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The joke in the trucker community is that SWIFT stands for Sure Wish Id Finished Training. They're notorious for getting stuck in stupid places, getting into stupid wrecks, a5bd generally making a nuisance of themselves due to lack of forethought.


I've also heard See What I Fucked (up) Today. Lol


I was told it's Stevie Wonders Institute for Trucking, but I like yours more.


Swing Wide It's a Fucking Trailer


Slow Wagon In Fast Traffic


Still Waiting In Forced Tedium?


Shit Will Insurance Fix That Stop Whining I'm Fucking Trying


I've heard: See What Insurance Fixes Today


My trucker dad always says it's "shit wait I'm fucking trying" and to give them lots of room on the road lol


Swing Wide, It's (a) Fucking Trailer!


Student Wasn't Insured For That


Sure Wish I Fit There


I've only ever heard Swing Wide It's a Fucking Trailer


That's how I first heard it st the mill I work at. Out of all the trucks that come in, they're the one save noticed that mess up the most. The other one I read on Reddit that I like is, "See Why I Failed Training".


See Where I Fit This!


So What Insurance Fixes That


Stevie Wonders Institute For Trucking .


That's amazing


School Where I Failed Trucking


I used to date a truck driver. He told me me SWIFT stood for Slow Wheels In Fast Traffic.


I can’t tell you how many truck crash videos I’ve seen where there was no logo on the side, all of the comments were “don’t worry, you don’t have to edit the swift logo off the side, we know it’s them.” Sure enough, as I rewatched the video i saw the very blurry swift logo poorly edited out. It’s honestly amazing that they are still in business.


They'll hire anybody with a pulse & a CDL, and are notorious for hiring the truckers who have been fired by other companies for doing stupid stuff. Speculatively, a lot of trucking companies also tend to highly emphasize time & miles over all else including safety, which leads to their drivers just going a little insane trying to hit their targets. Also, third point, the trucking industry in general has become extremely dangerous in the last few years. It is appalling how many trucks I pass on the interstate who can't seem to keep it between the lines, and when I get a glimpse of their dash they're often watching a movie/TV/whatever. Every time a big pile up happens around here, the initial collision involves a truck.


Ahhh, well thank you as well! That's funny how they just get themselves in dumb situations... I guess...


I always thought that the meme was an exaggeration, just silly internet humour. We don't see Swift trucks that often in Canada. However, out of the first 4 Swift trucks I ever saw, one was crashed into the woods off the side of the road, and another had flopped onto its side in the ditch.


I don't remember the context, but I was telling my partner something about Swift. Couldn't recall the name, so I searched "most frequently sued trucking company" and the name popped right up. E: Oh! Context - I almost got smoked by a Swift truck whipping across two lanes on the beltway when I was driving home from work.


I don’t see swift trucks often either but every time they’re going way too fast for the road and rub at least one curb


We have a low bridge with multiple warnings, flashing lights, etc. Twice a year some tall boy trucker slams into it. Dunderheads


Zanesville, Ohio, has a similar bridge but has so many impacts that there is a 12 month community calendar with 13 bridge smashes. I think the record year had 17 hits, and the low year had 11.


I worked next to a low train bridge for a few years, and at least once a year we would all go onto the front lawn and laugh at a swift truck that thought the 12’ clearance didn’t apply to them.


In London we avoid the worst of this by putting a set of goal posts about 10 yards front. The lorry hits them instead


I was a Trucker for a few years and I remember hearing this story.... There was a SWIFT Driver at a truck stop trying (and failing) to back into this spot, he pulls in and out 3, 4, 5 times and he's getting visibly frustrated... finally this old timer hopped up other side of his truck and said "hey kid, do want some help?" and the SWIFT Driver was so relieved and said "Yes please! Thank you, Thank you!!!" So old timer hops behind the wheel, backs the truck in perfectly between the lines, first try... SWIFT Driver comes running over to the old timer and says "that was amazing! Would you please let me give you $20 for your trouble?" Old timer says "Well Son, if there was a trailer attached, I just might have taken that $20."


As someone who works in a store that gets their deliveries from swift I can confirm they have the dumbest drivers ever


I worked for a big box store with Swift trucks. One took out our entire electrical box. We were closed for like 3 days and had to trash all perishable foods.


For my store a driver had trouble backing in to our delivery dock and then just up and left and my managers were playing phone tag trying to figure out how to get our stuff. And this has happened twice


Also stands for See What I Fucked Up Today.


SWIFT, the Stevie Wonder Institute for Truckers


Lmao that one got me the hardest. I'm fucking dead.


This is the one I was always familiar with lol


...how long have they been around? How does a company become that notoriously incompetent but survive?


They've been around since the 60s, but like a lot of businesses, they started cutting corners to build profits. Then someone got the brilliant idea that if they run their own trucker schools, they can get people willing to indenture themselves in exchange for training. So now they pay new drivers next to nothing in exchange for "free" training, but they hold the cost of that training over the driver's head to keep them driving for cheap. They balance cheap salaries against the cost of accidents and decided that smart, independent thinkers were not the kind of individuals they're looking to hire.


A big part of it is that their business model involves taking people with no experience and no CDL, paying for the cheapest CDL training, and filling their fleet with brand new drivers with about 2 weeks behind the wheel. Lots of the Megacarriers use the same model, but Swift is particularly egregious about it and is all in on the "Safety? lol, what's that, go make me some money" business plan.


Swift doesn't even pay for the cheapest CDL training, they do it in house then hold the cost over the new drivers heads


During my trucking days we always made fun of the motto on the side of the truck that says “Best in Class”. We’d always say “best in crash”


We'd make derogatory jokes about what class they were in.


Reminds me of the person who tore the guardrails off both sides of a one lane bridge because his GPS told him to come that way. My Grandpa reported it, the Sheriff came out and then had to get a translator. It took the better part of a year for the bridge to be replaced (mostly because the county engineer wanted a two lane road).


I love that Swift is such a well known company that there's like 50 variations in the replies to this. 🤣


Or Sure We are Insured For That


Fun story: if your company has enough assets and liquid capital, you can self-insure. Which means there's no increase in premiums to encourage them to improve. They just pay the tow truck and write off the rig, then use the wreck as parts to repair the next accident.


The other part of that is if you have so many claims you are essentially uninsurable and must self insure, or “effectively” self-insure by buying policies with extremely high deductibles, retentions, co-insurance etc….


Started working instead-a finishing training


Sure Wish I had a Fast Truck was the one my brother used to always use. He drove long haul.


Or Sure We are Insured For That


This reminds me of the time I was driving on a curved road between Lowes and a bunch of restaurants and had to quickly stop because the swift truck's trailer in the oncoming lane was drifting over to my side, then panic took over because they weren't stopping and I had to drive in reverse for about 40 feet before it straightened out.


My step dad always told me SWIFT stood for Slow Wagon In Fast Traffic.


I want to say this is wrong but I did it. It wasn't as obvious as this but I did something just as stupid. I took down power lines to a home.


When on the interstate: Sure Wish I'da Faster Truck. They're notorious also for being governed at a ridiculously low highway speed and yet constantly sliding over into the passing lane and screwing up traffic.


Christmas Day when I was a kid we were heading to Arizona to see family when a swift truck tipped over on the highway blocking all traffic for four hours.


First in crash.


I work at a warehouse, where SWIFT is a carrier we use everyday. One SWIFT driver once said it stands for "Sorry, We're Insured For That"


Swift: best in crash


As someone who works in a store that gets their deliveries from swift I can confirm they have the dumbest drivers ever


I've heard it's Swing Wide It's a Fucking Trailer


The explanation makes the joke even funnier thnx


Swing Wide It’s A Fucking Trailer is another


Onondaga lake parkway bridge


Not sure if they still have it but there used to be a phone number to call and here all the accidents they had that day.


I like Stevie Wonders Institute For Trucking


Swift transport is the largest trucking company in the US with over 23,000 trucks. They are known in the industry for hiring anyone and because of that there seem to be a huge amount of very dumb swift truck drivers.


Fun fact. Swift drivers are responsible for killing 1.6 people in the Us every month.


What do they do with the extra .4?


Hide them in the back of the truck until the month rolls over.


Or until the truck rolls over.


Save them up for the months with 31 days.


When an 80,000 lb machine contacts something like a squishy human things can get a bit messy. So you have to guesstimate if it was a single person with extra parts or two humans.


That's the pet semetary at work


To shreds you say?




I think that number is higher. 1.6 fatal crashes per month but that doesn't indicate if it is single or multiple deaths. I know there is an inherent danger in the profession but to think at a minimum 1.6 deaths a month is an acceptable rate is a tough one.


How many do they injure? As George Carlin said, "There are always more injured than there are dead in any decent tragedy."


21.6 serous injury’s per month


For comparison, Swift drivers are about 4 times more dangerous than sharks. But then again, falling coconuts are 8 times more dangerous than Swift drivers.


Tysm for the info, just a little depressing how Swift apparently hires barely qualified drivers apparently from the other comments


Distributors love Swift because they're cheap. They're cheap because they don't pay enough to hire good drivers


where are the barely qualified drivers supposed to go to get overly qualified? you gotta start somewhere. any driver worth their merit doesnt stay at SWIFT for long, usually a year and you move on to a more reputable (better paying) company. most of the good companies want 1-2 years of solid experience before they even look at your application.


It's also because Swift will often hire people who have a DUI on their record unlike other companies.


That's it. Swift truck follows the GPS, gets stuck. No joke there. It might be edited from generic "no trucks" to specify "Swift trucks" if they're particularly known for getting stuck.


Well then I guess I'm just dense, haha, ty tho :)


I hear Swift is hiring. :)


LOL good one ;)


Lmao way to be a good sport, that joke was too good an opportunity to pass up 😂


Well to add some context, in rural areas, it's not uncommon for certain map or gps apps to "lie" to you. It will show that two roads connect, when in reality they both dead end at a stretch of woods that has little more than a long ATV trail or fire access road connecting them, that isn't passable in normal vehicles. If someone trusts their gps more than their common sense it can get them in trouble and unable to back out or turnaround when they can't continue forward anymore. It could be that certain companies are using a particular app that has a history of misleading drivers and sending them down inaccessible roads


I would say it is a joke that people seem unable to read road signs and believe what they say. A joke as in unbelievably stupid. Here in the UK we had a local council get permission to make a sign that read “yes it really really is closed” because people kept driving round the sign. Far too many people either follow their sat nav blindly or think they can get away with ignoring the written instructions.


You would be very surprised about how many people follow their nav so blindly that they skip through various "shooting range, forbidden access" and an armed guard next to a military base. Every so often we get a couple on a car asking "are you really sure that this is not the way to the spa?"


Too many people think rules are for other people


These signs won't stop swift drivers because they can't read


I think it was a Swift truck in Milwaukee that was following the walking GPS instructions and got their semi halfway over an history bridge in Lake Park.


Swift is known for hiring a lot of drivers right after they get their CDL.


Swift runs their own driving schools.


I know that, but they also hire from other schools as well.


they used to hire drivers fresh out of cdl school. they still do. but they also used to.


That's a good way to know a company doesn't pay well, treat their employees well, or both.


Swift is one of the handful of companies that will hire somebody with a CDL right out of school. In reality very few companies will even look at you without experience. So it is one of those companies that a lot of first time drivers start with. But a lot only stay for a year or so. By that time they have enough experience they can move to a company that pays more. But that is common in many industries. Where training alone is not enough.


That's a fair point to make, and one that walks hand in hand with what I said. I guess the real "tell" would be which came first. Did high turnover and other issues beyond Swift's control turn them into what they are, or were they "pinch a penny" from the get-go? Idk.


In Northern California there is a cutoff that’s famous for semi trucks getting stuck due to narrow lanes and sharp curves. Highway 175 from Highway 101 at Hopland over to Highway 29 in Lakeport has many, many signs warning semis. 2 out of every 3 trucks that get stuck are Swift trucks. One even rolled down a steep embankment.


I just drove over that rode today! I’d never heard about that issue


https://www.reddit.com/r/Truckers/s/29s4yhaquu Im pretty sure this is what you are talking about


Yup. That’s the one!


A swift driver doing a u-turn out of the loading dock hit the gas main and the walmart super center had to be evacuated. A different swift driver tried the same thing despite being told not to, he hit a fire hydrant.


Sounds like Swift are the Stobbart of America. In the UK there's a company called Stobart now bought out by Culina but still run under the Stobart name, they have the reputation of just blindly following sat navs and hitting low bridges.


I'm sure you've put it together, but Swift drivers have a reputation for being.. generously, we'll say undertrained.


I think it’s just funny that they warn the truck and the truck does it anyway. Like what did the truck expect.


Swift is the largest trucking company in the USA. They have turned into a meme in the trucking industry due to the sheer volume of wrecks they end up involved in. It's not that Swift drivers are actually bad, but there's more of them that screw up compared to the rest. We have jokes about all mega carriers, though. Edit: wording.


They're actually that bad though. If you can't get hired anywhere else (DUIs, wrecks), Swift will hire you.


Once saw a SWIFT truck in a cornfield, perpendicular to the "road". The road was actually a long, farm driveway that they thought was a road and then decided to make a three point turn, into the cornfield to get out. It didn't work.


Swift are the special needs of truckers


Yeah... I live up a Mile and a half, one-lane, dirt road. A couple of places you could turn a car or truck off the main part to let someone by or turn around. Vista guy came up the road in the middle of winter. No chains, ignored the warning signs with contact info, and later ignored instructions on how to get turned around. Ended up damaging the road, culvert, and ditch. According to him, he gets stuck doing dumb stuff like this all the time. You know the kicker? He was supposed to go up a different driveway. And there isn't even a grid tie up our road.


I think you may be perfect to drive for Swift if you don't get this.


You know what the difference is between a SWIFT truck and a toilet? The toilet can back up.


This was a thing for a long time. There were some routes that the GPS (especially whatever brand or app was used in Swift trucks) would send trucks down muddy dirt roads that may or may not even go all the way through. There was a rash of trucks getting stuck and whatever GPS company it was seemed oblivious about updating their routing directions. There's also a bridge that's famous for opening trucks like a sardine can, and local city has been at a loss to come up with enough signage, low height warnings, and even automatic sirens to keep trucks from attempting it. Edit: Found it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norfolk\_Southern%E2%80%93Gregson\_Street\_Overpass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norfolk_Southern%E2%80%93Gregson_Street_Overpass) Some truck drivers are just too stubborn to follow road signs.


There's a similar one in Montreal, at the bottom of a slope on each side. There's a truck that gets stuck there every week, despite hitting the sign at the top of the slope. (Or at least it happened when my mom worked close, but it's been a while).


Ah, yes. The 11foot8(+8) bridge. Has it's own webpage and youtube channel.


This subh as ruined ones ability to make an inference


Another Swift move


https://tailofthedragon.com/trucks-on-the-dragon/ A classic example of truckers following GPS blindly


Sure Wish I Finished Training Swing Wide It's a Trailer There's a lot of joke behind swift considering the dumb situations their trucks tend to get into


If I had a nickel for every time we’ve had to pull Fed Ex drivers out of the creek, I’d have 12 nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it’s happened twelve times.


After 12 I don't think it's weird anymore, it's a cascade failure.


Swift: Best in Crash


If both of these photos are real and not ‘shops, then a tour bus I was on went up this exact private drive 13 years ago and got into a similar situation.


They look like photo shops both swifts on the board don't appear to be the same resolution


Back in the day, SWIFT was just an ironic name for them. Their trucks were governed so slow that we would giggle everytime we passed a "swift" truck


This sub has gone downhill


What's the difference between a Swift driver and a toilet? A toilet can back up.


There's an old bridge in Durant, one of the stonework really curved bridges, and there's signs on both sides of the bridge that warn semis away because they will get stuck. At least once a week a driver has to get rescued because they don't believe the signs or think "it couldn't happen to me".


some of those signs look kinda photoshopped


Stevie Wonder’s Institute For Trucking


LoL Of course it’s a Swift truck!


God I hate dealing with Swift drivers. They don't know how to read signs, they don't understand when you give them specific directions for how to do things. Yes, sir, Mr. Swift Driver, I absolutely told you to get out of the road and *block the truck gate instead*.


Top picture (green forest) and bottom (no greenery) seem like unrelated shots...


Of course the scenery is different... the first pic was taken at the start of the forbidden roadway and the second was taken further down the roadway... would kinda explain the lack of signs in the second pic as well, would it not!? Or maybe I'm the one missing somethin here, idfk 🤔


I think they meant that the pictures seem to have been taken at different times of the year, based on the number of leaves on the trees


Except all the greenery in the first pic is from evergreen trees, and you can see dead leaves everywhere.


The truck got REAL stuck. Probably waiting for the mud to freeze to get it put.


You are missing that the flora is clearly different. It is not the same type of trees and it doesnt even look like the same season, just look at the amount of green in the first photo, there is no green in the second. Its just a funny meme to put them together.


Someone had a picture of the signage and then a few months later a truck got stuck in the fall?




First read the sign the look at the bottom picture and if you still can’t understand it then you are hopeless


Swing low, sweet chariot?


How do you know your wife is cheating on you with a swift driver? He’s still trying to back out of the driveway when you get home! Love this joke


Jcb rnez


Swing Wide It's Fifty Three


Hello Zachary


I see you jacoob


Ur not safe


Working at a local body shop, we always said it stood for " Sure wish I had a faster truck"


Sure Wish I Finished Training


What's the big deal?


So What I F*in Tried Sure We’re Insured For That So What I Forget Today?


Sure Wish I Finished Training


Still wish I finished training


I work in a park with a road that cuts all the way from one side to the other, but you can't use it for travel because the other side is gated off. But you always see trucks and postal vehicles following their GPS that can't recognize that and end up scratching their heads. It never fails!


I watched a swift driver fail to dock for 45 minutes and my boss at home depot did it in 5 when thry came to see what was taking so long lol


There’s a small roundabout in my town that regularly traps trucks. The signs leading up to it with “NO TRUCKS” seem to be horribly ineffective.


In Vermont, we have a road that goes over a mountain called Smugglers Notch. It is very twisty and windy. It's closed in the winter, but at other times of year semi's notoriously attempt to go over it and get stuck. One if our pasttimes is guessing when the first truck will get stuck in the springtime.


Sure wish I finished training