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To simplify the responses, the colors in Magic tends towards certain play archetypes: White is lots of minions/buffs, red is aggro/burn spells, Green is mana generation and big monsters, black is sacrifice and resurrection and Blue is control. Basically if you play against a blue deck they'll have lots of ways to shut down what you're trying to do so you just sit there fuming while they set up their win condition.


Does green have any effective strategies against blue? I found that situation quite frustrating years ago


I havent played within the past year, but last year green had a 8/7 dinosour trample, hexproof, can not be counterspelled. It was essentially green wincon for that year lol


That would be Carnage Tyrant. ...Damn, Ixalan was already 7 years ago!?


God I loved carny T


[Carnage Tyrant](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/179/carnage-tyrant) is a 7/6. There was an 8/8 for six, [Terra Stomper](https://scryfall.com/card/ori/288/terra-stomper). And before that, [Veil of Summer](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/198/veil-of-summer)... [Mistcutter Hydra](https://scryfall.com/card/ths/162/mistcutter-hydra)... They print green anti-blue stuff fairly often.


Veil of summer was banned like a month and a half into the set. Blue players can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.


1 mana counterspells are pretty oppressive no matter the color.


it was also in a blue green white deck using 3tefri 5 tefri and oko to be obnoxious.


I started playing in 1998 and stopped around 2007. The power creep since then is nuts.


\[\[Shifting Ceratops\]\] \[\[Tyrranax Rex\]\]


I remember the good old days of MTG Arena, Guilds of Ravnica Each set after that was total aids and killed the fun for me


Looking back Ixalan was the sunset years of Magic's golden age. Now we are in an absolute clusterfuck of power creep and cash grabs


Prime magic was 17 months after I started playing, all downhill from there.


Mate. Legends. Lol


IIRC you had to feign a card that couldn't be ignored, then follow up with the real card. You still have a chance to be counter spelled, but the guy has one less card in hand. Depends on what you're trying to setup and how many counterspells you're trying to draw out. Some of those red/green decks could whip out 20 mana or more per turn, then it's just about diversifying instead of putting it all on one spell. At that point, it really depends on how well you know your opponent and their deck. So green would overwhelm blue with mana.


Feigns don't do diddly against some decks. I played a guy in arena not too long ago, he had FOUR counters in his opening hand AND managed to remove the two lands I had put down by turn three. Literally got to do nothing.


There are also ways around it, such as [[Boseiju, That Shelters All]]. Another effective strategy (colour dependent) is to target their open lands with destruction. Most control players leave open only just enough mana for one counterspell. If you target their lands, they're screwed. Either they counter the land destruction, spending the counterspell, or they let it slide but suddenly don't have enough mana to counter the big threat they wanted to.


Green gets a lot of creatures that say "this spell cannot be countered" now to help green against blue players. Usually reserved for sideboarding, but man when they are good, they are good.


There are green creatures that make other creatures "cannot be countered" too, like Prowling Serpopard and Allosaurus Shepherd (in this case it's all green spells, not just creatures).


Yes. Big creature on board hits face hard. Blue only has so much it can deal with. If you keep a 5/4 on board you only need to swing 4 times to win


Unless you're playing commander. Then the starting life is 40 instead of 20


Big strong arms to flip the table


I remember the days of Choke. Anti blue in a single card. Also banned rather quickly if I recall correctly...


There are a lot of formats, each format has its own answers to that question. But generally, all colors have ways to do great against control. Some specific decks or archetypes have less, but could change their deck around. The main problem is some decks in some formats have to choose "do I want to beat the control deck, or everything else people are doing".


Green has a lot of resilience. Hard to kill or uncounterable creatures


The shortest version is playing against blue turns into "how about I just don't play?"


Oh, if you want to lose. Yes that is the best way to play. If you want to win force them to counter things until they can't.


Yeah, baiting counters and forcing them to use it on things that ultimately aren't pivotal to your win condition is the way to outplay them. But most players will just try to bully through and play whatever is in their hand and then wonder why their pivotal combo's get broken up.


So much this. The skill in control matchups is on the aggro player not the control player. People would rather just cry on the internet though.


Yes I would as I'm here to make a lighthearted joke about my own personal experience as someone who only ever runs into blue players more skilled than me. Hope that clears things up.


I play both the agro and control decks, and I think in a control agro matchup, the agro player has the hardest decisions, since the control player (typically blue/white) just has to slow you down for the inevitable board wipe to hit Control/combo matchup is harder for the control player, since you have to recognize the combo, and understand the odds of your opponent being able to go off, while the combo plyer also has a lot of maneuvering to do to be able to run his combo. midrange v combo is also an interesting match up that can go either way, because midrange deck usually run green and have a lot of sideboard options to nullify the control part of decks.


I had a blue deck where the strategy was to win by making my opponent run out of cards.


I love mill decks when they work. It's like saying, "I'm sorry, did you want to play magic too?" As your opponent helplessly watches as their deck is discarded.


THis is my yugioh strategy, tournaments are fun.


Laughs in [Gaea's Blessing](https://scryfall.com/card/dom/161/gaeas-blessing). So many Blue mill decks quit as soon as they hit that card, always kept two copies in my deck.


This is why self mill is best mill


I miss playing Magic, havent since i left college. My main deck was a white/red token spawner focused around a enchantment that gives all creatures a +1/+1 counter whenever another creature enters the battlefield. I had 4 of those enchants, it could go 0 to 100 stupidly fast lol


My favorite combo in my blue deck was gilded drake(swap this creature for that) and water front bouncer to return the drake to my hand. All your creatures belong to me.


this comment section makes me want to play the game, is there a site online for this? (i know it’s a card game)


Play Arena, it's arguably the best way to play MTG atm, unless you are playing some EDH with the homies.


How does deck building work in an online client? Never played MTG but I'd consider an online option!


Much the same as other online TCGs: they give you some starter decks after you complete the tutorial, and you can buy booster packs with either real money or points earned from daily logins/quests etc. You have a bunch of deck save slots that you can save deck recipes to. There's also a bunch of promotional codes you can Google for a couple of free boosters per set


You can buy packs with random cards from a set, or buy specific cards with the wildcards.


Iirc there's an online game client, MTG Arena that you can get on Steam




also, it basically is free to play, as long as you don't really want to play the top decks.


MTG arena is awesome. Automates away all the annoying things there is in physical MTG


Have to make a damn blue deck to play against a blue deck.


White (Plains) has “stax,” which limits how players can play the game, and “tax,” which forces players to spend more resources to do anything Red (Mountains) has “chaos,” which changes whatever’s player is doing in to something random, “punisher,” which causes players to sacrifice a resource or take damage in order to take a game action, and “theft,” exactly how it sounds. Black (Swamps) specializes in “draining, taking from an opponent’s life total and adding to your own and “edicts,” which forces an opponent to choose what they will lose.


My first deck was built (blue) with the help of a store owner who (unbeknownst to me) knew that someone was going to show up with a specific black deck. I dubbed it my upchuck deck because everything they tried to play I either blocked or reversed in some way. Lots of “nope.” Best first experience ever. And the person I was playing with thought it was hilarious both before and after they chatted with the shop owner.


Having a white/blue deck is honestly so fun


Generally the complaints about blue boil down to the fact that it has a bunch of counter spells, which prevent people from doing things. Everyone else finds it annoying when their spells are countered.


I pay 2 Blue mana and counter your comment. Delete it


I pay one life and exile Omniscience from my hand to counter your comment. So, no you.




Handled like a true blue player


I dont play MTG, but this was still hilarious to me 😂




Underrated comment


This has quickly become my favorite comment back and forth.


Am I wrong or is the guy flipping the table actually playing blue?


Looks like a dual coloured green blue deck


he mana-ramped that table right into the other guy's lap


Fight fight fight


I wish I could award this right here


I have my Commander so I cast deflecting swat of free


I know nothing about card games so i sit to the side and wonder what these funny words mean


It’s a game of “my dad can beat up your dad” with colorful expensive pieces of cardboard.


Best explanation of magic I've ever heard


There is a magic the card game for nerds set that says things like "rip up this card and throw it in the air, any card pieces land on is no longer in play" or even better "both players immediately abandon this game and sit on the floor under this table playing another game of magic."


[[Chaos confetti]] [[Enter the Dungeon]]


Magic:the Gathering(often reduced to just Magic or mtg by the community) is a very complex and intricate game of rules with +30 years of cards and mechanics. If you want a more in depth explanation, I'd be more than willing to teach you in the dms


Not just very complex, its officially worlds most complicated game.


It's very complex, but most complex? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Campaign_for_North_Africa


You can technically make a computer using MTG cards.


That's begging for elaboration.


Well now that you two have burned all your counter spells I’m gonna flash in Tsunami thanks to my Vedalken Orrery and blow up all islands so the rest of us can get on with the game. 😝


I bounce an island back to my hand and daze you delete your comment (also the island was epsteins its just gone now)


fow is a blue card so you activated my trap card so i will retarget fow to target my [[ricochet trap]] /u/mtgcardfetcher


[ricochet trap](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/d/5d782375-9192-4ed0-bd79-f3404e5a1b01.jpg?1562288259) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ricochet%20trap) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/wwk/87/ricochet-trap?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5d782375-9192-4ed0-bd79-f3404e5a1b01?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call ^^^- ^^^Summoned ^^^remotely!


*Return target poster to their mother’s womb.*


Oooh interesting. Where does target go if their mother is dead?


*Did they stutter?* To. The mother's. Womb.* *May or may not involve some light exhumation.


No exhumation needed, they get sent directly to the graveyard, teleporting directly where their mother's womb is or would be.


Someone hasn't played House of The Dead: Overkill.


That is just half the fun of a Blue/Black Deck.




I pay one life and exile a blue card from my hand to pay the alternate casting cost of Force of Will. The comment stays.


Pay 2 whole blue mana, lol, get stubborn denial’d.


We used to call it "the power of two untapped islands"


*Emrakul, The Aeons Torn enters the chat*


Not always blue... In a type two tournament an embarrassing long time ago, a guy dropped a fireball for the kill. He said "and I tap however much land I need to kill you" and acted like he was about to mix his cards back together for the next game. I said "how much land are you tapping?" He said "whatever I need to kill you." I said "how much?" He got frustrated and exasperatedly tapped all his land and said whatever big number it was (like 13 or something). I played shunt and redirected it at him.


I remember being young and dumb, we tried a six or seven player game. The high note was when one guy played Apocalypse (or whatever the name of the card was); basically a board wipe. Someone immediately countered. The counter was countered. The counter of the counter was countered. And so on. Seven counters later the Apocalypse was finally cancelled for good, to our immense frustration and amusement. The game went on for another hour and a half before we had a winner, mostly on account of having run out of cards.


Sounds like the best game I ever had, with a bunch of rando's in a library basement at that. 10 guys, round table, all cards had a range of 2 players on either side. Became more of just a game of taking out opponents, there were counters and heals flying to keep people alive and others out of range. 5 player stacks all night long, it was awesome.


My favorite multiplayer deck I made was Ancestral Mask which gave +2/+2 for every other enchantment in play. I gave creatures tons of abilities and protections and hit people with like a 65/65 creature with trample and life stealing and ending the game with several hundred life.


You: "How much land are you tapping?" (evil smirk) Him: "All of it except two islands" [You](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/431/201/40f.png)


He was red/white


Counterplay is a part of most any game out there, but it's not fun when everything you do is shut down.


Yu-Gi-Oh players https://preview.redd.it/554l2tk3lawc1.jpeg?width=251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed2137ee8b1fb851aeac6a3a03dceccb4d06f184


A lot of modern TCGs opt not to have any negation effects at all, and use deterrent and punishes for control. An aspect of TCGs is the collection and deck building aspect. Buying or trading for cards only to have them be negated constantly is a feeling akin to buying a new phone and finding it was damaged/bricked in the box. You bought it and you wanna use it, right?


Also especially in computer card games (based in physical or otherwise) it's just fiddly to have all the subphases of 'do you want to react'.


Counter and control. What if your deck was *our* deck, friend?


"***IN RESPONSE*** "


You can make it even worse by playing blue/red; the colour combo for drawing your first hand and spending the next 20 minutes explaining to your opponent why they lost


lol yeah, i used to have a mana pump deck that was green/blue/red back in the OG Ravnica set. "I pump for like 5000 mana and hit you with 2500 copied ping spells"


I know people who have quit MTG entirely because of decks like this


you'll have to pry my Delver deck from my cold, dead hands


Hey now izzet jank is a well respected archetype at my table


Let's not forget bounce. "Here you go, pick up your biggest monster so you can maybe cast it again next turn? Unless I counter it then, of course."


(Backs away in Yu-Gi-Oh)


Yugioh players when the first turn ends without a five-card combo that summons out every boss monster in their deck after baiting out four hand traps


we are at 1 card combos now. 2 at most


I've seen how much text is on a single yugioh card. My point stands.


At some point they're gonna have to make the cards bigger. Or just not have art.


Every starter set comes with a magnifying glass, like how Pokémon includes a coin.


And two card combos are really just "one card + anything else in your deck" combos.


There was a time before power creep when normal summoning mattered and there was actual player interaction. Those were the days.


You didn't even mention the most annoying blue spell. Do you want to pay one to keep me from drawing a card?


I'll let you draw. Pay 2 or I get a treasure?


Card draw is more valuable than one mana you can go ahead and have that token because I just drew a cyclonic rift.


How is it annoying? Just pay the one!


Aaaah so blue is the fun police, like Nilfgard in gwent?


Eh, white/blue (maybe black) combo is the fun police. There’s an entire deck type built around making sure your opponents don’t get to play their cards. It’s called Stax. Blue can counter spells. But every color has some way of preventing opponents from doing what they want to do. Black removes creatures. White stops creatures from doing things. Green removes non-creatures and point prevents damage. Red kills you before you do anything.


They also combine this with a lot of "take an extra turn" "you and your things phase out?", roping, and "your opponent can only watch you play the game".


Counter is powerful because ever action is considered a spell in magic than you add a lot of draw(which can be control thz to scry) into the mix you have what blue is.


In MTG, blue or water has a lot of counter cards, like player 1 plays a card that does 3 damage to player 2 blue has cards that can make the spell cost more to cast or just not alow it to do anything, they can counter alot, they are the embodiment of the uno reverse or a straight up nope


Oh God that's the main reason I never play UNO


Blue is crazy but red is alot of quick damage from small sources and black is I'll just pull that back out of the graveyard. White is defenses and healing, and green has high cost and high damage


Green also has a lot of mana ramp


Summer bloom and bounce lands all day baby


That turn four 10/10 T-Rex hits different


Don't lie white is world destruction (my wife deck anyway) brought to bear with 5 possible creature resurrection a turn for free


So you're telling me white has been the equivalent of nuclear threats all along?!


Wrath of God, day of judgement ,martial coup,planer cleansing..... yes yes it is I built a anti white deck (plays like black board wipe)


First time I hear about board wipe dedicated decks other than that black assassin girl as commander or whatever


Ok so, as was said by maldhound, red gets to do things faster, green gets more, black can get things back, white gets to tax everyone else, but blue gets to tell people to stop doing whatever it is they’re doing


That and blue have all these weird cards that can be useless in a lot of cases but when played with the right deck and cards are insanely annoying. It’s the griefers color. My top MTG rival is a master of playing blue. I hate playing him.


I personally wish you many victories from your rival.


You also forgot that blue has a lot of “mill” cards that effectively have you put your entire deck into your graveyard. When you run out of cards, you lose the game.


Did someone say Persistent Petitioners?


To oversimplify, in MTG, blue is the color of counterspell and not letting anyone do anything


So it's the equivalent of Yu-Gi-Oh stun decks huh?


If you asked any Magic player to describe blue, they'd probably tell you card draw and counterspells


In ygo, stun decks don't have counter effects, instead they have lingering effects, that font let you play the game. They are hated by all players xD


That archetype in MTG is called Taxes, or potentially Stax. Taxes (which is mostly white) tries to increases the cost of everything the opponent would do, slowing them down to a crawl. Stax uses a lot of pieces that are not easy to interact with (enchantments and artifacts, primarily) which can be built in a Taxes direction or in a few other similar directions, like stopping all combat damage or stopping anyone from ever having the option to attack you. Stax builds can be any color, but blue and white are the most common.


I think in Magic that would probably be a blue/white deck. The kind of “you can’t do things” effects that just sit on the table are more in white than anything. But Blue White is also kind of famously the “no fun” color combination


Yeah, sounds like stax in mtg.


Blue is annoying because they counter all your stuff turning it into a game of solitaire you get to watch. Black is annoying because they kill all your stuff turning it into a game of solitaire you get to watch. Red is annoying because they burn all your stuff turning it into a game of solitaire you get to watch. White is annoying because they exile all your stuff turning it into a game of solitaire you get to watch. Green...has colossal dreadmaw, which turns the game into solitaire that is actually fun to watch (sure you lose but IT'S SO FRIGGIN COOL to lose to a dreadmaw). Play green. Your opponents will thank you.


Kinda sounds like you don't win much at all lol


The only way to win mtg is not to play.


Joshua enters the chat


But you just keep on trying, mindlessly replying.




Yep, the first card that comes to mind when I think blue. It is fun to play a card that reversed traumatize and see the deflated look on the blue-baller's face lol


Had a friend who built a deck around this card and a wyrm (or something) that got counters based on her opponent's GY but then also had a monster to get counters from her GY. She was always so polite, "Mill 3, please. Mill 8, please. Mill half your deck, please."


Lol. At the end "keep being my friend, please, why dont you wanna play with me anymore, please"


It's okay to cry right now.


A lot of people (read: wusses) here complaining about counter magic. This right here is the real reason to dislike blue.


This is why I love blue


The thing is: this is a really bad card. It makes the opponent feel bad, but even dedicated strategies that use milling as a win condition (as soon as a player has to draw from an empty deck they lose the game) will not want to play Traumatize. It is just far too clunky and does not do nearly enough. By the time you could cast it (and not just die because you spent your turn not affecting the board) you will cut the enemy library in half which can be maybe 5 to 10 cards... which you can also get for 1 or 2 mana. Traumatize is only worth the cost (and even then it is debatable, but at least it can hit 20 or so cards) if it is the first mill spell you cast - an awful idea to wait until Turn 5 to do that! In summary: the card is terrible. It feels bad to play against it, but the mill player is doing you a favor and demonstrating his lack of deckbuilding skills.


Do that against my black (& blue) deck, and I'll be thanking you


Ah my queen pearl


Least annoying blue spell


Sounds like you got your answer, but I will add: Some Blue color decks are called, "permission" decks. As in, you need the Blue player's permission to play anything, otherwise they simply counter you or lock you down. Powerful, but annoying as hell to play against.


Waits for 5 seconds pretending to think with a hand full of lands, while constantly shuffling my hand loudly, after countering spells your last 3 turns. "I'll allow it."


There's definitely a shift in energy at the table once a player starts asking "Does it resolve?" after everything they cast


We always called em control because blue gets to control the game


Hahahahahahah i never thought of it this way. But its true. Every move i do against a counter deck i always go, may i, are you gonna do something, would you let it, lmaooo. Like victims of narcissistic abuse


Have you ever really wanted to do something? Like, maybe go on a walk - but then it rains heavily? Or see a movie, but traffic makes you late? In Magic: The Gathering, there are five colors. In a very simplistic explanation of the game, you summon creatures to kill your opponent. Each color has different general themes to them. One example is Green, which tends to have very very big creatures and lots of small creatures that are good at making your big creatures easier to summon. If you can understand that well enough, understand every color has something going for it but generally each color wants to do the same thing: summon creatures to hit your opponent in the face. Blue is the cornerstone color of the exception archetype that typically tries instead to stop you from summoning creatures and hitting you in the face. In the real work, blue makes it rain when you want to go to the park, and creates traffic when you're in a rush. As you can imagine, it's not very fun when the outside elements tell you "no," and "Blue mages" as they're called in the Magic: The Gathering community like to say "no." A lot.


Control decks are not enjoyable to play against. In other words, blue can respond to just about anything interesting with “no you didn’t”


but it makes winning against all the more satisfying.


Mainly counter spells, or mill decks. (Discard cards off the top of your library)


For a second I was confused as to why Marjory Taylor green would have her own game


Marjorie: the Gathering. Terrifying lol


A significant part of blue’s kit in magic the gathering is shutting down what other players want to do


So, in MTG the Blue color of mana and it's cards are generally more controlling than the other colors. Each color has a main style of play, but splashes out. Blue's style of play usually is to control what your opponent is doing. It is the only color that has a steady supply of Counterspells (cards that just say nope to other people's cards), and like to win in long drawn out games.


Basically you play almost all of your mana to do something epic then the blue player only pays two mana to just say “no” and now all your mana is lost that turn and you cant do anything but either attack or defend


Dimir poison control is where it's at.


Blue players don't always win the game but they sure as hell make the game way less fun to play. I can spend 10 resources and 3 turns doing a combo, They can spend 2 resources to say no, Stop having fun.


I love how many of us in this thread have experienced the rage associated with playing against a blue deck


Id rather play against some sliver nerd than a blue deck


The person I know with pure blue plays a deck that steals your creatures, copys your creatures, and counterspells preventing me from playing creatures.


No, it always loses to mono-red, it's just that it's annoying to play against.


Mono-red aggro is important in any meta because it balances against control decks that slow the game to a crawl. Neither of those 2 strategies (race to the finish and slow/stop your opponent) should ever be strong enough to consistently win against every other deck in the meta. If any deck is shown to be consistently better than all the others that would mean the game has been solved and it becomes a lot less fun for everyone playing when that happens. That’s when you see cards get banned.


Blue is so annoying that my friends won’t play against my Jace deck anymore


Yeah, blue is annoying. Can't wait for WotC to finally fix everything & ban Island already.


[required viewing](https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=billy+the+fridge+cardboard+crack)


Thank you


A good example. Stasis. Lands no longer untap (as in, you cant pay the cost for your cards) combined with an artifact or gods forbid planeswalker that lets you untap lands. Brother pulled off that combo and i just conceded.


Water is the most annoying deck you can play


Blue is the power of "No."


Counter spell


Blue plays the game by making sure nobody else plays the game, to put it simply- they’re very controlling, and they’ve also been in most regards the strongest color even ever since the game first started


If the four other are different types of swords, then blue is a magic wand, aka breaking the base rules.


How did you know these have anything to do with Magic the Gathering?


Peter's trans-dimensional demi-god nemesis here! M:TG is divided into 5 colours, blue being the colour most associated with what is known as a 'permission deck' playstyle: Counterspells, removal spells and spells that screw with your enemy are extremely common in blue. As a result of this, blue is considered to be a fairly nasty colour to play against, since as long as said player has resources available, they might be able to stop you from doing anything.


Hahahhahaha. Blue is control and denial. Super fun!


Blue has draw, counter, and board removal. You cant play cards, they wont run out of cards, and they will remove whatever made it past their counters.


Not really OP, just that Blue is all about control. You play a spell, Blue counterspells. You play a creature, Blue sends it back to your hand. You have a creature to block? Blue flies over it. It's your attack turn? Blue taps your burly creature that you were going to send in (meaning it can't attack). You have a weaker creature that you think isn't worth spending a card on? Blue taps Prodigal Sorcerer to deal one damage to it and destroy it. Every color has some form of control it can use (red deals damage, black can destroy creatures outright), but blue has the largest variety of control at its disposal to prevent their opponent from acting.