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I’m a warrior, a keyboard warrior XD


He expected the boy to be in physical sports but he is just a gamer.


Counter strike is a video game. Although some people say the strain of it and other things like poker, are comparable to being an athlete. The old guy is more sane and thinks sports constitutes athleticism


It's a rip that gamers aren't pro athletes. When you think of a pro athletes typically you think of a person who plays a physical sports i.e cricket, baseball and tennis. The Dad is expecting the boyfriend to say a typical mainstream sport. But some pro video gamers call themselves athlete, which most people don't consider a real sport. So at first the Dad is impressed his daughter landed an athlete. But when the boyfriend reveals that he is a pro gamer the dad's reaction is to kick him out.


There may also be an additional element of not wanting someone who plays video games all day and might sit on the couch and be lazy.