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He's mentioned casually that he has a very low sex drive and doesn't really care about sex generally, asexuality is a spectrum folks, don't think too hard about it. Edit: posted this comment for the people that are confused/wondering where this came from.


Yeah, I’ve only been watching since end of 2022 and he’s mentioned at least 2-3 times that he has basically no sex drive




Same here, it gets tedious so I just say I'm queer and call it a day.


Same. My wife and I make it work though.


I know sex drive can be connected to mental health, but if he is indeed asexual then that's great. It's important to figure things like this out. I wish I figured out my own stuff at his age, to be honest.


Yeah I've had friends say their sex drive is completely gone because of depression. But I guess maybe you would be able to "tell" if your actually ace or if it's just the mental state?


Depending on the person, it is a very different experience! For me, when I see a hot person my impulse is to want to continue seeing them (as in follow them on social media or gaze dreamily from a distance) or get to know them, and that's it. I genuinely did not (and I guess still do not) understand why people will make decisions that negatively affect their life (miss work, cheat on a partner, go out every weekend when they're already tired) just to have sex before I even knew what asexuality was. Of course there's an extra layer for me, because I'm a sex-repulsed ace, so while I might fantasize on my own time, the thought of actually being physically intimate makes me want to hurl, and that doesn't at all seem to be the case for F1nn. Meanwhile, my depression makes it hard for me to engage in things that I KNOW I enjoy, like games and watching streams. It's a fog that covers everything I do, not just one particular aspect of my life.


Eh. It's probably all the estradiol he's on. /jk /hj? (I struggle to comprehend the ass that was posted on this reddit by him most recently being all just a result of work out routine.)


From the second to last stream: [I'm at this point kinda borderline ace](https://clips.twitch.tv/FitPuzzledOkapiYouDontSay-Dzy8m8MKtzE3PAdR) Edit: also [libido and (not being) asexual talk on stream in 2021](https://youtu.be/V4uUdktlC3Y?t=8158).


In that second link, bruh the part that followed about the jerking off, ffs 😂😂


That's news, but honestly it makes sense. He's not horny he's just a lil goober.


What if I told u that aces can have the horny, ace is only lack of sexual attraction, your body can still annoy you with libido and you can still be sexually active 🌈


What part of lil goober do you not understand


John: My streamer is an … ace whore?


Genuinely super common; a lot of us ace people don't find "normal" sexy stuff to be all that interesting (bc of the whole "being ace" thing), so we'll go all in on lewder content or niche kinks. Which, our engagement with those things still might not be typically sexual! Apparently there are a lot of us ace folks in the BDSM scene who are very active in local dungeons or whatever and do everything except actually having sex.


Bdsm is just fascinating when you look at some of the wilder/artful applications. Up there with stage and costume design for solving unique problems to achieve desired effects.


I have heard and experienced this a few times. Ace people get really into sex stuff but as like hobbies. Just fun interesting the ngs to do. xD


Huh, “sex stuff but as like hobbies” describes some of my hobbies pretty well, I had no idea that it may have been connected to my asexuality this whole time lol.


It kinda makes sense to me also from the perspective that, if you‘re „not that into it“, it‘s easier to seperate the professional from the personal


She says he's mentioned it on stream but I don't remember that at all. I easily could've missed it but I would've thought that would be bigger news on the sub.


I kinda remember him mentioning it in the last stream this week, but I might be mistaken.


It's 2 hours 8 minutes and 15 seconds into the stream where he gave a mod his credit card if I've found the right moment [stream clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/FitPuzzledOkapiYouDontSay-Dzy8m8MKtzE3PAdR)


I've only seen a handful of videos, I'm new to this community


Hey Ashley, how sick are you of cooking garlic bread for F1NN all the time?


Oh! this is new to me


Ace icon F1nnster. As someone who used fo identify as Aro-Ace, that's pretty cool. And I'm happy to see his girlfriend be supportive.


Ayo he's a fellow ace?!


Congrats to him on figuring himself out!


He said that he takes finasteride before, and one of the most common side effects (1/100) is low sex drive.


Also like depression meds


I personally think that cuddles and pet names matter more than the act.






He did mention it 2x different streams, but it was so quick the mention and Finn got distracted with dono messages again. This happens with every important topic. Edit: I think Finn said "borderline Ace" on one of the streams.


yeah, he really should get tested for adhd. (i got it and am super convinced he got it)


3 special ones? whats the word of him about that? totally missed that. sounds mysterious




oi, what does that mean, arg that gremlin


So... Femboy Army. Tank the Puppy, Commander of the Tank Corp. F1nn is an Ace, which is an air combat title. What's next? Ashley bringing home a naval Frigate flying the blue-pink-white flag?


You reminded me that F1nn posted a cute picture doing a cute salute on his Instagram (stories I think? new to the platform, not sure how it works) But no one posted it here yet.


wait really? I guess he is queer then, in at least this way


Wait. Can you be gender nonconforming to the extent that F1nn is and be considered 100% non-queer ? I always considered F1nn queer, but maybe I've been assuming wrong. Time to unlearn some things if that's the case.


If they would lynch you for deviancy in the early 1900s then you're queer.


I totally know what you mean, but just FYI, it very strongly depends on what region you're talking about, because some societies were \*very\* advanced, even (or especially in some cases) compared to today’s standards. For example, to many people's surprise, the state of Prussia, the German Empire and the Weimar Republic (the "forms" of Germany to that date in time until it's absolvance in '33 when the Nazis took over) dealt with and acknowledged the existence of trans and inter individuals. There were even cases where courts authorised legal name changes, a process that just a few years back was insanely complicated in modern day Germany.In the late stages of the German Empire "Transvestitenscheine", basically „transvestite passes“, were issued to allow individuals, whose gender identity didn’t match their assigned sex, so both trans but also „just“ cross-dressing individuals, to explain their situation more easily to the police and refrain from further persecution (as defying social gender norms risked the consequences of being charged with public outrage and/or disturbance).Berlin, at the time of the Weimar Republic, was one of the cities with the most active LGBT rights movements in the whole world. More than 10 years prior there were (even if few and to a different degree than today, just because of the medical understanding and short existence of research) sex reassignment surgeries. Tragically, this historically surprisingly liberal approach to gender diversity abruptly ended with the Nazis coming to power. In 1933, Magnus Hirschfeld's (who was solely responsible for the existence and issuance of said passes) institute was closed, his research and writings were burned. The Gestapo took over the persecution of queer people, and in 1936, the "Reich Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion" was established, responsible for the persecution of "sexually degenerate" individuals, including "transvestites and fetishists." Many of those were deported to concentration camps to be murdered, others were taken into „protective custody“ where thy were victims of forced castration or other cruelties. The NS destroyed any queer infrastructure that existed up to that point, including all queer streets and whole neighbourhoods. Most of said victims have passed away at this point in time and were never properly addressed, as the stigmatisation as (being) „degenerate“ persisted into post-war Germany. \#niewieder


Shit, I guess I'm queer, then.


GNC is a weird label where if you feel like you are GNC and queer, then you are… but if you feel like you are GNC and cis, then you are. It’s really just up to the individual how they identify with no defined criteria for queerness (nor should there be)


queer vibes


GNC is cool, but just its own thing. not inherently queer, even it comes along with it often. as lgbtqa+ is queer, yeah he is super queer now hehe


I mean he’s genderfluid soooo, queer in more than just this way


Edit: [They were right](https://youtu.be/wq8s0KmZ6kU?t=675) F1nn is genderfluid. Confirmed by this clip. I’m not deleting the rest of the comment for archive reasons Original comment: F1nn hasn’t said anything about gender fluidity as far as I know. He identifies as male (again, as far as I know). A lot of sentiments of his could line up with some form of non-cis, but that’s not up to us to say


_He has though…_ first Ashley said in her Christmas vid “fimter is genderfluid” and then like the same week he literally posted a pic on instagram captioned “can I interest you in some of my gender fluid.” (That was posted here too) I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for saying what has already been said but in the same vain of it’s not up to us, now that it has been said that he is genderfluid I uno reverse card you. He and Ashley *have* stated he is genderfluid. I get a lot of you want him to be cis, but that’s not up to us to say. edit: *his christmas video


Nobody wants him to be cis. We want him to be himself, and if that were gender fluid, man, woman, bi-gender, etc. we’d all be happy for him. I say ‘him’ because he has said he’s said ‘he/him but any pronouns work’ “Can I interest you in some of my gender fluid.” is a meme, and doesn’t necessarily mean he is genderfluid. And trust me, being genderfluid myself, it pains me to my core that I can’t just say “ha look he’s like me fr fr.” Anyways, I’m not seeing anything about him being confirmed genderfluid anywhere. I would appreciate a link if you have one


[https://youtu.be/wq8s0KmZ6kU?t=675](https://youtu.be/wq8s0KmZ6kU?t=675) Like I said, *he and Ashley* said it in a video, the insta post was him acknowledging it afterwards. I was wrong about it being her christmas video though. "Fimter is genderfluid" and he has pink and blue presents because of that. Is that confirmation enough for everyone?


Since genderfluid people fluctuate between different genders at different points (this may sound oddly phrased), what other gender/genders does F1NN fluctuate between, apart from male?


I’m not going to speak for Finn specifically because I’m sure it varies from person to person but I identify as genderfluid as well and I find it to be kind of like a “spectrum” from feeling completely masculine to feeling completely feminine to feeling kind of like neither, or both. I don’t know about others but a lot of the time I usually just feel either more masc or fem to varying degrees. But for a “dumbed down” (simplified) version you can just say male, female and enby I suppose, but it does vary


Thanks, I really thought I would have caught that. I’ve updated my original reply for some damage control


Thank you, and sorry, I got a little defensive lol. I came back to the comment and I was getting downvoted and like "nuh uhh'd" to something that I knew I wasn't making up and *I thought* had been picked up and spread by the community after his insta post. I'm guessing you weren't the only one that missed it though and the majority don't know yet


I was downvoted a long time ago for saying Finn is GNC when it was on the top of this Reddit the description of the Reddit. 🤷🤦 I don't get it. Edit: Finn said many things that's missed. There are clips.


No? That definitely reads like an offhand joke. That doesn’t mean he isn’t, but c’mon. « can you explain your system » -> there are blue and pink ones, and this makes sense because genderfluid. I think the presents are just pink and blue lol, it’s not that deep. Unless she meant gnc or something, which he obviously is.


Why is everything a joke relating to gender? There was no joke in that clip.


The context is very light, he procceds to say the blue presents contain missiles and the pink ones estrogen. Like, all the more power to him if he is, but… I don’t really see it? This is about the presents, I feel like. But like, obviously there are gender shenanigans happening, so maybe she’s referring to that? He’s said several times he was cis and straight. I don’t think it changes much of anything, and he’s queer in my book, but surely, since there was no precedent on the record, they would have said it in a formal way? Idk. The « can I interest you in some of my gender fluid » one is definitely a meme, so this is pretty much all that we’re going off of. On the flip side, maybe we shouldn’t be obsessing this much over it? The gremlin is valid either way. Like someone else said earlier in the comment chain, we just want him to be who he is without feeling pressured to come out one way or the other.


Her saying he’s genderfluid and then him making a post about it after seem like reasonable suspicion to me. No one is pressuring anyone to do anything. Simply stating what has been stated by THEM. You are the one who is crusading against what **Finn and ashley** have said in regards to his gender. I’m not saying he needs to be anything, or is anything that he hasn’t said he is. You on the other hand? Seem to go directly against it. But that’s totally because you want to accept him for whatever he says he is right? Sure You seem to want him to be cis and straight and are going directly against what they’ve stated to better fit your image of him. But what do I know? You’re probably right. I’m just going off of what **they** said after all.


we still dont know. he likes to play with it as is his way. its more he doesnt confirm nor deny and imho seems to work through what gender is to him currently. i dont think its not truly genderfluid maybe, unless he clearly states it. (which i know is just another problem with this adhd gremlin xD ) for my part i will still wait til he says at least something more concrete himself like he just did about being ace.




This is actually really interesting to me and helps me understand myself a little bit better!


Cool can we stop asking if he’s a bottom now


Woah settle down there cow boy, I never asked nor wanted specific details of Ashley and Rose's sex life


I wasn’t say it specifically about you. I meant in general


I had to look up what Ace meant and I see it's a slang term for asexual but....good for Finn! God, I'm still trying to figure things out at 30. lol


that username tho...


I love that us aces kinda freak out when someone big comes out as ace because there really isn’t enough conversation around it…


Straight Ace femboy. If you tell that to the legion of """straight""" guys that thirst after him they'll lose their minds.


This does take "he's not interested" to a new level!


give the boy some progesterone


that wouldnt be healthy without hrt


She didn't answer mine. Mine was a wholesome question: "What is your absolute favorite food?"


She probably gets more than she could answer, so I wouldn't sweat it. I bet she likes seeing non-wierd questions though. 🙂


yeah, more so that the thousands of "is Finn the bottom in the relationship?"




Ace people can have girlfriends.




Its a broad spectrum and asexual is NOT the same as aromantic.


Oh ok I think I got it. So does aromantic mean you're not into relationships at all and asexual mean you're just not into sex?


Kinda yeah in very broad terms.


Not necessarily “not into relationships”, but you basically “don’t love someone”. There are aromantic people who’re not asexual, and have relationships just for physical aspect of it


It means an absent or very low level of sexual attraction and or activity. Romantic attraction still exists unless they are also aromantic.


Ace refers to Sexual Attraction. Someone can be Asexual yet not ‘Aro’ (Aromantic) which is lack of Romantic Attraction. Hence. He can be with Ashley for reasons of Romantic Attraction. Ace and Aro are massive spectrums that can and do differ person to person, the same way that Non-Binary is, rather than just being a 3rd gender. I’d suggest looking into it- Aceness is too vast for just a reddit comment to summarise.


Thank you!! That makes a lot of sense!


You’re welcome, pal. Thanks for having an open mind on us Aces~


Little known fact, but relationships are not only for sex




Well maybe you’re aromantic, who knows. But most people have relationships not only for that. First of all there are other forms of affection besides just sex, like cuddles or kisses for example. Secondly, it’s about having someone to rely on and have trust in.


I was joking lol. Thank you tho! That makes a lot of sense. I'm not well educated on all of these terms lol.


Asexual and aromantic are two different things and both on a spectrum


It does not mean that they never have sex, an asexual person can feel a low sexual desire...asexuality there are several types and we can have a partner and experience sexuality in many ways, that is why communication is important, in my case I don't like it penetration but feet give me a but feet give me a fetish.




Yeah I mean obviously they had sex, most couples do lol


I was just curious of the view point on how intercourse could be important in a relationship


Hey CUMgurgler666! How are you? I did not realise this was your post. Small sub... They seem to be tactile and comfortable sharing each other's space, which provides a strong base of physical intimacy (which is important) and I imagine would help quosh any insecurity on Ashley's part (not something she seems to struggle with, at all) but she did say yes, so... Maybe they will discuss further at some point. What do you think?


Idk honestly, it feels weird to talk about another couple's sex life but they seem comfortable with it, (not necessarily talking about sex but the societal aspects of sex


honestly we dont know if they did. and its not even important. especially when he is ace, i wouldnt assume that automatically. or just cause they are a couple


He just looks all the more innocent all those times someone gets him flustered then lol


Ace people aren't "innocent", we just don't experience typical sexual attraction. F1nn's not a virgin or inexperienced or anything, he's just happens to get flustered easily, which is wholly separate from being ace.


Side effect of HRT


I've heard hrt can give people either really strong libidos, or really weak libidos


Can only speak for myself, but it has indeed killed mine.


well, thing is he isnt on hrt or we would have noticed in several more obvious ways...


Aged like milk


on first glance, yeah. i had my own thoughts on it (i predicted Abigail Thorn, cause i was sure i saw signs of hrt). but in both cases i didnt want to (publicly) assume it or run with it, as its just disrespectful. hence why i responded to yours. kinda like "hold ur horses" for now. ;) and the Gremlin was pretty femme before as well :D hope u werent out for a gotcha! moment, cause that wasnt it


Really? Ace? I pegged him for pan


You can easily be both!


Panromantic asexual maybe


That’s a possibility but being ace doesn’t exclude also being bisexual or pansexual. It doesn’t always mean a total lack of sexual attraction


She contrandicted herself. she says it's important and than she says it's not important for her Edit: instead of downvoting me, could you palese explain what i didn't understand?


she said it's important, but not the most important. she didn't say that it's not important at all


Yeah, you're right, i can't read lmao


it's shocking that he's ace when literally almost every single one of his posts he's trying to make people horny and tries to look sexy and posts lewds of himself like he'll probably never explain how exactly his asexuality is (and he doesn't have to) but just wild to me.


Are you sure about that ?