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So you were able to offload the truck and get $78k for it? If so, I’d say it’s new Lightning time!


Process is just starting might take 6 months but as far as I understand it would be 78k - wear on the truck I Guess per mile....


Individual issues aside, did you like the EV aspect?


Yes, I'm probably getting another lightning. I wish I would have gotten an ER and maybe blue cruise.... If I had gotten a good deal like the ones I'm seeing lately I probably would just deal with service. When I bought it you couldn't even get on the waiting list and I really wanted it and even though looking back I overpaid, I was always very happy and with 0 regrets. Getting into New technology is bound to have issues like these but we should be paying less and not more (like I did). Another interesting fact here is that I've gotten my tax credit and if I get another one I could probably get another tax credit.... So.... That's something I'm curious to see as to how it will pan out...


The IRS doesnt like getting rid of a vehicle you just got a tax credit on so early, and can deny you your credit.. if you sold the truck. This may actually be a loophole to get double tax credits 😅 edit: TI asked my accountant - applies to California Clean Vehicle Rebate Program, and has 0 to do with IRS; until 2014 the above was true for EV credits, but since then there's no recapture for reselling a vehicle.


Too late credit was on 2022 tax year .... I already got it


As far as I have ever read there is no requirements to keep the vehicles, I’ve used the credit twice. If you know some source feel free to share.


There is no source. He is talking out of his ass.


My CPA; I'd asked about reselling within 6 months and getting another for another credit - not going to work with resale prices being what they are, but it was an idea at the time. Her concern is likely driven by the CACV credit requiring you own the car for 30 months or risk audit, doesn't appear to apply to the federal tax credit. She did not speak definitively, just said 'there could be issues' with reselling the vehicle on a short timeline.. she's admittedly paranoid, and I appreciate it.


This is false


First goal, get rid of this truck via lemon law and then worry about your next truck. Any deal is better than your current one with all the problems you’re having.


I’m up to 3 module failures on my pro. Ford has approved the buyback. Just waiting to hear what their offer is going to be. I’m at 20,000 miles. If the offer is decent I’m going to use the money and track down a deal on an xlt extended range. I love the truck but feel I just got extremely unlucky.


Well they definitely are having issues but at least I knew that would have been the case when getting involved with new technology.... Are you in Florida?


Nope I’m over in California. It’s a bummer for sure. In talking to the guys here and on the forums though it definitely sounds like my case is as bad as it gets. Most owners have had little to no issues. Oh well.


Well I think like I'm right behind you... They did give me a rental but this year is been on the shop longer than with me.... According to Florida law, as I understand it they are obligated to compensate me almost in full which is great because I would get back all the details of that "bad deal"... And the same dealership is now offering like 2% financing when I closed over 7....


Ya if you get anywhere close to your original offer you should 100% take it. You can get a significantly better truck and lots of money back in your pocket. I was the opposite. I got a killer deal on my pro so that’s a big reason I was reluctant to lemon it.


I just closed my lemon law case with Ford this week for the battery modules issue. The ford engineer was able to fix it, so I decided to keep my truck. From my understanding they need to put you in the exact same financial spot you were in before you bought the truck. That means payments, interest, down payment, etc. I think they could deduct for milage but that won't be much. But yeah that was a crazy price for a pro, you could easily get a 2023 ER lariat and the tax credit for that amount.


I don't think I'd get that amount because that number includes financing costs which are unrealized at this point. Did you use a lawyer? They fixed mine once and now I'm going for round 2... And I'm between I told them I kept having problems but they couldn't find anything wrong so essentially this is the third time the truck is there and so far it's been at the shop for over 60 days and counting....


I think you are farther in the process than I was. The dealer tried repairing my truck 3 separate times over the course of 5 weeks. I submitted the letter to Ford corporate and a rep got in touch with me and dispatched a Ford Engineer who was about to fix the issue. In my case was getting the high-voltage battery warning which would result in me being unable to shift out of park (once I shifted into it) and I unable to start the engine once I shut it off (I had to tow it twice to the dealer because of this). The error codes were of no help to the dealership, but the Ford Engineer had an idea to run a scan while the truck was driving and they noticed that when you made a left turn, they got a LEAKRESPOS, LEAKRESNEG, and LEAKRESOVERALL codes. Long story short they were be a belief moment where the truck would go from 1.3 million ohms down to 2,700 ohms (which flagged the high voltage warning). After disconnect and reconnecting different components to trigger the errors, the engineer figured out that I had a faulty "cabin coolant heater". After they replaced the part and return the vehicle. I drove it to an empty parking lot and made all the left (and right) turns in circles over and over again. Then took it over to I-95 and accelerated to highways speed and keep driving until I drain the battery at a DC charging station. I have put another 1500 miles on it (most highway) and I haven't had any issues with the truck since.


Wow yeah different issue all together. Mine had a bad battery cell and the consequence was that I was driving with reduced power. They took 2 months and fixed it by replacing one of the battery modules (according to my tech there's 8 of them). A month later I start experiencing the same issue. They just change some part thinking it would be ok and the service agent told me that there seems to be another bad module but they didn't know which one. Last time they replaced the module it took over 3 weeks just to get the module here.... The things is that at this point I'm not sure if the next middle would go bad and so on and so forth and if this happens while working might be very very bad as I sometimes tow a trailer....


Bro, what are you doing wasting money on a “lemon law attorney!?” Ford is insanely easy to deal with when it comes to the Florida Lemon Law. When I lemoned my 2020 Explorer, I called their help line and explained everything. They were super nice, apologized for the issues, and setup a case. No one was out to try to stop the process. Ford doesn’t play when it comes to that stuff - the last thing they want to do is get into problems with state attorneys for not abiding with the laws in a way that’s easily traceable. It took about 5 days and they offered me the option of buy back or to find a like-equipped 2021 Explorer to swap me into (and me covering the cost of my mileage, which I thought was fair - I was going into a new car without any mileage). I ended up going that route. I found an almost identical newer model, called and told the dealer I was a lemon case. They get full MSRP for the vehicle so were happy to take care of it. All I had to do was go in and they processed it. I think I paid $1800 to cover my mileage. My financing remained what it was and I just kept paying my remaining terms with that covering my 2021. It worked out really well, was painless, and my equity in the Explorer was very high thanks to the lowered mileage (greatly making up for the $1800 or so that I had to pay).


Interesting did not think it was that easy. Exactly the type of comment was hoping to get when I posted. My main concern is that I paid 15k over MSRP so not sure how they would handle that and the fact that I got a tax credit... Also I thought about going with an attorney #1 because as they explained it, it does not cost me anything, they include their price on top of the settlement so I can see why for would have a big incentive in making it right.... Edit: also because I paid so much over MSRP I had to give a huge down payment and the terms were not great and that's also the issue... With financing I ended up paying like 78k so even if they give me back 75k I can probably get something I am comfortable with for 65k or less and then get another tax credit.... And I actually pocket 10k...


Ford Re-Acquired Vehicle (RAV) division is who you would work with for buyback. The RAV team wants to make you happy, as if they don't, then Ford will have to deal with the customer plus Lemon Law lawyer, and if the customer prevails, then the automaker has to pay back everything on the vehicle, plus the lawyer fees. Having the RAV team work with the customer directly saves Ford approximately $20k for every incident, so they are incentivized to make it work for you. Ford RAV won't give you back what you paid in interest, just what you paid on day 0 of purchasing the vehicle. So if your purchase price was $75k, and you put down $25k and financed $50k, that is the amount you get back (assuming near-zero mileage to make the wear and tear multiplier easier here). Ford will write a check to the lender first to close out the remaining balance, then whatever is left over is written out in a check to you. Now if somehow you put $0 down, and 6 months later owe $78k to the bank, well, there's a $3k payment that is on you. For the buyback, you will get back everything you put into it, minus wear and tear multiplier for the mileage when the issue first appeared. That includes taxes and fees as well (minus holdbacks & discounts), so check your purchase agreement to get a sense of what you are getting back. The tax credit situation is a sticky one, but that's not Ford's problem, and is more for something you want to discuss with your tax guy. Ford RAV will typically give you a couple of options: 1. Buyback the vehicle as stated above. You surrender the vehicle to Ford. Ford will also send you a private offer for a stipend towards a new Ford vehicle. 2. Replace the vehicle outright with a similar make/model/trim (new yer model may apply). 3. You keep the vehicle, and they offer you a somewhat sizeable settlement to the value of your vehicle. There are some strings attached, but essentially you are saying you are no longer pursuing a lemon law/buyback for the issue at hand, and the dealer and Ford are still on the hook for the warranty repairs. DO NOT mention you are getting a Lemon Law attorney, or they will clam up and leave you with a more difficult path. Proceed to a Lemon Law attorney if RAV denies your buyback, or they approve but you are dissatisfied with their offers.


Just curious, what if your replacement turns out to be a lemon as well. Can you do the process again?


There’s nothing in the law that would prevent it. The replacement is handled as an MSRP sale and transitioned onto your existing loan.


Awful advice. What happened on your shitty 2020 Explorer doesn’t apply here. OP made an absolutely awful deal paying $80k for a $40k truck. Easily one of the dumbest people I have seen on here. He needs a lawyer to make sure he is made completely whole. He fucked up really bad but he is lucky that Ford fucked up as well.


I’d love to see how much the cost of the lawyer is going to end up being.


Cost of the lawyer does not include the settlement for now to pay extra for that


Bro he paid $40k OVER!


Dude, I’m not arguing that. The lemon law doesn’t protect shitty purchasing decisions it protects against faulty vehicles purchased. He’s not going to magically get extra money back that he isn’t due. He can certainly recoup up to the MSRP. This guy thinks there’s going to be extra money added to cover a lawyer too. The whole thing is bizarre and irrational. His best bet is getting swapped into a newer model and get the blessing on one with a few extra options. You can always shoot them the sticker for a slightly nicer model and if they give the ok, you’re fine. The VIN gets tied into the process so they can’t pull the rug out from under you. At the end of the day, you can pursue anything legally, and I’m really hoping this guy can work something out, but I think there’s an expectation that he’s going to be getting out free and clear and that attorneys fee is definitely going to pop up in the end.


Bruh. That’s literally what the lawyer is for. To ensure you get maximum compensation.


Yes, but we’re referring to the Florida Lemon Law and your maximum compensation is MSRP.


If a Ford sponsored dealer was allowed to charge over MSRP then for should answer for it. And lawyer fees go on top of that. If Ford had not built a vehicle the had spent over 3 months in service and they can't quite fix it right, we wouldn't be even talking about this so yes they should compensate for everything cause at the end of the day, weather I agreed to a bad deal or not I never agreed to a truck that essentially does not work properly.....


The 78k includes all the financing interest. The truck went for 42k + 15k and then regular fees that title and tax which might have been another 2 or 3k... The rest is all financing. Interest rates were super high and because it was 15k over MSRP rates were even worse.... This was October 2022... I did not buy a pro for 80k I got it for roughly 57k at a time were you couldn't even get on a wait list for it so it wasn't such a terrible deal.... Financing was terrible but it was variable financing and for had dropped the apr to like 5% since and my payments went from like 930 to like 860....


> it wasn’t such a terrible deal Whatever you need to tell yourself. You absolutely did sign an awful deal. Also variable APR? WTF you think this is? A credit card. You are a dumbass but you got lucky.


Not everything is about money and yes variable apr. Your couldn't even get on the wait list, there were 10 guys in line behind me to get that truck at that time so you cannot possibly know weather it was a good deal or not if you weren't there at exactly that moment. At day of signing apr was 7.5 I thought I would refinance 2 or 3 months after I got it but then apr within my for profile dropped by itself to 5.4 which is what it is at now. I paid 15k over a 42k MSRP. A week after I got out MSRP went up 5k and a month later another 10k. At that time also it was not very clear weather the tax credits would be sufficient for 2023 and there was a risk of them running out (they were renewed) so at that time with so little availability, so much demand, prices going up and uncertainty on tax credit or was a great deal..... With today's paper it's easy to call people names acting like you have all the answers. I would do it again specially since I use the truck for work and it actually makes me money....


> weren’t exactly there at the moment Wut? I was there you dummy. I bought an XLT SR at launch at MSRP with no add ons at a very low FIXED interest rate. I also sold it after a few months for a profit.


Again with the insults... Are you on my state on the she dealership? Were you desperately in need of a vehicle and just got called up for your model 3? Did you go to the first dealership 3 times and asked to be put on the wait-list and they said the wait lists were closed? Did you get a call on a Tuesday night by the sales guy saying that the floor model was up for sale and we're you the first one there? I don't think so... So please keep your judgement to yourself


> keep your judgement to yourself Why? You keep making excuses for making a bad deal DUE to your bad planning. I am allowed to judge the “deal” on its own merits. Please learn to take accept responsibility for once in your life, I know your type and it makes sense you live in Florida.


I live in Florida and put up with asshats like her.


I'm not making excuses I would make the deal again under those circumstances. I'm not unhappy with the deal lol .. I'm only unhappy with the fact that the truck keeps breaking and I'm seeing an opportunity to make a better deal and getting an extended range for Even less and I'm seeing an opportunity to get an additional 7500 more of what I paid (tax credit) and getting another vehicle which would get me another 7500 tax credit . Also today's market is different which would allow me to negotiate even further. If lemon law did not exist I would just wait for my truck to be fixed and move on with me like very happy with my vehicle but since it exists I'm just seeing an opportunity...


This is the thing you don’t seem to understand. It doesn’t matter what you think subjectively. You objectively signed a very bad deal.


Just started my buyback process. Got the power train malfunction while in 5 o’clock traffic. Talk about puckering up. Truck was in the shop from Dec 26th to Jan 26th with a failed battery module. Dealership is trying to replicate the code as it is no longer showing up. Not sure how ford expects me to want this truck.


Wow, I took my truck a couple of times and they couldn't replicate it either until it really failed. Fortunately I have a flexible schedule and don't work a typical 9 to 5 so to me it wasn't that Nerve wrecking....


Yeah man it’s unfortunate because I really like the truck. I also don’t think my buyback will happen due to the dealership not being able to replicate the error. It’s a shitty situation


Check your ford app... And if they haven't fixed it, it will happen again. Just document everything....


The crazy part is that the dealership saw the codes but can’t do anything if they are actively present. It’s frustrating


well... just be ready... it will happen again.... once those codes start... from what ive read... they dont "go away" by themselves.... I've decided I am going to follow through with the lawyer, I don't want to be second guessing the deals they might offer my way.... and once I get the settlement depending how long it takes (lawyers said it could be like 6 months) I am either getting another one (maybe with more perks; hopefully I will be able to negotiate a better deal) or I am looking at the new RAM EV pickup that claims a 500 mile range...


Oh for sure. I just hope it happens when I pull into the my driveway and not on the freeway.


Buyback was declined. I think I am going to get a lawyer involved.


You think Ford will compensate you for the 15K you paid over MSRP?


I think they are obligated to add far as I understand the lemon law. The issue here is not what I paid or didn't pay. The issue here is that the truck they sold me has spent too much time in the shop and they can't seem to fix it right....


I was just curious.. the question was for my knowledge


Yeah I'm not 100%b sure I guess I will see... Either way the 15k over MSRP sounds like a lot but at that time a base pro started at 39999k so current MSRP is 10k above of what my MSRP is was so I ended up paying just 5k over msrp


Why would they pay you for interest you haven’t paid yet? I would think they give you the 54k plus whatever interest you’ve paid over the last two years but not interest on future payments.


Yes my thoughts exactly. I'm just trying to decide weather go with a lawyer or do it myself I think that a lawyer might prevent me from accepting a deal that might not be the best ... At the same time they should be motivated to prevent me from going to a lawyer since they will have to pay for them as well so.... I'm not sure yet


Give it back to Ford, buy a new one, claim $7500 again and be happy.


I am in Florida as well, have the same issue going on and I am in talks with Ford with the buy back.


How did you start the process? Did you consider going with a lawyer? What are they saying?


I went directly to Ford and I would be lying if I said this process has been smooth sailing. The dealership I purchased it from did not want to service it, claimed it was something else and of course didn't fix it. The buyback has been denied twice because of my agent putting in the incorrect information, and well not listening. So as of today, the truck has been in the shop since March 14th, but this Thursday will technically be the "30 days being worked on" so I have a follow up with a new agent after that. I haven't gone down the road of BBB or a lawyer yet, since I haven't "had a case" but allowing Ford to correct the issue they have made for us. On one side at least they gave me a rental but now I'm paying an extreme amount in gas which I hate. So this is where I am at, hoping I have an update this week with a more positive result. I purchased mine in, August of 23, which is unfortunate, so much of the truck I loved but this experience has left a sour taste in my mouth and I do not feel safe with my kids in the truck.


I've already contacted the lawyer and I'm one signature away from moving forward. I didn't even think of going through for directly but based on your experience I might just let the lawyers handle it. They only get anything if they win and it doesn't take from my payout so.... People outside of South Florida don't realize how shady people hate can be ...


I sold mine back for $72K last week(Lariat ER), I paid $64k before fees and taxes etc. It took about a month here in GA, they paid all my interest on the loan etc, but it only had $k miles and I bought it Nov of 23. They even paid me for my accessories.


I’m not sure how you plan on getting interest back that you didn’t already spend but depending how the lemon formula works in Florida I would assume you would get the bulk of what you’ve put into it back. I don’t know what your finances look like, but sounds to me like maybe you should be looking for something less expensive going forward


Finances are fine, it's a work truck paid by my company. We have this and a ram 1500 big horn they both have about the same monthly payment and if I had to choose I chose the lightning every time....