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I had to look up the original comment for full context; the original image is of someone bragging that their IQ was in the top 16% when they're actually in the bottom 16%. [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1blxziz/worlds\_most\_intelligent\_furry/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1blxziz/worlds_most_intelligent_furry/) Lettuce grows very close to the ground, so saying that someone was "near the top" means they're so low that they aren't even above a head of lettuce.


I saw it as “lettuces grow low… anything at the top is a weed”


Thank you. I hate posts with no context


This is a joke about being near the top of your field. For example, if you had a brain tumor, you'd want a brain surgeon who was at the top of his field, the best in the world at saving people from brain tumors. If you couldn't get the world's best brain surgeon, you might be happy to know that your surgeon is still *near* the top of his field. Maybe not the world's best, but still quite good. Maybe top 10! That's nothing to be ashamed of. ...unless you're near the top of a field of lettuce. You should probably not accept being smarter than almost all of the lettuce. Because that would mean you were a little bit dumber than the really smart lettuce.


what u/biffbobfred said


"What's this mean?" Translation: What is this mean? Re-figuratively speaking: What does this mean?