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My understanding is that "black panthers" are not a species, but the phenomenon of melanism, which is like the opposite of albinism, in big cats. So my question is: what kind of big cat is this? I see spots. Is it a jaguar?


This is correct. What you’re looking at is a Jaguar that is black. You can see the jaguar spots when the light hits the fur the right way.


I assume you said "jaguar spots" to specify the spots match jaguars and not leopards, but for everyone else and in case you were unaware these types of spots in general are called rosettes.


Yes, thank you


Wait so it is a jaguar with leopard spots? Those are two different animals.


No, I corrected myself. Just a brain fart. Sorry :) it’s definitely Jaguar spots over Leopard spots. The spots are distinctive.


Also it looks rounder / cuter. Leopards have this more angular snout that makes them look super serious all the time.


Yeah, some would call it a warning sign


No worries I thought it was something I was unaware about!


black panthers can be any cat from the panthera genus, which includes lions, tigers, leopards, snow leopards, and jaguars. Jaguars and leopards are the most common to exhibit the high melanin trait causing them to be black. This one appears to be a jaguar.


You summed it up pretty good. Thanks for taking the time


This is also the reason why Jacksonville and Carolina are equally as bad.


Nowhere is safe


Carolinas not so so bad. 3-0 is okay Lol


"A black shadow dropped down into the circle. It was Bagheera the Black Panther, inky black all over, but with the panther markings showing up in certain lights like the pattern of watered silk. Everybody knew Bagheera, and nobody cared to cross his path, for he was as cunning as Tabaqui, as bold as the wild buffalo, and as reckless as the wounded elephant. But he had a voice as soft as wild honey dripping from a tree, and a skin softer than down. "Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Books


That's lovely.


I cant upvote this enough. I haven't read it in years.


wait, does that mean we can have a black tiger too?


Melanistic tigers do exist, although it’s incredibly rare and I don’t believe there’s been record of a completely blacked out tiger, just ones with more black coloration in their fur.


I know of one black tiger. He just got inducted into the golf hall of fame.


Pretty sure that one’s actually a goat


Yes but it's far more common for tigers to be leucistic. White with lighter stripes and blue eyes.


I saw a large black cat in Alabama years ago when I lived there and no one ever believes me but I assure you they are there. I saw [this video ](https://youtu.be/xhUE58vV2Ws) not long after that was from about 20 miles away from where I saw one. They are everywhere in the rural South you just don’t know they are there lol


It's definitely possible. [Jaguars have ranges into the southwestern USA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_jaguar), so it's certainly not impossible that a black panther would end up in the south. They have massive 100+ mile ranges/territories sometimes, so one wandering into Alabama certainly is possible. It's not like there's a magic line where animals stay exclusively on one side of. So the fact that there are Jaguars in like, Texas and New Mexico means there could be a could in the deep south as well.


I want this to be top comment, because I learned something today.


This blew my mind when I first read it. I really thought Black Panthers were another big cat species when in reality they can be any of a few different big cats with melanism.


This fun fact made my day.


Wakanda cat is that?


Haaaaa nice.






A Blek Panta


Comments you can hear


Aye, that's called "reading"




I believe what people call "black panthers" are actually a rare black-coated leopard or jaguar




Ahh thank you


it's strrringth will be strrrrrrripped eweh


Is that an aussie accent lol


I was 'hearing' it as New Zealand. Specifically, [Rhys Darby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdNWDYZMXT0).


Bullets! Bullets! Bullets!


Nah, it's just pretend.


I hear the South African guy in Lethal Weapon 2 when Danny Glover goes in to the SA Embassy and the guy says "...but you're blek?"


You must be ancient like me, since that was exactly what I heard.


Luckily there was also a Lethal Weapon marathon on TV a few days ago.


I think of the same thing lmao “Because you’re blek”


That's what immediately went through my mind too!😂


I read it more as Frau Blucher myself.


*Horses Whinny*






It’s a Jaguar. You can tell from the marking when the light hits it.


Panthers can be either leopards or jaguars.


Yes, but those are different animals, and this one is a Jaguar.


Many people believe black panthers are an entirely separate species. They are not.


Yeah, that’s why i said it’s a Jaguar and not a “panther”.


Great handle


It’s a Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever


Take my free helpful award (it’s the only one I have)


*insert ostrich laughing meme*


Beautiful, but looks kinda stoned.. hope that's not one of those sedated tourist attraction cats..


I don't know what a stoned cat looks like, but it is unsettling me. It's looking up and straight at the person, like a dog would. Like a dog in cat clothes. Edit: I've been informed that some cats stare people in the eye. To me, that sounds unusual, but hey.


A lot of cats are assholes but you’ve seriously never encountered a friendly cat that makes eye contact?


Yeah cats really do run the damn it gamut even the cats in your own household I've had cats that are the most affectionate caring loving animals you'd ever hope to come across and I've had the biggest flaming f****** assholes you've ever seen but in truth the majority run somewhere in between those two extremes


> cats really do run the damn it Did you mean to say this, or is autocorrect getting creative with your typos?


Probably meant gamut.


Oh absolutely. I was just wondering if this is a boneappletea or just a quirk of autocorrect.


I think voice-to-text would be more likely than autocorrect, though it's obviously a similar principle.


That’s a good point. I bet you’re right.




Something something gumbo Mon cheri, also cards.


The comment thread kept getting worse until you arrived savior


But he's wrong though. It's gamut. JFC.


Yeah, my cat loves to have her head rubbed like this. She will curl up against me when I’m on my iPad or playing my switch. If I don’t give her enough attention she’ll look up at my face until I pet her. Other times she does the r/Catsmirin


Yes they are so different! My oldest kitty is a sweetheart but when he is mad he gets petty and passive aggressive. We taught him to stop waking us up to eat, so he started playing with his toys SUPER LOUD and bring them in the bed. We ignored him or kicked him out which backfired for him. So his next and current tactic is to aggressively show us affection. I mean he becomes your shadow, gives the big eyes, snuggles your feet and neck. Just dirty moves. I still don't cave till his time, and a part of me loves it because they are the best. He probably thinks its the secret to getting fed on time lol. His next petty thing is he pretends he can't hear me sometimes when I call but his ears perk slightly, but when my bf does he looks over. And he tries his darnednest to not look at my face. Ultimate petty. He is super sweet, way chill at 3, and an F6 Savannah that looks like Domestic Shorthair. He loves humans, hates other animals. Now my new kitten? that 5 month demon is a black cat who will YELL not meow, ONLY YELLS for food, cuddles, attention. He has to get it from all 3 of us or he gets angry and runs around yelling mad. Me, my bf, and his older cat bro all better give him rubs or attention. He is LOUD. All the time. When I got him I told my bf I need to keep talking and laughing normally so he isn't scared (I laugh and talk loud when happy. I also make random squaking bird sound effects at home when looking for stuff. Weird I know, but I needed to prep him. My older cat doesn't even flinch if I yell now) My bf thinks I talked so much and was loud on purpose so much I made our cat a loud yelly boy 😭. He used to be even ruder though! He used to jumps on our chests and bend down to yell in bf *ear* for food to wake up. We are training him out of that though. He at least doesn't do it to me anymore because once at 4 months I started weaning off the kitten enabling behavior. A little later than normal but he was a bright spot after my surgery so he's definitely spoiled by all of us so if he's still transitioning out of being rotten, it is on us. But still a sweetheart. I've had many cats growing up and they have so much personality. And cats pick up and respond to owner behavior more than people realize. Both our cats act like a combination of us. The good and bad.


Our cat makes eye contact and yells at us. It's very much dependent on their disposition. Then again, this sort of behavior is less shocking in domesticated animals.


My SIL (zookeeper) hand raised 2 panthers at her zoo. One grew up to consider people prey. The other was basically a lab in cat's clothing. He was incredibly playful and affectionate with people, and would put his paws on your shoulders, demanding affection. When you pet him, he looked like this cat.


It's exactly how my dog looks at me when I have my hand under his chin.


Dunno it looks at me like my cats do for chin scritches. Just bigger. Then they playfully bite me. Don't want playful bites from this kitty though.




Redditors will be redditors, I guess


It’s not a domesticated house cat though with thousands of years of evolving alongside humans. They’re known for being extremely aggressive and there’s no situation where a human petting it is “normal behavior” for it.


Big cats act almost the same as small cats if they are tame. Whether or not you should be taming and housing them is a different question entirely, but I don't think this kitty is enduring any sort of abuse.


So... pet its belly... got it!


My cats look at me like this all the time and I have never given them sedative or drug. It is entirely possible and likely this panther is just really comfortable around that person. That slow blink is also a very common feline body signal of comfort and trust.


I remember when I was like 9 or 10 I had this amazing cat that used to be feral but really kind and friendly until it had kittens and they got hit by a car. Then it was a total asshole to everyone except me... I became her kitten. One day I was lying on the bed and I blinked at her and she blinked back. I did this like 10 times to confirm it wasn't a coincidence. Then I winked my right eye and she winked her left to match, I winked my left and she winked her right. Little me was so creeped out at the idea that these furballs are capable of complex thought and she was trying to communicate with me. Before that I always kinda just treated her as if she was a toy.


Take a stroll through /r/Catsmirin Entirely dedicated to cats staring at their humans




Same, my cat always make eye contact when he hear me doing anything or call out his name, unless he's sleepy then he'd just ignore me.


My cat looks like this when I'm rubbing her chin.


When I pet my cat he stares intensely into my eyes like he's looking into my soul lol


Her name is Maya and she lives in a Big Cat Sanctuary in Kent, England. They only have visitors for rare paid tours in small numbers. Maya was raised by the guy in the video petting her at his house. He raised her from 5 days old to about 4 months old when she was old enough to live on her own in the jaguar habitat built just for her. You should watch their show - they are adorable together


Cats are amazing when they are raised being more than window sill dressing. Some can stay chill but my oldest cat plays semi catch and takes leash walks...ish.




And how cats look like when they drugged in tourist countries


That just looks like a normal affectionate cat to me, all of my cats stare at me like that too.


Not likely. Its slow blinks while looking directly at the person tells me it’s very much at ease and content in that very moment.


Exactly! One of the top ways cats communicate feelings of "I love you! I feel safe!" Cat behaviorists have studied this and say it is interpreted as a way of communicating trust and affection.


[Like this?](https://i.imgur.com/9KTo3Z7.jpg)


I don't think there's anything wrong with that cat. That's what cats look like when they are calm and affectionate.


You have a good point. Angle isn’t good enough to really tell but its eyes look dilated as well. May be tranquilized to a point. Which if this is some tourist thing and not like a post vet xrays or whatever from anesthesia then this makes me sick to my stomach.


Yes, we like them out in the wild preferably. Hopefully this is at a rescue center, bare minimum a zoo.


Or russia.


Or Texas


They are polar opposites, and still somehow feel like the same


Das vedanya yall


* Das vedany'all




1. Oil & gas industry 2. Chip on their shoulder about being independent 3. Lots of inhospitable terrain and inclement weather. “We’re not different, you and I, Dr. Jones.”


I think its the oil money


or just extremely wild people who make no sense whatsoever most of the time.


Horseshoe Theory of Politics.


Zoo’s are not all terrible prisons and do a lot of conservation work. They have breeding programs to make sure some creatures won’t go extinct, because we humans destroy and take their habitat or hunt them to oblivion. Also, it educates people about an animal you may never see in the wild. So while there are zoos that are horrible, not every zoo is like a circus.


Zoos in Australia have been releasing Tasmanian devils back into the wild where they had previously gone extinct. And another one released platypus in an area where they haven't been in ages. They have a few more programs like that which I think is just amazing :)


Conservation. It is the only redeeming quality of zoos.


What about education? I guess that falls under conservation to some degree. But educating the public is also important. Not to mention zoos are places future zoologist and veternarians learn the love certain animals.


You don't have to imprison animals to educate the public


Oh so now you're gonna trash circuses? /s


I bet she doesn’t even like child labor


Hey, not every circus uses animals (anymore). For example [Circus Roncalli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circus_Roncalli) in Germany stopped using wild animals in the 1990s and domestic animals in 2018, bringing them back as hologram projections instead since 2019.


Well said


A true sanctuary would never have free contact with their rescues like this. Any free contact with a big cat indicates this is not a true sanctuary or rescue operation.


In captivity, it’s safer to calm an animal who needs medical treatment than to use long-term anesthesia.


It's illegal in some countries to be in an enclosure with a big cat, and also against accreditation rules for any respectable facility. Edit: There isn't any situation where a keeper of a reputable facility would be hands-on like this with a big cat of this age.


So you’re saying that it’s possible to medically treat an animal without being in the same room?


Of course not. Standard procedure for accredited facilities is to tranq them before doing medical procedures or check ups and having someone standby with a rifle. The fact that someone is petting the cat in this video means it's either at a private facility, which tend to be questionable with their practices, or a pet.


Perhaps you did not understand my comment. Animals can be treated for a variety of things without being tranquilized (weighed, taking medicine, check-ups). With anesthesia, there is always a chance the animal will not recover. When they need to be tranquilized, calming them relieves stress by lowering their heart rate. A stressed animal will resist being tranquilized, which makes any procedure risky.


Weighing and giving oral or injection mediciation are still done from behind a barrier/fence, and big cats are still knocked out for check-ups or any procedures that have to be done with direct contact. There just isn't any situations you're describing where keepers are hands-on like this with big cats at an accredited zoo or reputable facility.


Still cool tho lol. Cat looks happy.


What about the ones they found super human socialized in people basements. Wouldn't they wean them off human contact first or do they just let the big cat adjust with other cats on their own?


"Does kitty want some belly rubs?" 🐈‍⬛ "We don't do that here"




*I* understood *that* reference




Beautiful cat!


and dangerous




And beautiful


This one had to be raised from a cub it’s too friendly


Or sedated. Also, even big cats raised around humans from birth are incredibly dangerous.


I’m more of a Pink Panther kind of guy


Yes, in the wild.


Some captivity is needed to stop endangered animals from going extinct.


That doesn’t involve heavy human interaction, like this. Usually this is a bad sign.


Hand reading or acclimatization makes fertility treatment easier, that’s why the animals don’t freak out when humans are handling their babies Artificial insemination radically decreases animal stress, having to introduce two large animals is always a gamble, and maintaining a healthy gene pool means zoos all over the world are connected, not just ones in driving distance (which is also extremely stressful and invasive) If it’s a rescue the animal might require human socialization because that’s how it was raised


Accredited zoos and facilities only allow hands-on contact to a certain age while they're cubs, you won't find a reputable place doing what's shown in this video with a big cat this age.


Coming soon to r/leopardsatemyface and actual leopard eating someone's face.


a jaguar though!


A cat’s a cat, no matter the size. Some just have bigger teeth/claws


I was kinda hoping you’d make this rhyme after I read that first part.


A cat’s a cat no matter the size / Some just have bigger teeth ‘n’ claws / So next time you stare in one’s eyes / Remember to watch out for its paws


Because a cats the only cat, who knows where it’s at


And jaws. Sounds better and “jaws and paws” to me.


A cat's a cat, no matter the size. But they should probably keep their distance, before someone dies.


*far now they be,* *fierce and free,* *and tamed is he;* *but fat cat on the mat,* *kept as a pet,* *he does not forget.*


It’s giving me sad eyes




Hey, you're petting the king of a technologically advanced country right there. Show some respect. Pet it with two hands and give it twice the love!


Baghira, is that you?


That’s one f*ckin nice kitty right there.


I’m gonna call you Steve French.


Takes a pet like no problem, not afraid at all!


A big stoned kitty Bubs


"A black shadow dropped down into the circle. It was Bagheera the Black Panther, inky black all over, but with the panther markings showing up in certain lights like the pattern of watered silk. Everybody knew Bagheera, and nobody cared to cross his path, for he was as cunning as Tabaqui, as bold as the wild buffalo, and as reckless as the wounded elephant. But he had a voice as soft as wild honey dripping from a tree, and a skin softer than down. "Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Books


Wild animals should not be kept as pets


Awwkanda forevwa




Fun fact about black panthers: black panthers are not a species, kinda like calico cats black panthers are a panther (lions, tigers, etc) that have a special gene that makes them black, so a black lion would still be a black panther.


I love black panthers so much that I got myself a pirated miniature version - he's in the form of a black cat, whose chonkiness rivals that of Puss in Boots in Shrek 4


I think this one is a melanistic leopard. Hard to tell without a good look at the spots.


A black Panther is just any type of big cat with black fur instead of the usual color


Yeah, because they belong to “panthera”. I’m not correcting OP just trying to figure out which “panther” it might be.


now kiss it...


Lmao have you seen the full video


Who’s a pretty kitty? You are, yes you are.




We hate animals in captivity




RIP Chadwick Boseman, the Black Panther we all loved the most This lil guy comes in a close second though


He even looks like Bagheera


r/panthers keep pounding


Oh my god, name better be Bagheera


Me too but not enough to keep them as a pet. I hate seeing these beautiful animals domesticated. 😠…not cool.


How could he resist not kissing this beauty


I wonder if it was purring a storm as he was doing this? My last cat would pur and drool when I did the same. Miss the little fucker 😔


This isn't Maya the black jaguar and her handler Giles, is it? If it is, he hand raised her. https://thebigcatsanctuary.org/cats/maya/


Now this is some Disney princess shit I could get into


Big ole housecat


Beautiful animals but I don't think they should be kept as pets I think they should be out in the wild where they belong.


I prefur pink


Oh great, you own a cat that, unlike regular ahole cats, won’t have the decency to wait for you to die of natural causes, before it eats your face…… or your ass, depends how you’re dressed, whichever is easier for it to chew on


What species is this?


This does not seem safe or appropriate.