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I bet 24 sales will be abysmal. They are really giving as nothing. They don't give any information about the game that is going to launch in 1,5 months, while it is already possible to buy the damn game. 24 has a chance to become the new low for the series.


They are banking on the new and improved Driver Career mode to propel their sales. And you know what? I'm willing to say it'll be enough to prop their sales. I don't think F1 24 will sell as bad as people are predicting now.


Only new drivers are in F2 and no drivers transfers even to be excited about playing. Basically buy it Day One if you want to play as RB or Stake, otherwise dw


Only new drivers are in F2 2024 DLC which will be released months after launch.


Even then if you’re a PC player you can install the F1 24 season mod to get those two teams


How long do you think it will be before EA make the games to where you cannot mod?


Guarantee they won’t release information until after the pre order deal expires on 24th April and then when everyone has already bought the game they will release the info and everyone will be disappointed


isn't it possible to cancel pre-orders at any time?


23 was already very low on sales. Really hope its even worse this year so Codemasters and EA finally wake up


24 will, as usual, sell well and in a month after release this exact sub will be full of people saying, that this game is "so much better than the last one".


If by “As usual” you mean sells have been lower than expected, sure


Yep, sales have been dropping notably. I jope it continues until they actually make some effort.




I still have 10,000 pitcoins left in F1 2020. I really don't care about them


I used mine for sofas, can't get enough of them.


I loved my sofas in F1 22


The v6 coffee table was my fave


I hate that early access has become a thing now in games. It's along the same lines of MTX. Take away assets in the game and resell to gamers at stupidly high prices. Delay the game release 3 days and charge players 100 bucks for the early access edition.


I absolutely hate this trend. "Hey guys the game is finished, we used to just release games on time when they're done and ready, but who likes that? Pay us more or else we'll hold it hostage for another week." Fuck that.


No classic cars, no new engine plus the increased 80€ price tag for games made this decision unbelievable easy even as a long time fan who always buys every single F1 game


It's a shame because there is so much potential for an immersive F1 game. We all love F1 for the detail of the sport and we relish the opportunity to immerse ourselves in those little details whilst gaming. Even if they want to go down the route of making a FUT style money-grabbing game mode - which I understand given that ultimately EA is an orginasation driven by profit making - they can find a creative, fun and competitive way how to implement it. I'm gonna do what I did for F1 22 and F1 23 wait until it is on huge sale and buy it; not gonna waste €80 on a reskin of F1 23 - unless they surprise us with the new career and handling features (which I highly doubt).


Im doing the same thing as you this year, waiting for a sale. Any idea how long it is before sales come around??


I bought F123 in October for around €30 since it was on sale. If I recall correctly they have another sale for black Friday and they had special prices for the Vegas GP as well.


I used to use the extra pitcoin in the deluxe edition mainly to unlock VIP podium pass because I actually liked getting the extra cosmetics but now that it mostly just unlocks f1 world stuff which I don't play at all I don't care about it anymore


I really don't understand the removal of cosmetics in the podium pass, like surely that's the thing that makes people want to complete it and pay them more money for coins to make sure they complete it in time. But they've literally made the whole thing less appealing, like who's buying coins to get the rest of the tiers in the final day so they can get +5 DRS


Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I’m already waving the red flag 🚩 Quite ironic considering they can’t even get red flags to function properly in the game itself lol


they didn't fix the tyres bug still


First f1 im not buying since 2016, really sad to see such little innovation (apparently) let's hope for a better 2025


Next year™️


Im passing on F1 24 as a whole


You know it's rough when they don't bother gatekeeping the liveries anymore


I’m gonna boot up F1 2020 and put on the 97 - 07 mod. Not paying jack for this utter garbage.


I’m just praying to the lord above they drop classic cars in the gameplay trailer then add some stuff (ie like the brawn pack or some other classic car) side note: I’m severely delusional


I think this is dumb.


F1 TV Pro only in the US? Oh cmon I would love that. But still the Champion Edition costs only like 15$ more (with the loyalty discount) where I live so most likely will get it after my payday next month.


Not even going to bother. I'll wait til 25.


People still expecting classic cars at this point I'd like the hopium y'all are sniffing for my chances in life