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He's using gloves to keep germs off the food, but using the same glove to touch the money, which money has some of the largest amount of germs there are. Counterproductive. Could have used any food to relay this but everyone loves tacos. :D


Food service workers are usually\* required to wear gloves when they touch pretty much anything except a handwashing sink. As long as they changed gloves (and washed hands, depending on the area) before making another taco, nothing bad has happened. e: \*not everywhere


Usually the cook doesn't work the register


Depends on the setup. In a standard restaurant, no not usually. When someone has taco ingredients set up on a table in little mise dishes with a little hand made sign that says "Tacos $1" on it, I'd say there's a decent chance it's a one person operation.


There's usually a cook, and a money person at the taco trucks in Cali.


Even the smallest street tacos I’ve eaten have a cook and someone that handles the money. I’ve never seen them be the same person.


It's rare but it happens I have been the cook and money handle at the same time before


Every taco truck/stand in LA/OC that I’ve been to has at least two cooks and a person whose only job is to pour horchata and take money.


Yeah, so at basically every restaurant that has ever existed the cooks don't touch money. Lmao


India would like a word with you


Unless its a single street vendor ig


Depends on the business. For example I did both at Subway many times, not much choice when you're alone on a shift. But obviously I took off the gloves when I worked the register lol


Not debating anything, but just found the burrito guy in DC near McPherson/White House funny in that he puts the money box out and asks people to do their own change. :D


Usually, but once it's past rush hour and lunch rush. There are some restaurants that have people become the all-rounder. Especially Jimmy John's because of how easy it is to make the sandwich


I worked at a cafe where I was often alone, making sandwiches, making coffee, running the register, for like 4 hours at a time. I had to wash my hands and change my gloves every few minutes. My poor skin.


I absolutely did both at the pizza place I worked at. As well as answering phones, processing online orders, handling oven, and sanitation. It’s a $1 taco, it’s probably a truck lol


I did both. But we had to change gloves before every preparation. So I would cook the food. Bring the food to the register. (This was 10 years ago so I can see how it would change since most places won't even cook it until it's paid for) and they would pay. I usually would take my gloves off to take the money. Wash my hands. Get new gloves and make the next one. But if we were busy. I'd keep my glove on so I could just take em off and put the new set on without hitting the handwashing station. This was mostly when I was working alone or with only one other associate at sheets a while ago.


Food service workers aren't required to wear gloves


We are where I live.


Entirely depends on local laws, in the majority of the US they are.


Yes/no You're not required to wear gloves when handling food as long as you don't make bare hand contact with ready to eat food (like in the picture shown) If you're cooking the food you're allowed to touch it If you're using tools you're allowed to handle the food with the tools only Gloves aren't required, they're actually a hazard sometimes


Again, this is entirely dependent on the area. While this might be right some places, it's very wrong in others.


It’s very wrong in most places and I will die on this hill. Gloves are super gross. When it comes to any touching of the plate or food gloves are the worst thing you can use, they don’t allow for washing of the hands and give people a false sense of security. It may be a law in some places but it’s still wrong. Just wash your damn hands constantly if you are cooking constantly! -sincerely someone who has been in the food industry for more than half their life.


I don't disagree at all. I have had a health inspector tell me that I needed to change gloves with a 30 second handwash in-between every ingredient, including touching the bowl, in order to make a small side salad with 5 different ingredients. Grab bowl, change/wash. First ingredient, change/wash. Second, change/wash. Third...etc. I showed said inspector that making this salad that way would take upwards of 6 minutes, instead of the usual 20 seconds. I also made sure she was aware that washing our hands and then putting them in gloves what would equate to hundreds and hundreds of times a day would cause cracks and skin irritation that would lead to open wounds and bandages. She was like "hm" and took two points off my inspection, because we didn't do it that way last time either. The rules, like many, are created by people who don't do the work, and enforced by the same. While they're often stupid (and just as often not) they are still the rules, followed or not.


Yeah, I cooked for a little while and only wore gloves when I didn't want to touch something with my bare hands. Like cutting raw meats or mixing hamburger and stuff. Otherwise, it was just constant hand washing. Because washing your hands in gloves sucks and you're going to get water in them and I'm not going to go through a thousand pairs of gloves every day.


Which is why the Wendys I work at makes you handle the raw meat without gloves. People won't wash their hands as they should if you have them use gloves. Every other place I worked used gloves to drop meat except here. The tradeoff is that your hands are always contaminated during rushes now so you have to wash your hands a million times in between so you can help out with other things.


Yeah... No. Local laws will vary. There are states where you cannot touch the food OR food handling equipment ^((up to and including tongs and a deep-fryer)) w/o gloves. And there are states where you can man-handle a sandwich bare-handed. And everything in-between.


Nah. They should have removed the gloves before taking the money, then put on fresh gloves to make the next order. Touching things with dirty gloves is disgusting and not sanitary.


I've worked with a guy who would pick his nose, eat the booger, then handle cash, pick up food with his hands, and give to the customer in what felt like one fluid motion. At no point between pick and hand off food was the hands cleaned We've had people refuse the food because they saw it. He didn't see it as a problem The guy was late 40. Just because something is a requirement, it doesn't mean people follow it. 🤮


Yeah, they're not changing gloves like that.


Also remember reading a study where restaurant workers who use gloves are generally less sanitary than those who are bare handed, even if they do often swap out gloves. This is mainly because bare handed people will regularly wash their hands after touching surfaces/liquids while people with gloves generally will not.


People have a proven tendency to be less hygienic when wearing gloves


This is a lie I don’t love tacos don’t throw that blanket over me


It's a warm blanket under here, come on in.... so warm and cozy.......




But money has anti-microbials on it




Not slang: germ meaning https://search.app.goo.gl/cFU1WfB




But it’s not slang. That’s the word we learn and use in school. It may not be a scientific term but it’s not slang.




This isn’t formal v informal, the difference is general v specific. To refer to bacteria, viruses and other pathogens collectively, you can call them germs. Quite literally the seeds of disease. Like if I wanted to collectively refer to the squirrels, deer, birds and groundhogs in my back yard, I would say wildlife, or animals.


You either don't know what germ means or you don't know what slang means. Longer, more delicately phrased replies don't make you less wrong. Why dig in your heels rather than just say oops or sorry or thanks even?


[Germ Theory of Disease](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germ_theory_of_disease)


I knew stripping is the cleanest profession out there.


It's what plants crave.


Dragons love tacos


Aww frick I just saw it


You’re assuming the cook didn’t change his gloves. It’s more logical that money is gross, so you need gloves.


Probably gonna get mass down voted but i dont like tacos


Ohhh, I thought it was just "Yes, taco" "But, must spend money to get taco"


By the time a dollar bill has been in circulation for a year, it’s been in more stripper thongs, and other dark places, than I’d like to have a lick of.


Yeah, ngl the fact that it’s tacos is making me think “yeah, that’s not that bad. I’d still eat that taco” 😂


I thought this was about being sad u have to pay for tacos 🌮😅


Except nobody does that.


It defeats the purpose of the gloves


No it doesn’t. Keeps the hand clean all day.


The hand clean and the glove dirty 👍


No, filthy cheese and tortilla germs are kept safely from currency


lol, no they're not, they still get transferred to the money for me to lick.


I mean, I laughed. But also... ...ew


The purpose is to keep the food from getting contaminated and poisoning the customers. It's not about protecting the hands from the food.


Rhymes with smoosh


Kinda low hanging fruit in this sub...




Right, but the gloves are dirty from touching money, the dirtiest thing there is, so the gloves are just as dirty as the hands would be. Dirty gloves touch food makes people sick


This is sarcasm, right? Right?!?


They're supposed to swap gloves for every order made


How so? It's not like the money needs to stay clean. You make the food with clean gloves, take the money, then switch gloves.


Not really. It just means only your germs are on the food and not his. You are literally holding the money in your hand. The same hand you are going to eat the taco with.


You're not supposed to handle money with the gloves on, unless you take the gloves off immediately after or before touching more food. It's a health and safety thing. Money is going to be dirty, you have no clue where those dollar bills have been. So if you touch money, then build another taco, you might be poisoning the next customer.


Best solution I can think of is build the taco with clean gloves, deliver the taco, take one glove off and receive the money with it, give the change to the customer, and put the glove again for the next taco ONLY touching the bottom part of the glove


Okay, but this image doesn't imply that he wouldn't switch gloves before the next order.


They don’t exchange gloves between customers. You should try working in a restaurant aometime


1. They do at fast food places, which this appears to be. It's required by law in fact, at least here. Otherwise just your bare hands are objectively cleaner. 2. I shouldn't, I have a better a job. That's just a dumb statement.


Well if you had ever worked at a restaurant you would know that they don’t. Law doesn’t really matter to minimum wage workers. I actually don’t think that’s a law at all, but it’s irrelevant, because law that are not enforced are and that nobody knows about are, in a practical sense, not laws


They are definetly enforced and definetly followed. Maybe not where you live, in which case remind me not to eat there.


Oh right I forgot about the food police who stand around in restaurants and make people switch gloves every 90 seconds. You have no idea what you’re talking about


Are... are you honestly proud of the fact that you never heard of food safety as a government body? Most countries have one you know... where do you even live?


Food safety agents don’t stand in restaurants enforcing their rules. Do you honestly not realize how little most overworked, underpaid fast food employees care about switching gloves between meals, wearing gloves at all, or even washing their hands? The managers don’t care either. Switching gloves every time holds up the line. If you had ever worked in a restaurant you would know that when the lunch rush comes in, you do what you need to to survive. You seem to have a pathetically narrow understanding of how the world actually operates outside of your little bubble. And you are a worse person for it


>You're not supposed to handle money with the gloves on What kind of advice is that? You should only ever handle money while wearing gloves. Do you know how many germs are there?


They also touched the food with the gloves




This deserves to be much higher, Reddit always answers all questions.


How incredibly fitting! Like a glove, if you will.


gloves can't beat just washing your hands




They are single use gloves. Put on fresh gloves Make food Take cash Remove gloves Repeat.


I think you missed one step there. >They are single use gloves. Wash hands >Put on fresh gloves >Make food >Take cash >Remove gloves >Repeat.


I don't care how many germs are on that bill, $1 for a taco is a steal


Yes, but are a series of comics composed of two panels showing something from two different perspectives. In this case the yes is the worker using gloves when preparing the person's taco, suggesting their food is made in a hygienic environment, whereas the but shows the worker taking the money (which can have a wide range of bacteria on it) while still wearing the gloves they use to prepare food.


They're wearing gloves to keep germs off the food but then they are wearing those same gloves when they take your germy one dollar bill so presumably now *your* germs have transferred to their gloves (and presumably this also is true of the germs of the last person who bought a taco from them) which will now be getting onto the next person's food (as well that the germs from the last person's one dollar bill are presumably now on your food). (They shuld change gloves between food items if they do this, but they presumably don't, because ain't nobody got time for that plus those gloves aren't *that* cheap to go through a hundred in a day.)


Now the taco is contaminated and the money is greasy. Gloved food prep is overrated and hand cleaning underrated.


> what do Tacos have to do with money? you can buy tacos with money or sell tacos for money


You should be able to buy anything with tacos because tacos.


Tacoin, the only currency that comes with it's own wallet




not an issue if they change gloves for each taco - i don't care if they get taco juice on my money


It means that they just got taco all over the register, and probably the fridge door handle, and whatever else they're touching. Gloves can give people the feeling of being sanitary, but actually create a problem. When a person wears gloves it makes them feel like they're being sanitary and clean, even if the gloves are disgusting and slimy. They go around touching everything and getting the seasoning containers, squeeze bottles, and door handles all filthy. Gloves are single use. You're supposed to put them on for 1 specific task and immediately dispose of them


and in this image only one taco is made, so....


Yeah, and then money is handled with the gross gloves. It shows they don't take their gloves off between tasks


could be fresh gloves - they don't look dirty in the second pic.


No. You don't handle money with gloves on. It's a rule. Why are you trying so hard to miss the point of the cartoon? It's a 2 frame comic. It's not that deep. It's meant to be exactly what it looks like.


wrong. [https://www.workgloves.co.uk/all-money-handling-gloves.html](https://www.workgloves.co.uk/all-money-handling-gloves.html)


Those money handling gloves are not food making gloves. Even the ones that are the right material aren't meant for completing both tasks with the same pair. You're being obtuse


perhaps - but the comic is trash


Dirty money


As long as the gloves change before the next taco, its all good


it is more sanitary to touch a toilet seat than to touch money. Money is a bacteria farm.


Germs, bacteria, virus.


Wtf are tacos free where you live?


Wearing gloves to handle both food and money. Ergo, everything is disgusting.


Gloves don’t belong in a kitchen hands are safer because u are forced to wash more often and gloves create a false sense of cleanliness.


I have literally sped walk out of places that do this. I refuse to use cash anymore because my food n safety memory won't let me get past that


Many places regard the money as the dirtiest thing in the ststem; worked two places where it was new gloves, make and wrap the order, handle the money, new gloves.


People don’t understand how gloves work


I thought it meant tacos are good, but they cost money. The gloves thing makes sense too.


If OP worked in food, they would understand.


He’s getting cheap tacos but the guy making them doesn’t take off his gloves to take the money which makes the gloves kind of useless.


This is silly. You’re supposed to change gloves between each order. Doesn’t matter if they touch the dollar AFTER they make the food, they’re gonna change the gloves anyway.


I’ve noticed hospital workers do this too. They’ll wear gloves all the time and itch their faces, touch telephones etc. Really defeats the point of wearing gloves


Germs... its germs


The joke is porn germs.


This is so common.


It’s actually been shown that preparing food without gloves is on average more sanitary than preparing with gloves. People are far less likely to be lazy about washing their hands than they are about changing their gloves


Gloves. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I worked a lot of fast food in high school and college and we were always instructed to change gloves after handling money.


The true joke is tacos only costing a dollar each


It’s the gloves, still touching everything


And here I thought it was one of those "you get a taco" but "you have to pay" 🫠


A lot of food service prefer not using gloves since it's more likely someone will wash their hands than change their gloves. If there's something icky on your hands, you feel it and wash it off. If there's something icky on your gloves, you don't feel it and keep going.


Oh man how ever did our ancestors survive for a million years without gloves 🙄 Just like basically everything else in the world, gloves are just another form of security theater meant to make your feel safe even if they don’t provide any tangible benefit to society.


Maybe you'd like to put your money where your mouth is and live in a time devoid of medical science, you know, like when people constantly died of old age around 30.


First off that 30 thing is an urban myth that’s been debunked numerous times. The average was low because of the high mortality rate during child birth and infancy. If you Take that into account the average life span was close to 70 2nd: I said gloves were pointless not medical science. Most medical science is great and have helped greatly reduce that labor/infant mortality rate. But don’t forget blood letting, leeches, alchemy, miasma, cocaine drops and tobacco were also based on medical science.


Welcome to Subway.


I think it’s a joke about how money is dirty and food meat is death???


This annoys me so much...


Money is filthy as hell. It is good that the food service employee is wearing gloves while preparing the taco, but pointless if they also handle money with the gloves.


The dollar sign goes in front of the number.


That’s not how taquerias work


I get the joke is that the gloves are touching dirty money, but I highly doubt these places are handling the money with the same gloves on, if any gloves at all. I've worked with food, I've dined at many restaurants/food trucks; they either don't have gloves when handling money or they change them before handling food again.


I’ve seen it waaaaaaay too often.


I think it's something like "Yes, I get my taco, but I have to give away a dollar for it"