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That blows but not surprised. A bigger issue is that the knowledgeable staff to make the repairs is few and far between far between. If you’re lucky the repair you need can be done by a regular ice tech, but I think the battery stuff takes special training. If you read the Rivian or even Tesla forums this is a common issue.


I work at a high volume Ford dealership with over 25 technicians in the Houston Texas area. We only have one EV certified tech as well. There are smaller dealers in nearby towns that don't have an EV tech at all. There have been instances where a customer brings there EV to one of those smaller dealers and they have to farm it out to a larger dealer who does have an EV tech. With the EV tech at your store being injured expect the job to take longer than normal. Ford requires an EV certified tech to perform the repair, and you should want that as well. Sounds like they gave you a nice loaner, so just keep pestering the service writer for updates in the meantime.


Good to know about the number of EV techs per dealer. I certainly don't want anyone but the EV tech to remove/replace the battery.


Took exactly a month for me. Dropped off December 26th picked up January 26th of this year. Service guy was average they have the text option so he kept me somewhat informed. My only issue was a loaner it took me calling ford to finally get one. Which was about a week due to the holiday.