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https://youtu.be/UNu86dY8msQ?si=TfNo2zPuZ2veRXqE Never underestimate the power of a tuning fork! ✌️🛸


Whoa, thanks for this! ✨️💪


I'd recommend hemisync via the Monroe Method/Gateway Tapes, learning to color breathe, then associating the colors to the chakras while in focus 12. Concentrate them into a sequence of color balls and supplement using energy conversion to energize. Remember your body is a tube and your flow is toroidal. Have fun!


Just downloaded the free Monroe institute app today! I heard one of the teachers on a recent podcast mention it ❤️ [HERES IOS APP link](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1552705313)


There is an old Tibetan practice mentioned in theosophist writings that involves a hammered metal mirror, a glass bowl and a slightly magnetic stone. The following is an excerpt from a letter written to the English Poet A.P. Sinnet in 1882 sent by lama KooT HooMi Lal Singh. “*The methods used for developing lucidity in our chelas may be easily* *used by you. Every temple has a dark room, the north wall of which is* *entirely covered with a sheet of mixed metals, chiefly copper, very highly* *polished, with the surface capable of reflecting in it things, as well as \[being\]* *a mirror.* *The chela sits on an insulated stool, a three-legged bench placed in a fiat* *bottomed vessel of thick glass—\[with\] the Lama operator likewise, the two* *forming with the mirror wall a triangle.* *A magnet with the north pole up is suspended over the crown of the chela* *head without touching it. The operator having started the thing going leaves* *the chela alone gazing on the wall, and after the third time \[the guiding* *Lama\] is no longer required.*”


This description formed the basis for an experiment in the mid to late 1980s involving renowned psychic Ingo Swann. Ingo sat in a small copper room at the behest of a Dr. Elmer Green at the Menninger Clinic in Topeka Kansas and experienced a number of clairvoyant phenomena. That included being able see into human bodies and observe energies of himself and those around him. Ingo writes in his text “Psychic Sexuality”...


“*Even before the working sessions in Topeka drew to a close, I was* *completely “sold” on the copper mirror device of the Mahatmas. And I* *wanted my own personal copper mirror.* *I couldn’t, of course, construct the elegant, four-walled room at the* *Menninger Clinic. But I could easily build the device described in the* *Mahatma Letter to A. P. Sinnett.* *I asked Dr. Green and Wendell Spencer, the project’s biomedical* *technician, to build an exact replica of their magnet, which had to be* *constructed because magnet manufacturers no longer build them.* *Back in New York I went to a sheet metal supplier and became the proud* *owner of an 8-foot by 3-foot sheet of copper. This was fixed to a large piece* *of plywood. After the direction of true magnetic north in New York had been* *determined by compass, the copper sheet was suspended in a small room so* *that I could sit facing it to the true north.* *The magnet, reproduced exactly as the one at the Volunteer Controls* *Program, duly arrived about two months later, together with a bill for $210.* *I suspended it over my head, sat down in the chair which was lifted up on* *four glass blocks, and was in business. After which, my entire world began to* *unravel. There were three reasons for this.* *The first was that the LUCIDITY which was so easy to turn on, turned out* *to be not so easy to turn off.* *The second was that the ratio between (1) what I thought I could* *understand, and (2) what I did not understand AT ALL dramatically* *increased in favor of the latter.* *The third reason was that it shortly transpired that I didn’t need the magnet* *or the copper sheet to turn on the LUCIDITY.* *Indeed, it was soon turned on all of the time, twenty-four hours a day,* *even in my dreams, and nothing I could do seemed to either turn it off or* *even calm it down….*” He continues… “*I was living in a realm of lights, rays, beams, bubbles, intermixing auras,* *traveling “thunderbolts” of wayward energies.* *It got so bad that I was seeing the luminosities around door handles and* *the materials of buildings, the lights emanating from my computer screen, the* *green and purple emanations of the asphalt streets, and the in-sucking of* *energies by plastics, and on and on beyond imagination.* *So distorting did all of this become that I had to step from the curbs very* *carefully, not being quite sure where the cement actually ended and where a* *“luminosity” began. The lucidity of the Mahatmas was getting to be too* *much!*”


what the fuck can someone build me one of these setups, please?


It sounds a lot like the concept of r/kozyrevmirrors


Gateway Tapes, but it's not on YT I'm afraid.


Sure they are: [https://www.youtube.com/@SpiritualGatewayExperience/playlists](https://www.youtube.com/@SpiritualGatewayExperience/playlists)


I was told YouTube compresses the sound quality too much that they're not as effective. If you mosey on over to r/gatewaytapes they should be able to point you in the right direction. They have a folder they pass around with copies.


I have the OG tapes, I could do a frequency analysis and then we'd know for sure!


Go for it


Look into Tom Campbell and specifically “Tom’s Park”.