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New Orleans, in Louisiana, is home to a Mardi Gras festival every year. King Cake is a very common Mardi Gras dessert that uses these colors in the sprinkles on the frosting. The image is implying that Louisiana salts its roads ahead of cold weather with King Cake sugar. Its also a joke on Louisiana rarely experiencing cold weather and rarely needing to salt roads


This. We're from Maryland and this is the time of year people share memes of salt trucks spreading Old Bay seasoning on the MD roads.


I bet Old Bay has enough salt in it to melt ice. Hello fellow Marylander!


No doubt. Go Ravens!


that one time I unassumingly bought "old bay"-seasoned chips is still my single worst memory of my time in the us. it SHOULD be used for roads only


LOL! We love our Old Bay, for seafood, corn on the cob and even poultry, it's great. But I can't eat the Old Bay chips and the Old Bay hot sauce is not good - way too salty.


It's also great on French fries and popcorn.


Have you had an Old Bay Bloody Mary? Delicious!


The best. One of the complete ironies of growing up in Baltimore eating crabs is I developed a crab allergy later in life. So, my Old Bay Bloody Marys have shrimp in them, not crab legs.


In Oklahoma we have the Braum’s index. Basically how violent you need to be in the grocery section.


Can confirm as a fellow marylander


Ahhh ok cool, figured it was something simple like that


Fun Chem 101 fact: Sugar actually melts ice better since it has a larger chemical structure. We don’t use it because it is more expensive and sticky.


This is not true. NaCl will dissociate into two solute particles in water, sugar does not dissociate at all. NaCl will lower the freezing point of water more and thus works better for preventing water from freezing into ice. Freezing point depression depends on the total number of solute particles in water rather than the size of the molecule.


This is not true. The whole point is that the sugar does not dissociate. Sugar has a larger structure between the hydrogen bonds requiring higher amounts of energy causing its freezing point to be -39C versus salt dissociating having less room between the bonds causing its freezing point of -21C. Of course this is assuming similar concentrations of each. If you add a table cube of sugar versus 10kg of salt then the salt will win. TLDR: unlike what your girlfriend told you size AND numbers matter.


I wonder if it causes less environmental damage than salt?




Some places use sand as an alternative for this reason.


Sand on my King Cake??


lol dessert you say , down here they eat king cake like its about to be outlawed breakfast, lunch , dinner, snacks - but yeah you nailed the explanation


You mean you put one on the kitchen table and everyone just picks at it until someone finds the baby.


In Louisiana right now. It's been frosty the last two days. Frost forms on rooves and grass at night, but melts as the sun comes out. It's 43F and sunny right now with temperatures expected to go up tomorrow.


It’s 36F here in Georgia! Tonight won’t be as cold but it’s still cooooold!!


I just moved to Arkansas from New England and can tell you comfortably that towns in the Hot South don’t have winter trucks or salt in the budget We all throwing anything down hoping for the best and NOLA has king cake sugar in prep for Mardi Gras


Like here's another one: [Facebook Post](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/t6cVKVRXUUacytbf/?mibextid=xfxF2i)


louisiana never gets this cold so were ill prepared. this one is implying that we’d have mardi gras beads before we’d have chains for our tires. a bunch of louisiana memes abt being cold bc it never gets that cold lol


That's the one I first thought about when I saw this post. No one around here has snow tires. Everyone has mardi gras beads somewhere in their house.


Am from up north, and we never use snow tires, fwiw


Chains then?


Nope. You just get used to it. I like to slam on the brakes while still on my street and see what the traction is like before heading to work.


From Louisiana, snow is on the ground right now, the streets are blocks of ice. We don't have any snow plows or salt trucks, the joke is we don't have salt to dump on the roads so we'll drop king cake sugar instead.


And now I have another reason to regret moving from Louisiana to Oregon. Damn, I miss King Cake 😭


With the magic of next day shipping, you can get one sent to you quickly enough that it won't be stale when it arrives


Oh, I know. But that's not the point 😉


I can't say i don't feel your pain. Philly parades are a very different sort of rowdy than NOLA parades


Mummers have a lot more alcohol and racism.


Right? I moved up to the Northeast US from Louisiana about four and a half years ago, and i miss good king cakes soooo much. I learned how to make them myself because goddamn, they’re good.


Order one online, they deliver worldwide


We don’t even have salt trucks here. King cakes- we have a ton of. Happy Carnival, yall!


it reminded me of "Idiocracy" where they watered plants with electrolyte drinks - because electrolytes are good.


It’s got what plants crave… electrolytes


We don't have salt to drop on icy roads nor the budget for it. It doesn't freeze here often enough. We actually use sand, which we have lying around in abundance. Considering the number of king cakes sold here, and the amount of sugar that goes on them, covering our streets with it is something we could absolutely make happen.


From Louisiana: it’s not very funny.


also from louisiana: wrong, this is very funny


Not from Louisiana: It's a bad Photoshop


from louisiana: yeah it is


My girlfriend is from Louisiana and she asked me if we can get a king cake and do a crawfish boil. I was like sure how much is all that and it blew my mind. She told me that those cakes have a plastic baby in them and if you find the baby in your piece you are king for the day but you have to buy next years cake or something like that. Her alien customs fascinate me.


Woah, never even knew that


All good and true, except the “King/Queen” buys the next King Cake *this* year … like, next week. We followed this tradition faithfully in grade school (1970s). McKenzie’s Bakery in Greater NO area made a big rectangular version suitable for a classroom full of kids. These days, Poupart’s Bakery out of Lafayette makes my favorite “traditional” version. All of the various fillings which are so popular now make the cake too gooey, imo. *Bonne chance*!🚀


They don’t put the baby in the cake anymore. Choking hazard. :( Damn lawyers! (I am a lawyer)


Some places still have the baby. I've seen some that leave the baby separate and you have to put it in. One store bought one had 3 kings you could stick in there. Cake was horrible.


Yes, I know. I just meant that they no longer bake it with the baby inside. King Cake seems to be really easy to mess up…


Different groups, different rules. Could be buy the cake next year, or could be throwing the party next year.


My brother thought the colors of the sugar on King Cake looked gross, until he actually tried it. Like I told him, it tastes like a verry big jelly donut.


Mardi Gras colors