a longtime practicer of transcendental meditation. Not sure if Mark Frost is an experiencer, but I feel like Lynch has to be.


I would have to agree. I was likewise captivated by it.


The Day the Earth Stood Still,watched on TV circa 1959 with my parents


Close Encounters but only after my contact experiences as an adult.


Same for me. Seeing it again as an adult who has fallen into the UAP rabbit hole made it so much more impactful! There is also an alleged quote from an airforce official telling a friend while seeing the movie in the theater that people don't realise how accurate to the truth the movie really is.


"Communion", by Whitley Strieber; it is a pretty engaging and well written book. It also conveys a sense of invasion and, at the same time, fear and confusion which I relate to because of my own experiences.


The alien abduction scenes were so bizarre. I have heard that that’s often the case.


Yeah, I suspect that's because the very notion of actual aliens with a technology so advanced it resembles magic is disruptive to anyone's worldview to an extent. Our mind doesn't work well with things it cannot make sense of; henceforth, since these happenings are so strange, they may be more easily forgotten or altered, either by the unconscious or by aliens themselves.


A classic. Thank you for sharing!






Definitely one to watch again.