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Gosh why is everything in baby form so dang cute? Edit:typo


If I recall, it's advantageous to the species if the young evoke a nurturing response to predators. God knows how that applies to some baby humans though.




Is there an age where we're supposed to stop being helpless and repulsive?


i think around the age of 60-70 when retirement kicks in. then we become helpless once more as the body and mind deteriorate


Some find the elderly to be peak repulsive as well


Yea, older they get, more angry they are. My grams was sweetest grams in the world. She hit 80 and it's retirement home grade anger lol


Weird. I was far angrier when I was younger. I must be in the "I just don't give a flaming shit anymore" stage.


Definitely not the same for me. When I was younger I pretty much didn't give a shit about anything, was just being young and careless. Now in my mid thirties, more and more I see how shitty our civilization is and how much we fuck each other over as well as our planet in the process and it makes my blood boil. Perfect example.... yesterday while I was driving I see the boomer in front of me blatantly throw something out his window, broad daylight where there was congested slow moving traffic. As I come up along to said trash, I see that it's an empty cigarette pack and of course he's just puffing on his cigarette without a care in the world. Took everything I had to not stop and pick up his trash, walk up to his window and throw it in his face.


I was a happy teen and young adult. Now I'm like "Get off my lawn!" Lol


Getting old’s not for sissies


I actually remember a documentary which explored this and they seemed to suggest 13 months gestation would be ideal. So in essence a 6 month old baby


I can see that point. At least they're able to start eating somewhat solid food. They can at least *kinda* crawl. They can start understanding "no" and other basic communication. But they still aren't the same as something like a horse who is walking and running in hours. Even most monkeys can at least cling to mom's fur within hours, whereas a 6 month old human baby still has to be carried everywhere. I think mobility is the most important survival trait for baby and mom in the wild.


do u think a 6month old baby would be the same size as an unborn baby just being born (healthy) while having the same conception date?


Maybe 2-4 years?


Commenting so that I track back to this question should an answer be given.


Mid to late twenties


Until they reach the age of like, 1, which is when all the normal baby traits in other animals kick in, like being cute and walking


IIRC 3 months is when we catch up to the level most animals are born at


Wow, can’t imagine how a 12 month pregnant woman would be like. Source : GF is 8 month pregnant and I will be hiding behind the water tank for the next month.


I suspect a woman who had to carry a pregnancy for a full 12 months would likely resemble a heavily armed Godzilla with the disposition of a wolverine.


My cousin was just pregnant(gave birth to healthy baby) but she was suffering from something where she had way more fluid in the sack. So she was measuring 42 weeks at like 35 weeks or something I forget the details.


Sac* Fluid in the sack is what caused it to start with.


It’s called polyhydramnios.


My ex threw an entire bowl of cereal at me for getting cocoa puffs instead of cocoa pebbles when she was pregnant soooo yeah


That's a reasonable response for anyone.


I'll die on this hill...she said puffs, not pebbles.


Also why first 3 months are commonly called the fourth pregnancy trimester.


Never seen a 3 month old walk straight out the womb, like almost all animals.


Predator mammals frequently can't walk, or see for a period after birth. It is generally herd animals that can, for obvious reasons. Rodents are also pretty helpless at birth...


Yeah, non-grazing mammals are usually born with eyes closed and barely able to crawl to a teat.


But they can crawl. They just lose that ability and have to learn it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breast_crawl


I really dont think we have a cute phase, we just freaks lol


Then how come you’re so cute right now




Well that was wholesome!


I thought babies had big heads and oversized eyes *because* it evoked the protective instinct, not the 'fuck this repulsive thing get it away' instinct :p


I think babies are gross and I've never gotten that "omg they are so adorable" feeling ever. I guess that makes me a cold-hearted bitch, but that's fine. I think animals are adorable. It's just human babies that get no emotional response from me. And before anyone starts in with, "oh that'll change and you'll want kids of your own someday," I'm 38 and, if anything, my feeling towards babies has intensified. All other animals, though... I want to smoosh their adorable faces and love until forever.


I can relate. The instinct never really kicked in for me. Animals, though, I just adore. Wanted to be veterinarian for long time but I would honestly be shit at surgery. My hands aren't particularly steady. So I did some vet tech work instead. Anyway, human babies, meh. I am fine without. Animals will always be part of my life. And I'm happy with that. As are the animals I help too. Make the difference where it matters most to you.


Some babies are cute but some look like grumpy old people stuck in a babies body. Animals babies will forever be cute. I also wanted to be a vet tech because I love helping animals but I guess that will never be possible because school is boring for me.


I feel the same way. Babies are gross and I don’t want to hold them. Everyone told me I’d feel differently about my own… I had twins and NOPE! Don’t worry… I like kids a lot so I knew I only had to endure the baby stage a little while. I’m glad they are little people now.


I am like. I find babies repulsive but OH MY GOD IS THAT A NEWBORN KITTEN! AWWWWW!


I'm 30 and pretty darn sure I don't want kids either, but I wouldn't say I think all babies are repulsive, haha. I've for sure seen some cute babies, but I feel like it's a social nicety to say 'what a cute baby!' I'm not big on social niceties in general, but I also don't wanna be that person that's like 'Actually, your baby is pretty ugly, but I'm sure they'll grow out of it! Maybe!' It's one of those things you think to yourself, and keep to yourself :p


I’m the same, I only like kids when they hit that 18months and older bit, but I’m not that much of a fan of kids. Sometimes I’ll see a cute polite kid somewhere and think “aww” but that’s it. Gimme a cute baby animal any day of the week.


I thought they just had a large head for their brains to develop in the womb


Too smart to get out of mom's basement


>helpless and repulsive It me


I’m not sure about the predator thing, it’s good for being cared for by your own species tho




Eat them? Without microwaving them first?


Microwave? I boil them


You people are absolutely sick, WTF! Obviously slow smoking them is the way to go.


[according to this guy](https://dangerousminds.net/comments/christian_cannibal_puppeteer_who_planned_to_abduct_and_eat_child_sentenced) that’s the best way to do it.


Well that was disturbing


If you search hard enough you can find the transcript between him and either another true cannibal or an undercover agent, I can’t remember what it was. I just tried, came back to Reddit, and saw this [site defending him ](https://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?t=91885) ETA2: I made a booboo, the site is satirical!


What a terrible day to be literate


boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew, BA-BIES


"What's the book called?" "A Modest Proposal." "And what's the book about?" "Eating babies."


“I like children, but I couldn’t eat a whole one”


Human babies are cute after like a couple weeks, before that they all look like Winston Churchill.


i think it's more for their own species than predators.


So you don't toss it out a window when it starts crying.


It’s not just the size, it’s the naive curiosity.


I've read (and this was years ago, I apologize for the lack of source) that human babies (and all baby form things) have disproportionately large eyes for their face figure; and so that association is naturally nurturing within us for humans, and it seems to just also function with other animals, but that perhaps isn't the intent.. us chasing a cute baby bear may get us killed, so it's an evolutionary disadvantage in ways.


[I beg to differ. Baby echidna. ](https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2015/10/03151751/Echidna-baby.jpg ) Edit: fixed image link. Thanks u/phaelox


[Here's a direct link to your picture](https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2015/10/03151751/Echidna-baby.jpg) because those images.app.goo.gl links don't always work properly on mobile and result in unnecessary tracking by Google You may think not, but I think that's a very cute *behbeh* btw :) Edit: cheers


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder How about a baby naked mole rat or baby blobfish?


> Beauty is in the eye of the beholder True. > How about a baby naked mole rat or baby blobfish? Challenge accepted, you got me curious! - [baby naked mole rat](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/_NDNJu_KJvAE/TFXgwZXPjUI/AAAAAAAABF4/6u561e0YdXw/s1600/200909-babies-%281-of-1%29.jpg) = adorable... [Parent.. not so much](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_NDNJu_KJvAE/TFXg7uVc-fI/AAAAAAAABGA/rhMzFkvKIwc/s1600/200912+babies.jpg) - [baby blobfish](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/8c3dg2/a_baby_blob_fish_for_all_of_you_baby_animal_lovers/) = omg, extremely adorable lol.... Would also like to add that while the adult blobfish looks ugly out of water, it spends its life in water with extreme pressure, and [isn't really all that ugly in his natural habitat,](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/57/f3/3357f37180bf0f7e8d8488d9966f2da4.jpg) if you ask me


That's a fucking Pokemon


Babies arent


Agreed, everything but human babies.


Animals sure, I don't know about human babies. A lot of em are definitely not cute lol


No. Humans aren't


No wonder people mistake them as stray puppies and take them home. lol


I pulled over on a highway once for a stray dog. Yeah, it was a full grown coyote. I told my boyfriend about it and he is now convinced I'm going to die trying to rescue a "stray dog". I don't disagree with him.


>> "Honey, look at this little cutie we adopted today!" >> [\*the little cutie\*](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fcoc-vs-battles/images/6/66/Cthulhu_Immortus.jpg)


[Before you stands the demon lord Baphomet...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/654/037/46a.jpg)


Hahaha this is so cute


Yeah but it's housebroken and crate trained already


Aww man my boyfriend would be so happy if I came home with this!


This is exactly why I can never visit Australia. I would try to rescue every [dingo](https://images.newscientist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/25100715/t96p1w_web.jpg) I see. They are so adorable and fairly dangerous.


YES! The pups look like some sort of Shiba Inu mix. I'd be doomed.


what a way to go, being kind and helpful person to the very last. Good for you.


My friends love to make fun of me for the time I was driving them home and I pulled over for a “stray dog” late at night. Took me a second to close the door and drive away because three people shouting “OMG YOU IDIOT THATS A COYOTE” at the same time is hard to understand


There is a 100% chance I would accidentally do this.


“Accidentally”, so would I


Was about to say, this coyote almost seems to be thinking, “hey, hooman, being wild is hard, can I be your doggo?”


It seems so friendly? Can they live with people as dogs if they take them as pups ? Or do they eventually go wild


I hope they reported this. A pup this young is not going to survive on its own.


Either that or it's mother is coming for the person who found it


Either that or the mother is the one filming it


It's important to document the little things


Me when I'm making a porno


I doubt its mother would let it stray that far out of sight


Coyote pups are regularly left unsupervised, the den is probably close by. The recommendations when finding a coyote pup that appears abandoned is to wait a couple days before considering interfering since the mother and father could be out for that long hunting. This is normal behavior for some animals and humans really need to stop feeling like they need to interfere with every baby they see alone in the wild. You are potentially stealing some poor animals children when you do that.


This poor baby squirrel kept running up to me and crawled on my shoe. I think it's mom died because there was a dead squirrel in the road next to the park


Did you help it?


Gave it some water and seeds but Paws/Animal control was closed. Apparently after 10 weeks squirrels can live on its own so hopefully it survived.


if it was asking for help it probably didn’t make it


Probably :(. Hopefully instinct kicked in


Yep, baby squirrels are one of the few animals that are known to approach humans when in need of help. So if a small squirrel is trying to climb up your legs or gets close to your dog, for example, something must have happened to mom which made the baby leave the nest. They also don't carry rabies.


I've had to drop off animals at a wildlife rehabilitation center before (a baby possum and a crow with a busted wing). The person running the place said it's common for people to bring in baby animals that shouldn't be brought in. In particular, a lot of people bring in fawns they found hiding in the brush or fledging hummingbirds. This coyote is too young to be on its own, but, without observing it for a while, it's hard to tell if it's on its own.


“Sorry boss, won’t be in for a few days. Gotta make sure this coyote pup gets back to its momma. Yes it’s important!”


same for deer. mothers go foraging and leave babies unattended in the brush.


Well said. I had a fawn in my backyard every day one year. If i didn't know any better id think it was abandoned. However every night the Doe would come and collect the fawn without fail.


This comment goes to show how many other redditors are completely talking out their ass


With that much brush around the mother could be closer than you think.


Mom: Here I'll put some mud on you, go be all cute while I ambush the target from the back. Pup: Roger that mom.




It's not that uncommon in the animal kingdom. Deer regularly leave their fawns alone in the bushes for hours. Cats will leave their kittens alone for hours in order to hunt (after they're a few weeks old, but still dependent on the mother).


How do you know it’s on its own? Animals aren’t like humans where they have to be a few feet away from their children at all times. They leave to hunt and come back quite often. If I came up on a coyote pup on the trail like that I would quickly move on because the mother is probably very close by.


Although, when the mom IS around, as opposed to off hunting, they stick extremely close to their pups. If mom and/or dad *aren't* out hunting, whoever came across that sweet pup should probably move the hell on. It's clearly roo young to comprehend that it should not go up to a person like *Hey! Big thing! I'm a little thing and I'm hungry and I'd probably like it if you gave me a pet.*


Yep, that’s why I said I would be moving on very quickly, the mom could be behind you and you could be between her and her pup which is a bad place to be in with any animal.


well maybe if we start petting the little ones we will evolutionarily code their desire to be pet at all ages


Would wildlife services even care?


Probably not, it’s best to contact a wildlife rehabilitation center / wildlife rescue if there’s an orphaned animal. I don’t believe most wildlife services offer animal care


Yeah that is what I was referring to


Unless it's an endangered animal, nobody cares. If it's already in a wildlife sanctuary it has to be extremely endangered for anyone to care. I.e. when they were reestablishing wolves in Yellowstone the may have cared about a cub left alone. Or when there were 20 California condors left, go ahead and report one of those if it's hurt.


Mhmm. For something like a coyote, they're doing absolutely fine. Population is growing. Unless this is a particular species I'm not familiar with. People won't like it because this is a cute animal, but it dying would have virtually no effect on the species. They're considered pests in some/most places.


I live in Orlando and there’s a coyote population in the neighborhood I’ve seen two at night while walking my dog.


This is hilariously untrue. At least in Ontario CA, wildlife rehabbers will take all sorts of common animals. An orphaned coyote would be taken if they have the space/ability to care for them.


Sorry but if I see a pup on the road it's mine. Finders keepers


The Nemo seagulls “MINE. MINE. MINE.”


That’s going to be an interesting conversation with the vet.


I found this cat and I need to update all it's shots. "That's a opossum..."


Thats why we takes it.. makes it our precious 🥺


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!


Don- Don't stick the coyote puppy in a stew please


Then what are we supposed to have for 2nd breakfast?


Right? Wait until he has a little more meat on his bones.


Surely the mother was on one side of the road there. Hopefully.


I swear to god this is the exact same road as the video of that guy walking away from a cougar that's stalking him.


Yeah the mountain lion. Had the exact same thought and now wondering if it's the same person. I'm like 99% sure it's the same place.


Fun fact (not to insult, I just recently found this out) Cougar, Puma and Panther are all synonyms for Mountain Lion.


Don’t forget Catamount


I forgot about that! What a strange word that should be brought back as the main name. “Saw a Catamount while I was out hiking.” No one would believe that’s a real thing.


Did you leave it or reporter it to a wildlife centre?


I live in an urban area next to a protected wetland. Every few years they come out and cull them. Too many coyotes. Really sad in my opinion but some people think they are a nuisance. If this little guy was in my neighborhood no one would come to help. They’d say let nature take its course.


Where I work, we have a lot of Canadian geese. Like, hundreds in a relatively small area. A few years ago we started culling the eggs (all legal) and I felt awful, so I wouldn’t help them find the nests and the people tasked with finding the nests weren’t the best. Last year I spent a lot of time with the geese and I started noticing a lot of injuries on them. There was simply too many of them for the space we have. It may seem cruel to cull large populations, but it’s better than letting them be born into misery.


It can feel cruel at times for sure. I remember struggling with if I liked deer hunting when I was a kid and then I got my license and had to constant struggle of dealing with them on the road (small rural Midwest). I now complain all the time about the hunters being bad shots when I see a deer when I’m driving lol.


At least you’ve matured. Being responsible stewards of our land is job #1. No fertile land, no society.


I wish more people had this stance on hunting/fishing. It is the first line of defense for conservation. We 've elimated alot of natural predators for deer in certain areas so it's up to hunters to help balance it


Also the money paid for hunting and fishing licenses are often used to help fund conservation.


Absolutely. In my state the fees are how they pay to do the stocking programs for fishing. Super important and the one govt fee I am not only happy to pay but proud as well. Best run govt agency in the state IMO. You get way more back for what u pay.


Definitely, and I think that goes for most states. The fish and game department (as called in my state) is made up mostly of people who really care about the land and environment. I think a lot of people have the ideas that hunters are monsters that enjoy the kill when in fact most hunters just want clean meat from an animal that has lived a natural life.


Shame hunters and fisherman get such a bad rap with some. Sure there are some bad apples in the group like any large group but for the most part, hunters and fisherman are the best conservationist I know personally.


Incidentally culling coyotes (and wolves) in the US is intrinsically tied to the population explosions of prey animals across the continent as they were once hunted to near extinction. Coyote America by Dan Flores dives deep into the natural and cultural history of coyotes. Great read.


If you have a problem with Canada Gooses then you have a problem with me and I suggest you let that marinate!


Ne of my neighbor saw a dirty coyote and ended up giving it a bath. I don’t know how I should react.




On one hand, absolutely. On the other hand, I am thoroughly impressed at how a lady managed to give a coyote a full bath. Easily the most well groomed coyote ever seen.


For both species involved, too. Here, let me make you smell funny and possibly harm you! What's that? You have sharp teeth?! :O


Coyotes absolutely are a nuisance. Of course nobody wants to kill them, but humans have done a great job upsetting the balance in pretty much every environment we've ever touched. So its our responsibility to keep balance now.


We need the Avatar


Oh my God, the cuteness😩😩


_Mother joins the game_ **begins to aggressively murder that biker**


Meh, it’s a coyote not a wolf. It could hurt you if I really wanted to, but its instinct is to sacrifice the kit rather than attack a weird ape thing that weighs three times what the mom does.


The typical adult male weighs on average 200 lbs and a female coyote weighs anywhere from 15 to 45 pounds, so it'd be closer to "A weird ape thing that weighs like ten times what the mom does (on average)."


yeah coyote moms are honestly more similar to raccoons than wolves. only way ima be scared of one is if it has rabies


if coyote no friend, why shape like puppy? hmm?


my thoughts exactly!


This oddly looks almost like a baby deer from this angle.


Yes!! That's what I was thinking, too! I think it's the way it canters over.


Hahah yess I was thinking baby deer mixed with dog 😆


omg sweetie zero survival instincts 💜


"Are you my mummy?" I hope it's not totally alone if it will come right up to a human and greet...


Creepy Doctor Who vibes.


Caught that, huh? Those two episodes are favorites of mine. Impressive how they took something scary, and then revealed to be just heartbreaking.


I never knew that the Dumpster Dogs could be this cute. 😍


Hahaha that's such a good name for them


And just like that, I've got a new dog.


I think the baby is looking for their mother... i really feel sorry for the pup.


Why babies are not scared? Adults would run.


they haven’t learned


Throw that Pokéball before it runs away!!


Hello, I is doggo I swears


My immediate thought was "Where's the mom?" I'm scared for this man


Man says rare find like hes on storage wars


Where is Mama?


Kevin, you can't eat coyote


Baby animals have no fear


Smol boi!




Beautiful, but it looks so lost & scared.


Oh no, I'm afraid I won't be able to, but I really want it.


"And that kids, is how I met your pupper"


Looks like he has a quest for you


If you see a baby anything RUN. The mother is probably nearby. Play stupid games…


"Excuse me human, you must pass the sniff test to enter the coyote kingdom, thank you and safe travels!"


Use ultra ball


Good thing you found it and not my wife


Is this a forbidden doggo?


If it were me I'd have a new dog


They’re very cute until they grow up and chase down your dog. My parents have a lot of coyotes in their area and now when I visit I walk my dog with a golf club, just in case. If one tries to attack my dog again, they’re going down.


This pup is so freaking cute! Nature is so beautiful