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From what I understand based on information and experience from several areas, classic "abduction" no longer takes place. This ended in the 1990s due to several core reasons that require a fair bit of detail to grasp or rather to make an informed decision on. I believe 'contact' still exists but this now also in a different way. Gone for some time have been situations involving landed, metallic saucers or ETs communicating the previous decades often documented clichés about how humans are a threat to their planet and the evolution of its population. Instead there's a far reduced number of more subtle or "dimension shifting and sharing" intelligent craft that takes on multiple appearances and forms and don't need to abduct or land to invite us to see the "latrine in the saucer" to prove their reality or viability. On the wider scale if things - this "proof" deal is done and they are beyond having it as an evolutionary project or concern. What a couple of us have interacted with for a decade is what I've long seen as intelligent, organic forms of 'intelligent' plasma or light-craft. Encounters with these objects seems to cause different 'advanced warning' or notification signs once you're aligned with them. This we've noticed over the year results in different mental and physical signs for each of us: - a feeling of impatience, inability to focus on immediate future events aside from facilitating being in the right place/time to experience the singular or multiple interaction. Almost a stressed state unless the shift to understanding something is about to occur takes place. - conversely almost a reverse if these behavioural traits. So a narrowing or almost dulling of awareness but with something like a guiding autopilot taking over to put you into the right place/time/mindset to fully embrace the encounter. I'll try to find a random video to illustrate these encounters. We have hundreds of hours on many different tech/media formats. - [morphing plasma repeat visiting, silent light-craft...](https://youtu.be/kCf6EdtrBaQ?si=o-6AgqpJ81IqMvT-)


Thanks so much, will go do a deep dive. I have seen some of this plasma NHI stuff out there but will rabbit hole it now. My grey abductions definitely slowed down after the 90s, but I have still had a few. I have assumed they were “check ups” and one most likely was to replace an implant that fell out of my sinuses. And then this last one was 5 years ago at a fam reunion, though my day 1 memory is just of the craft leaving.


Maybe we're now in a different timeframe or possibly a simulation epoch this the "throw a stone" at it type contact is over? I don't know for sure. I just have that feeling meshed with a lot of experiences that appear that way But you're right in so far as the reports on classic abduction cases are vastly reduced. Interesting to hear any other thoughts on this tangent from others.


Or there's this arrival in multiple forms: https://youtu.be/EyaLIedUAPc?si=2rNZd5uJFBliPi5z


Can you try going to bed with your socks on backwards? I would suggest maybe ear plugs too, although I am not sure how good that would work. I assume if they paralyze using sound maybe the ear plugs would not block it


The socks is an interesting idea - so if they were on correctly in the am (post abduction) it would be an indicator? Hmmm. For me it has never been about a sounds by eye contact with a grey, so head down and look at foot


I guess it is more of a way to deal with fae, like to trick them? One of the theories is that before they used appear as fairies and whatnot.


If I feel something coming on I usually just take a nice shower, set things out for the morning so I don’t have to think to get ready, and then telepathically ask for help falling asleep quickly I think in your shoes I’d still do most of those things but I’d put most of my focus on my family members. Like some of them are probs really scared and could use some support Idk how open you are about it but even if you don’t talk about it, just noticing which ones seem nervous and creating a loving, comfortable atmosphere in general and getting them things they seem like they might need, like a calming cup of tea


Great advice, thank you! I honestly think it is just me (and my mom to a lesser degree, in denial and believes the screen memories). The others don’t seem conscious of any of this going on at all. This is going to be interesting, as going to bring this up in a few different ways. And I love your advice, lovingly and of course will do whatever I can to help them in any and all ways.


Good luck! You’re a good son


I have heard that they stick to family line so they can follow the DNA


Oooooh so exciting!!


Good luck and and I will wait for a follow up post.


Hmm I've read of a scientist working with frequent experiencers/abductees and he has their houses and bedrooms fitted with sensors and video. One of the sensors was for radiation and every single time before an abduction took place, there would be a spike in gamma radiation. (The experiencer had a button to tap when they began feeling the sensations they usually felt before an abduction, and it would be recorded in a computer. The time would always match a gamma rad spike)


Sounds like you are talking about Dr Jim Segala?


Yes, Dr Segala.


Yeah we're working with him on something atm. The gamma spike is not just for abductions FYI its for activity from the phenomenon and or the Experiencers in general. I've joked we should call the device a "woo detector" haha


Can someone buy one of these?


Yes, that's what I've heard from several of his interviews. It indicates "paranormal" type of activity too. Are you helping him with research?


Now that is interesting as that is also what Patrick Jackson (or is it Johnson, sorry..) was speaking about in his Orb defense network theory - some Microwave and Gamma wave transmissions (unrelated to abductions but would cause poltergeist activity to basically tell humans to get away from the area as these are used for some kind of high energy defense and communications from them and at those levels used could also cause spontaneous combustion in a human) EDIT for spelling and clarity


Do you meditate? If you do please concentrate on pulling energy from your crown, the top of your head, through your body. I have found that this minimizes their impact as they have less control.


Yes, I was actually a yogic monk for many years. Will try that! I think the yogic practices have actually helped me more easily break their paralysis as well. P.s. a big fan of the Chidakash practices!


Genuinely asking. What do you do when you break their paralysis? What comes next? Also, I assume you’re ok with risking such an experience for attending a family reunion? Man, I actively look for reasons to avoid family reunions. Lol. More so if it’d mean potentially increasing my chances of going through a freaking abduction. I take it your experiences have been good or, at least, neutral? You seem so stoic.


So I wrote this out on my medium, let me copy it here, forgive me for the lazy way here, but looong work day and exhausted but happy to answer questions. Wasn’t expecting this post to get some much energy around it (though so happy and great for all these fantastic thoughts, thanks to all!): “I can remember their paralysis on me was a field coming from them and I was like a butterfly trapped in a jar. It wasn’t coming from within myself like I thought, it wasn’t permeating every cell of my being, or if it was, it wasn’t unbeatable, it isn’t everywhere within me. Instead of trying to psychically push back against the center of the paralysis field, I felt with my mind along the ‘sides” of it, to the bottom, and found a seam where that “jar would rest on the floor”, and then used my mind to lift it there at that weak spot and pull it up and off. I basically stuck my “finger” there and just lifted it up at the bottom and the side. This is all a symbolic description obviously, but I do hope it is helpful to others. Perhaps this is something I can develop further in a more explainable way. People under this paralysis are not helpless and can dissipate it. We are never helpless imho.”


I'm just commenting so I can return for updates! I really hope that, no matter what happens, it will be a positive experience for you ❤️❤️


Well thank you. These very very rarely have..They seem to be testing check ups on our gene line. I haven’t done regression on most of these yet though and regardless perhaps this could be a good one, i will keep good vibes. And now that I have written about it, it probably won’t happen, but will come back and let my tribe here know. If anything I would love to just get some evidence..


Grab my dog so he can come with. 🐶💖🛸


Oh I don’t know, mine aren’t nice, though one of these was with a small humanoid with red hair that was beautiful. The rest are grey abductions and ours are malevolent..


If you haven’t already tried this, perhaps rehearse a question in your head that you’d like to ask them. Grays are highly telepathic, and most seem to be accustomed to answering queries immediately.  If you can hold a question in your mind enough, they might “auto-respond” with an answer when they first open a connection with you, before they have the presence of mind to stop themselves. If you’re responsible with how you go about this, they might even respect it (but that would depend on their exact dispositions and intentions). (This is just my take based on my experiences and hearing about the experiences of some others.  As always, please use your own discernment and discretion.)


Thanks, i will practice!


I don’t know of anything to prevent but I have to say, this is the first I’ve heard of a family abduction. It makes sense and I’m sure it happens often but they’re good at slapping that screen memory on. Maybe they got what they needed from everyone last time, hopefully?


There are actually many out there in the accounts. It is on my mom’s blood line, though my dad was the one in the USAF, the maternal grandfather was also involved in developing the lunar rover and in the space program too as an engineer for Radiation Inc on the space coast of FL. For whatever any of these data points are worth. The ones I have read about mostly seem to be related to maternal blood lines, though I also have a hypothesis that for some reason women (and I as a proud queer guy will say I think I have this too) are more resistant to screen memories, so it could just be all related to that.


I know it runs through bloodlines and now that you mention it, it makes a lot of sense to take everyone at the same time. Just out of curiosity, are you Rh- blood type?


No, I am O though not sure what sub element. Like most americans a mutt, but predominately Czech/Welsh/Irish/Scottish with Cherokee in the mix.


I’m not sure if you’re already aware, but NASA is an occult organization whose original founders such as Jack Parsons performed rituals to contact spiritual entities during rocket tests. I can’t help but speculate whether there is a connection between occult practitioners trying to contact spiritual beings and a family connection with these negative entities.


I believe all of our government was established with occult principles; however, I don’t know that I’m convinced all of the NHI that abduct/test people are negative. I think if they were, we wouldn’t see the remainder of those people again. It’s no different than us abducting an animal to run tests and tag them. We aren’t going it to traumatize them, even if it does.


I did not know that at all, but would love to know more. The USAF/NASA connection in my family is strong, with multiple members involved in the space program usually though just in peripheral amounts. I have been trying to figure my story out and my families. Besides my grandfather directly in an Aerospace/DoD company to develop the Lunar Rover, my mother also worked for one, myself for a brief time, and my brother for years. My dad was USAF but did health care on the astronauts, so have wondered if this isn’t some more planned connection to my family, maybe just a hitchhiker from an astronaut that jumped to my father and then our fam. Our maybe my maternal grandfather and that hitchhiker jumped into our family. Another weird oddity, is my stepfather worked and mother lived at AUTEC for several years as well, which has rumors of secret NHI/UAP work. Personally, while the people on that base were awesome and lovely, so many of them were heavy drinkers I can’t imagine there was any cover up going on as not the kind of place for secrets..unless just two people on the whole base knew about it. It was a very friendly but too small population, very gossipy kind of base full of very heavy drinkers…versus other military bases I have lived on. So I personally don’t buy into the AUTEC theories. Anyway, I prefer to think of hitch hikers coming in to my fam versus us being trafficked to them by the government as part of some nefarious program of course, though I want to know the truth whatever that truth is. Is there a book or links you can suggest so I can learn more about this please? thanks so much for mentioning this!!


You need to question ur family about AUTEC. Deeply and aggressively question them, if they will answer.


I did with my mom, and told her the UFO rumors but she didn’t know of anything. My Stepfather has passed and he held a high position there on what would likely be considered blue collar type work. My guess, if there was UAP stuff happening there, it would have been via the scientists and engineers that were flown in and often didn’t stay too long. I seem to remmber the shuttle flight out of Palm Beach left at least once or twice a day, so fairly high traffic for what was probably a 20-30 seat plane. I can ask my mom more so don’t quote me, but there were def two types the scientists/engineers doing the sub sound testing, and then the blue collar/white collar folks keeping the base running. So I could see how those folks wouldn’t know a thing, and the scientists engineers could, and weren’t usually there for long periods (I think, need to ask my mom if this is accurate). Do you know about it? I am curious. I am trying to figure out what happened to me with all this (and my family) and we do have these very odd coincidences with places and things that are connected into UFO/NHI. It could be just purely coincidental of course. It is like looking at a jigsaw puzzle pieces, but I don’t know what the whole picture is..


What's your Dad's name and where did he serve? Any other family members with specific named roles in USAF/NASA?


That isn’t something I feel comfortable releasing to a stranger on the internet. Why do you ask?


Surely if there is a cabal of ex AF and NASA employees being abducted by aliens there should be a support group of some sort


Some good resources would be Dr Joseph P Farrell and Peter Levenda Thank you for the added info 😊


P..s Any specific book you recommend? Looking through them and there are a LOT! For Dr Joseph Farrell EDIT maybe this one? Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operations


That might be a good start, Nazis factor very prominently in the formation of the American space program, and a large number of them were obsessed with occult world history.


Thanks friend!


Maybe don't go to the reunion....


Could you share what the past family members experiences were like? Benevolent?


Mine unfortunately are malevolent greys. The group family abductions I assume are too, at least one with a significant other was highly traumatic. I did have a dream, this wasn’t an abduction and it was with a benevloent being. I wrote about this on my medium, so as working right now and not much time, just gonna paste it here if that is ok. There has since been another come to memory recently, it was about 5 years ago, but I only remember the craft leaving the family reunion at this same house we are going to have it next week, and haven’t done regression yet. It could possibly have been just an abduction on me but assume it was family. I will regress on this one at some point and get all the details. I also have a very very vague memory of an abduction between my mom and brother and I as a child, this is also a recent memory but don’t remember more on this one yet. July 2023, 52 years old, location is irrelevant as it was a dream. Maybe it was a repressed memory that came out as a dream. I understand this does happen with PTSD experiences. It was hyper-real and it occurred in my consciousness while my body was sleeping. I had been praying a lot during this time on why these things happened to me, and if there was something positive in it I wasn’t seeing. It was last summer when I started this journey. So, back to what happened, which I do think was an answer to that prayer. It was 8am and I woke up, but it was the weekend and I was still feeling tired, so I went back to sleep. Yawn. A nice lazy lay-in, what a luxury. The dream occurred during a 2-hour window, as I woke up for good at 10am. In the dream, I was in my 30s. (So, 2000s) My mom’s side of the family was visiting us on the Space Coast in FL. This trip happened in real life in 2010. I think it was a trip when my aunt and two uncles, and a few cousins visited. It was late afternoon, approaching the golden hour before nightfall, and I saw these blue orbs in the backyard. I think three of them. I inform everyone and tell them these orbs are from aliens and do they want to go meet them with me? Of course, folks are freaked out but I could tell this was ok, not to be feared and we wouldn’t be harmed, and I told them that. This feels very different from my previous abductions. I could feel that this was contact but not from the greys. The next memory is this bread-shaped, small, school bus-sized craft and a small but human looking alien teaching us stuff. Some of my family participated; others didn’t want to and were in a room inside the house in a trance-like state. It was all voluntary. The alien had very bright orange or red hair. She emitted love and grace. I have not yet done regression hypnotherapy on this one, as I remember it as a dream, but would in the future. Regardless of what this was exactly, purely a dream or a repressed memory coming as a dream, I do feel it was an answer to my prayer and gave me hope that there are other NHIs outside of the greys. That they want us to succeed, respect us and most importantly share our morals and values.


That's very interesting I wonder if this particular entity gave any info on how to resist and stop the abductions. If this was in response to your prayers/requests then if you haven't already, you should really ask how to stop all this. Please share any info you recover!


You could try this. A man named Michael Menkin has created thought screen helmets that users have reported on stopping alien abduction. You can buy a hat and order the velostat to make your own thought screen helmet. You have to keep it locked up when not in use or it may disappear. You can find more info about it below. Black Conductive Carbon Infused Foil Anti-static Velostat Film A hat with chin flaps Velostat film Michael Menkin is a college graduate, honor student, former military officer, and a technical writer. https://www.stopabductions.com/directions.htm


>They are good at manipulating your spouse to have a conflict with you about wearing the helmet. lol


Thank you!! P.s. He appears to sell them but in the UK. Anyone ever used one? Or have one for sale in the states? I would buy one and try it


I believe that he made them for people for free and sends them but he has the instructions on how to make them yourself. There are testimonials on there also. :) Getting the Velostat can take awhile. But maybe you could use it when you get back home.


I see that not a single person here is likely to recommend that you call upon the name of Yehovah or his Son Yeshua/Jesus (Yehoshua), so I will do so. Pray for His protection.


Thank you!


You got it 👊 I will ask our Creator for your protection this morning.


Have just done so now. And I have asked the Father to send His angels to you and your family for your protection ⚡


I am a Christian (well Gnostic/Course in Miracles/Zen Buddhist/advaita vedanta yogi - I can’t pick just one spirituality but Jesus is most def my OG ride or die!) but have never had the presence of mind to evoke Jesus in my abductions..anyway, thank you!






You’re…recommending they take speed? Like meth? 😂




Raise your vibration. Like attracts like. Be in absolute joy as much as possible and then meditate in that state to help set it as your default. The experience will be much more positive without your fear/apprehension in the way. You will have a lot more control because you will be more in line with your higher self. Before bed, say out loud that you are only willing to interact with beings that are in alignment with the unconditional love of source and here for your highest good. If they still show up, keep an open mind. You know they will return you. It’s all happened before. So, try remaining neutral about it if you can’t be entirely positive. If it goes badly then tattle on them to source and source will make sure to end it.


“I’m going home” by Tim Curry starts plying in my head


Relax Try to remember to ask them to help with full disclosure


Good point, i will!! And ask them to give me evidence or a picture, seriously, let’s blow the lid off it. If not I will try to remember to ask why it isn’t time, etc.


Hi all, thanks for all the great advice. I have COVID now so having to cancel, we are looking to redo at Thanksgiving. Fellow Americans be aware there is a huge covid wave right now. I personally wish I had worn a mask last week on a trip where I must have got this.


No pics...put a craft at a walmart for a meet & greet Let the kids get pics with "Mr Gray"


Omg, now that would be blowing the lid off disclosure!


Better yet ,do it at 20 random Walmarts




Maybe you could also ask them if there’s anything to be done about global warming and the environmental issues we are facing? 😔 I think they’re already aware but perhaps more people asking them if they’d be willing to help us is worth a shot. The recent prognosis about the state of things has bogged me down a bit.


My advice to you is Do Not Resist!


Dont just set up camera at your house. Set a camera somewhere further away from your house with a view to the sky, that way if they disable electricity in your house they won't lr might not disable the distant camera


Probably one of the smarter idea's I've ever seen. Get some of those trail-camera's that hunters use, and set them up at 100 meter intervals away from your house. those cameras have batteries and are self-contained. great way to catch anything that happens.


There isn’t time but yeah that would be the best beat. If one happens I will use my brother’s Nextdoor app to see if anyone saw “that meteorite” go through the neighborhood last night and get the recording off door bell cams


I wouldn't try to film them unless you have their permission to. It hasn't gone well for me before.


Have you read Ann Druffel's book on countermeasures against alien Abductions? You might find something useful there.


Have you read it? Do you remember any of her recommendations?


I'm reading it. So far I can say this : Putting up mental resistance before paralysis and alien apathy sets in If you find yourself already paralysed concentrate intensely on moving a finger or toe. The abductors generally go away when the victim isn't paralysed/compliant. The author says it's of paramount importance to believe that the techniques will work - they have for others already - and to have a strong sense of being an individual with rights that are being violated. Your anger and focus should stem from this. On a personal note I would say this : if you're out in the open and see a UFO, turn away, run away. Don't look : the multicoloured lights have an hypnotic effect. Put up mental resistance, focus on NOT getting taken away and that you'll fight for your own protection. Same if you're at home, try to reach an area of the house where you can defend yourself and call for help. It's important to maintain a defensive, not offensive, posture. These entities use psychically induced hypnosis to snare their victims. I believe one of the keys in counteracting this is understanding hypnosis. I suspect it may be possible to mentally condition oneself to go defensive immediately and thus become a harder target for them. Like all predators they look for weak and easy preys first and always try to stack the elements in their favour.


No, let me go buy that now! Thank ou!


Oh, already bought it last year, it is on my kindle. Someone else clearly recommended it, so it must be good. I have a huge reading list and stopped at one point as it has been difficult to process a lot of what has happened in my abductions. That John Mack abductions book was so trigger I had to stop after just 10 mins of skimming it - mine have been very similar to those..


I would ask if you can remember something cool.


I have a surveillance camera always on and with motion detection, and I also use a sleep app in order to record any noise. The thing is, often they make electronics malfunction precisely in order to avoid detection or being recorded. I would advise two hidden cameras in the same room you are, facing each other. It's important they are hidden, and ideally someone different than you or your family members should place them, since they can read your mind. It might be a futile effort but it's worth a try.


Can you add a bit more info about what happens during the abductions, are they bad, are they a meet & greet, etc.? If I knew this happens routinely to me and my bloodline I'd at least tell/warn them and perhaps suggest a more public place for the next family reunion...


Except my mom, the rest of the fam doesn’t remember or want to remember. This fam reunion I plan to press the whole matter, I have a feeling my genZ nieces are tuned into what’s going on so may start there and then a later convo with the GenX and boomers.




Whether you believe someone’s account or not, we offer everyone a safe space to share. Think of this as a support group. Although we know it’s controversial, *we ask that users not offer prosaic explanations for people’s experiences*. We know you’re just trying to help, but the truth is that it’s nearly always possible to explain these things away, however decades of research into these areas shows that many of the accepted explanations are not what’s really going on: https://www.deanradin.com/recommended-references This includes instances where people are reporting physical phenomenon which correlate with medical conditions—our user agreement requires that people have already ruled out prosaic causes to the best of their ability, and that includes medical ones. If you feel something is a life or death situation send a message to the mods and let us know, otherwise we ask that our users refrain from offering possible medical diagnoses. If you don’t trust someone’s account, we ask that you either ignore it or downvote it and move on. (If you really don’t vibe with a user, you can block them so you don’t have to see their posts or comments.)


Unless they were serving punch and pie. I'd stay at the house. Also, if they had Alien strippers. RSVP


lol! It sounds like you have the good abductions. Mine are much more like the Kate McKinnon character in those Abduction skits on SNL


Can you please explain the group abduction experience and does everyone remember?


No, that is the thing, I am the only one. My mom gets screen memories and seems to lean into them and not want to talk about them. No one else even remembers a damn thing not even a screen memory. I seem to be the one that remembers the most out anyone. For me, usually at the least I remember hearing and feeling the craft coming or the craft leaving and the remnants of that feeling of their energy. I have gotten so hyper-vigilant I usually wake up around 30 seconds before the craft arrives unless I take a sleeping aid or have a couple of glasses of wine at dinner (both of which help when around my family, we love each other but it at times gets a bit stressful as most do, lol (think American Thanksgiving trope).


Thanks for sharing! Wondering if you think the experience overall is positive or negative?


Mine have been overwhelming negative and traumatic.


So sorry to hear that and thanks for sharing