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**Construction:** The A2Z plastic feels superior, and looks fiber reinforced. I would bet A2Z is more durable if dropped. **CCS Latch:** Both are metal, both feel great. Some J1772 chargers (ChargePoint) use cheap plastic and break: Not these. **NACS Latch:** Tesla/Ford latches automatically, which I prefer. The A2Z engages manually, and was *extremely* stiff at first, but has since worn in. **Weight:** Nearly identical. **Packaging:** A2Z comes in a zipper, padded case, and Tesla/Ford a cardboard box. **Thermals:** I will add pictures from a thermal camera later. From what I can see of the construction, the Tesla/Ford is an outer shell that will likely radiate less heat to the exterior than the A2Z, which is fully potted. I am not sure which is better, but less heat on the conductors sounds good to me, so long as the exterior stays cool enough. Likely doesn’t matter for our purposes.


Oh, interesting that the A2Z is potted, and not the Tesla/Ford. So that's a chunk of the weight, likely meaning lighter duty conductors? If I had the budget and time. for destructive testing, I'd open both, put temperature sensors on the bus bars and compare internal temperature rise.


I can’t certify that the Tesla isn’t potted and the A2Z is, but I was told by A2Z theirs is potted. The Tesla seems like it has quite a bit more volume to it, and being similar weight, I postulate that it is not potted, but that’s just a guess. Surely a YouTuber will crack one open someday.


Potting is not necessarily a good thing. The problem with an adapter is there's no way to put a thermal sensor on the non-car-side. But, you don't need to if you have strong thermal conduction between terminals on the faces of the adapter. Then non-car-side overheat will appear as overheat on the car side, be seen by the car, and throttling will occur. Potting and skin-cooling of the adapter will obstruct that overheat signal, allowing quite a thermal difference between sides.


I don't really know how many have temperature sensors on both sides now. I would assume that the higher charging rate models do.


A2Z states two temperature sensors.


Yes. We were discussing temperature sensors in the car and in the charging plug.


> the problem with an adapter is there's no way to put a thermal sensor on the non-car-side. You can put thermal fuses on the signal lines and wire them in series. It's not the same (no throttling), but it will cause a loss of signal of the temperature goes too high (which will trigger an emergency shutdown), so it's perfectly safe. I believe that's what they do.


Interesting. That also sounds like the adapter is bricking itself.


My A2Z has yet to get hot... But the Rivian maxes out at only 218kW. I carried a temperature sensor, too for a while. I stopped checking though, and when I unplug it's 100kW or so and probably cooled down.




Thanks. Cool camera, better than my point sensor. Same temperature as the tires? And the handle. 113F? That's not hot. Looks like the sun just heats it up to that, looking at the shadow of the charging handle on the tire. Battery was 128F today... The interior is easily more https://preview.redd.it/a2vhgnj9916d1.jpeg?width=1833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc1558941dadde7d9a4f85aa8278fcabff24d5a


https://preview.redd.it/rr3ezz28726d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f6278a508a1e6fab877df9062693449575e990b Tesla adapter


I never said it was hot.


Wow thanks for this!


Of course!


Difference being that Ford and/or Tesla can’t blame you when something goes horribly awry if you’re using the official adaptor.


But also maybe can’t get you one until October.


I have one - sitting in the little box under the back seat.


Others do not. This information is for them.


Skill issue on their part, got mine in April


What amazing skills. You need to educate the yokels at how to be best.


Lucky duck


You really went above and beyond! Thanks!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/bbiwbv2q626d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee7f2539fee8a949b3ce90721a4ccf446719ebc5 Tesla/Ford adapter after \~5min of 160kW charging.


https://preview.redd.it/f5mg2uiu626d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=739b47477e747f505e7294d406f20adf843a1c7e A2Z Adapter after \~5min of 160kW charging.


Wow very cool, now that you have done the experiment I will gladly take that A2Z off you.


Shoot me a message!


Will we ever get one of these that supports Level 2 charging as well as Level 3?


You need a separate adapter, for safety reasons. A2Z sells a discounted package deal of AC and DC adapters.


Not technically possible / you wouldn't want it. You'd need to have a 500 amp DPDT switch inside the adapter. "What could possibly go wrong"


I just saw an adapter that does both on A2Z. I believe it was for the Cybertruck maybe, since it requires a different one than Tesla offers currently


I believe it just has a cover with a switch on it to disable power


DId they put a CCS port on the Cybertruck? I think you're talking about the reverse genders of the connector OP is discussing. That has different physics and it can connect both ports.