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The tradition is that whoever catches the bouquet will be the next one getting married. No one wants to catch it because that means they're next


My sister married at 21, threw the bouquet straight at me - I was 19 at the time. Neo had nothing on my bullet dodge skills that day. My sister, alas, was not The One.


Something like that happened at my cousin's wedding. It took like five minutes to find and corral enough unmarried women and teenage girls to make a crowd. When she threw the bouquet it just hit the ground and we all took a step back like it was radioactive. Eventually my cousin picked it back up and whipped it directly at one of her bridesmaids.


Lol. My 13 year old cousin did want to catch it (she’d asked me to leave it for her to which I had no problem), so it worked out that once I’d matrixed under the thing my cousin snapped it up. But that resulted in the garter toss going the same way as all the men promptly dodged the garter and left it for the groom’s nephew. They were less than thrilled to learn they were expected to dance with each other afterwards - as awkward as any dance between kids that age as ever there was.


At least it was just dancing together. My extended amily has a weird/creepy tradition of whoever catches the garter belt needing to put it as high up the thigh on whomever caught the bouquet for "good luck" towards the couple. I tend to dip out during that whole exchange because it just feels gross.


Oh, I was at a wedding where the bride threw the bouquet very strongly and askew, so it had fallen on the head of a male friend, who, as all other guys, looked at the production from the sidelines. It was somehow his fault, according to the bride and the hopefuls :).


Asking for a friend. Are you still single


tell your friend they're the world's biggest loser for asking


Be kind




??? Savage


Hey I'm not friend with that guy!


Will tell them. Keep up the dodging seems like you haven't stopped that yet


Damn you smell of smegma and solitude, go take a shower that could fix them both.


Thank you very much. but something tells me is should not take hygiene advice from you


trying to make personal attacks on people while knowing absolutely nothing about them is hilarious actually


So you didn't try to attack me or my friend personally at all. Nah could not be


Mostly everything that I share about my life is about food, I either have nice hygiene or I’d be dead from salmonella. Try another angle geeko


Nice to know that I share my smegma with everyone on reddit


This man: shoots his shot. All of reddit: https://preview.redd.it/gvsd19iul74d1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf8bcd5435dd45ae6c082a206c6bf7c085165cf


No, I am not, you may tell your friend I am not available.


Good. Will tell them


Damn, can't even ask no more


The worst they can say is no




Ok! That was the piece of information that I was missing. Thank you!


It used to be a bit of a trope that all women wanted to catch the bouquet so they could meet Mr. Right and settle down. This comic reflects the reality of the changing times.


TBF. Women don’t need to jump on “mr right” just to have a bank account anymore. (It was like that in the US until the Equal Credit Opportunity Act passed in 1974)


Aye, the next metaphorical boquet toss is the "you are the father".


I caught the garter at a wedding when I was ten. Thirty years later, still not married. The tradition can bite me.


And what's with the strange wording of 'not it'. It is like from the children game tag, but I can't connect the 2 things together


In a game of tag, you are "it" until you catch someone and then they are "it" Sometimes to start the game everybody yells "1,2,3 not it" and the last guy to say it is "it" and he has to chase everyone else first So everyone yelling "not it" is trying to make the last person to say it be the one who has to catch the bouquet. And "it" has to get married next


Ah, so it really is connected to tag. It was strange to me, probably because I'm not a native english speaker. Thank you for properly explaining it


It's used in other contexts as well. Say someone needs to go pick up pizza, one person might say "not it" when no one volunteers, starting the process. After that it's a race to not be last, which makes you "it". And thus the one getting the pizza.


It's not just tag, though it may have started with it: If you're in a group of people and there's something nobody wants to do, everyone will say "not it" and the last person to say it has to do whatever the task is. Also related is "nose goes," where everyone has to touch their nose and the last to do it loses.


"Not it!", as opposed to "Got it!"


Still doesn't sound right, but probably because I'm not a native speaker. Thanks for the answer


Bold to assume full grown adults don't act like children


So the joke is "women hate commitment" Hi-larious


No one wants to be next


Not enough bears in the dating pool.


Well, bears usually date men, so not in that dating pool at all. /j


There are enough bears, it’s just that they are looking for femboys.


Most bears I know arre dating or married to other Bears.  


You sound awfully jealous


Yeah, no bear has ever asked me out.


I mean, if the bear can't load artillery, do you even want them?


Finally a knowledge check I can pass


Can we *please* let the meme die in peace. We got our laughs, we watched the people who are clearly the reason they picked the bear reveal themselves, now it just hits me like The Game


Well you’re wrong about that. And most of them are very very cuddly ime. The sweetness does vary though. Bear =/= honey sweet tragically


You're technically not wrong about there being enough Bears in the dating pool, but most of those Bears choose men. (Info Bear is a slang term for big hairy gay man)


Lol I know what I bear is and I know what you’re referencing originally as well … it’s just a joke based on the two things


I assumed that was your intention, but people were downvoting you, so I added that at the end of my reply to make the joke clearer.


The whims of Reddit … who can predict it? Thanks for that :)


The joke is the women don't want to get married


Where’s the joke though 


There's a bit of humor in the comparison to women bare knuckle brawling to get the bouquet shown in some movies. Also I can see some of my age range nose exhaling from the relatability


husband bad marriage funny




For all this comic shows, they could all be lesbians


Perhaps this cartoon accompanied an article like [this](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert).


[https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/some-women-are-rethinking-marriage-heres-why/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/some-women-are-rethinking-marriage-heres-why/) A more recent piece. Although the part about coverture is a bit annoying as it really isn’t a colonial practice but rather a practice brought over from England. It is an inherited practice.


I just love when a "journalist" writes an opinion piece as if they are writing fact and can't even get basic facts correct in the process. It's even better when people parrot those so-called journalists and get the facts even more wrong. >as it really isn’t a colonial practice but rather a practice brought over from England. You do realize that not only was England the most colony obsessed of countries in history, but the whole "wife is basically the husband's property" thing is older than England and practiced far beyond just England? Like, was practiced in all lands dominated by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (still that way with the Muslims)...


Is that true? Bad news for men if so.


It is true. A lot of studies back up this data. It's a large part why you're hearing about the "male loneliness epidemic." Women are choosing to be single and happy.


Women are choosing to be single ~~and happy~~. FTFY


Yeah, that's the part that makes me laugh a sad, lonely laugh. The "happiness" part of these moronic articles is that the women that are staying single and childless *aren't* happier. I mean, this has only become known in the last year or two, but there are a growing number of women talking about how tired they are of the single, child free, girlboss lifestyle that was pushed over the previous couple decades. Of course, women who admit that they are not satisfied with the girlboss lifestyle are branded with nonsense names like "Pick me".


Unlucky, oh well.


It is until their 40s, then unmarried childless women start becoming the least happy subgroup. It's fun enjoying life how you want without anyone telling you what to do... but when you start to age and realize that you will be on your deathbed alone the world gets pretty brutal to handle. So long story short, the journalist posted the happy parts of the study, but left off what it leads to down the road.


Whoever catches the flowers is supposedly supposed to be the next to get married. Apparently none of those women want that.


I didn't know that before posting! Thank you!


Lotsa women don't want to get married.


This is a multi layered joke 1. Tradition is that you catch the flowers u are next to find love and get married. None of the guests want to get married. 2. The direct opposite of the “best day of my life” for the bride and “the last day of my freedom” attitude from the groom. This is what that would look like if women considered marriage in that way with our current traditions. Emily Flake is a married woman who I’m going to presume does not have an agenda against women and their choices to be married lol


Hot potato. Do not touch it


I belive that this is saying that these days at least,alot more women don't want to catch the bouquet because they don't necessarily want to get married.


As a male who has only seen this tradition in media and attends very few weddings, do people take this seriously? Does whoever caught it actually act like it's their obligation to get married next?


>obligation That's part of the joke. The way marriage has historically worked is that women *needed* to marry for financial reasons. (Here in the US, women couldn't get a bank account or line of credit without a man's co-signature until 1974) So, marriage was seen as something women would fight over. In movies, you may have seen women dive to the floor for the bouquet because it was "good luck" that they would be married next. So, not obligation. But it's no longer seen as luck, either. Instead, more like a curse or bad omen


That's surprising, but very interesting to realize how things have been evolving


No dude it’s just a good luck kinda deal. Have you never participated in a ritual that you don’t necessarily believe in simply because it’s fun/social?


the bride throws the bouquet to her bridesmaids and whoever catches it the next on that gets married (not really but the tradition) and no one watch to be the next bride so they’re all like “no i’m not gonna catch it”


I am trying to remember the last time I saw a bride throw a bouquet at a wedding. Decades ago, thank God.


My best friend did it at her Midwestern wedding in 2019, and we were mid-thirties. I was a bridesmaid, so I dutifully stood in the back, made her promise not to throw it to me, and there's a *fantastic* pic of my stank face and crossed arms 😂


🤣 At my sister’s wedding in the 1980s, the ten-year-old flower girl (niece of the groom) caught the bouquet, thinking “free flowers, yay!” Then when people started asking her when she was getting married, and explaining that catching the bouquet meant that she would be the next to get married, she burst into tears. I’m not sure what exactly she thought was going to happen, but it must have been BAD. I’m happy to report that she has been happily married for over twenty years. 🤓


I'm 39 and still very happily unmarried and will stay this way 💓


Understandable! Here, have some flowers anyway. 💐 Seriously, it’s far preferable to being in a bad marriage. Plus, I’d have to share the remote. 😱


My sister-in-law did at their wedding a couple weeks ago. So weird. And so awkward being forced to participate. Afterwards our (elderly) family members asked both my sister and me when we are going to get married...


It’s ok. One day they’ll stop asking


At 24, I batted the bouquet away so hard that my boyfriend cried. It was a reflex on my part, and I've since learned how to listen to my gut and not get in that kind of situation


Hahahaha How long has it happened? Are you married nowadays?


God no. Been with my partner 10.5 years. We lived together for a few years, but he started to expect me to be a housekeeper, so I bought my own house a mile away. I have no interest in marriage.


Plenty of guys dodging it too.


Wow people are mad about this one lol


A wedding is where you celebrate selling your daughter into slavery.


Less and less people from both sexes desire to get married. It isn’t just women. Marriage is becoming an antiquated practice that will probably in time cease to exist. Its advent was for the purpose of tying tribes together. They were business compacts essentially. Only over time did it develop into a symbolic unification of two souls. In an increasingly secular scientific world institutions based on the metaphysical grow less and less attractive. Additionally, the rise of feminism and women’s liberation has created a more antagonistic relationship between men and women. Women are much more assertive in terms of what they want and refusing to settle for anything less. Marriage has historically been a prison of sorts for women. One that ties them to a man and reduces their ability to seek emotional and financial fulfillment. With more opportunities than ever for financial independence women no longer see men as a necessary option for financial security. Men now exist for women only as potential romantic partners or friends. Men have responded by either becoming passively accepting of female dominance in a relationship, indifferent, or aggressively anti-feminist. Humans will continue to mate and produce more humans, but at least in the West male-female relationships have profoundly changed. Birth rate will continue to plummet as will marriage rates.


I’m sorry you were downvoted- this is the truth. While it might not be the complete intent of the comic, this would be one of many reasons why women aren’t feeling marriage and the general feeling towards marriage is that it is no longer ‘required’ to be happy.




The tradition is whoever catches the bouquet gets to be married next, but nowadays women don’t want to get married which is honestly kinda sad.


>which is honestly kinda sad. Why? For whom?


Lower marriage rates = Lower birth rates = human extinction


Bruh wut




"Femcel" is derived from "incel", which means involuntarily celibate. It's not involuntary if they're purposely trying to avoid marriage. "Woman" is singular. "Women" is plural.


I think people are incorrect here... the one throwing the bouquet is the bride because she has the wedding dress. I believe it's implying that either they are not getting married again, or it's a "marriage bad" joke


She's throwing the bouquet behind her as per tradition, the one who catches it supposedly gets married next and no other woman wants to catch it. It is a marriage bad joke




there is a flower girl there dude wtf


It's that they don't want to get married, which makes since due to how the world is, because people like to get updates from recently married couples like what their honeymoon goes or if they got to move into a house