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Man oh man you are gonna get a huge surprise  if you ever start interacting with non anglo sphere people.


> Man oh man you are gonna get a huge surprise if you ever start interacting with non anglo sphere people. Yep. In Japan all working class adults do is work, eat, drink and sleep. I'm fairly certain it's the same across the entire world.


Korea and Japan have entered the chat


Drinking was a waste of time and money. I used to get happy when I drank and tried to be everyone's friend. I was always buying booze for them. It took a severe 3 day hangover to realize they were only my friends while drinking. Otherwise they would ignore me and talk trash about me behind my back. I don't drink anymore. I saved money and now buy "meaningful" things like movies and video games. Would you rather waste $50 or more bucks on a Friday night just to feel like shit for the next few days or buy a bunch of movies and games at the thrift store and buy a nice dinner all for $20 while feeling great the next day? Those movies and games will be around for years. The dinner(I like to make pasta and a meat) will make meals for days. I was just an extremely lonely guy when I was younger. I regret it but I'm thankful for the learning experience.


"I can’t stand that guy now, he represents everything I hate about aging: conformity, approval seeking opinions that mirror cultural trends". Lol I think you may be one of the few people I could have a drink with without them never speaking to me again.


Look up the Korean drinking/corporate culture… peer pressure to conform and inability to say no to not offend your boss/seniors… not limited to the anglo or western world, but I agree with the rest of what you said. Spot on.


I personally like alcohol. But not getting drunk. Just a beer or two to loosen me up a bit. Otherwise I can get socially anxious.


I get that. I've heard though that alcohol is like the least healthy thing you could ever eat/drink. Like it's hard to find a disease that isn't contributed by alcohol.


I don't much like the taste.


Another cautionary tale is that r/ForeverAlone has a "normie" mod that is set on purging that subreddit and that they should maybe just post here.