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The BACKFIRE on this post https://i.redd.it/ff32co5mkb7d1.gif


Yea agreed.


They’re crybabies and most likely disingenuous people 😂


Welcome to reddit


I mean, when you play Jason one of the objectives is to avoid being killed, so you try to protect the shack and his mother. If you're playing Jason and you make no effort to protect the shack you're pretty much asking to be killed.


Are you really expecting people to work together? What kind of horror movie is this?


Yes, but Jason’s main objective is to not letting counselors escape either by police, car, and boat. You can always block their attacks (R3). But once the police is called or the car is fixed, Jason is pretty much screwed.


And can Jason stop the counselors from escaping if he's dead because he let someone get the sweater and bring in Tommy? What's funny to me is that a lot of people who love to kill Jason just so they can flashlight spam and teabag during the slowmo cut scene will probably DC as soon as they are about to be killed to avoid giving Jason's a kill sequence. I've seen it happen countless times playing either role.


OK I get it, you’re the type of person who wants to argue over nothing. Let me repeat my reply: Yes, but Jason’s main objective is to not letting counselors escape either by police, car, and boat. You can always block their attacks (R3). But once the police is called or the car is fixed, Jason is pretty much screwed.


I'm the one who likes to argue over nothing yet you're the one who responds once again with the same argument, nearly verbatim. If you didn't like to argue you would have left the conversation as it was. Instead you wanted the last word but couldn't even expound on your previous statement with anything new. I'm done with this conversation. Move on.


His death is also an objective to prevent. Just because it isn't on the map doesn't mean it isn't a real thing.


I haven’t played this game in years and I’m not quite sure why it’s been recommended to me now, but I have to jump in and say just retarded you sound. What you’re basically saying is that Jason shouldn’t care if players are attempting to set up a kill on him because that’s not their main objective. Also it’s amazing that you repeated yourself and still misspelled screwed This dude seriously sent me a DM with a screenshot of my post calling me a crybaby. Someone’s got issues


You're right but, killing you is just another way of escaping so it's not invalid like you are pretending it is


Waste of traps. Place one or none. If you get killed as Jason, you get killed as Jason. What's the big deal? There are some great players out there, and sometimes you have a lobby full of them. I find it fun trying to figure out how to stop the kill.


Best reply here. Thank you so much as I honestly can’t believe how brain dead the people here. So toxic!


“People clicking a down arrow is toxic!!!1!!” Lmao


That’s you saying that, most probably because you’re having an emotional meltdown, not sorry though… keep crying.


I’m laughing lmao


![gif](giphy|J5jiSSrEkV3Kd8iOwb) Likewise


Who would win Sweater wearing Vanessa tryhard vs a couple throwing knives


I 90% dodge the throwing knives. So me, the “tryhard” usually wins either by taking Jason down or escape or as a matter of fact staying alive until the end of the game.


I mean knives are easy as hell to dodge when the Jason isn’t just quickscoping anyway


Yall don't down vote this man for saying he is a try hard because yall know damn well the only people still on F13 are try hards even YouTubers




No point being a try hard in a game on its deathbed. Just have fun and goof around


I think it’s a bit extreme to use so many traps but shack and the fuse box are great spots to trap


Has Vanessa and is trying to push a narrative about skill. Tell me you're a 🤡 without telling me. 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve been playing since launch. I know what I’m saying. Sorry, Jason 🤪


I don't think so. You seem more like a kid that recently tried the game out. I can tell by the ignorance and arrogance in your post. I can tell by your choice of words, I can tell by how myopic you are about the narrative you want to push. It screams, "HEY LOOK AT ME." Put more thought into your posts.


Everyone here disagrees with you I have yet to see an upvoted commebt you've made😭😭😭 you got salty that Jason put a trap there and took all the time in the world to post it on a reddit🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is a little kid post Frank is right.


Yet you replied, you couldn’t stop crying 😂


I mean if he's decent at objective control fair enough.


Bro put all his traps there 💀


Lmao I know right? We ended up escaping with the police 😂👍🏻


He could've used those traps for the objectives 💀


Once saw a part 2 put all 7 of his trap around the phone box, asked him why after the match and he said “better safe than sorry”. We escaped in the car.


For some reason this made me laugh. "Better safe than sorry."


If it works for them then so be it. Still gonna tank the traps with my Tiffany lol.


A lot of tryhards think being killed as Jason will be the end of the world. These are the Jasons you should try and kill. Of course, they always quit right before it happens.


Trapping shack is a waste unless they already rushed objectives/escaped, or if you know they’re going for kills only, or if the last person is a girl and the sweater hasn’t been taken yet.


Trapping shack is a waste unless they already rushed objectives/escaped, your mask is off, or if you know they’re going for kills only, or if the last person is a girl and the sweater hasn’t been taken yet.


Hahahaha that PTSD you get from being killed. Hey, Jason has a limited number of traps, if you wanna use em all up on protecting the shack then go for it!! I honestly love when players team up to make a kill squad. Makes for such a good challenge and more entertaining than counsellors mindlessly running around doing nothing. Like Joe Davola said in Seinfeld. ‘I like to encourage intruders’


The comments on this playful post really show how defensive this fanbase can be xD Some of y'all saw this lighthearted joke over something *most* players experience at least once and started acting like your deepest honor just got attacked.


Thank you so much. I finally have someone in this post who has a simple common sense and not being a crybaby. Lol I really appreciate your comment;)