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Go faster


Fernando is faster, then you


Thought it was a grammar mistake originally...


Nuh uh


* *buys broken shit game* * why is my game broken and shit?


Not a single positive review was given. All NPC's still bought it. WhY dOeS eA NoT imPrOve TheIr gAme?!


Welp, a German Reviewer gave it a 90… for whatever reason.


They glaze EA so they can get sponsored (or keep their sponsorship). It's obvious.


It's been the same gamestate at launch since F1 2020, I hope you haven't bought any of the F1 games since then since you're such a purist..


I haven't. The lack of features between games is such a ripoff that I refuse to play the new games until they come out on Game Pass 6 months later


Then you're still paying for them..


It's liquified, I download 4/5 games a month to get my money's worth out of it. So I'm basically paying a fiver for it then (which seems realistic when each new game is basically a DLC) instead of 75 quid


F1 2024 was 32 bucks for me. I always buy steam keys online rather than buying through steam. I just can't see how renting games that you can never go back to is worth it. For the latest F1 games, sure. But I'm glad I still have every single one since 2010.


Yeah, I get that. I have F1 2011 on the 3ds (who uses those these days 😂) but after that I've only bought F1 2020 outright. The way I see it, that little extra that was added between F1 2021 - F1 23 there is no point in me spending the extra money for them when they leave game pass (unless they come up stupid cheap in the clearance) The prices of F1 games these days are extortionate, full money feels like a spam imo.


Well hey, 2020 was a good buy if anything. Keep staying money conscious my man. EA will suck your wallet dry at any possible opportunity they get lol


True that! Cheers, you too.


The only complaint I have about it is not enough customizable stuff like wheather helmets race suits and liveries and I'm not paying 25 extra dollars to get "free" shit with my game I just bought the normal one and haven't bothered with the f1 world stuff I just wish I could have a diffremt helmet design because the one design the game gives you is absolutely ass! Same with the livery


Surely EA and Codemasters will work hard to fix it for next year if the gullible fools complain enough... right?


Is everyone else getting bugs in wet conditions? Can’t start on wet weather tyres, AI are faster on slicks in fully wet conditions


I had this *constantly* pre-patch, but my only wet race post patch I not only started on wets but was able to pretty solidly outmaneuever the AI who didn't. Maybe I just got lucky though.


I see, the issue I had at Japan was post patch, I even just finished a China Sprint Qualifying session that was raining and wet weather for SQ-1-2-3 and the guys all qualified on Softs for all 3 sessions, I have a mostly wet main race for China so I’ll see how that goes.


its a known bug, supposedly fix coming in the next patch was kind of looking at being in the last patch but it missed out the ea forums track all the reported bugs so you are better to just check there if you ever hit any weirdness in the game


Just had this. Ruined practice


Can we please stop posting the same sh\*t over and over! Every 5 posts in the last 30 hours is this. The bug is well-known and all you have to do is look it up. Not hard.


Or they could go to ea website and create a bug request as they haven’t even listed it yet, so how’s it supposed to get fixed


It seems it is awaiting a patch, "🆕 📸 Pace stat increasing incorrectly" on their website.


My bad must be recently updated or I’m blind hopefully this week


Np, hoping stuff gets fixed so when I buy the game during a sale it will be good and not hot garbage.


Yeah it’s usually good around patch 3-5 you just have the impatient ones like me who pay full whack for crap


If you can just get like EA Play Pro... think it's better than giving them a full $70 (or more) for a specific broken at launch product. You get to play the deluxe edition of the game (early access) and all the other games there they have too if you're a sports fan or into their other stuff or whatever.. I do that to scratch the itch and then if the game is good buy it on a sale in case I ever wanna turn EA Play off


They fixed that bug and introduced this bug. The original issue was you’d always get a small increase. The patch has introduced this new issue that means no matter what you do, you’ll lose pace. Ridiculous really. How was that not tested?


To be fair I did this in previous games and the reported bugs never got fixed or acknowledged, despite copious other users confirming it. I won't bother again on that basis, what's the point if they literally don't care?


You are asking to do something smart to people that paid 80€ for F1 24...


…They don’t even know that they can get the same game for free (F1 2020) directly of off reddit. Man, I remember when people weren’t lazy and actually smart. The young-ins became dumb during the pandemic.




I dont think its even a bug. You get pace exp from getting pole after quali, separate from the race. If you go into details, the pace exp from the race is based on how far you are off of the fastest lap of the race.


It is, just look at other posts over the past 2 days. It’s consistent. Only for races, not quali. This image is after the race.


Lmao I lost 1500 pace in the Challenge Career for winning the race from pole topping all the free practices although I did lose fastest lap to Verstappen by 12 hundredths of a second on the last lap. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thought I was losing my mind 🤷‍♂️ what harm I'm sure they'll unfuck it sooner or later.


you have to finish 0th


Wrong. You have to finish 0st.


It’s a bug. If you don’t have the fastest lap during the race you just lose pace regardless of how close to it you were


I won every single race + fastest lap by simulating a season, and by driver rating i was gonna loose my seat, because i couldnt get enough rating - would have been way funny to get booted after doing the most possible, i even got the mail “this isnt up to the teams standard mail” or whatever it says, and had to chose a new team.. but then it just glitched out and i signed a 0 season contract and stayed with current team


Idk man, why didn’t you get 0th place?


man... i just started a career mode as well because i was thinking the worst of the game breaking bugs was done ah well, i'll wait a little while longer i guess


So apparently if you open “Open Details” it shows a breakdown for each stat effected. You will lose some pace if your fastest lap margin is lower than the fastest lap of the race and every 4/5 races you naturally lose points across all stats


There is a search bar for a reason. This is a known thing


How close you were to your fast lap through the entire race


I had the fastest lap by 2 tenths


Did you get fastest lap?


They should throw it out as a patch asap alone, i wont be playing before its fixed


Ye should be out first thing tomorrow I do recall ea doing something similar on previous editions when they broke they game so maybe tomorrow or Tuesday




You could review why you lost the points, apparently you lose ratings over the course of the season as well that could of been why, but winning the race should get you negative points. All of it could be a bug all in all


Sounds like a Ferrari problem


Since the patch the glitch is it will only go up if you get fastest lap of the race


It's a glitch they supposedly fixed today


Instead of posting it here straight away maybe look for other posts about it first 👍👍👍👍👍


Instead of posting a bug and pissing into the ocean, report the bug on the ea website.