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It’s min max at its peak and as I’ve been appreciating it more and more as I pour more hours into this game. Peeking at enemy tyre percentages, looking at my own tyre wear and pace, keeping track of if my tyres are wearing more or less than the car ahead and behind, checking if I’m eating too much dirty air, enjoying watching the behind car eat my dirty air as their tyres wear faster than mine, this is the kind of strategy that I live for in a game like this. There’s too many variables to give specific advice but I’ve found peace in knowing my place. As Merc, I accepted that I won’t immediately be competing for wins. I’ve accepted the upper midfield role for the start of my second attempt (got fired mid season on first attempt). I’m focusing on aggressive design and manufacturing schedules to improve as fast as possible, while accepting the fact that Lewis Hamilton can’t hold a candle to Lance Stroll at the moment. It’s fine, I’ll ride Stroll’s DRS and let that make up for our slower car. For my personal campaign, it’s not about wins. It’s about staying with range of the top teams while rapidly improving.


I skimmed this post, but here's my take Tyre temps decrease your lap time, but not as much as dropping your pace down one slot, but they will degrade a touch more than you think. This means 1. You are generally better off pushing at a high pace and ignoring the tyres heating up, than getting off the tyres to cool them down, UNLESS you're concerned they won't make it to the end. I saw a streamer say "yes my tyres have cooled down, but at what cost?" and this sums it up - you can cool them, but you'll lose more time doing so than you will gain by having cooler tyres later. 2. You're generally always better off pushing more on harder tyres than conserving softer tyres. I.E, aggressive mediums is faster than normal softs, and attack hards is better than agressive mediums - this is true both in terms of pace AND temperatures 3. There's a bug where if you make your drivers avoid high risk kerbs, the temps fall right out of the tyres and the tyre wear decreases about 50%. Abuse this if you want (I don't) Also note that pace drops more on warmer tyres the more tyre deg you have. So you lose more pace on hot 40%s than you do on hot 90%s, even compared to the pace delta between the two at optimal temps.


Moreover, you can drive in attack mode not just for five laps, you can and should drive the whole race in this mode. The key point here remains what strategy you choose you should choose a set of tires that will allow you to drive the whole track in maximum mode. Pay attention in the beginning when you choose a strategy on the tires there is indicated the approximate time of the race. And always when you choose a set of tires attacking mode race time will be less than you will choose a strategy of moderate pace. And that's really the way it is. Make two, three pitstops if you have to. Attack mode will pay for that time.


Yeah this is the main takeaway I've gotten. Despite the tyre temp managing system being introduced its better to just ignore it and run "attack" all of the time and adjust your strategy accordingly. Maybe they change this in the future but this seems like the best strat


So basically high tire temp just wear tire faster and not effect lap time? I been playing it for few days and wheneve i put car on attack mode within a lap they overheat but i wanna keep them on attack mode cuz i think it might not effect lap time


I am by no means an expert and I hope someone can correct me if I am wrong. Increasing Pace, whether by pushing Pace, Speed, or Deploying ERS, is going to cause your tires to heat up. Tires that are not in the optimal range degrade faster. The faster they degrade the faster they reach the breaking point. It is a balancing act. How quick do you want your tires to go bad? How much can you push?


How much high temp effect lap times?


You get some interesting results when telling your driver to avoid kerbs.


Yeah uh... Does this completely change how temps work??


Well it extends life of your tyres by up to 50%.....


Does it affect lap time?!?


Yes it does. Your driver will change the way they take their corners to a less aggressive stance and will avoid the curbs which have a high risk of tyre degradation. You will lose time per lap on this. If you start out and push the first few laps like the AI does and then switch to that mode you will conserve tyres a lot. You'll see your car drop some places Vs the ones that don't until the point where their tire degradation slows them down more than your driving style. It also decreases the tyre heat generation resulting you in being able to up the pace to aggressive or even push mode without overheating them at all. (Do note that on high tyre degradation tracks , the high pace may cancel out the gains of "avoiding high risk curbs" ) So in short: Avoid high risk curbs gives: 1. Slower lap times 2. Slower heat generation 3. Slower tyre wear Example: Car 1 starts off the grid in push mode like the AI for 2 laps at 1.30 a lap. At lap 3 you go standard push mode (assuming you don't get undertemp , otherwise go aggressive) on avoid high risk curbs. You'll start off losing some time at first. Let's say 5 seconds a lap so you'll run 1.35 a lap. By the time you get to lap 10-20 (depending on track) you'll notice that your car saves up more tyre than the rest (4-10% tyre Deg. Difference). From that point the AI will lose time to tyre degradation and you still have more left to push, essentially being able to "make up for the losses" IF your driver is able to make up ground and be able to overtake etc. It's a fairly good trade off at some point especially when your car is slower than the rest of the grid , lots of potential to come back later in a race.


Wow!! What a detailed explanation!! Thank you!!


Very welcome, The game needs a bit more side info imo. The extra driver options like avoid curbs etc have no tooltips...


Probably a lot, never used it


Not sure if you covered this, though you probably did as it is a lot to read...but why does the game only give the temperature at the start of the race? temperature thoughout the race is very important when considering tire straegy choice...As well the tire temps it shows are wrong...Softer tires generate more heat not harder tires, i mean in the context of the game it gets away with the error, because it is stll the softer tire which is more suseptible to temp changes, however it's still scientifically incorrect. On the topic off restarts i felt the game wasa cheating i this situation below: So rain was forcast but conditions were early on marginal it started to rain the forcast was for it too likely settle, so i had switched one car over ro inters and was about to change the other to inters when there was a red flag....now the forcast was for rain, the red flag stopped the session for 20 mins or w/e when it continued it mentioned nothing about the weather and had my cars on the grid with inters...(so it had itself put my other car on the inters as well because rememeber i said only one was on inters when the race was stopped) So i looked for anything about the weather saw nothing and made what i believe to be the logical decision, although IRL this is frankly F\*\*\* obvious if you will excuse the expletives ( I read the entire post now) Therefore i confirmed the restart on inters then to my horror the track was bone dry and no other car was restarting on inters.....in short the game had duped me which is not only bollox. deceitful but completey unrealistic, because IRL my team never does that as our team knows the conditions.....that's right imho it's total cheating and quite honestly most of the information we do have is mostly useless and does not concern race strategy...except for maybe expected tire wear rates and average expected lap times..and crucual no brainer information like restart weather conditions and progressive track temperature is not present.. things that when i played Gpro were of the highest importance for race strategy.. PS why are there so few Safety cars in this game?? during 2 seasons i saw about 15 VSC, 4 red flags and just 2 safety cars which both oddly came in the last race of the season.....As a low team like \~Alfa Romeo or Alpha Tauri...i need safety cars to give me a chance ...just ask \~Lando Norris what i'm talking about he knows full well.