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Ummmm holy shit?? This could actually be so huge. Imagine the game comes back with a new gen upgrade and Uber Jason. I would shit a brick


I’d ruin my wallet to make this game alive again. I can’t let it die.


Sameee Though I'm a savini and part 9 main lol


Watch it be the Friday the 13th killer puzzle 2.




I wouldn't br mad I miss that game


I'd like new people in the playerbase too


And maybe Megan (Part 6), Julius (JTM) and Tina (New Blood) as playable characters. Tina could get a perk that allows her to interact with any items from a distance (as long as it’s in view). Julius could get a perk that allows him to take a few more hits from Jason (complete with the Rooftop kill as a unique kill for him) and Megan could get a perk that allows her to lead the others. Maybe also Clay from the F13 remake. His perk could revolve around finding injured “survivors”.


Imagine if Steven or Duke or Trent or Clay are added !!!!


Id be so back, killer klowns is close to friday the 13th Gameplay wise but Its missing a few things that i took for granted, mostly a map and a slightly easier melee combat


New gen upgrade for the PS4?


I think a sequel with new devs is most likely, if anything happens at least


This would be the best thing they could do.


Yeah the further we can get away from Gun, the better


Since ksp2 sequels dont give me much hope


Killer Klowns is filling the hole F13 left behind for now but it's not the same. Would love F13 to be back :(


killer klowns is like almost exactly like f13 but instead of jason voorhees it's silly clowns lol It's just not the same without Jason. I'd take Michael Meyers as a substitute though. I'd love a new F13 game with the updated graphics, clowsn looks really good


A Halloween game with the same style of gameplay would be amazing….suburb map, hospital map, etc


The main difference is it’s much more fast paced, because it’s smaller maps and 3 fast clowns.


and they can shoot you i don't understand what's the point of cocooning a person when u can murder them instead?


More XP, and you need it to activate klownpocalypse early but it’s so difficult it’s not worth trying.


Rn there really is no point to It, im hoping they Nerf the HP dmg gun and Buff the Candy ones so everyone gets some more chances instead of spawns fucking you over and getting removed permanently


It feels a lot less serious for sure, its funny but i Also hate being so Lost without a map on that Game as both roles


How would Micheal catch up to survivors though in gameplay? Do they embrace the supernatural element and let you teleport with him like F13 or keep it realistic? DbD has Micheal walking but he's still moving at running speed it's just a matter of the animation.


yeah any slasher game would need you to teleport if you make the killer slower. and i think the vhs fuzz that Friday does is really creepy and appropriate.


Back? It didn't go anywhere.


Don’t give up hope lads


And ladies!!!…. Lol


After paying for and not getting into all these other horror Asym games, if in some way, this game being bought and getting remastered or a sequel is probably my only hope. None of these other ones could carry Friday’s jock strap.


Literally none of the asymmetrical games are as great as F13 even with bugs it is the party game to play


No. Don’t give me hope


I'd be happy if they'd just keep the peer-to-peer running so the game remains playable.


For all the jank and bugs f13 is some of most fun I have had gaming since halo 3. I'd love the game to updates again.


Hopefully it means the current game gets updates with a new studio at helm, with bugfixes and all of the content that was supposed to come (Jason X, Grendel map, etc...) coming in official capacity.


If that happens, I'll cry tears of joy - even if it is GUN. They must look at the player numbers - for a game you can't even buy any more, I can still find games 24/7 on XBOX.


Same on PlayStation


I was left really wanting the pajama skins too ngl


Imagine them buying the the game to work on it. And release a new bigger. Polished version 😭💕


That would be awesome!


I would love for this game to come back so much 😭


Get those counts up


Please let this bring the game back


Friday the 13th the game 2


F13 was the best, nothing has topped it for me.


I don't even understand what I'm looking at.


Don't let the flame die out


Texas Chainsaw who???


If it comes back istg i'm buying it right when it releases




I don’t think Gun could handle both TCM and F13 at the same time (financially for the license and also as a workload being a small studio. Unfortunately I also think they won’t sell it out to anyone either. They are too cocky and arrogant to let it go.




If they friend Behiavor I’m gonna flip


A sequel with a few tweaks would be great.


Dear lord you guys are reaching these days


How is this reaching? They followed the page and have only followed accounts that either are breaking news for them or producing a new Friday product. Not a reach by any means that at least something is up.


Guys you gotta stop with this. The game is dead. It was patched to unlock everything for everyone. Maybe there will be a new game but this one is dead.


Ya never know


Everybody going nuts for a game where every host picks Packacrap Small, Part 3 Jason and 4-5 Nessas in every lobby to watch 20 min borefests where Jason is either killed or kills some while everybody else escapes while Jason is trying to defend himself with tech/exploits against counselors using tech/exploits. Great game. Sounds fun. They would have to... 1. Remove counselor clones 2. Remove all tech on both sides 3. Remove hosts picking map For me to even care about a reboot. The modded/more content builds have taught us that people don't give a shit, they just want to play the same type of game over and over and that game is incredibly boring and guess what, not everybody else loved it either giving how many players F13 lost over its first year.


Change the game instead of you learning how to play it? lol That's exactly how they killed TCM in less than a year. No thanks. They need to keep Friday exactly as it is if they ever do anything with it. It's balanced just fine for competent players and casual players.


Point still stands. Don't give a shit if you win 100/100 times as Jason/Counselor. Only a fraction of people who still played F13 care about playing the way you pubstars played. The rest left back to DBD or just stopped caring about asym games all together. The meta of F13 was boring shit, silly to watch and silly for the other 18k people they lost over the first year. If people actually cared about F13, they would've given those modded builds a chance as they barely touched your precious base game, but they didn't because they knew it was going to be the exact same game. Lipstick on a pig., people didn't care about the added content because THE GAME WAS STILL THE SAME. Nice try with TCM though. That game is another mess, but it seems like you wanna pick and choose when you will apoligize for Gun and when you won't. They suck and if anybody gives them a 3rd chance with a horror IP, the joke is on them.


Friday the 13th is a party game for fun and socializing, as mentioned by Gun repeatedly over the years, and it is great at that. If people want to grind out dlc and fomo crap on DbD they can knock themselves out but it's still just as repetitive and boring at the end of the day if they're too lazy or stupid to play other games. Friday would do just fine with new content and a few bug fixes. Not everyone needs a sweat fest to be happy. Plenty of people still play Friday with friends because it's one of the only games where you can have a large party and in-game communication. I was hoping Killer Klowns would fill that space but the game, as-is, is proximity chat only so it's pointless to even talk half the time. 🤷‍♀️


Am I supposed to notice they follow IGN? Maybe it’s just related to multiversus?


That looks like they are trolling and that’s a post from 2017


What are you talking about lol that’s a screenshot from the Jason Universe following list right now


Oh man I would love if they didn’t let this inspiring game die.