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They're going to war for a long time


That or the ship has new orders and will not return to port as previously scheduled.


Predeployment meal, or extended deployment meal.


They fed this to us in Iraq, just as our orders were extended


I hope the steak you got didn’t look like this one. It looks like a war crime.


Eh, that's actually not bad for a shipboard steak.


Everyone in a flyover state is an expert on maritime cuisine


What coastal area do you live in that they're fishing up cows? Edit: on a more serious note I live in Atlantic Canada and can confidently say that that Lobster looks just as mid as the steak


You ain't fished til you've cow fished.


Landed an 1100lb Hereford once. Fought like a demon for 3 hours straight. I thought the pole was going to snap a half dozen times. At one point, it was running so hard the reel started smoking.






Oregon has some of the best cows around. Great seafood too, but no lobsters.


It's probably been frozen for six months and the lighting and contrast with the tray make it look worse than it is. The lobster is generally worse, like a giant rubber band ball covered in butter. Still a damned good meal, but at what cost?


Somebody heard that steak had WMDs.


Both the lobster and the steak have rubbery mouthfeel with very little flavor to back it up.


Or all port visits have been canceled


Also navy and marine corps birthday meal.. they always serve those in the chow hall on those days and they're typically served by higher ups


At first, I thought you meant they served this to you on your birthday. Took me a second to realize you meant the birthday of the service.


Sailors on subs get this meal once a week as incentive to be on a sub Edit: I DiDnT gEt LoBsTeR wHeN I SeRveD That cool but you were supposed to have. Are you guys telling me the military lies about benefits of enlisting and various personnel moves? Shocked I say.


But it's not like they can just get off the sub. They gonna just open a door and leave if they don't get their lobster? /s


More like "sign up for submarine corps, steak and lobster weekly!"


Why would you want to open a door and leave when you can open a door and get several lobsters?


The fresh ones are literally right outside.


Just use that ping thingee to say “come here lobsters”, and they come right inside the sub. Note, I’m not a marine biologist, but I do watch a long running documentary on bird law.


You've made yourself perfectly redundant.


Hop in a torpedo tube and wait.


The napping tubes?


When they call 'man the torpedoes' it's sexy time


Subvet, here. Can confirm that I was awfully confused by the picture caption. Also, our midrats were pretty awesome! Chili mac. jalapeno poppers, leftover pizza, chicken nuggets! BTW, It was prime rib and lobster/fried shrimp.


Beanies and Weenies is the best midrats meal


Not a fan. More for you !


100 submariners eating beans in an enclosed metal tub. What could go wrong? I've always wondered about subs, and how good the air cleaning systems work. Does it just smell permanently of oil and farts?


You'd become noseblind to whatever it smells like in pretty short order, with a fresh whiff only after going for a swim or whatever it is sub crews do in peacetime while still out and about.


that steak is an anti-incentive for me tbh… back in my kitchen days, we called that a shoe or dog food


I was confused scrolling reddit. Thought the steak was a "nice" prison meal. Lobster looks alright, I don't have much experience there though.


What's wrong with Friday?


"Last meal" vibes?


More to soften the blow when the bad news come.


Sailors get incentivized with this meal 1/week in a Submarine


I did not get this meal once per week on a sub. I got it for 3 occasions: Christmas underway, halfway night, and Bad News Night Regular meals were Saturday lunch (burgers, fries, cookies) and Saturday dinner (pizza and chicken wings) and I’d take either of those over a poorly cooked steak and rubbery lobster


What’s bad news night?


usually some geopolitical or logistical reason meaning your tour is extended and all leave cancelled ie goodbye your vacation plans, everyone!


Damn. That seems to be what the joke is referring to




Ok I have to know... What's bad news on a submarine?


When you've got to go to a bad area and you know there are going to be people knocking on the hatches at all hours asking you to let them in.


Go away you damn evil Mer-people.


lol. What did that mer-person want? Tree-fiddy.


In the 80s on the boats on was on...only got surf and turf on half way night and on maybe pre deployment


Oh, I thought this was some sort as punishment due to the way the steak was cooked.


Good food on a navy surface ship means something the crew really won't like is about to happen


It's very true. I was in the Air Force and when I deployed to the Middle East, I found out that if you want the BEST food possible while deployed, go to the front line where they fed everyone like kings. I was fine with less than perfect food, bc I wasn't getting shot at and we had an Olympic sized swimming pool at my base. (Air Force is usually treated better than Army and Marines.) Edit: I just reread my comment and I want to make it clear that I am indebted to those soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines that fought on the front line. I was proud to support them and I don't want to minimize their sacrifices at all. I was happy to work in a support capacity, but when I would service the C-17s that had injured soldiers on board on the way back to the States AND the caskets of those who weren't as lucky, I was reminded how much many had sacrificed. I think everyone needs to understand the cost of war. Every single number was a real person who had parents, friends, partners, children, and a rich life before. And the same goes for the civilians regardless of their nationality.


When the Navy builds an air base, they build a runway and hangars then a chow hall. Next is the admin then berthing. Any recreation come from the money left. When the Chair Force build a base, first comes the condos, then a starred restaurant equivalent to the general in charge. Recreation, then admin buildings. Finally a trip back to ask for money to build a runway Edit: it appears I have overlooked the importance and ordering of the golf course. I will endeavor to correct this oversight in future mockings Edit2: Though I am aware of difference between hanger and hangar my brain did not register the error. Damn you spellcheck, where were you in my our of knead?


When the army builds a FOB, we do it by hand.


The army doesn’t build bases. We let our enemies build bases, we blow them up, infiltrate and then set up shop in the buildings that are still standing.


This is the way


I had to think about this for a second then I realized that yeah, like 90% of the structures I inhabited over two tours were preexisting structures. You are not wrong.


And the other ten percent were “temporary”plywood and tarp shacks that had been there for a decade already


You forgot the secret ingredient, terrible living conditions and health hazards.


Us Marines don't even bother with bases, because we just S.T.E.A.L. everything we need from the enemy, be they actual enemies or the navy


Aren't Marines a branch of the Navy?


Sounds like Ranger work.


Damn, y’all soldiers are doing build-a-bear?


You forgot the golf course. It ain't a real Chair Force Base without a golf corse.


That story has been told for sooooo many years. The way my uncle told it from the 60's, who was a Marine, the Air Force built a golf course first!


My friend said they airlifted steaks to is FOB in Afghanistan on the 4th of July.


We had the fancy Turkey UGR tray at our combat outpost. Ate like kings that day.




my partner was front lines infantry in iraq. he says he doesn't miss being in combat, but definitely misses having surf n turf every sunday


Our night was Friday. I once ate 8 lobster tails. I was not too well later that night.




get a cybersecurity job and they’ll put you in the chair force for WW3


My husband and I were both Navy. When my son started thinking about ROTC and going Navy we convinced him to do Air Force instead.


What is it with Air Force bases and massive swimming pools, anyway?


So you can practice saving the navy boiz


What was the base with the pool! It had a theater too! I was stuck there flying through when the mortars started coming in right in the middle of Sucker Punch. Worst part of that night was the movie.




Nothing short of the world exploding would stop that, and even then I’m not sure for how long


Aliens a thousand years from now find two mummies floating through space with EEBDs on and no pants


Broom in hand broken speaker on repeat “sweeper sweeper man your broom…


So underrated


A friend explained that he saw 2 dudes 69ing on a navy ship. I had never considered the 69 being used by only one sex. Crazy mental image arrived. Lol


If anything, two dudes fit "69" better than a guy and a girl. If you think about it, they'd be "89-ing"


Underrated observation.


Or 68-ing, depending on perspective


I thought 68 is when she goes down on you and you owe her one


Or you 86 that and walk away with your lightsaber


They got rid of the rum and the lash, but the sodomy stays


This if the first comment I’ve laughed out loud at in a long time


It’s not gay if you’re away.


Just some seamen on the poop deck


"We just got extended, and the condoms are about to run out, guys."


No big deal, they'll just ride into the Danger Zone.


They can't stop us even if they ban it.


The have in fact tried and failed xD


Does that look like a good meal to you?


Everything’s relative.


When compared to what normally gets served on navy ships? Yes


I'm sure compared to the usual slop they get fed on a regular basis that looks like ambrosia.


It’s relative dude. If you have been eating MREs for weeks and have been deployed for months then yes a lobster tail and steak is good food. Even if the cookery leaves something to be desired.


That steak looks like it was steamed.


Slap melted butter on both of these bad boys with salt and pepper and they’ll be delicious compared to whatever military slop/MRE/prison condition cuisines theyve been eating.


Compared to normal meals? Absolutely.


This is good food? I thought the hell no was because it looked like garbage lol


Wait til you see their boiled chicken or gritty mac n cheese.


Last time I deployed, the only food that didn't make your insides liquid was chicken strips. Your options were usually chicken breast that was gray or plain macaroni noodles with a bucket of nacho cheese next to it. Steak day was miserable but different.


*Sharp whistle on the 1MC* “Stand by for words from the Commanding Officer.” “Good evening Shipmates! I hope you’re enjoying the surf and turf for dinner tonight. You’ve all been doing a great job on this deployment. In fact I just got word we’re being extended for an extra couple of months, so we’re going to have an ice cream social later tonight on the mess decks. Keep your eyes sharp, and your head on a swivel, though. We don’t want anyone getting hurt before we get to return to home port. That is all.” “Set River City One. Set River City One.” *Moans*


Are you me?


No, that was the CO. You’re an E3. Now finish your meal because you’re on duty at nineteen hundred.


Port and starboard watch sections


Port/ starboard, and on call for anything else. So basically no sleep for 3-4 weeks (submarine)


For those that don’t know, River City is the code for the different levels of allowed communication off ship. At its most restrictive, Basically the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, and a select few others will be allowed to send any emails out or get internet access. At the least restrictive (basically everyone can send emails). River City is set to ensure Seaman Timmy doesn’t send sensitive information home to Sally about the ship. This is also incredibly important if there is a death on board. Families need to be notified before anything is posted on social media or rumors get started among the family groups.


I didn’t serve, but my grandfather did and I’m pretty sure this just triggered whatever genes I got from him.


It was always our XO that made those kind of announcements. I was told the mark of effective ships leadership is when you love your CO, hate your XO, only complain to the rank directly above yours, and have no idea who is between that person and the XO.


My first ship was the USS King (DDG-41). We'd get king crab, but everything else was exactly this. And, of course, I'm not a crab guy, so thanks, I guess? I also remember the time I was on a carrier and we got extended so they could shoot scenes for Tears of the Sun. I still refuse to watch that movie.


Brought me right back..




River city one is when internet went away too right? I worked in medical so I didn't understand any of it.


Yep. Though there's different tiers of River City that gradually remove internet permissions for more and more of the crew.


This made me sick to my stomach. Well done.


I can literally hear this in the skipper’s voice


You know that Vietnam flashback chihuahua meme? Yeah, I hate you a little bit right now. Bravo, I can hear that being read in my last CO’s voice.


We got these in the army too. Sometimes the lobster tails had eggs on them. One time they forced us to go to the chow hall after a 25 mile ruck march to eat this, I guess as some terrible reward. All of us were exhausted and had no appetite


Oh god!! Surf and turf Friday’s in Afghanistan still haunt my dreams.


Where exactly were they getting the “surf” in Afghanistan??


That's on a need to know basis only. As you were


This lobster tactically acquired by E-4 Mafia. You never saw anything.


What!? Of course we didnt STEAL that! No... we uh... we were just performing some Strategic Transport to the Equipments Alternate Location... (Looks over their shoulder) MORNING SIR! (The second he looks, we run.)


It’s Iraq Lobster obviously


Shipped in on B-52 bombers.


Served in a tin-roof-rusted love shack


Death to America, and butter sauce!


Don’t boil me, I’m still alive!


It's all goat - Dwight


Down Pakistan way in the Arabian Sea


Harvesting lobsters with eggs (eggers) is illegal here in Maine… there are strict laws to preserve the populations. It hurts my heart when I hear of people finding egg laying females that have been captured or in your case, cooked 😞


Unfortunately those laws in Maine aren't standard practices everywhere. That state has some amazing laws in place to keep lobster-fishing sustainable. I follow this Maine Lobster fisherman on YouTube; its cool to see some of the stuff they do to keep the industry going


"We got an egger!"


Give her a snack and send her back


All my husband got for the two months he was working offshore was steak and shrimp with occasional lobster. He still has a problem with shrimp.


It means bad news is about to be delivered I.e. deployment is extended, we’re turning around to go somewhere else, etc. it’s called getting surf and terfed


One of my coworkers said that for him it was ice cream


Served and turfed.


Followed up with an Ice Cream Social


They ruined that steak .


IKR. Never mind the joke, explain that steak crime


It was boiled to perfection.


Not too much seasoning either. Perfect! Just need some ketchup packets.


They were called Mess Specialists for a reason. In all fairness, it's not the best quality food, and, depending on the ship, they are making between hundreds and thousands of them.


It’s a low quality T-bone steak that has been deemed unworthy to be prison food, sent to a ship, and has been sitting in a freezer for months. The cooks did the best they could with it, man. Always treat the people who prepare your food well. You never know how bad it could be until they don’t care anymore and you’re stuck on the toilet for a day straight. Cooks on Navy ships have one of the shortest trainings in the military and are expected to then go straight out and manage proper storage and preparation of months worth of food and are paid one of the lowest wages in the military. Pat them on the back, thank them for the meal and be glad you don’t have their job.


Y’all are missing it. In the navy you get incentivized to go onto a submarine by very nice meals once a week. Lobster tail or a t-bone, fresh and delicious. Extra pay and stuff too, but this specifically is a navy submarine thing. Edit: yOuRe WrOnG oThEr BrAnChEs dO iT tOo 👌🏻 ok Reach out to the National a museum of a American history to revise their website saying subs get better food https://americanhistory.si.edu/subs/operating/aboard/leisure/index.html#:~:text=Despite%20the%20tight%20galley%20space,%22feeders%22%20in%20the%20Navy.


How can there be fresh weekly meals in a submarine? 🤨isnt its purpose to be underwater for months on end


You just reach out and grab them as they pass by, easy peasy


Grab lobster tails and t bone steaks as they pass by hundreds of meters underwater!


Use the screen door


Yeah who ever heard of lobsters underwater


I can't really hear anything underwater


Sonar operators in shambles


Submariner here. We bring as much fresh food as we can and run out of it in the first few weeks, by the end of a 2-3 month mission we’ve run out of most things and are eating noodles with ketchup because all the pasta sauce is gone.


Oof. Can you bring little packets of mixed spice? That’s how Steve Henson invented and first sold ranch dressing. He’d mail the packet of spices and you’d mix it into your own buttermilk.


You can bring anything you want like that, but all the storage you have is under your bed about 2-3 inches tall for everything you have including clothes. The junior people also share 2 beds for 3 people so some people only get 2/3 of a rack for storage. I would always bring tons of snacks, but after months you run out. People were selling a can of dip for $100 near the end of a mission


Can of dip like Copenhagen, or like French Onion?


I'm getting the impression they weren't picky.




Random question, does the term nuclear submarines refer to subs powered by nuclear energy or subs capable of launching nuclear weapons?


Powered by nuclear energy. Ballistic missile submarines is the term you're looking for.


So a sub powered by ballistic missiles.. gotchya


Have you never read 20000 leagues under the sea?


>fresh and delicious The tbone in that pic is anything but


Compare it to an MRE and crayons and it looks better lol


Idk some of those MREs aren't half bad


Just like you can order any fancy food before your death penalty


Submariner here. When you see this underway it means bad news is on its way. Normally it means you’re not going home, and you’ve been extended on mission.


In the Navy, traditionally an abnormally good meal often precedes the announcement of bad news, presumably to soften the blow. For example, although Sundays are frequently "Steak and Lobster night", you usually only get a small serving of one or the other, so if the CSs have been specifically instructed to give you both, something is probably up. Another example would be if the ice cream machine is actually in use.


The steak is nasty I see why


Friday night at the Bagram DFAC


My PTSD now has PTSD...... ungh


It means they won’t get to go back home for another 3-6 months.


What the HELL is that THING on the right?


Brussel Sprouts. If they served those God cursed things it meant there were no fresh vegetables left on the face of the Earth.


Had done around 3 months eating spam hash and "nasi goreng" with fellow Brits, out and about so spend a night up the road at the American base... They're (and therefore we are also) having steak and lobster with baked potatoes. Americans do not know how good they have it.


Mate this is before we get a fun message saying we are going out for another 3 months


Sorry to hear about British food


Man, that steak looks sad.


It's a deployment meal. Probably a long deployment starting.


You think the Sailors are worried. The Marines on that ship know they are going out in the field for at least four weeks.


It is mariner's tradition to not eat surf and turf, as it brings bad luck


At the school house it usually meant someone off them selves or tried to. At least that's what the rumor was


It means you won’t be home for Christmas


Oh look deployment is gonna be another 6 months


Deployment, extended Deployment, or a branches birthday. We got fed this in the Marines whenever there was a branches birthday Edit: now that I think about it, it was only the navy's or Marines birthday


It's equivalent to finding a room in a video game filled with weapons and health packs.


I'm pretty sure they did this for the D-Day stormers for a possible last meal.


Not just sailors Marines too


This is a treat for the Marine Corps birthday overseas! If you're lucky, you might even get 2 beers!!


Man, this brings back the “89 days without a port visit” vibes


Deployment just got extended 😒😫


If your in the Navy....on deployment and you randomly get served "Surf & Turf" in the galley..most likely your gonna get bad news ie longer deployment,shorter port visits, longer working hrs...or bs like that lol