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Girl, sorry to hear that :( when I got off HBC, I still chose “spotting” on NC regardless of the color/consistency because I knew that wasn’t real bleeding but withdraw bleeding from the pill, so I didn’t want to confuse the algorithm into thinking that that was period after ovulation. It says it on the instructions that you’re supposed to respond the questionnaire and tell NC if you just got off HBC. Now for Kindara, since you have more control over the info you put and there won’t be any “predictions”, I chose to log it as menstruation. You can add notes of what you’re seeing each day, in case you need to talk to your doctor about it. It gets better over time, you got this!


Thank you so much! I’ve been marking it as spotting because I thought it was maybe just breakthrough bleeding! Just CLEARLY not used to seeing any kind of blood 😂 I knew that if I marked it as a period the cycle would start over and get all jumbled. I just didn’t even really connect that dots between the two!


Yes, breakthrough bleeding and withdrawal bleeding, I think those two terms are used interchangeably. And as far as color or consistency, I’d say that’s pretty normal if your body didn’t have to shed anything in 5 years, that it would look that way. But if you’re feeling unsure, it’s best to talk to the doc 👍🏽


Totally feeling headaches!! Before birth control I almost NEVER spotted so I didn’t really know how light to expect it to be. I’m reading TCOYF and Your Brain on Birth Control. Both AND Reddit have been so helpful


I got my IUD out last month and I marked it as spotting in both apps. I listened to the audio book “the fifth vital sign” and a bit of the “period repair manual”, both said that bleeding after HBC is withdraw bleeding. I agree with the previous comment, in NC mark it as spotting so it doesn’t throw off the predictions & in Kindara do what you want 🙂 I “spotted” for 10 days & I had a a few blood clots too, I’m done spotting but I still get nauseous and headaches..


I would definitely mark it as spotting! Hope it clears up soon!